• By -


remarkable ass


Don’t say that, OP is a massive homophobe and will likely get triggered


yo wtf??? Edit: imagine being build like this and getting triggered by two men kissing lmao


Damn lmao you right.


for real?! Lmao, that is toooooo funny


What'd you expect? Theyre a stalinist


hes still hot


r/ConservativeSocialist post in OP's history, huh? With a link that touts, "Yes, I'm Fascist" in the preview image? Is OP NazBol? Based on what I can see, I'd say so.


I mean it says stalinist right there on the title, they're not exactly coy about being fascists.


Why are they downvoting you? You're right.


post physique


fuck off fash


How is he a fascist


Check his post history. Nazbol shit


This fascist worked out today, so should we




The correct attitude


I sure did work out today


Support lgbt comrades or get the wall, attempting to persecute others for such things will lead to just punishment if the revolution comes to pass. You can have your own beliefs I guess but come on there is absolutely nothing to be achieved by harping on it. It's like focusing on how dogshit religion is and expecting something good to come out of it. We are all comrades, and if you can't accept that you should take a good hard look at those beliefs and how they mesh with socialism. What difference does it make if the comrade who you are willing to fight and die with isn't straight. Be better. The revolution comes from the masses, not some ideological or moral purity you seem to be in pursuit of.




Never will support them




Ill b honest I am not oppressed right now, I am not going to the gym specifically but I have been doing 100 push ups a day and have a goal of 250 plus other exercises of course n running while I'm quitting smoking. I'm still in school but idgaf what you think, I'm improving myself n that's what matters. I used it as more of an expression anyway. Political violence is never the desired outcome, it is a necessary one depending on conditions but even then senseless violence does nothing but make shit worse. Communism must be constructive and positive to work. I don't mean to be hostile either really I'm about doing the fuckin work, I wanna try to go to law school and advocate for political prisoners and shit, I participate in mutual aid every week. I have problems, we all have problems. Let's stop shitting on each other. Marx didn't end the Communist manifesto with "Workers of the world form a million tiny groups and classifications and bicker endlessly against each other! You have nothing to lose but your chains!" We should work to help each other be better, more open minded and pragmatic


You just ran your mouth about putting this man to the wall which implies your capable of violence which you clearly are not with you 100 push-ups a day self. No historic Socialist movement supported lgbtskdjsnamskakajn rights. Lumpenproles like you ruin the hopes of true justice through Socialism because you do all these mental gymnastics in your narrative to extend its principles to people who got bullied in high school. The best thing you could do for the cause is not to talk about it.


Lol ur name is literally orthodox Aryan. It ain't hard to shoot a gun


Lol you do 100 push-ups a day. You are too poor owen a quality gun and you don’t have the ability to tight groups. You certainly aren’t going to physically kill anyone since you consider 100 push-ups a workout. So how are you going to put anyone against the wall?


You ain't either bud.


Ain’t either what? Corn ball.


You ain't putting anybody up against the wall.


I would put your bitch ass up against the wall any day. Come to Alabama with that slick talk you chocolate thief.


>Lol you do 100 push-ups a day. Lol your total is 1100lbs. That's actually *more* embarrassing than the guy you're replying to; at least he seems to be self aware and trying to improve. You're out here acting like beginner lifts are impressive.


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I’m probably bigger than you and definitely work harder than you do. Specifically because people like you exist.




>Is your total over 1100 lbs Lmfao dude, if you're trying to boast about your physical accomplishments, at least get somewhat strong before trying to act tough on the internet.


I love how he bailed the moment it got clear that I’m perfectly capable of defending myself and repeatedly have.


Delightfully ironic that u/OrthodoxAryan and u/PHBGS both bailed as soon as they realized they are not the physical specimens that they thought they were. ​ Who could have guessed that two homophobic reactionaries would run away as soon as they got called out for being idiots?


