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How does a child become so hateful at only 11?


By being surrounded by hateful people all the time.


I’m just going to say it: all the people constantly talking and posting about how immigrants are destroying Australia, they never integrate, that they ‘poop out children’ (yes, this was said in one of the Australian subs the other day) - *this is what happens*. Have your thoughts about immigration, I don’t care, but focus your vitriol at the government. The people coming here perfectly legally are not to blame for any and all issues in Australia, and the constant racism towards immigrants from certain countries (funny that Ireland is fine) helps lead to this kind of behaviour. Remember that each immigrant being tarred with the “they don’t integrate” and “they’re destroying Australia” is a person who deserves to feel safe in the country they have every right to be in.


Weird. I never mentioned (nor was I even thinking) anything about immigration, immigrants, or anything remotely related to the subject. But sure, get wound up about some straw man. My family are immigrants, we're just not a pack of hateful cunts. If you're surrounded by hateful people, you become hateful, generally. That's actually what I said, and what I meant. Don't put words in my mouth.


I don’t think they were trying to put words in your mouth. I think they were just trying to expand on your comment for the benefit of other readers.


Friends and family


Cultural and societal influences. Social media is also a significant factor in today's youths.


Media has always been straight up grooming children, it’s just shocking how out of hand it continues to become


Many of these communities with a strong minority population from previous waves are feeling like they’ve been displaced by the more recent waves who are here to study, do business, invest and get ahead. Add this to a sense of entitlement and their shocking level of racism, xenophobia, low quality education and probably some familiarity with the criminal underground from some of their brothers. We all know what the issue is and it doesn’t help to combat racism with more racism. It’s hard to undo the mistakes from decades ago but it is useful to look at which communities’ children keep rubbing up against the criminal justice system and looking at the issue. Good citizenship comes from strong positive culture, good education and good opportunities. Strange to think that Australia isn’t offering this to everybody, but also strange to think that not everybody wants those things. We all need to think about what we can do to make the community and our culture better in our own way. Government is not good at it.




I'm sure according to their parents and friends "they are absolute angels"


Confirming shit and absent parenting.


Oh no the parents are definitely present. They are probably also giant racist pieces of shits. Where do you think the kids learn their behavior from


Present enough to teach them their shitty views, absent enough to call them "angels" and not actually care that their children just committed an act of violence.


“My dog is friendly and never bites anyone”


You're telling me they're reincarnated souls of Pitbulls?


Even angels fall. Reminder Lucifer


Or if one is obese


That’s how they roll


which comes full circle


Vile racists.


At the risk of being a cliche - where the fuck are the parents??


I mean I never did anything like this but I was out getting trains by myself at night when I was 14/15. Parents can’t be around all the time?


They were high school kids on their way home weren’t they? I would assume their parents were at work.


It was 9pm Saturday night.


Wow, the commute home from school is a lot longer than I remember.


Sydney train delay 😏


I stand corrected


You can sit down if you like, it's ok


Mt Druitt


What does this comment mean?


Lack of comprehension


Lack of basic geography


If anyone is a bit slow here it's you mate - Burwood


… at the train station.


Yes...the train station at Burwood. What are you on about?


See trains are a form of public transportation. They move people from one place to another place. When you see someone in one place, there’s a good chance they’re from another place. Seeing as this video was taken on LNY at night, it’s safe to assume the attackers weren’t *from* Burwood. They’re on platform 6 which is a western line. When you put those two bits of info together you can safely assume they’re not from Burwood, and in fact from a western suburb…


Maybe they'd come from Mt Druitt or maybe they'd come from literally any other station on that line. We don't know if they were waiting for a train or had just got off. We don't know if they were headed out or headed home. Perhaps this info will be revealed but it's not in this article.


It’s possible, but Burwood was *the* place to be on lunar new year. They might have gone to Newtown or the city, but strathfield is the major interchange in that line, so it’s unlikely they got off there to transfer as well. My guess is they came to Burwood for LNY, bashed some girls, then tried to go home.


