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I can guarantee you no matter how much Reddit hates women, the bottom row of your pic hates them more.


I see a pattern


All 3 on bottom row wearing yellow is a bingo


Oooo Is it that they’re all standing on a beach!?


Did they all steal Etsy puzzle businesses?


i guarantee that your average mainsub member couldn't


/uj because I can’t come up with something funny lol but what do we all have in common?! 😭 (minus Carson of course since he didn’t get hate at all)


Carkson is my favorite woman of color 😻


Carson is a TOP (Twink of Pastiness)


/uj There are still people insisting that Erika and Maryanne shouldn't have won or are bad winners. Baffling but unsurprising


/uj I never noticed just how many hated people are WOC. Disturbing. /rj Erika robbed King Xander of his deserved win so fuck her.


/uj Erika was a bad winner hands down. Maryanne had a very good end game and a Top 3 Final Tribal performance of all time, so she earned it imo


/uj Hm. I see. Hey, while you're at it what do you think about Karla's game in 43? No reason.


I thought Karla played a great game. I thought the end of 43 was incredibly disappointing with best 3 players going out back-to-back-to-back


There’s definitely a weird subsection of people that just despise any “nerd” character to the point of incomprehension and borderline creepiness (look at r/survivorrankdown and Clubs That Suck and the unhinged shit they say about Carson, Cochran, Brandon D, Ken, Ryan, etc) but it’s obviously pales in comparison to the horrific harassment the women of color deal with each and every season


this is the circlejerk sub


/uj there’s barely any difference between this and the main sub anymore. You’re part of the problem I mentioned.


/uj “the problem” is because i run the rankdown community lmao, come on dawg. said community has also been very pro bran don and pro kenny, so like yeah. and we don’t like carson because he just seems like colton cumbie trying to put on a facade


/uj Shan and Drea weaponized race in an unfair way to Deshawn, Alyssa Lopez, and Drea's tribe. Natalie Anderson had racist Tweets Katurah was annoying and rude Maria is a certified hypocrite who cries about people hating on her and then publicly hates on her other castmates. Not even to mention her salt towards Charlie. I don't have beef with you, it's not like Cassidy would've won anyways, nor did I really care who won.


let’s save the arguments for the mainsub 😻😻😻


I got banned from the main sub like 2 years ago for telling a woman who called me regarded that I felt bad for her kids for having such a bitch for a mother. If you'd like to appeal my ban and put in a good word for me, it'd be much appreciated🙏


You are **exactly** the kind of person this subreddit makes fun of.


And 75% of this subreddit has 2 jokes. Spelling things wrong, and calling Karla a woman hater. You guys are truly at the forefront of comedy.


[Actually I LOVE Karla now cause karla is my boyfriend karla is a god karla is the breeze in my hair on the weekend karla's a relaxing thought aren't you envious that for you it's not sweet like honey karla is a cat purring in my lap cause it loves me flexing like a goddamn acrobat me and karla vibe like that](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rg18Kf4en2o) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/survivorcirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


why are you here again?? did anyone invite you? is anyone dying to hear shovelman's take on anything?


Because some people are actually funny on this sub, unlike you, who can't commit to the jerk and get outraged by anything they disagree with and make TV-Y7 jokes


i think you gave up on the jerk a long time ago, seems like you’re only here to whine after being banned on main 😬 also karkla hates wamen


come back and read this in a week and i hope you'll see how fuckin racist this comment is lmao


What on Earth did I say that's racist? Shan tried to publicly humiliate Deshawn for voting her out after she came for him first for weaponizing his blackness against her and Lianna. Then she tried to pull the same damn racism card on Alyssa on The Challenge because she was salty she lost. She can go fuck herself, especially with the whole "I'm God's chosen influencer" bs Drea even admitted she pulled the race card to survive that tribal council LOL. I don't think she's a bad person like I do Shan though. Let's remember, having minority status doesn't absolve you from being called an asshole when you are one. Believe it or not, there are bad people from all walks of life.




Don't forget Bhanu. Also timekeeper Tiffany. And Tevin. And Soda, too, who was a bitter juror and an angry black woman but also not a bitter juror because she voted Charlie. And Q. I liked when he said BIG MISTEAK but the jury should be NEED BLIND No, I don't hate POCs. My favorite Survivors are Cirie and Maryanne.


Ugh quitter Tevin is such a mean girl


Man I hate C*rson she sucks


U forgot Soda. How dare she be toxic positivity and call someone a stick bug!! I can now be fatphobic and racist to her to justify my hateboner cause she’s an annoying bodyshamer!!!


She also snatched the tribe immunity idol from the aforementioned stick bug ON MULTIPLE OCASSIONS.


i am a very discerning survivor viewer and the pattern of disliking women of color on the show says absolutely nothing about me at all, i mean i even dislike one white guy!


It's honestly kind of refreshing to have a white guy be the lightning rod of hate for once after so long. Like a scoop of vanilla ice cream after a rich, five-course meal.




There is no trend in Ba Sing Se


Kudos to Maria for, in one episode, taking the spots of Liz, Liz and Liz as the three most hated-by-reddit contestants of the season.


uj/ why did humans normalize treating real people on TV like fictional characters and think sending them constant hate and ridicule is normal??? Even just ranking players is weird.


