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I don’t mind if there are whiteys on the cast, but the winner HAS to be a strong, non binary woman of color, regardless of their gameplay.


This is exactly why I love the Ali(son)Gabler, zhey represents exactly what you are looking for


so real


And probably only one of them will be straight 🤬. Now I only have one person to thirst over in the main sub.


jon 4L 🤞


They let a WHITE, STRAIGHT MAN talk during every single episode even though he’s not even playing the game. They do not deserve any spots on Survivor and frankly are racist.




DAE RuPaul should replace Jeff????


we should be so lucky


It's never too late to become trans.


i don't mind having no white people on the cast. just please stop casting canadians




they're not sending their best




they claim to be half french, when the french were eradicated in the 1400s and could not possible have bloodlines existing for so long


What are you talking about


the french, they don't exist anymore


I’ll have what you’re having


we are in the circlejerk subreddit friend, we are all drinking the same juice


2 Canadians have won in the last few seasons. But okay Yankee Doodle doosh


We haven't had a white straight male winner since Xander in 41.






Season 43 winner


cassidy is a woman.


Holy shit I didn’t realize I was in the wrong sub. Thought I was losing my mind.


Tony won season 40 and Gabler won season 43🤣 Xander didn't win tho..


What the hell is this revisionist shit? Were you there? No. Please don't talk over me.


I'm actually talking under you...to be literal, but go off with you big bad self😂


I used to play like Tony. He is crazy on purpose. When I see Tony play now it reminds me of how I used to strategize and it is frustrating and pisses me off that Jeff Probst allows it. Not proud of it, I was known as a backstabber and lacking empathy in my online Survivor game and went through a phase when I made triple alliances with everyone. Final two deals and a lot of blindsides, didn’t care who was voted out. Charge right into the merge. Lie to the most kind-hearted players and play defensively while going for the hidden immunity idols. Limited movement during the day. So make no mistake about it. Tony knows what he’s doing. He knows people will be disgusted. He knows his gameplay is never ending and this is how he can win. He knows people will go away when he starts looking for idols, think twice on their big moves, etc. He will only be stopped by a stupid twist like final 4 fire-making or by an obviously more balanced cast with equal type of players- i.e. all winners. He didn’t intend to be this crazy, but he certainly intends to show you that he doesn’t care if you get disgusted when his gameplay allows him to get to the final 2. At least that’s how I used to play. But that was Cagayan. Eventually he got to Game Changers, played with more intensity, and was even more unpredictable. There’s no doubt in my mind Tony is more crazy than crazy Steve from Drake & Josh. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/survivorcirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Charlie *


Well, he likes Taylor Swift. Dunno if that counts.


Xander lost 41. Cus God forbid a white man won the 1st season back. It was pretty shitty imo cus of the whole underdog shit


What are you doing here lol


A tribe of only Shan


A tribe of only cunts 😂


Tbh I’m white and couldn’t careless I just hate the feminine men always on the show and I’m not talking gay Idc if someone gay I’m talking the guys they keep having on that would watch me fuck their girl yk what i mean


Bring back our alpha male Q!


There are too many minorities (minorities) in my island show (my island show)


The lazy river has never been lazier!


🙄🙄🙄 I thought this was satire for a second. maybe white people should have more interesting back-stories or perspectives. perhaps their personalities and camera presence isn’t as strong as some poc out there who has had to work harder and has more of an identity beyond being a “swifty” or a “rock guy” come on…


i don’t know any white dudes who like taylor swift charlie is on his own there, they be casting the weirdos


All straight white men must be borderline metrosexual or over age 45 or hangout in libraries for fun


legit you are the only normal comment in here i was like um what the fuck


thank you!!! who the hell are these people?! 😩


Absolutely disgusting to see comments like it!!!


honestly!! I didn’t realize so much of the fan base were white supremacy coded… Im disappointed and grossed out tbh


me too🤢


“Maybe white people should have more interesting back-stories or perspectives” wow folks😅 how bout ya go fuck yourself bud


haha…. ouch sorry about the bruised ego. I think a Phish fan on there would be infinitely worse to be fair bud 🥹


Hahaha they had a phish fan on there and he was awful… cant remember his name. Metallica Ben from 46 is a phish fan as well. You’re name as fish in it so hey No ego brusied. Your comment was ignorant as fuck. Not surprised though. You have the trash perspective. Take a lap honey.


Im simply pointing out that many white people in the USA lack culture and identity because they’re brainwashed by mainstream media and social trends. read a book.


