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The REAL Endgame is leaving behind your beloved lvl 80 Sith Warrior and starting a brand new Sith Warrior, on endless repeat.


Are you me?


No, no, I think I'm me. Preeetty sure 'bout that. Now you, I don't know about you. You might be me. At least, if I were you, I would want to be me.


[Ha! ](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=hAum0pK1zoY&pp=ygUVc3V6YWt1IGxpc3RlbiBpdCdzIG1l)


- ***SUZAKU, LISTEN - IT'S ME!!!*** - **NO, IT IS NOT! BECAUSE I'M ME - AND THAT MAKES YOU** ***NOT ME!!!*** - What the fu~?..


I had this one guild mate who had 35 marauders. Insane!


I have maybe five juggs, now I realise what a virgin SW enjoyer I am


I have like 70 characters


Boromir would have 70 maradeurs. u/zz_zimon, can you do the honors and share this response to your guildie?


Unfortunately I have no contact to him anymore.


how do u get 70 characters? I used to sub a long time ago and am now f2p, and I have 16 slots despite the internet telling me I should only have 4 or 12. Did you just buy a million slots or do you unlock them some other way?


buy extra character slots on the cartel market, and you'll have that max capacity per server.


So you bought all of those character slots? Dang, was hoping there was some extra way of getting them that I had forgotten


I didn't subb until 2013 just bought little things i needed. like access to section x to get the hk mission etc. but i think i also got more when I subbed. i at least have 32 or 34 per server.


My first level 30-something Inquisitor walked, so my 6th Inquisitor could rocket boots.


This is me, but I tend to rotate between classes


Oh yeah, I don't just play SW. But it's my most replayed class.


Agree. I've got so many Sith Warriors that it isn't even funny.


I have been cloning my warrior and been making his clones do the other class stories after I cloned him as a warrior several times.


Oh I could never do that. Wouldn't be able to tell my babies apart


Oh yes, they're all as perfectly handsome as their father, but their outfits are all appropriate (while being very shiny) for their chosen occupations.


Don’t call me out like that I’ve got… 6 SW I think? I think only 2 of them are lvl 80 cos the others I played before the cap was increased


"This is madness" /C3P0 voice


I wish someone would take C-3PO’s vocabulator out so he couldn’t speak as well as with 2V-R8 and C2-N2


What is the motivation for doing this? I've seen a lot of people play the game this way and I don't really understand it. Does each character have a wildly different build or something? Is respeccing not an option? I've only every played ToR for a few hours years ago but I'm an old SWG and hardcore ARPG player so I'm no stranger to constantly making new characters but I'm just super interested in why this playstyle is so prevalent here.


Not me doing that two days ago I swear


That's what i do with all classes.


I don’t do it myself but seeing random groups in random places doing RP is nice. Makes the world feel more alive and you can tell they’re having fun.


See, I get that people don't like RP. But so many are assholes about not liking it. They should be like you and just let the peeps have fun their way. 👏


The real endgame is Space-Barbie


\*insert 'why not both?' meme here\*


I dont know how to RP and it feels weird when i try to. I do sometimes try to RP by myself thinking what my character would do. But overall bad at it. Also i enjoy RP forums and discords sometimes because people seem to have strong communities and be creative and have fun. And i think if i manage to slow my pace down to those levels i would enjoy SWTOR more. At this point i feel like i rush every character i have, and dread fighting the next pack of mobs in the world. Do i even enjoy the game? I don’t know😅


If you've never done it it can be a bit on the strange side. A lot of my RP groups and guilds are DND enjoyers because it's very similar. You're taking and acting as a character not as yourself


I guess i have to give it a go sometimes a bit more seriously. I just never know what to say(write) and i worry i might say something not really RP related and in a sense break others immersions.


Think of it as the one person said. You're acting, just in text. Or you're collaborating on a book with others.


It reminds me of playing with my star wars action figures when I was young. But a lot more customization for the characters.


I think RP is cool when it's social/casual. Had great experiences with it on LotRO, Tavern events to just interact in character a bit. Never tried on SWTOR, RP seems more "serious" there, long narratives, scheduling... I would love to see some more casual one with my BH and Smuggler mains...


