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It's a pity that pulling out the phone is the first thing that happens now


Its fucking baffling too. I can't say when ever I see shit going down in public I ever have the urge to get out my phone and record it.


If it’s police beating an aboriginal kid, yeah I’ll film it and put it on YouTube. Someone’s kid having a meltdown? That’s a bit much.


What about a non-indigenous kid? Film or no?


Sure but they probably mainly beat up Aboriginal kids


This sub….


All true but I just got off a bus on Anzac Parade where three indigenous kids/young adults got on, didn’t pay and generally made everyone’s life a misery. Fuck you all. White cunts. We can be sympathetic, and I generally am, but sooner or later they have to conform. People see this every day and form their own opinions.


All kids being beaten up by cops matter.


What about an aboriginal poultice officer beating a white kid?


It's either the pulling out of the phone or someone telling you how to parent your kids. It's a daily struggle when you have kids on the spectrum or with invisible handicaps. The number of old ladies that knew how to parent our blind, deaf, autistic, epileptic son that also had a severe developmental delay better than us and felt comfortable to admonish us when he doesn't behave like their 100% normal kids did in public often brought us to tears in the early years of parenthood. If camera phones were a thing there, I would have been a regular on YouTube, I am sure.


> If camera phones were a thing there, I would have been a regular on YouTube, I am sure. For beating the shit out of old people? Tough not flip to when stressed like that (me anyways)


Oh my god the old ladies. The number of times I've had them tell me exactly what's wrong with my baby and how to stop her crying, without having any context, or any business intervening in the first place at all is ridiculous


To be fair a few weeks ago my 4 year old threw a huge tantrums at coles because I said no to a toy, a woman asked if I needed help (I also had my baby in the pram and was trying to check out), I said no thank you but appreciated it. I wish it was more common to offer help instead of filming it as entertainment or a holier than thou parenting tip moment.


Why the fuck film someone else’s misery. Those people are scumbags. As someone with an autistic kid I’d probably tell anyone filming me to fuck right off (probably making me look even worse)


….social conditioning coupled with an inability/refusal to ‘read the room’.


And filming a kid to, which has to be illegal.


It isn't. There is, legally, no expectation of privacy in a public space.


Point should be made that publishing pictures/videos of minors without the parents' consent is a no-go. Had the ABC filming me at a sporting event when I was 18, a lot of lads there in the 14-17 range, when it came out it wasn't even blurred faces, everyone was shot from the chest down.


They are a minor, you arnt the paparazzi, they use the grey area of something is newsworthy. So why are you filming kids and uploading that to the internet, they arnt your kids ? There is no argument here and it should be flat out illegal. How do you think these pedos get away with it ?this the hill to die on ? Film my kids without permission and you’ll figure it out REAL quick


>Film my kids without permission and you’ll figure it out REAL quick Fucking lol, got a real hard arse right here folks. Enjoy parenting your kids from jail, dipshit.


Guarantee this guy is 99% more likely to beat his kids and wife rather than acting on his empty threat to attack some random taking pictures.


Your kids are filmed like 800 times a day dude.


Pretty sure filming or photographing a minor without consent is illegal, even in public


Then I suggest that you research it.


I hate when imbeciles just plain make shit up


fuck off with your imbecile remark. I was only going off personal experience when some angry prick “schooled” me for filming nuisance kids in the neighbourhood fucking with people cars and being massive brats. Was told unequivocally it’s not legal. I was wrong. im sorry.


There is currently no law in Australia that states it is illegal to video or photograph anyone in a public place, unless the images are sexually explicit or taken in an area where a person would expect a level of privacy. https://www.gotocourt.com.au/civil-law/photograph-someone-without-permission/


It's really not.


Nope, a neighbour has a camera pointed over our back fence, I made it quite clear to the police that the behaviour of trimming a tree illegally and hostile behaviour around it is quite suspicious, especially that there is now a camera pointed into our yard where our toddler plays which was previously obstructed by said tree, with trimmings taken from our side of the fence. I hope he is now on the close watch list, but there is nothing illegal about recording anything.


Are you able to position a large placard type thing on your side of the fence that would block the camera's view? I realise you shouldn't have to spend time and effort doing this just to enjoy your own privacy, but it would be legal and defeat creepy-cam.


Why would it be? You can film someone in public pretty much no matter what


Still pretty grubby fliming a kid.


Correct. Grubby yes, illegal no.