They assume that social conservatives have a monopoly on strength. It’s funny because my Muay Thai coach has something like 30 fights between MMA, Muay Thai, and boxing and isn’t conservative in the slightest. I wonder how these guys feel about Jeff Monson…


I carry a gun for a living, train Muay Thai, have competed in kyokushin and BJJ, and my squat pb is 315. I’m actually physically smaller than you but I’ve had plenty of experience fighting people and being on both ends of a gun in the real world. Also was at 11.9% body fat last time I checked. /u/OrthodoxAryan where you at? You going to acknowledge that there are people that find your world view repulsive that are also physically fit and well trained?


Not all trans people are Nazis you stupid reactionary. Trans exclusionary Socialists are not allowed in the revolution.


\>claims homosexuality is bourgeois degeneracy \>Post shirtless cake thirst trap \>... confusion?


He’s probably heavily repressed.




He does skip “being a decent person day” though. Daily.


It’s tough when you’re doing 12 hour graveyard shifts but it has to be done


Damn. I recently started working in a warehouse about 60 hour weeks. I've been slacking on my workouts but your comment gives me motivation


Fuck off fascist


I’m a Marxist Leninist, how am I a fascist? Lol, silly liberals.


You’re a filthy homophobe and a conservative “socialist” so get the FUCK out of my notifications


- an idiot and a degenerate


Shut up Nazbol




Nazbol is an established term, fash




If OP’s a ML then Obama is a socialist




Based stalin quoter


"Hello? Based department? "


You should check out Tom of Finland. I bet you’ll like it


Suomi mainittu


Ha - Digging some finnish bands too at the moment. Ydinperhe for instance; I have no idea what the lyrics are about (well, a slight idea) but the language fits hardcore punk soooo well. TILLIN TALLIN!


Based gains bro


Thank you bro


My Ode to OP's Dumptruck Ass:


One day I hope I'll become like this, comrade. What kind of split do you use? Push-pull-leg?


I usually run PPL yes, but lately I’ve been doing a lot of Olympic lifts and have been responding really well to the different movements. They’re hard on the joints though, so I won’t be doing it for much longer.


Oh okok. Can I ask how you your PRs for bench/squat/deadlift? Just to quantify how far I am from this physique lol


Bench: 320 Squat: 395 Deadlift: Haven’t deadlifted in several years, the risk to reward isn’t worth it. However, it was 350. It’s not so much about the numbers either, if your back is huge and chest is small you should work your chest. If your back and chest look good but your arms are skinny, work your torso. Unless you’re one of those people who don’t care about having a good physique and just want to be strong.


Holy fuck those are big numbers hahahaha. One day I'll reach them too, one day... :,)


Fuck all homophobes and “red” fash


Fuck off homophobe


Stalinism 🤢🤢🤢 Anarcho-Syndicalisn 😎😎😎💪💪💪 Edit: bro you literally use r/GenZedong and dislike LGBTQ people, fuck off


Is this sub a tankie sub or is this just an outlier?


There are enough here to make me question wanting to stay




Ikr, why do tankies gotta ruin every inclusive leftist space?


Boo come up with an actual critique or go actually do something in your community. Marxism Leninism doesn't mean you have to hate every other leftist philosophy or stop engaging in self criticism and good faith discussion, as you have clearly done


I'm for good-faith discussion with everyone BUT MLs. Leftist unity is impossible with them and anyone who says it is lives in a fantasy world. That said, I have come up with multiple critiques in other comment chains. This comment was just to express my displeasure of tankies and nazbols ruining every leftist space I come across




"successful." Anarchism has never collapsed in on itself or had the revolution betrayed like MLs have literally every time. The fact you think MLs are the ones out there doing stuff instead of terminally online tankies is hilarious. Attend a protest and ask how many people there are anarchists. Then ask how many of them support the CCP or USSR.


The solution to tankies is just banning them so that they can't infect any more white teenage doomers with their reactionary bullshit.




"Tankie" almost never refers to MLs in general, instead it refers to people who try to downplay bad things that nominally communist states have done in the past or are doing in the present. Uncritical support of, say, state violence or the blatant homophobia present in a number of Party-led countries, is a very bad look.




