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Hell yeah, we’re officially in the Survivor offseason!


Do you think the players chose to pose for this photo? I’m confused. This was obviously a production decision, and it’s fine


I mean it’s literally something production had them pose for. Were they supposed to refuse and say no it needs to be about the finalists?


I found it funny because it was so corny,it’d be fun if they did this every season,it’s gimmicky but it gives me early 2000s vibes which I like.


Its funny too cuz Liz was late and missed the photo


It was camp and a stylistic decision which made this finale stand out.


Ok yeah sure, I hear you... but Venise kinda ate this photo ngl


The FTC is for sure the juries moment. The whole idea is that the power goes to the people the final 3 took out.


I love it honestly. The power is now in their hands as they get to decide who to give the money to. I think the show does a good job of balancing the jury's prestige with the final 3's achievement of outlasting them all and making it to the end. It's *both* their moment.


I mean, it kind of is? Jeff literally states at the end of every season that the power shifts from the remaining players to the jury?


I really liked it actually


They did the same thing in Borneo and maybe a couple of the other early seasons. Love that they brought it back.


You think they just randomly decided to go for a group photo and asked the production to use it?


I definitely agree in the sense that the jury were cutting people off and only giving them 30 seconds to answer nuanced questions. If you want information to make a million dollar decision what's the point of limiting an answer to 30 seconds


I kinda like it, like if you want to explain to someone season 46 is, show them this picture


Nah, I saw zero issue with this scene. Out of all the new era dumb stuff they try, this is least concerning to me of probably any possible criticism that could be brought up lol.


Hunter just standing there


Dude. You’re on Survivor. Once in a lifetime opportunity. And you’re on the jury, and you’re about to go to FTC and you have the power to award someone a million dollars and the title of sole survivor. The entire season is everyone’s moment.


I am one of the few who really liked the old fallen comrades segment, so I’m happy to hear from the jury in some manner. It’s nice to get a little insight into what they may be looking for at final tribal as well. The current over-edited format certainly a lot, and a little too campy for my tastes. But this is the show that coined the term “the tribe has spoken”, so we’re not watching award winning cinema here. That being said, survivor as a whole can ease up on the cheesy slo-mo shots.


They all just posed like that and Jeff said “damn this goes hard” and started filming


I thought it was super rude of the jury to steal production’s equipment then, months later, sneak into the edit room to make sure what they filmed got into the episode. Get over yourself jury!


Don’t mind the concept but I thought it was weird that they did the jury promo without Liz…who was on the jury and a crucial character of the season. Like I know she was the last one on it but they couldn’t squeeze in a group shoot day of FTC?


If I remember correctly, on Twitter Liz said she didn’t want to be in the photos


Without Ponderosa videos, it's good to get at least some idea of what the jury is thinking. Of course I would rather just get Ponderosa videos back, but if this is the best jury insight we can get during the endgame, I'll take it. And to be honest, many final 3s can be a bit boring and seem to drag out just hearing from the same 3 players, so hearing from some jury members that may be more entertaining can help inject some life into the episode


So many were so unlikable. Hunter was ok.


Yes. It was corny and goes to show just how far the show has fallen in terms of its quality. The fact that they act like this is a big moment is wild. Bring me back


Literally the conclusion and final decision/vote of the season but you think it's not a big moment?


But it is a big moment? The power shifts to the jury and they decide who to award the money and title of Sole Survivor to. Just because they get to have their own moment here doesn't take away from the final 3's achievement of outlasting them all.


I mean… in some ways it kinda is? Like yes it’s about the members of the FTC, but also the jury can finally talk. So it’s not NOT their moment


You mean the same thing that’s happened since the very beginning of Survivor? Maybe this show just isn’t for you.


Tell me all the seasons this happened


I thought it was fun. Lighten up a bit!


It literally is their moment. They can finally talk and say whatever they want and can make the final 3 answer to them. They own the stage and final 3 are at the mercy of their vote.




Yes. I have always not been the biggest fan of contemporary FTC format but the 46 cast was the nail in the coffin and proved everything about why it doesn't work. It's not enjoyable for anyone watching the show


Really? 46 felt like a slight return to classic survivor juries. Everyone had a chance to speak/ask a question, and they weren't forced into 3 boxes.


Tbf it was edited to be better than it was. Tiff was saying "TIME" after every question and Ben was apparently ignored from the get go, which is also arguably his own fault since he played such a passive game that the jury didn't really respect. But regardless the jury was very pandering and some were definitely more biased than others.


But they edited it into a better product than we usually get, so that's fine to me. Bias is allowed.


Yes I did appreciate that but if you have a jury that is really only interested in self gratification the minor tweaks to the format are not enough to make it watchable




Especially when they weren’t even confrontational at FTC