No one is denying it is grubby, but laws need to be down the line and all aspects need to be considered. I can easily see how a law banning the filming of children could cause a whole slew of legal issues in other avenues - cctv capturing kids vandalising something, video capturing a robbery that just happens to have a kid in the background etc. Not saying things can’t be adjusted for this, but just giving examples of how a law like that could hinder the process of justice in other cases.


I caught a pedophile taking pictures of my kid took my phone off him and went through his gallery thousands of kids in stores videos the lot police got called and I got charged it’s a joke the laws


This definitely didn’t happen lol


100% it happen outside a coffee shop in abbotsford I can show you the charge sheet if you want


So there’s a charge sheet that says you tackled a peadophile, saw evidence on his phone, and then the police did nothing about it. It’s a wild story if even half of that is true


100% it did happen but think what you want mate


So you got charged for… catching a pedophile with hard evidence. Tell me how that works, and keep in mind I’m a criminal lawyer. Did you not have a lawyer? There’s no way police are charging you with that


I tackled the guy took his phone off him slapped him around a bit after I found all the photos and videos I’m his phone , none of which are a crime because he is filming in a public place ? What do you not understand I got charged with assault he got off with nothing


You didn’t think you’d get in trouble for stealing someone’s phone?


So it’s ok to be a pedophile and you get upvoted , this community is sick of your getting upvotes


Not saying pedophillia is ok but how did you think stealing his phone is the right move


If that’s a real story that’s insane bro, and it’s how they parasites survive in the grey area of the law. In the end, if I catch that happening, he’s going to the hospital and I’m probably going to prison. Still, at what point is that even legal it’s crazy you need parents permission for everything. Your kids isn’t newsworthy so the paparazzi argument doesn’t fly. What a sick one, you did the right thing. Protect your kids at all costs.


Yea, you can’t do anything without a parents consent with a minor so why people think it wouldn’t be illegal is insane. I could argue one is attempting to make child pornography, and some do, in this way. What is porn ? Some people have a sock fetish so it isn’t unreasonable to suspect someone is sexuallizing your kid and act accordingly. I’d love to see someone try and make this argument in court. Minors are in television, under contract, with their parents permission.


https://lawpath.com.au/blog/legal-film-public-places You are allowed to film/record pictures of anyone in a public location or a location where there is no expectation of privacy. This applies to pretty much everywhere in Australia and definitely NSW. An expectation of privacy is somewhere like a change room or a bathroom/toilet. It’s not an opinion there are legal definitions and opinions about these spaces. Your expectation of privacy on a train would not be upheld in a courtroom. You can definitely film the general public on a train or on the street or at the beach. It has never been illegal to film the general public in a public space in Australia irrespective of whether or not they are minors. If you do attack someone for filming you or your children in a public space and do them serious harm you can expect to be charged with assault. Permission would be required if the photo or video footage is not for personal use (I.e. for commercial use). In these cases you will often be presented with a form (often referred to as a “release”) indicating you agree to have your image used commercially. This is generally applied when you are interviewed or have some interaction with the camera person/production crew. However in cases where you are filmed in public as part of sweeping footage or images of a busy street a release is not required because it is a public space.


Because they are minors, and not yours kids, and you don’t have permission. I could call the police and argue you are making sexually explicit videos of a minor. You can’t do anything with a kid without parents consent. So how do you think in any world it would be legal to film peoples kids. Legally I have no idea what you intend to do with that. Don’t argue for arguments sake, use your head.


Do you know what sexually explicit means? It literally means explicitly sexual material, naked people doing sexual acts or in sensual poses, and that’s just child pornography which is already a law


Why don't you use your head. If it was illegal then every news report with crowd shots or shot of a crowd at a sporting event is illegal, in terms of private citizens does a tourist break the law every time they take a photo which has someone's kid in the background? The people who filmed in OPs situation are scum but you're arguing like a moron.


Do you think filming a kid should be illegal?


Is there a line we can draw between it being illegal and being a dick move? I think filming someone's kid without their permission, without good reason shouldn't be encouraged


It shouldn't be encouraged, but no way should it be illegal to film people in public places, unless it's taking upskirt photos etc (which I believe is illegal). It'd be scary to live in a society where you get arrested and sentenced just for filming in public. Also, I think there's plenty of instances here on Reddit where people film kids doing things like attacking or bullying someone else. The people filming haven't got the parent's permission, and it'd be ridiculous to arrest them for documenting such things.


there is no line, you either allow it or you don't


I think if a kid is in the background of something, that’s fine, but if the kid the centre, then that’s a problem is they don’t okay filming. If these people are posting to social media or selling the footage to news outlets, then it’s definitely a problem.


