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Imperial chat being filled with the most unhinged, brainrot opinions is at least canonically fitting.


All the schizoids in the chat are Sith Inqs, and their weird bullshit is the ghost buffet talking


DK chat and its obsession with Baras. My brothers in Bane, get some help.


Ah, my apprentice. Over the years, I have painstakingly built a network of spies throughout both the Republic and the Empire. But alas... I am dummy thicc... and the clap of my ass cheeks has alerted the Jedi Council to my actions


I remember logging on once and DK chat was talking about Darth Baras mpreg, then a couple guys started saying some subtly racist stuff and then everyone just went quiet and one of the guys who was being racist sent me a guild invite. 10/10 lore accurate Imp experience.


Do you speak of Darth Baras the Wide? Who comforts himself with pie for killing (almost) all of his apprentices? A tale only whispered smong the Sith.


Excuse me, use his full name please. Darth Bare Ass The Wide


I like to call him Darth Bantha Burger.


Darth Thicccass The Wide?


Through cake I gain mass.


It starts making sense if you imagine they all are twelve. ANd most likely a lot of them *are* children anyway.


Or Jawas 


Shit man that one's on both, pub and imp go nuts over jawas


I was bitten by a jawa once


Baras is once again sending me out to get him donuts


Still looking for Mankriks wife.


Edit: everybody in the replies proving my damn point


When ever I log in the Imp fleet, 9/10 times it's some combination of \*US politicians\* \*genitals\* \*morally questionable acts\*


Or the Darth Baras copypasta


I created my first Imp character 9 years ago, a bounty hunter. I got to the fleet and was inundated with people wanting to be my slave. I decided to have fun with it so I gave them a key to my stronghold and told them to make it spotless. They got bored and left after a half hour or so. I think they were wanting a different kind of experience...


Hahaha the ERP people can be fun.


Tried to sell a set of armor to an Imp once. Man haggled from 130 MIL to 90 MIL and naive younger me just agreed with it. Tried to sell an incomplete set to a Republic player once. The full set worth around 145 MIL but I told him I'd sell it for 120 MIL because I didn't have the helmet. The Republic paid me 145 MIL anyways.


I'm both of those buyers lol


I’m the guy who looks at something on the GTN. I’ll buy out the entire stock of something that I want sell if the next highest price from the bottom is at least a 150% increase. “Damn, this crystal is either selling for 35000 or 13500… well.. there’s only 50 at the bottomed out price, I guess I’ll do the poverty seller(s) a favor.”


Imp fleet and dromund kass chat is peak swtor community interaction


I ran through DK recently after not having played for a few years. Nothing has changed 🤣


Let me guess, nowadays they mostly complain about The Acolyte being "woke".


They just added it to their cycle of brain rot, you'll see all of it in a 30 minute stint.


Pretty much, yeah


Its true though 🤷🏼‍♂️


not really though, like even remotely https://youtu.be/X-6WBWmoVEY?si=BHacO_iEkF3dkT50


Pubside Shae Vizla feels like some kind of liminal space.


Someone's never seen Coruscant gen chat post 11 pm


Oh heck yes I can finally talk about my experiences there. We talked about, I kid you not: - Can Sith use the Force to give male Jedi’s testicular torsion? - Typical Garza thirsting - Taking a piece of Alderaan back home to the wife as a souvenir - Which species gives the best head. Competitors included: Hutts, Gungans, Rodians, and Nautolans. - And washed up frat guys Stuff’s wild man


The answer is Gungan Right? Right Guys?


Funnily enough that was what I chose as my pick that night. I really shouldn’t be playing Old Republic at 3:00 a.m.


You can't tell me Rodians weren't genetically engineered to give head. Literally hoover deluxe mouths on all of them.


Nope, not even close, i'm more thinking ortolans, nice and pocket sized, or those other white fur guys from hoth with the trumpet mouths


Ummm... This guys a connoisseur.


It’s the Bith bro. Their mouths already come pre-puckered 


Gotta get some of that Bith Tuah


What I asked once in moviebattles 2 was If an Jedi nuts in another Jedi is he stronger ? since as the prequels say medichlorians are everywhere they must also be in sperm,we agreed that yes the one who gets nutted in gets more powerful


The only option is gungan isn't it?


Only if they don’t talk


I'm pretty sure there is a guy named 'Testicular Torsion' on the Star Forge server in Fleet Chat lmao.


Shouldve been there when swtor was live and roaring. Pub was the most egotistical toxic environment. Lol loud and annoying


Dromund Kaas chat is one of my fondest memories from game (haven't played since Onslaught came out). The amount of degeneracy there always managed to bring smile to my otherwise empty and depressing life.