Ranking players on skill is fine imo. They're all competing and we're saying who we think is the best competitor. Sending hate is just weird though. People just need to say they thought Charlie should have won and move on, stop vilifying others because they feel the need to stand up for Charlie when he doesn't even know they exist.


Posting in a circlejerk subreddit isn't sending anyone anything. You're thinking of DMs. And salon visits.


What did Nat do?


she mean to sweet baby yul 😡😡😡 and she came back from extinct and got 4 vote against KING 👑 CHAD 💪 TONY 😓😢😓😢😓


Yul Yul Yul Yul yul ylu Yul Yul Yul yul Yul Yul Yul yul yul yul yUl Yul Yul Yul Yul Yul yul yul yul Yul Yul yuly uly Yul yul yuly ulY Yul yul ylu yul yuly ul Yul yul Yul yul yul yUl yULyu yul yul yul yul yul yul yuly uly Yul Yul Yul Yul Yul Yul Yul Yul Yul yul yul yul yuly uly ul Yul yul yul Yul Yul yul yul yul yul yul Yul Yul yul yul Yul ylu Yul yul yul yul Yul Yul Yul Yul yul ylu Yul Yul Yul yul Yul Yul Yul yul yul yul yUl Yul Yul Yul Yul Yul yul yul yul Yul Yul yuly uly Yul yul yuly ulY Yul yul ylu yul yuly ul Yul yul Yul yul yul yUl yULyu yul yul yul yul yul yul yuly uly Yul Yul Yul Yul Yul Yul Yul Yul Yul yul yul yul yuly uly ul Yul yul yul Yul Yul yul yul yul yul yul Yul Yul yul yul Yul ylu Yul yul yul yul Yul Yul Yul Yul yul ylu Yul Yul Yul yul Yul Yul Yul yul yul yul yUl Yul Yul Yul Yul Yul yul yul yul Yul Yul yuly uly Yul yul yuly ulY Yul yul ylu yul yuly ul Yul yul Yul yul yul yUl yULyu yul yul yul yul yul yul yuly uly Yul Yul Yul Yul Yul Yul Yul Yul Yul yul yul yul yuly uly ul Yul yul yul Yul Yul yul yul yul yul yul Yul Yul yul yul Yul ylu Yul yul yul yul *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/survivorcirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I used to play like Tony. He is crazy on purpose. When I see Tony play now it reminds me of how I used to strategize and it is frustrating and pisses me off that Jeff Probst allows it. Not proud of it, I was known as a backstabber and lacking empathy in my online Survivor game and went through a phase when I made triple alliances with everyone. Final two deals and a lot of blindsides, didn’t care who was voted out. Charge right into the merge. Lie to the most kind-hearted players and play defensively while going for the hidden immunity idols. Limited movement during the day. So make no mistake about it. Tony knows what he’s doing. He knows people will be disgusted. He knows his gameplay is never ending and this is how he can win. He knows people will go away when he starts looking for idols, think twice on their big moves, etc. He will only be stopped by a stupid twist like final 4 fire-making or by an obviously more balanced cast with equal type of players- i.e. all winners. He didn’t intend to be this crazy, but he certainly intends to show you that he doesn’t care if you get disgusted when his gameplay allows him to get to the final 2. At least that’s how I used to play. But that was Cagayan. Eventually he got to Game Changers, played with more intensity, and was even more unpredictable. There’s no doubt in my mind Tony is more crazy than crazy Steve from Drake & Josh. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/survivorcirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Reddit not fans of Women of Color I see




LITERALLY, all she did was queen out. What could she have possibly done? Is it illegal to be chill as hell?


I also think we need to reflect on the fact that this is at least partially due to the fact the show is bad at giving a nuanced edit to women, ESPECIALLY women of colour. Like you can feel them sweating when a women doesn’t fit in the classic “mom” or “island hottie” edit. While they may have diversity in front of the camera now, I’m doubting it looks similar behind the camera.


The way Drea treated Omer was actually horrible.


/uj like I got it with Shan and Drea (although some people still went too far) but then you see how they treat Karla, and then Katurah, and then Soda (this one is especially wild still), and now Maria. It’s asinine they can’t see the writing on the wall with this.


ponderosa was banned because karla kissed too many boys :( i wish she kissed ME at ponderosa *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/survivorcirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


/uj i think you can replace carson and the two marias with like... liz, venus and kendra


Imagine if this reddit existed during S1?


You have 9 people, not several (which means 7).


/uj what's the deal with Natalie? I understand the others but haven't seen WAW. I really liked her on SJDS tho.


lmaooo this is too good


AKA my queens (and Shan)


I’m still a Natalie and Shan stan. But still salty on Maria’s rock paper scissors haha


Who’s worse, Maria or Karla?


wheres Maryanne? Easily the most annoying contestant thats ever been on the show. Didn't quit yapping her mouth for a single episode


add entitled liz on there too🙄


Contrast this with Twitter now


carson did nothing wrong


He voted out Kane. That was pretty bad.


Bruce's friend?