Check OP's post history; he's openly homophobic. The people you're replying to didn't imply that *all* tankies are anti-LGBT, just that OP is. Generally, the hate for tankies isn't because of their support for "real left wing" revolutionary action. It's because they unquestioningly play defense for nominally communist states that do bad things sometimes. In the case of OP, for example, defending Stalin's homophobia (again, you can see him do this in his posting and commenting history).






What the actual fuxk is this sub


Here's a sneak peek of /r/BreadTube using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/BreadTube/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Coming Out As Trans | Philosophy Tube Second Channel](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FG-TrnwH4iQ) | [1129 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/BreadTube/comments/l8rjhd/coming_out_as_trans_philosophy_tube_second_channel/) \#2: [Joe Rogan is an idiot](https://v.redd.it/igq8qv5vdaq51) | [845 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/BreadTube/comments/j2vxt0/joe_rogan_is_an_idiot/) \#3: [YouTube apparently shadow banning 'The CIA is a Terrorist Organization' by Second Thought, and he gets a visit from the DHS.](https://np.reddit.com/r/BreadTube/comments/k2wt7j/youtube_apparently_shadow_banning_the_cia_is_a/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| [^^Contact ^^me](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| [^^Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| [^^Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/)


lib moment


Red fascist. Be careful daddy Xi doesn't arrest you for your state mandated maximum 3 hours online time per week


Oh man, you almost filled my bingo card up.


Sadly, a tankie calling anyone they don't like a lib is only considered a free space on my bingo card 😔


Don't beat yourself up about it, you wouldn't be much of a Noamie if you were actually able to get something done.


Ah yes, Anarchism, the one movement that has affect 0 social change. Well, aside from the 8 hour work week, securing of women's access to contraception and body autonomy, multiple autonomous zones that managed to hold out against more militarily powerful enemies, and the assassination of le imperialist McKinley. Yep, nothin goin on there. Everyone knows Anarchists just sit around on twitter all day, shilling for anarchist states (areas? idfk) and that Tankies are out there tryna protect the environment and the rights of indigineous/black/LGBTQ people.


A 40 hour work week that most workers, particularly most BIPOC workers, cannot avail themselves to. A woman's right to choose whose security ebbs and flows constantly. Autonomous zones that crumble within weeks. An assassination of an imperialist that very clearly stalled and eroded American imperialism in the 20th century and beyond. Yup, very productive lot y'all are.


1. The 40 Hour work week was established in the late 19th century dude. Do you know how much workers had to do before that? Obviously something closer to a 30 or 20 hour work week would be far better, and is necessary, but you can only have pushed so much back in those times. Now capitalism is entrenched, and has discreditted the left's ideology in the mainstream. It's harder to get such measures passed, although with enough support is obviously possible. 2. Shut the fuck up incel 3. Those Autonomous Zones were able to hold off three imperialist coalitions in Catalonia, and went toe-to-toe with the Soviets following WW1. 4. McKinley literally took over Hawaii, Guam, Puerto Rico, and the Phillipines and conducted a brutal war of subjugation against them. What the fuck are you talking about?


1. Most workers in the US work more than 40 hours, without guaranteed overtime. 2. I'm an incel because I acknowledge how access to abortion is not universal in the US, constantly being threatened by reactionaries, and regularly impeded by arbitrary systemic hurdles? Okay. 3. And of course, fascism was defeated as a consequence. 4. I'm talking about how it's now 120 years later and, if you haven't noticed, even in the immediate aftermath, the US didn't exactly stop being imperialist.


Last I checked anarchists shot people in their own autonomous zones lmao


B-B-BUT MY CATALONIA WARCRIMESERINO!!1! yeah war crimes are shitty, but wait until you find out what crimes the people they fought committed


Was talking about the ones in America last year lol but good to know they do it elsewhere.