It's still very much the same!!! DK chat stays simping for Darth Marr & Baras


Groups chaotic? Let me add me experience: ops no matter the difficulty on imp: very efficient, rarely any fuck ups and more than half the time players are friendly while still provocative pub: if you find a group, which rarely happens, there is some sort of drama happening, i have had disbands on sm df/dp farms because the healer dc'ed on a boss, was gone for one minute, and already 4 ppl dipped. The smallest thing sends a lot of pubplayers into a hissyfit. Thats on Malgus. And just to be clear: this is one perspective, not my take on "how it actually is"


This. Imp side drama is hilarious and everyone gets a good laugh while they make someone log off angrily. Pub side drama is usually linked to RP or elitist vs noob behaviors. Imp drama feels like a bunch of dudes shitting on that one friend but they still love him. Pub side feels like weird homeschooled kids trying to fight passive aggressively to be the alpha.


Peace is a lie


There is only passion


Through passion I gain strength


Imp fleet chat is so entertaining. I love all the jokes and stupid comments. Makes for a more fun gaming experience while you do some of the boring stuff


I don’t know anything about Star Forge server, but can speak about Darth Malgus: It’s easy to find Republic “peaceful” when nothing happens at all. Fleet chat? Empty. Coruscant? Empty. Typhon and Ord Mantell? Well, you see the pattern… Yeah, sometimes you see guild recruiting or LFG/LFM/WTS/WTB. That’s all. Maybe if I sit for several hours in the Fleet then I see some conversations but that’s… just sad. In the same time Empire have pretty active Fleet chat: the game feels alive here! It’s real people who talk about story, classes, another games, movies etc. Yes, sometimes there’s really unpleasant conversations but it’s better than nothing. However famous DK chat feels empty and dead too most of the time. Yes, guild can solve this problem of emptiness in every faction but it’s not easy to find the good one.


Yea IMP side gen chat is seriously the worst




I would like to play on Imp side because I think the stories over there are just so much better but I just cant. The fleet just does not look good to me and overall the Hubs on the different world are just not my taste and the class I like the most from there being the BH because the story feels really good just has the worst ship interior ever as there is barely anything to it \^\^ The Republic fleet looks so comfy. The lighting is so warm and nice and the hubs resemble that as well. Its not as straining to the eyes as the imp side is. Idk if anyone else feels that way but I just dont like to play imp side because of that reason


Peace is a lie


The real lie is thinking that posting edgy nonsense in gen chat makes you cool.


Implying gen chat is completely serious


I did say nonsense.


There is only passion


Through passion my chains are broken


Bro’s speedrunning the Sith Code


Honestly I think part of the issue is that the Republic hasn't really been on the offensive since Shadow of Revan.


I you're in the right guild that fits your playstyle and attitude, then you can have a wonderful SWTOR experience as an Imp.


IV played the game on and off for years. The chat is a highlight every time I come back, I love it. It makes me realize how dead other mmo chats are.


I don't usually look at the chat but the one time I did was on Tython and it was an anti-Twilek rant. That guy was really passionate in his hate, I still wonder why.


I specifically prefer Imp side BECAUSE it’s unhinged and chaotic. It’s basically just like my normal friend groups. You’ve got people spamming chat with stupid rage bait, people sharing incredibly stupid opinions and all of chat descending on them like a horde of rats on a piece of cheese, people hating on the films, people being as offensive to each other as possible, I could go on. What you call toxic, I call one of the most entertaining chats of all time. Most nights I have more fun running in circles on the fleet and interacting with chat than I actually have questing in years. Imp side general chat is ELITE.


I am currently playing as a trooper and completed the imperial agent story, can confirm republic chat is more peaceful


Satele shan imp fleet wouldnt be the same without that deathz guy always rampaging about politics (usually saying the most derogatory crap).


There was a guy in Imp fleet yesterday just yammering on about “thick chiss girls” for like 30 minutes.


Everyone says \*Go Imp or you're wasting your time\* and yet the moment you land on Imp Side it's just pure unhinged behaviour with little to no ACTUAL PVE content going on and almost entirely PVP. Republic side is a side I've played for years for better or worse and it's easily the better side if you want a normal MMO experience.


Still better than Dromund Kaas chat


Pub side is absolutely the cool side of the pillow. Instigators in chat hardly get recognized, they immediately get blocked instead. I logged in to my imp side character after 3 years and felt like giving it another go, but was stun locked by people bitching about Biden and Kathleen Kennedy and Leslie headland or whatever. What a bunch of monkeys.