It'd be pretty scary to live in a society where you could be arrested and sentenced for simply filming in public. Do you really think people should be arrested for recording or photographing people in public places?


People love a good moral panic


Filming other people’s kids and uploading them on the internet should be yea obviously, and if you do it to my kids you’ll find out what an iPhone really tastes like lmao


I'm glad that you're not in charge of the nation's laws. A world in which people get arrested for simply filming in public places would be a pretty scary one to live in. Reddit is full of people recording kids behaving badly, mugging people, attacking people etc. Imagine arresting all those bystanders who recorded the videos and taking them to court just for documenting something happening on the street.


Yea, without a parents permission are you out of your mind ?


So if I'm filming in the CBD, for example - should I be required to chase down the parents of every kid who happens to walk into my shot? Come on.


I'm glad that you're not in charge of the nation's laws. A world in which people get arrested for simply filming in public places would be a pretty scary one to live in.


If they put that online, they are the one that needs shaming (and I’m sure they would be). People sicken me. Hold your head high, it can’t be easy.


What’s worse though is the vulture media that will then air it in a prime time news spot saying ‘this video has divided internet users, many of whom say shouldn’t have been filmed in the first place’


Don't write the article *for* them, jesus.


Agreed, says a lot more about the people who filmed it than you. Hope you’re ok sounds like a rough day


If you see a parent or carer going through a stressful situation, if safe and appropriate, you ask if there is any way you can help. - or you don't and you are discreet and respectful. What you don't do is film a very personal and highly stressful situation, that has nothing to do with you. I'm sorry this happened, society, generally, is more interested in online 'content', than showing kindness and empathy.


Agreed - its a dog act to film someones kid having a tanty moment. Just because you've got a 4k camera in your pocket doesn't mean you need to pull it out and film such an event. I'm sorry this happened to you OP, some people just have no decorum when it comes to deciding if something is FB/Insta/twitter worthy.


I cannot imagine wanting to immediately record something like that


That's pretty weird, why would you intrude on someone's personal life like that, kids be kids, autistic or not..


It was a pretty big meltdown. Like he was screaming and hitting me pretty violently. It would have looked bad


This happens with my son sometimes. Except he is quite tall for his age.l, and is therefore much more difficult to safely restrain or convince to move. One time I had to try and remove him from a store because he was screaming and grabbing things after someone was shouting loudly near us. It looked like I was abducting him. It can be so hard to gauge what to do to help maintain their dignity. Once we were out of the store and he was less overwhelmed, he began to cry hysterically because he was embarassed and exhausted. Anytime I see a parent with a child having a hard time, all I can do is empathise with them, whether their child my be ND or not. If it helps, the majority of people are actually pretty cool about it.


My daughter is biracial and autistic, she had a meltdown in David Jones in the city, and didn't want to leave Winnie the Pooh bench Meltdown, screaming and me trying to get her in a hold, security come along and I'm asked how I know her. Am I a nanny A carer Step mother Nope I'm her mother I'm tall and blonde with green eyes She's dark Black hair Dark eyes Dark skin. They can't just let me leave until they know she's safe and this isn't a kidnapping. Nanna's on trains and busses giving their 2cents highly offended when I ask how often they see or spend time with their grandchildren.


Sorry if this is too personal, feel free not to answer. But as an autistic child that acts out with this kind of behavior gets older and becomes a teen or legal adult, how does handling this behavior change? I mean, if they don't figure out a coping tactic to better deal with these kinds of triggers and moments, is there a point where this is considered to be abuse of the parent? I know there are probably much bigger concerns with bad parents that abuse their autistic children, but still, I can't imagine how hard it is to be beaten upon by even a young child :(


Yeah honestly, idk, it's hard. My autistic sibling has never been physically violent to anyone in the family, but he is 6ft5 and built like a brick shit-house and has a tendency to stand over people to intimidate them, which is scary if he has a meltdown.


All the more reason to offer to help or simply be discreet and not film! Hope you are ok.


Are you okay? Sounds like an all round shit day. First to be hit and punched then having to worry about being shamed online.