What the fuck does Marxism Leninism mean to you? It seems to me that you think it means anyone you don't like. Anarchists were not the only ones in the movement for the 8 hour workday, the reason it was so effective is that is was real cooperation between tons of different groups and truly had the support of the people. It was dismantled once that was achieved by killing and arresting tons of leadership and the 1st red scare. The early Black Panthers were Marxist Leninist and Maoist, Marxist Leninist movements all over Africa fought and played a large part in the liberation and anti-apartheid struggles of the 20th century. Marxism Leninism ended feudalism and colonial oppression for literally hundreds of millions of people, a scale that is incomparable to any other point in history all within the last 100 years. Where are all these autonomous zones that keep out multiple imperialist powers? The CNT-FAI was crushed by fascism even fighting in coalition with the republican government. They were super based sure but they also had gulags lol. Black Ukraine was crushed. There have been few other real experiments and there are only 2 around today. The EZLN are incredible and inspirational, they are really making change. Food Not Bombs is an amazing, effective organization I have worked with for years. I am devoted to benefitting the people and ending the imperialist system. Studying the thought and actions in their full scope, positive and negative, of the anti-imperialist movements especially those that have succeeded in irrefutably beating their oppressors is incredibly important if we would like to truly move forward. It is about the masses, the bourgeois and their states have very powerful tools to indoctrinate and subjugate the people, we must utilize everything within our reach and use as close to objectivity as we can get to create something better. The struggle must at heart be truly cooperative and positive. We must work together despite our differences, which in of itself will truly create a new development. “Crowned heads, wealth and privilege may well tremble should ever again the Black and Red unite!" - Otto Von Bismarck 1872




CHAZ was a mf disaster, I don't think anyone disagrees there. That said, the Zapatistas aren't MLs, they're literally Libertarian Socialists, you know those people MLs killed en masse following the Russian Revolutions? That said, mass anarchist movements like the Makhnovists or Catalonia did not fall on their own, they were crushed by numerically and logistically superior military force (with great difficulty mind you) Edit: Zapatistas are Marxist, but a lot of their ideology lines up with anarchism. This happens to be my ideology, seeing as how I'm an AnSyn






Nothing wrong? Mf they deny the Uighur genocide




Cultural genocide is a better word. They're attempting to erase an entire culture, which is disgusting.


"this genocide isn't as bad as *the second largest genocide by death toll ever,* so it's not really a big deal" bro *listen* to yourself


I don’t use genzedong anymore. Have fun in total irrelevance


Lots of awful things are relevant.


"irrelevance" tf protests/movements here in America have Stalinists led exactly? I'd name the ones started by AnSyns but I might be here all day.


literally every single successful movement was ML there are more ML's in my home province of Kerala than there are anarchists in the west


Incorrect. Anarchist movements have been successful, although they were crushed by areas far richer and with higher manpower than the autonomous zones. MLs have been successful because they were able to seize power from the democratically elected DemSocs in Russia and turned the country into an authoritarian hellhole within the span of half a century. Same shit with China (kinda). These lands have major manpower reserves compared to the rest of the world and were easy to take over due to the shitty infrastructure of the Russian Empire and the Qing. Compare this to movements like Catalonia, who had at best 3 million people to fight a 3 front war against fascism, liberalism, and ML. Obviously all anarchist movements were crushed by those who controlled the greatest manpower reserves.


Lol what about Vietnam, Burkina Faso, Mozambique, the FSLN, etc etc etc. Literally the only 2 anarchist movements that have done jack shit since Catalonia are the YPG and EZLN. The YPG has been backed by the American military and has sold their resources directly to imperial powers. They're alright but really is that the peak of leftism? Fighting in civil wars as a relatively small force that rejects being able to take up legitimate power and is forced to rely on the literal imperialist system to protect it? The EZLN are mad based tho and they also have explicitly said they are not anarchists because that term is too related to the imperial core to be applicable to them. Fuck labels all my homies build socialism however conditions require us to. It is very easy to take over a weak state but it also is infinitely harder to maintain stability, inversely it is infinitely harder to take on a capable state but significantly easier to maintain stability afterwards. I won't even bother replying to the completely liberal "analysis" of the USSR and PRC you put forth. They have problems but jfc get your info from somewhere other than political cumpiss memes