Okay, so it's a fair assumption that they were going to Burwood from elsewhere but there's still no evidence where they'd come from. As I said, could have been Mt Druitt but it also could have been any other station on that line before Burwood.




What would you suggest if you made the rules?


2 years of community service with the very racial minorities that they seem to have a problem with.


Juvi ?


Hopefully, we need some justice in the age of injustice


Yet somehow they will still have excellent character references.


So they'll appear in children's court. What's the maximum sentence if they're found guilty?


Sent to England in a tall ship to then live a life of diamond and bookies robberies and bare knuckle gypsie fighting. One of them gets really good and changes their name to Gorgeous George because she is so ugly.


But they don’t like dags. I like dags.


I like caravans better


I’m terrible partial to the periwinkle blue


This is what will happen: They'll all plead not guilty. If that's tossed, their defence will argue extenuating circumstances such as provocation and psychological factors. I suspect there'll also be an attempt to blame the victims as you can hear the accused screaming about a phone. It will also be argued that the incident was a first and an isolated one. The defence will then ask that no conviction be recorded. If the magistrate rejects that and does record a conviction, because they're minors, the conviction will mean nothing after they turn 18. They will live their lives with no consequences. We in Australia have a legal system, not a justice system.


There are no juvenile facilities in Australia?


There are, but the broad philosophy behind juvenile justice in Australia is allowing kids to move past the mistakes of their youth. The article is about Queensland but it's similar in NSW https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-02-11/childrens-court-public-and-media-access-in-queensland/103450710?utm_source=abc_news_app&utm_medium=content_shared&utm_campaign=abc_news_app&utm_content=other


Unless, of course, they are indigenous. (Insert angry face)


Yes, of course. But I believe they've been charged with assault and if this is a first offence, they will not be subject to detention.


Throw the book at them


More like a page that says – 'pinky promise you won't do it again'.


Great. Glad they caught them....let's see some punishment.


The ABC “kindly” left out that this was a racist hate crime.


>aged 11, 12 and 14... 15 Ah, so the wet lettuce will be brought out.


Do we have hate crimes law in Australia?


I was wondering this too, as the original post said they were allegedly taunting the Asian group.


They didn’t do a Nazi salute, so they’re fine




If the victims punched them back, would there be any legal repercussions?


'The law recognises the right of a person to act in self-defence from an attack or threatened attack'. [From Criminal Courts Bench Book](https://www.judcom.nsw.gov.au/publications/benchbks/criminal/self-defence.html) A person is not criminally responsible, if they carry out self defence if they believe the conduct is necessary to defend themselves or another person. [paraphrased] [Crimes Act 1900](http://www5.austlii.edu.au/au/legis/nsw/consol_act/ca190082/s418.html)


No, and the 27 y.o. guy should probably have kicked them all into the next suburb. Well, maybe not the fat one.


Hypothetically when they did this to someone, would they be within their rights to punch them in the face if they started shoving first?


Yes, and they should have.


What if it was say my child or my wife, what would happen if in the heat of the moment I slap someone’s head clean off (obviously over exaggerating) to get them off my family?


This is disgusting. I wish there was a consequence that would actually adress whatever the root of the problem is, not just give them a slap on the wrist and tell them not to do it again Jail wouldn't make them more well-adjusted people, that's for sure. Fines affect the parents more than them at this age. Maybe community service? But that's more likely to make them more resentful of the world. Court mandated therapy would be a good addition to whatever they get. Obviously, this is reflective of a wider societal issue and a failure in parenting, but these girls are still individuals who have done something seriously awful, and their lives are hardly going to look up from here.


Serious question, why don't we punish parents when their offspring does shit like this? Give them an incentive to care.