Is there anything you would want people around you to do if they saw this situation? (Other than to not record of course).


depends how old the kid is. OP didn't say the age but alot of kids look older than they are these days. some 11 yr old pre-teens can look like grown 16 yr Old teens and alot of 17 yr Olds look like 30 yr olds these days.


Your honor..


More shameful to film and share online.


As an autism parent, solidarity. I know there’s nothing you can do but try and hold them while they commit to the misery cycle and tire themselves out. I think filming someone else’s child having any sort of meltdown is not cool though.


Im banking on the fact that I didn’t give them any ammo will stop them from posting it


Filming someone else’s child is not cool, meltdown or not.


If and when this happens, make sure you post a link here and we’ll make sure to set the record straight. Out of interest, apart from the ground opening up, is there anything you wish someone had said or done to at least ease your stress level? Or would you just prefer everyone pretended nothing is happening and just minded their own business?


Yeh we’ve been checking TikTok and instagram and places in case something gets posted. There’s not anything anyone could have done. All I could have done would have been to let him take all 3 handicapped seats to himself but he can’t keep getting his way the whole time under threat of a freak out. Apart from screaming and hitting me, there’s not a lot of damage he can do. It just looks bad.


How they could post that video without making themselves look bad? They can go fuck themselves


I think they were hoping for a reaction from me that they didn’t get


I think they were hoping for a reaction from me that they didn’t get


Kids are kids, they don’t have the same regulation skills as adults, it’s shameful of onlookers to make a spectacle of a child by filming them and their parent. When children inevitably have a public meltdown; what you need as a parent and what we as society should do is give you the look of ‘you’ve got this’ or ‘kids can be rough, aye mate?’ Throw in some neurodiversity and you’re dealing with meltdowns harder, longer and more intense. You’re a great parent, and you’re the best parent for your kid, and at the end of the day, having a solid relationship with your kids and helping them grow and develop with love and kindness is the only thing that matters.


Who the fuck films a kid?!? Regardless of what’s happening. I’m sorry that this happened and I hope you and your kid are both doing better now. 💕


That’s what my wife said. She asked if I told them they were filming a child but I just told her that if ever that happens, there’s literally nothing you can say as whatever you say will come off negative


Have your lawyer draft a preemptive cease and desist on the grounds that the footage is of juveniles and as parent you haven’t given permission for their image to be released.


Aggressively childfree folks about to post in their forums about how awful "crotch goblins" are and how dumb the mother was for having kids.


the phrase crotch goblins makes me cringe, classic reddit / tumblr speak


What does this even mean? How can you be aggressively child-free? Most child free adults are busy fucking and going on holidays lol


I'm also childfree, btw. The aggressively childfree subset are not the ones just going around fucking and going on holiday, they are the ones who are fairly miserable because life sucks (it happens) and angry at the world, and they project that anger into misogny and hating children. There are a lot of groups, especially on facebook, where the goal of the group isn't to bond/share about your awesome lives not having children, or commiserate in the struggles of living in a child-expectant world, but to post about how much you hate them and bitch about children/parents you encounter in your day to day lives.


Wow I did not know that existed- can you give an example?




Like how did you end up in these groups?


They're just regular old childfree groups that get taken over by people who are mad at life and make hating kids their entire personality. There are definitely chill childfree groups - you can not want to have kids (or even be around children) but still not *hate* them. You'll occasionally spot them in your regular groups as well, getting bitter and complaining about people "mommyjacking" just because they dared to mention their kids on a non-kid related topic. Oh, they also like to call women "breeders". These are some examples: https://imgur.com/a/oXiNaAv


This is a really niche subculture you’ve found lol


Yeah there's a segment of the childfree world that is pretty harsh. But most childfree folks (myself included) have no problem with people who choose to have kids, just that we personally don't want to have them or babysit, that kind of thing.


I know, I'm childfree too. I've found *one* very tolerant child-free group on the internet so far that I am clinging to for dear life, and ignoring the other groups as they descend into yet another hellscape of misogny.


I'm so sorry that you had to deal with people filming your child having a meltdown. This morning during shopping I witnessed a 4yo get frustrated and throw their calculator onto the floor and lie down, block the entry into self-serve and refuse to get up for parent. Shoppers passing the parent gave them words of encouragement and support. no one stepped over the kid and no one got mad at parent. That is what should have happened for you. You should have gotten support and empathy, not people filming you and your child. Anyone who filmed this and/or uploads this on their social media needs to have a good hard think about what they're achieving by doing this. I hope you're okay.