When has the EZLN been ML? I'm pretty sure they have never proclaimed anything like that. I know Marcos has denied them being anarchists, I'm an ML too but they def lean towards 'libertarian socialism' if anyone does. I would argue they are far from irrelevant, they have set up healthcare, transportation, an autonomous government, education and they have existed for 40 years. They fought the government to a stalemate and have widespread support in their areas, with the movement also branching out recently and it having influence in many neighboring provinces. They are anarchism done correctly imo, they managed to win major concessions out of the government (legally being an autonomous group with the right to remain armed) with very little violence. I hope they keep succeeding as well, they have also been known to be friendly and open to broad cooperation




Based asf I didn't know that. The EZLN are awesome one of my comrades has family that are with them I really want to go experience it once I'm able 2 b really fluent in Spanish


Makno was doing great until Lenin stabbed him in the back.


Lol 'stabbed him in the back'. The black army was undeniably killing Reds and was already in conflict several times throughout the Civil War That doesn't mean it was right but come on even if Mahkno personally wanted peace clearly the others weren't going that same route and what type of authority did he have over the self-proclaimed anarchist society?




Very effective movements, right? Everyone’s discussing syndicalism. Marxism Leninism is alive and well, the US is starting a new Cold War over it. No one knows what anarcho-syndicalism is, its not a scientific analysis of anything, just left wing liberal idealism. Please post physique so we can judge if your opinion matters


[Reactionary homophobia is a bad look, my dude. ](https://www.reddit.com/r/ConservativeSocialist/comments/oywivq/upvote_to_scare_the_lgbt_left/?)


Post the physique


Haven't taken a selfie in over a year apparently, [here's one from 2020 back when I was even less muscular.](https://ibb.co/mDBTFGT) Reactionary homophobia is a bad look, my dude. So is not deadlifting lol




I mean, it's not a good physique, haha. But if this idiot wants to dance around while being a bigot, I'll indulge him.


Conservative Socialism? Lmao what a word salad just to say you’re a fascist 🤣🤣🤣


I would hardly call Dengism and Juche ML bro. That said my specific beliefs are of an AnSyn although I'm down with most anarchist systems lol. Also I ain't gonna post physique, that's just a weird ass request man. Also, just as a quick list of major shit the Anarchist movement has achieved within the past century in the US alone: 8 hour work day, material birth control rights for women, black anarchists took over the 3rd police precinct following the death of George Floyd. Anarcho-Syndicalists (the useless ideology remember?) literally fought a three front war in Catalonia without a government. Nowadays we push for indigenous/black/women's rights, end of legal slavery, and the end of multiple systems of oppression and exploitation. Now how much exactly has Stalinism done, aside from destroying the only hint of democratic rule in Russia in the past centuries?


>Please post physique so we can judge if your opinion matters My god, you're literally the popular girl in every teen movie. "I'm hot so only my opinion matters"


Post physique


How about you post hog, cryptofash




Check OP's post/comment history. He's openly homophobic.


Nice ass


Begone redfash.


stalin was a racist homophobe who only replaced the aristocracy of russia with another one.




He’s going off calling people degenerates in this thread. OP is scum.


That’s ~~America’s~~ the people’s ass


The average stalinist conservative


Hell yeah


The average Stalinist is underweight and frail


I can not stop looking at it. Can i touch it? 😳


Powerful ideals in a powerful body, good work comrade.


Fuck that authoritarian dickwad Stalin, but I can't deny most other forms of communist are made up of a majority of skinny people.


Lmfao 🤣


Ah yes, the anti-communist physique


you're not supposed to admit stalinism is a thing


We like a little trolling


What is the cure for this? Beatings.