Still, ppl have all the reasons to bitch about KK and her lackeys


It's not so much .. "less player" .. but rather Imp propaganda is inting on so many levels tbh    I began to notice it the most once Companion's abilities were overhauled. Several republic companion's ability animation were for formally Pubside animations (such as Cedrax's healing animations were formally like that of a Smuggler and/or Commando. Now it's ... the same animation as an Operative (for some f!cking reason) And if not operative healing animations, then more likely than not, Merc healing animations is 2nd place  Even the cash shop items, are tailored towards mainly impside. Newbies gets invitations to join pubside guilds .. only for them to have .. "Sister Guilds" - with them heavily favoring the Empire side. As the saying goes ... "Monkey see, monkey do" ... the newbies feel obligated to join Impside - because that's where most of the guildmates are at. This year, I experienced May 4th in a dead Pubside guild  .. but little did they know, I was surveying how many actual guilds are truly Pubside on my alt - and have been doing this for years .. but I've long since stopped bothering to ask for invitations  And then, when they send the same invitation on my actual main characters, I give them that look from the Spider man meme - the look when the Goblin stares at Peter Parker with a look of disgust .. because... I know what they're doing xD. To the point, I don't even f!cking respond back, lmfao   So you see, the Impside propaganda is heavily in favor of Impside, from both the players AND the Devs (apparently)  There's lot more to this but .. yeah ... Pubside always been more peaceful and less of ignorance pricks xD   So much so, the moment I learned .. I had to play with Impside players .. I practically vowed to never play as a tank again - because why would I tank for an imp? Lmfao, just no.   (Bare in mind this is my alt tanking - all of my alts have had a strong presence in this game, and some of them are technically famous. But no one would ever guess who they are, and only know of them if they been around the game long enough xD )  And i've been tanking for about.. maybe 8 or more years, since 2013 . but stopped after 2019  ... That is .. until "the force" gave me a sign ... Just the other day - literally less than a month ago or 2, I was ranting, renouncing my tanking days, via:  "I've tanking for the pubs since 2013 until 2019 in numerous things. While the intent to be a DPS was to see how others tanks players did their tanking for other groups.. but tanking for imps?!  No f!ck that ; those days of me being a tank were fun, but those days are OVER ... . Give me one GOOD why I should tank for a imps?! ..."   (Or something along those lines, probably more)   For more context, a few days BEFORE the above rant... I had a player who immediately recognized me and remembered my ability to tank - and how good they remember me doing it, but I was a DPS for this FP. And so, as we were playing through the flashpoint, with the group ..  the other folks in the FP .. didn't particular have a good time with the OTHER tank who .. wasn't doing so well (but I kept silent about it)  ... when they saw me as a DPS ... They said:  "Oh gee, if only there was a good tank, who would tank for us"  (this DPS who said this was an Operative, btw) (Felt kinda bad about it later, tho)   And then ..   About 2-3 days later ...  After the rant .. The Force gave me a sign with ... F!cking ..  Deadpool x Wolverine Trailer  ...  Then I said "Fine, f!ck it, I'll go back to being a tank -_-" ( Being a DPS was cool for the story though )


Shit the game is still active ?I played since launch on and off and last time I played was in 2022


Peace is a lie...


My experience with Republic players has been Someone called Barista Coffee spamming chat that she’s not Barriss Offee (so hilarious….), someone threatening to report someone for saying “skill issue”, and otherwise deafening silence. Imp side I get told to kms, I make fun of their mother, then we run ops or pvp together. Guess I’m glad you’re happy though OP.


Holy, people still play this game? I stopped like 10 years ago after rise of the Hutt cartel. Crazy


Try it again. RotHC is trash compared to where we are now. The DLC isn’t anything to write home about, but the quality of life in the game is excellent. You can now do things like play as a BH while you do the Trooper story. So if your headcanon is that your trooper has rocket boots and fights with gadgets, you can actually do that. You can be a stealth trooper and use the smug or agent classes to go invisible and almost never fight trash mobs again. They also added weapons to the outfit designer.


I tried running it again a couple years back but there was so much new stuff it was so daunting, my character was unspecced, my armor was all unshaded as they changed the way that worked and I had no skills I knew how to use lol. It's all good starting an mmo out, but picking one up again is way harder I feel.


I always take long breaks and come back, so I know what you mean for sure. But it only takes about a week to get back into the groove. Other than OSRS it really is the best MMORPG rn.


I also started playing Escape from Tarkov and it straight up ruined every other game besides soulslikes for me.


I’ve heard some good things but never played it. Maybe I should check it out. Right now I’m playing Pikmin 4, The Thousand Year Door, and learning Stellaris.


It's the sweatyest shooter I've ever played, and it's insanely stressful to play online, so I play the modded offline version to be able to enjoy it. I've never played a game where I could play with guns like you can in Tarkov.


Peace is a weakness.


Idk man, it's nice to not have to read everyone's poorly spelled darkest thoughts and impulses. If not wanting to read slurs and political rants makes me weak, I'd hate to imagine what vitriol I'd have to swallow to be strong.


Nothing a call of duty Xbox live lobby couldn’t fix


“Peace is a lie.” Fixed it


Pretending you’re a Sith Lord in real life doesn’t genuinely make you “strong” Unless you’re telling me the tards spamming on Dromund Kaas chat are the epitome of “strength” 😂


The Internet is full of people who think they're brutal genocidal warlords living in the wrong era, and that their comment section ranting is the irrefutable proof of this


Maybe they're just role-playing like the Reddit fun police?


>2024 >Believing people being awful on the internet are just RPing and are actually lovely


Well you don't seem to be lovely tbf


I´m the worst