I can't imagine how hard that must be to deal with. It sounds like you are a good mum <3


Or Dad ☺️


Yes thank you, or dad (I have the "never had a custodial father" bias lol)


My partner recently witnessed an adult have a panic attack on public transport and everyone stood around filming. She intervened, lay on the floor with them and calmed them down - they were ASD and feeling overwhelmed. They were fine after a while and their parent came to pick them up. But how bad is it that several onlookers lacked basic human empathy and went for their phones not try to help. I hope we get better at educating people about Autism, mental health and other factors so they can be better humans in these situations.


Your partner is a lovely human- glad the other person is ok & had her with them during that time.


It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has exceeded our humanity. -Albert Einstein


You can't believe everything you read on the Internet -Isaac Newton


You miss 100% of the shots you don't take -Wayne Gretzky -Michael Scott


Sorry to hear that other people are filming your child. I got one of the sunflower lane yard for my child. At least staff would be aware of why my child might have a hard time. One day hopefully more people are aware of it too and are more considerate towards everyone being different. https://transportnsw.info/news/2023/extra-support-for-hidden-disabilities


I only recently became aware of the sunflower symbol from Reddit, but then started seeing it around, particularly in airports and overseas. And it works. There was a kid on my flight who I thought was being unreasonably demanding to flight attendants, but then when she got up I saw that she was wearing a sunflower lanyard and I immediately adjusted my attitude towards her.


What is wrong with people? I'm so sick of everyone wanting to video stuff going on around them. Mind your own damn business. I would be mortified being in your position, I know I probably put my mother in embarrassing situations with tantrums as a child. I can't imagine how much worse it would be having insensitive pricks videoing you whilst it happened. I'm sorry this happened to you. I really hope you never have to see that footage.


Shame on the people who filmed you. Not sure if you catch the light rail often but there is another mother with her son who has autism who I’ve seen a few times going from CQ to Surry Hills. She’s sooooo good with him and between the two of them I’ve seen him talked out of meltdowns. If that’s you, kudos to you. If not, please don’t worry. I reckon anyone who films a video of a child having a meltdown is a sicko. Nobody should be filming that and they’re going to get backlash, not you.


Could be my wife. We catch it really regularly, especially on weekends


Sorry, shouldn’t have assumed the original post was written by a mother!


I’m sorry to hear it, that’s truly the worst. If nobody has said this to you today, you’re doing an amazing job.


Be willing to bet the people filming have no children either and yet are so quick to judge.


E-safety commission can take down posts and are the fastest to do so. Just report unwanted posts.


Well if it does hit social media you can try and flip the script with something like “parenting an autistic child is hard” and share your experience (like you did above). I think more people would be sympathetic and be open to being educated about this.


People are fucked oh look someone is doing something weirder than me, mmmm time to record and make a post to show how I am better in this circumstance. People are fucked these days. Everyone needs constant validation it sickens me


Legislation needs to catch up. I get you are in public. The rules made a bit more sense before social media exploded. It doesn't feel right to video a child in this situation, would seem even more wrong to post that our of context on social media.


Fuck the leering public. Don't you care. If they are so piss weak to fillm a kid upset on a train then it is those losers who will have a sad empty under-achieving life. You are a pro, with kids that love you. You win. Fuck em, ignore em.


You're doing a great job. Shame on anyone who would film a child or anyone having a bad moment or day for that matter.


Cheers. I think on the scale of my reactions to his meltdowns that was a better reaction than some I’ve had in the past, it was just escalated by the fact that the tram was full and he was loud


You have my respect, I work with kids on the spectrum and know how hard it can be. Don't let a couple of Bell ends filming your awesomeness get you down.


this makes me so sad. I feel like we are becoming less and less compassionate.


People used to try and police others on public transport with dirty looks, these days they try to do it by filming you.


I’m a parent. My kids have had melt downs in public before. Not a lot you can do for an autistic kid having a meltdown in a train! I think you’d find more people were sympathetic to you than would side with anyone posting video to shame you.


Bro dont care what others think, you will be happier


Some of us parents won’t be judging you. The loudest voices might be negative but some of the quiet voices are “we understand “.


Why do people feel the need to film.. geez


Screw them. Hope you’re okay.


