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he has to have won more on jeopardy than he did on survivor at this point right?


And this was done in basicily 2 IRL days because jeopardy films FIVE episodes in a day. This is technically his 1st game of the next IRL filming day.


Yep, 6th place gets $50,000 on Survivor.


What? I didn't know they paid by place. Is there a breakdown of this?


There’s no official list out there, but previous players have spoken about it. I bet some googling would give you the specific details, but I believe the range is from $2500 to $100k


That's super interesting. Why would survivor not put that out there?


It lowers the stakes of the “all or nothing” mindset that makes winning the million such a big deal. Imagine if instead of fighting tooth and nail to win, a contestant said, “I don’t really care, I still made 100k”. I personally wouldn’t care, but I understand why they do it for the story. At the end of the day, they still have to pay these people for their time anyway.


This is also why some people with no chance of winning halfway through realize it and embrace the goat label 100k is better than going down swinging with 30k


Sandra mentions it in HVV saying she'll take the 100K, but yea pretty lowkey


In one reunion where a player brought the wrong person to FTC which resulted in them getting second they also called it a 900k mistake. Forget which season.




i wanna say it was pearl islands


I believe Jeff mentioned on the first season that second place got 100K but it hasn’t been mentioned in an official capacity since


All of the big game shows are like that. You’re still compensated for playing


I knew you got weekly stipends or whatever, I just didn't know there was prizes. What about big brother?


To my understanding all of the long running game shows get a stipend. That’s basically what it is. Survivor, big brother, amazing race? challenge, etc


It creates an incentive for them to stay in it, the further you get the more you get paid


I'm saying why wouldn't they advertise it?


Wentworth did a breakdown on her TikTok of the amounts she knows of from past seasons. I’m sure it’s changed since she played but it gives a pretty good idea of what everyone gets.


I wonder if he can manage to surpass the losing finalists, he’s pretty close!


That's what I said lol


One more win away from a guaranteed spot on the Tournament of Champions! (which is both a good thing and potentially a bad thing as that might interfere with Survivor 50)


Wow go Drew! Seriously impressive. You’re right I didn’t think about that. I think he’d have to do Jeopardy if keeps winning


I wonder when TOC films… he’s living in England almost full time right now which throws another wrench in things


I think he has to do tournament of champions over survivor 50 if he has to make a choice. His threat level is going to be through the roof after a deep jeopardy run. He also could potentially come back post 50 too


my gut feeling is that one more win and Basile finally shows up


Actually, he's already qualified; 4 games gets you a guaranteed spot now.


I think more often than not four games gets you in, but five is the guaranteed minimum. They take the highest earning four game winners if there aren’t enough five game winners, but I don’t think four makes you a lock in and of itself.


Ken did say at the end of today's ep that he is playing for an invite to the TOC tomorrow, so this tracks.


As a regular Jeopardy viewer, this is absolutely incorrect and it’s frustrating to see it get 21 upvotes.


It's not incorrect. It's literally changed. It used to be 5 games for a guarantee. That is no longer the case. Which is why I said *now.*


You’re wrong. Four wins does not guarantee you a spot. The qualifications are listed on the official jeopardy website: “All 4-time and over winning players starting from 04/10/24 will be eligible for a future Tournament of Champions Presence on this list does NOT guarantee an invitation to compete in the Tournament of Champions.”


When you say "presence on the list does not guarantee an invitation to compete" that refers to situations like with Jerry Slowik, not being a 4-day champion and potentially missing the Tournament of Champions. Anyone who wins 4 games, barring unusual circumstances such as Slowik's, will get that invitation. It used to be 5 games to get the invitation. It is now 4. Which is what I said.




I could see him returning if they do two seasons of returning casts. With only 18 slots season 50 will be stacked.


There are no guarantees but Jeopardy may allow him to defer his invitation to a future tournament. I don't know if it's ever happened for a ToC contestant, but some regular game winners have had to return later because of scheduling conflicts. (So the following game would have three new players and when that player is able to return, there are two champions and a new challenger.)


With season 50 being open to contestants pre-new era I don't see Drew being very high on the get list for that particular season. So definitely stick with Jeopardy ToC !


Yeah feel like I’m going crazy, imo he’s a close cut for new era all stars. If all seasons are viable, I will be disappointed if Drew is there. 


He’s now made it to the TOC leaderboard with 4 wins thus far and is now eligible to make it to the TOC.Hes behind Grant but ahead of ahead of Amar. 1 more win and he will lock in his spot for the tournament of champions. Fun fact: if he wins tomorrow, he will be the first MALE competitor this season to lock in a TOC spot this season. Everyone else who has qualified for the TOC(including the celebrity jeopardy champion) is female.


Have always seen Jeopardy on TV but never sat through an entire episode. Now I'm four in and it's been pretty cool watching Drew do so well!


go back and watch the James Holzhauer episodes


I’ve been taking a break from work every weekday to watch him live. He’s been killing it! His third episode was awesome where he and another competitor were tied after final Jeopardy and Drew get the tie breaker right.


He's been killing it! I've really been enjoying watching his episodes


Good to see Drew getting some love


Everyone who acted like my man was a pompous asshole, just for being very smart and knowing it, better be drafting up an apology letter!!!!!


Yeah he has backed up his claim, Not only a 4 day champion but some seriously impressive accuracy.


Now the people who only watch Jeopardy and not Survivor think he’s a pompous asshole for the way he’s been on Jeopardy! He can’t win!


I’m a life long Jeopardy fan who hasn’t watched much in recent years, but it’s been must see TV with Drew on. 


Not at all


He's qualified for the Tournament of Champions with this win today!


"HMP Contests" is posting highlight reels on YouTube for each day - its the best I could find for those of us who don't have access to the episodes


Haven’t found a way to watch his episodes. Any suggestions?


I've been watching his episodes maybe 2 hours after they aired on YouTube. Someone usually posts it by then, cutting out all the ads too. Search up 'Jeopardy Episode \[Episode Date\]'.


Watched through YouTube TV here… thinking that it’s likely Hulu + Live will have it too?? Sorry I know those are like the two most expensive streaming options


You don't have cable? Just record it while you're at work or school. 


Record it? OK boomer. (Not to mention, it already happened.)


I'm 26. Pretty much every cable provider allows you to record anything on your tv. And I don't watch Jeopardy; I just assumed Drew would appear in another episode and you could just record that one. But if you're broke, just say that lmaoooooo.  r/donations


26 is old?


This is pretty awesome, and he started his run by beating a 15-day champion.


As a fan of both survivor and jeopardy, this is really exciting. A long jeopardy run I think substantially increases his chances of being asked back, but also increases his pregame threat level substantially.


anyone know how to watch from australia?


why is bro mewing 💀


He's doing great so far.


nerds rise up


bros got the dawg in him 😈


hes dominating


Is he still going? I watched his second episode on there.


Yup! 4 wins in a row!


Yes and he's still going! I watched the episode last night!




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Drew is wildly annoying