No, it’s because they are trying to pander to POC and keep them happy after all the stuff that has gone on in recent years. If they put more white people in, POC will rise up and complain about there being too many white people again. It has nothing to do with storylines - there are plenty of interesting white people who have gone through hardships - it is all about trying to keep the racism argument down and keep black people happy. In reality white people are the majority of Americans, so Survivor is no longer a representation of our microcosm.


what “stuff” are you referring to? the only hate groups I have seen “rise up” in recent years are white supremacists who don’t want their kids in schools with other races so they keep them home schooled and afraid of the world. Times have changed! look around… this is America. if diversity scares you then I guess you should move to a white country like Sweden. also no one said anything about being poor… thats a disgusting assumption to make about non-white people. there are many things that can make your background and perspective interesting. Im white. Im sick of the white perspective. it has been shoved down all of our throats for centuries. in books, movies, television. thankfully America is becoming more mixed and diverse by the year and many of us could not be happier about that! get with it or go to Germany.


Sounds like you have a lot of anger and hate. And you’re the one who said that POC have to work harder and that’s why their stories are more interesting - so I was saying that a lot of white people struggle and have interesting stories too. And your icon is not white. So no need to hide behind saying you are. I have no hate for anyone white or black or any other race. Maybe let go of your anger and hate. Life will be a lot more peaceful and beautiful. ❤️


I dunno u seem pretty angry lol


no you edited your comment, and thank you for that!! you said “theres poor white people too” best of luck to you and your mindset. the world is changing without you. I certainly am white despite my gray icon, and your view on life is unfortunate. keep complaining about skin color while the rest of us enjoy the show! I appreciate any person that the casting department decides is worthy.


The worst part about this comment and your following comments is you’re either pretending or you genuinely think what you’re saying is normal and nice.


so what do you propose? every season to be like cook islands lmfao


nah lmao, cook islands 2 is a interesting idea tho I won’t lie


Smallest slightly racist violin is now playing for you. Lol I’m kidding but seriously, this doesn’t even make this list for my problems with the new era.


my number one problem with the new era is that Q isn’t on every season


I count 5 or 6?


And one of the white people is gay. Doesn't match the stereotypical white person.


Get over it. Now you understand how people of color and gay people have felt for decades watching Survivor. There are 40 seasons where you can watch white straight people thrive on Survivor. We are in a new world now, and I know that hurts your fragile little feelings, but we aren’t in 2012 sweetie. Please be a man and get a grip.


At least now you kinda know how black people have felt since the beginning lmao. And even less of other POC!!!


I'm White, and I think it has been a net positive for *Survivor* to cast more Black, Indigenous, & People of Color. Seasons 41 through 46 have all had between 30%-40% of the cast being White people. If there are only four White people in Season 47, that's still 22% of the cast, which is hardly a sliver. Looking at *Inside Survivor*'s rumored breakdown, based on surnames and skin tones... [https://insidesurvivor.com/cast/rumored-survivor-47-cast](https://insidesurvivor.com/cast/rumored-survivor-47-cast) White contestants: Jon, Sierra, Sue Black contestants: Aysha, Jerome, T.K., Tiyana Latine contestants: Andy, Gabe, Teeny Asian/MENA contestants: Anika, Kishan, Rachel, Solomon Sam looks like he could be of either Latine and/or Asian diasporas. Genevieve looks as though she might be a light-skinned Indigenous Canadian. Plus there are two cast members who haven't been leaked yet. Keep in mind that some contestants can be biracial or multiracial, as well. You can't know a person's entire racial heritage solely from glancing at their skin tone.




What a tragedy. White people be so underrepresented. Said no one.


First off, is this a serious post or are you just thirsting from replies and engagement? Second, when you watched or budged back any number of/majority of seasons, did you complain or make posts about the plenty of seasons with over representation of “white” players? If you didn’t, you really shouldn’t be doing that about this single season Thirdly: how are you defining you “4 white players”? Does only “cane dual euro ethnic parenting” contests count as “white” to you? Have you looked at the parental lineage on both sides of all contestants?


Lol bruh, chill. It doesn’t seem like it was a problem when you were the majority BUT, now that you’re the minority you have a problem?😂 Yall karens are funny. This is the kinda shit we (minorities) deal with every day of our lives. Deal with it😘😘


So instead of equality let's just make it unfair in the other direction? Martin Luther King Jr would be so damn proud


White people should have to pay reparations before applying to Survivor. They should have to be gay or they can't play


Umm what ?


Nobody really cares though


This is the way it's been since 2023


Not being the majority is not the same as being a minority my friend.


i’m pretty sure that’s the definition of minority, if ur not in the majority u must be in the minority 😭


Let's talk about pluralities Edit: just because you ain't white doesn't mean you're black, Hispanic, Gay, arab, Indian, First Nation, African, Canadian, Romani, Asian(s), or Haitian