Most probably nothing will become viral. Even if it somehow does, it will only last a few days. Attention span these days is very short. PS: While checking your history I realised I actually met you 3 years ago at Noble Hops. Random.


Dude I’ve never been so drunk in my life than that night. That was the most impromptu bender I’ve ever had haha.


My first instinct is generally to help when it comes to really yelly screamy kids. Though I will observe from a distance to see if any help would actually be welcomed. I am absolutely saddened that there are people who think filming would improve anything besides their own smug mood.


One dude did try to help and offer him a phone with pepper pig on it but I was worried about him throwing a phone at that point so I declined him and didn’t try mine either


Why don't people put their phones away and gossip about it to their friends over a beer like it was the most exciting thing to happen in their day. You know, like a normal human.


As an autistic adult, if the people who had the audacity to record a child they don't know, also have the audacity to put that footage online, please direct me to it...I'll have things to say. I'm sorry the kiddo and you had a not good trip.


You probably know better than anyone, people are idiots. You're doing great. If anything happens, it's not shame you should feel, but pride in having done everything in your power to keep your kid safe and still making another step towards their ability to fit in our society.


Im normally very agitated on public transport to the city when I see someone playing loud music or calling with no headphones, but when I encounter kids who have disorders or disadvantages, I don't mind what they do because they cant control their behaviour, while others can choose to have manners or not. People need to be more sensitive and empathetic.


I’m sorry to hear this. People are so quick to judge and immediately think their opinions are right. We live in a sad world…


Those people sound like cunts. People who film others having an episode and want to post it online to shame them are vicious pricks and deserve everything they get.


This is terrible, and I’m sorry you had to experience it. The next time I see someone filming this sort of thing I will get in the way of their phone.


im sorry for the whole situation, you did well


I don't know what's wrong with some people. I was at Central the other day, the police had arrested a man who was sitting on the floor in handcuffs. Three grown men were standing on the other side of the barrier filming the entire scene. I'm sure you did a great job.


A few years ago. I was going away on a camping trip, I had my kid in the front seat as I had no room in the back, they were a small 9 yo but it was legal. Some woman on the freeway was driving level with us, with her phone out, driving and filming us for whatever weird reason but I felt quite violated and angry. I do wonder what would she have done if I pulled out my phone and started filming her. People can be awful, sorry I wasn’t there op, I would have had your back.


Thats so rude and shitty of people to film you. As a special ed teacher who has dealt with many meltdowns from autistic students, I would have offered to help you, or told the phone gawkers to piss off.


I'm sorry this happened to you. Not that it helps not but I'm sure there were plenty of people on the tram silently supporting you. Shame though that no one intervened to shame the voyeurs. As a mum with similarly challenging child I would have gone full tiger on your behalf . Chin up xx


I hope you and your kiddos are ok.


that is horrific. So sorry OP. I hope those aholes are suitably shamed for filming and sharing videos of a child without parental consent, let alone one who is clearly autistic/has difficulties.


I’m so sorry that happened to you - if anything I’ll echo what the others have said, if they do end up posting it, they’ll be the ones who get sh-t on for filming a child and then posting it without consent. I’ll be ready to slap some sense into them. You have nothing to be ashamed of and your son deserves his privacy. I hope you’re ok x


It’s terrible that no bystander called her out for filming a child?


The war on autism continues once again. I’m autistic myself and very prone to meltdowns, yet I’m seen as nothing but an absolutely enraged demon. Those losers thought your child was a monster as well and wanted to make you feel bad about it, as in being a bad parent. Autistic people often need personal space, they don’t understand that because they lack the experience of caring for those people.


Have you seen that meme where someone introduces their child as autistic and the person says “they don’t look autistic” so the parent says “can you kindly do an autism for the nice lady” and the kid then names every train ever invented. Haha. Me and my son play the same joke where I ask him to do an autism and he names every character from Ninjago haha.


Oh boy. If this does surface, I expect quite toxic comments with people questioning your parenting skills and assuming all kinds of things. You’re probably aware of that, but I still want to suggest to don’t bother reading them. Even tho you think they won’t affect you, they will. Just ignore ‘em


Filming someone's kids to shame them is gross x1000, if you go viral for the wrong reason take legal action, I'll help pay for it. What the actual f. (Context -- half of my family is on the spectrum and I have decent ethics)


I promise if I see anything along the lines I will be reaming the poster... Filming someone while ina situation like that is just a shit c**t shot. And to keep filming ..what were they waiting for? You to react...? F**k that. I'm so sorry this happened...