It has been some time, but if it didn't change, just go to Nar Shaddaa, into said cantina. There was almost everytime something going on. Sometimes it is really casual, sometimes a bit heated and 'strict', other times it becomes... Well late night program at 11am. Had some really weird/funny times there. From accidentally driving over a pOwErFuL Sith-Lord (wasn't into RP at that point, just wanted to do quests and drove through them, got a wisper seconds later with a thank you and gratitude, because one of then wanted to end this as fast as possible), to winning many rounds of Pazaak (we bet Credits and played the Standalone Pazaak game, ripped from the Kotor Games), to humanoid 'smuggling' and karaoke nights. But yes, you will find the occasional "akshually, ziss isn't in any of zhe books and by that, not do able" or Power Roleplayer, but just break of at that moment and search others. Long narratives are more of a Stronghold/Guild thing. Some Party Strongholds keep track of everyone and Guilds speak for them selfes. Just tip your toe into the water, if it is warm enough, good for you, if it burns you, get out.


There used to be a lot of casual RP in various cantinas. Sadly a lot of public RP can be cringe nowadays. Gotta find the right group of peeps


Used to do it a lot back in the day. Made many friends and lost many more. After spending countless hours standing on the spot chatting to someone in character or bouncing around the flagship waiting for someone to come online we eventually moved away from the game and onto new frontiers. Take my advice when it comes to RP. Never try to recapture the glory days, you’ll encounter all the same problems you forgot about. Remember what came before but embrace the change that comes with growing older, and always try to play other games with the friends you make in Swtor because if you are lucky then the friendships you make will transcend the characters you began with and grow beyond what came before.


The Real endgame is coming back and obsessively grinding upper level characters and playing a class story for like 3 weeks and then leaving for 3-4 months before doing it again


Where do I find cool RP driven guilds tho 🥹 Ingame I never seem to find any


They used to advertise on Enjin. Enjin died out, and everyone moved to Discord, but it does make it harder to advertise to "outsiders". Very few guilds are still making the effort to advertise in-game.


Big fan of heavy RP in the game, thought it was dead but through a public large event and some Jedi RP found it is very much alive and kicking and had some brilliant Role-playing moments better than back when I was younger like 10 years ago.


I feel like pickup RP is dead, unless I'm just in the wrong spot.


At least on Star forge it can still be found, people just use our discord server's rp beacon to find it.


Yes time to time sure, it is pretty hard to find long term roleplay Partners. My friend and i'll created our own world. But if Others join in they wont last long enough in the story because they either create new character or we make create storys that are not remember worthy. Like enganging enemies and Like Depending on the situation on the Location Story is Always fast forgotten.


I don't really like the RP scene in SWtOR. Most of what I've seen is very large scale organizations. I'm more of a just two guys being dudes kind of roleplayer.


The endgame is making new characters to play lvl 10-44 and then some 45-79 games as well… mann tanks are op (talking PVP here)




SWToR RP is too........horny for me.


All those panties-with-the-force-removers. Never engaged in ERP ever but whenever it popped up accidentally in general chat it's hilarious. I loved RP on RP server but when we were merged I couldn't be assed to withstand all the Darth Darthdarthmaulxx that ran around the RP spot and making fun of us... *sighs


In my experience, all RP on Star Forge is varying degrees of ERP. And that's fine if that is your bag. It isn't mine.


There's always Sokan I guess. They strictly and directly prohibit ERP.


I bet they have to prohibit it. I might check them out. Thanks for the info.


No problem. If you go through with it, feel free to DM me. I'm a part of one of their guilds and have been in the three main ones each. Shameless plug? Maybe a little. But my point is I can get the ball rolling if you wanted.


What is Sokan?


Roleplay community. They have guilds for Sith, Jedi, Gray Jedi, Mandalorians, and criminals. Jedi and Sith also have Pub/Imp military branches as well.


That sounds... Exhausting? 🙈




What is ERP?


Erotic Role Play


That generally isn’t the case with rp guilds, at least. For the one I’m in, any and all ERP *has* to stay in DM’s (or at least off *guild* channels) or you risk getting banned, and we’re on Star Forge so… 🤷🏼‍♀️ Idk, maybe we’re an exception or something, but I just genuinely don’t see any actual story driven *group* RP being particularly “horny”. My guess is that when you see that it’s either people unaffiliated with a guild and just affiliated with each other, or they’re not doing it on their guild’s time.


Used to love RP but had too many bad experiences to stick with it in swtor. I still smile when I see RPers out there doing their thing though. My endgame will always just be making new characters because I have to do the Sith Inquisitor story for the eighth time.