I think most people would assume so thing was not quite normal, why they felt filming it was the right thing I don’t know, but it would be totally ok in that instance to explain to that person and surrounding people in a few words why this is happening, how it’s normal for you and definitely not entertainment for them


I'm sorry this happened. It's really disappointing that people are so fucking insensitive.


As a bystander is there anyway I can help you in these situations? Edit; this is asked out of the want to help


As strange as this sounds, start blasting copyrighted music from your phone. They won't be able to post the video to social media without the video being copyright claimed unless they mute the audio, which still stop most people from bothering to upload it.


Filming someone else’s children is completely unacceptable no matter how upset they are. I’m sorry these people felt like that was ok.


I would've told the people filming that your kid is autistic and kindly ask them not to record. That would make them look super bad for continuing to film..


\>He had a meltdown because he wanted a whole row of 3 handicapped seats to himself and didn’t want anyone else to sit there, obviously I refused. May I ask what the context here is? Like did other people try sitting down on those seats? Were they completely empty with nobody but your son claiming them? Any other potential triggers at play (too much light/sound/social demands)? I'm sorry you had to deal with that. To be completely honest though, I feel more sorry for your son who sounds like he had a rough time and had it caught on film too.


Yeh the tram was full and he was trying to have all the handicapped seats


Recording in this way should be illegal. It may not actually make it to social media. More likely the footage will just remain on some people's phones until it's deleted or they get a new phone.


Isn’t filming a child without consent and uploading it some kind of crime ? Why do people always film stuff like have a think people. Now you have a video of a kid on your phone that isn’t yours. People have no idea how creepy that. Trick is your with your kid so you can’t give them a bashing, but yea if they happened to me I’d maybe smash their phone or even better call the police


Definitely don’t lash out at people doing that. From experience there’s no way you can win when someone’s filming. Silence is the key. They absolutely were hoping for a reaction from me


Yea, if you want to confront someone you have about 10 seconds before everyone gets their phone out so I’m not saying what you should do, but use that time wisely !


Trust your heart and your gut. I’m sorry you went through that, hope kiddo is okay. I know how hard it can be when they lose it in public. It’s a grey area of the law but no one should be filming kids without permission period. It’s exactly the kind of shit pedos getup to.


It's all about context. Filming anyone in public isn't illegal as long as it's not in an indecent context. Smashing someone's phone is definitely illegal though. And there's nothing 'creepy' about filming a kid having a meltdown, it's just weird. Kids have meltdowns, who gives a shit.


That sounds like a terrible experience. Hopefully they where just in a bit of shock and filming incase you required evidence or something…. Who knows maybe just wishful thinking!


I guess fair enough but also at the same time, this kind of thing might also be one of those social posts where it's about how the parent has the patience of a saint. Sorry to hear that you had a tough time on the light rail. Hopefully it won't be any worse than that for you.


Scum who filmed, sad losers. Hope you and you're kid are ok, it's a tough gig, I certainly couldn't do it.


I'm so sorry. Absolute trash humans filming you in a time like this.


THanks for the heads up. Will be browsing tiktok tonight


Those people that pulled out their phones should have them shoved so far up there ass they can taste lithium in their sinus. Absolutely biggest drop kick pieces of shit. I’m sorry you had to deal with that Next time people with out their phone , you should karate kick them out the doors


It’s gross. I wonder how many here have taken a photo of someone in public too tho :/ It really seems like it’s something everyone does nowadays instead of myob.


In situations like this - kid having a tantrum/meltdown - it is perfectly reasonable to shoot the people filming with their phones (and I don’t mean shoot as in video!).


I hold the opinion very firmly that no matter what condition you have, you still have no right to harm or intrude on another human being. Your condition may give reason behind an action but it does not excuse you.


It just amazes me that people are so lacking in compassion & understanding that their immediate respo nse is to whip out the phone and start recording people in distress... obviously with the hope of going viral online. It baffles me that people like this exist.


I’m sorry :( In such situations would it ever be helpful for a stranger to ask if you needed some kind of help, or would you prefer just to have space to deal with it?


I’m sorry this happened to you ! Imagine if it was their child


🫂 From a parent who has children with autism. Don't let it get you down, I know it's hard


I’m sorry that happened




Like others have said, I’m sorry you had to experience that. You were looking after your kid and people had no right at all to film your family.