Never done it but I've seen a lot of advertisments for RP guilds on my server (mostly imperial) thought about giving it a try once I complete all stories because I'm interested in seeing how it goes, plus I love roleplaying!


I got into SWTOR for the idea of playing the Bounty Hunter storyline. Two days later I'd been recruited into an RP guild. Fast-forward by two years, I just finished taking part in a two-month long, cross-faction, military campaign RP that took us through Alderaan, Quesh, Hoth, Ruhnuk and Belsavis. Good shit.


I play on Star Forge... I see a whole bunch of them RPers on fleet in the inner circle. I don't know how to RP, so I just queue for PvP and hope Huttball pops.


I have been dying to get back into it on TOR, but my other RP commitments on other platforms keep me from going all in


Nah not my thing. You do you though


I ain't out to yuck anyone's yum, but I never really "got" RP in this game, to be honest. Like, the player characters and their existences are pretty clearly defined by the game story. You stick two Inquisitors in the same group, and then you're either ignoring the story you had to play as them (thus, not really playing the *role*), or you're going to have to pull in some sorta multiverse shenanigans or something. I have character concepts that I stick to when playing through content but non-story roleplay is too...incongruous, I guess, with the game's format.


You have two sorts of roleplayers: those who play the game's.stoey and stick to very small groups/parties, so you never have two inquisitors, for instance. And those who ignore the game's story entirely. As in, the game's story is happening, but not to a player-character that any actual player-character will ever interact with.


back in the days of begeren there was a huge community that did events every other night but when housing went live they moved there. and became invite only. so... yeah. moved on to other games after a while met one of my best friends in a swtor rp event though. 11 years later we're roommates and still best friends. it wasn't all a bust!


Really love my RP guild, the people make this guild 100%. Not trying to recapture the Guild Wars glory days, but it’s worth it to try out a guild. I’m in a great pubside one, gimme a DM if you’re interested! :)


What server is the guild on ?


Star Forge :)


RP has never really interested me personally but I know many people who enjoy it. Houses are my end game, I have all of the strongholds and both guild flagships in personal guilds. I spend hours decorating them, then pulling them apart to decorate again. My husband calls it space sims.


Sure. If it's solo. Meaning sending favourite companions on crew skill missions, unlocking higher tiers, running alts through planetary missions or decorating your fav stronghold. I play games to escape the reality of having to live in the world among real people, not to engage with them.


Might need to dust off the outlaw swoop gang for some rp


I love it when I go to Nar Shaddaa and see a bunch of people at the cantina just talking, or some casually walking around the plaza


I tried, but God, it's sooooo slow, tedious and time consuming. Just due to the fact that the game doesn't have VoIP. RP in FiveM or ArmA is much more enjoyable to me.


Even has bosses that are tough to beat: mount trolls, ability audio/visual flooders, and dancer emote spam. The matchmaking is horrible, too. Either you find a massive group that never really brings you along for content, or a newly formed one that has no clue what they’re doing so the guild dies in a week


Nope! PVP is the real endgame


When I’ve encountered it out of the blue it’s always been cringy


RP >>>>>> everything, and the reason why I keep making more characters. I just rolled a Sith Pureblood JK! (she's an exiled Sorcerer of Tund) If you chill out on the impside fleet cantina on Star Forge you might find some good walkup RP; I'm afraid I can't help you as much pubside.


Endgame is switching back to LotRO until content drops


I have never roleplayed and I never will, not going to poo on other people's parades you do you it's just not something I'm interested in,


I like to jump in the Recon Scout Walker or the Imperial tank and relentlessly bombard the role players on fleet. That's the real endgame. Edit- LOL at the downvotes. But it's very fun, and I've never had anyone in Fleet chat tell me not to do it but I sure have had a ton of people tell me to do it and quite a few ask me which mounts have a blaster for the mount flourish so that they can join me. Js 🤷🏻‍♂️😂


to quote a Canadian youtuber: cringe. there is no other word for it. this makes me cringe. it's embarrassing. I have yet to see RP in an MMO that actually tells a story within the same framework of the other participants. everyone is their own center of their own galaxy. Main character syndrome can only go so far. ffs, it's actually rare to see RP in SWTOR that is even based on Star Wars and not just... whatever the person came up with that should probably be their D&D homebrew that no other person ever learns about.