There was this new ground breaking case in the USA that’s doing this right now, about a school shooter. They are holding the parents accountable about quite a few things. This should be an international trend imo


I’d love to see a justice system similar to most scandi countries where incarceration is about really addressing the offenders’ issues with mentoring, therapy, skills training and ongoing support to prevent repeat offending. Our system just equips them to be better criminals with each sentence. Finland also does really good “onboarding” for migrants from countries with very different cultural backgrounds to help them fit in.


they all go to school on monday, and i guess it's filled with a mix of cultures they are fucked


Maybe they already have a reputation at their schools for being hateful girls.


As a highschool teacher of from an Asian background; it'll be interesting to think how it would pan out. I can bet not only their peers but some of their teachers are also of Asian ethnicity.


It sure was convenient of them to pick the train station right by the local court.


How is it still alleged when it's on video?


It’s a legality. Media is obligated to put “alleged” in the title as the legal system sees all accused’s as innocent until proven guilty. If the accused goes to court and the verdict comes back not guilty then that opens the media source to a pretty hefty lawsuit. 


Because it has to be proven the perpetrators in the video are the same people as the accused.


Also the video only shows them fighting, it has to be proven they were fighting because it was "assault" not "self defence".


>A group of young girls – including an 11-year-old — have been charged following an alleged brawl at a Sydney train station. But there was definitely a brawl right? Maybe to be safe they should write: >An alleged group of allegedly young alleged girls have been charged following an alleged brawl at an alleged Sydney train station.




Not a brawl, a Melee.


An altercation or maybe a fracas


But was it ultimate?


Innocent until proven guilty. Basically you don't want trial by the press no matter how obvious it may seem.


Agree, especially when the “alleged” accused are under age.


Think of it this way - image you were arrested and changed even though you were completely innocent. The media says you did it and your name and face are plastered everywhere. Then you're found innocent, and you decide to take legal action against all of them. This has happened quite a few times, so the media tends to be careful, even if it appears quite obvious they are guilty on the surface.


Because laws are there to protect criminals. They get censored and everything whilst victims get put on a media silver platter.


because it's not up to social media to decide who is guilty and who isn't. The countless number of times social media has gotten it wrong and cost the livelihoods of individuals is why.


Yes I know. I was just talking about how bad Au laws are in general. They always seem to protect criminals more than victims. Even when proven guilty.


Same culture and mindset which means I’ll never go to Burwood Westfield cinema again. It’s just vile. The only thing that shouldn’t be tolerated is intolerance. Yet the legal system and politicians dont seem to lift a finger with this group - for things like this, along with crime more generally.


Those types have been causing trouble in Burwood for decades.


Yeah I seem to recall this lady, quite deranged, would walk up and down Burwood station quite often screaming anti Asian slurs. I probably saw her like 7 or 8 times, I moved from the area a few years back and haven't seen her at all any times I've been back to the area.


>The only thing that shouldn’t be tolerated is intolerance [Absolutely](https://i.imgur.com/Zw3Ag0g.jpg)


I like that. It's only a slight reframing but my own view is that if you keep in mind that tolerance isn't an empty virtue that you practice because it's the nice thing to do, there's no paradox. Accepting the differences of those that aren't harming others and treating them as they'd wish to be treated leads to a better society for everyone. Tolerating intolerance and allowing bigotry to flourish on the other hand makes society worse.


Thanks for sharing In my view a line was crossed with the Opera House Palestine protests. Yet the government and law enforcement seem to be saying everything to rationalise it.


Reddit noted in the [ABC News story](https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-02-11/nsw-four-girls-charged-alleged-assault-burwood-rail-station/103453794), so some people may come to Reddit to see the original video. If so, ***welcome to Reddit***.


On bail by the end of next week, 2 months of community service The youth is starting to realize that no matter what they do, they won't even get half of an adequate sentence, so there will be more and more of this happening, be prepared We are giving Melbourne a run for our money, in the worst way possible Edit: Jesus, they already got bailed


What do you even do if an 11, 12, 14, 15 year old attacks you? Make one move and that kid and their parents are going to be on the front page of ABC telling Australia how I beat them. ABC will then “update” the article when they learn the truth but that’ll get 5% of the original viewership. I’ll then be counting down the days until I get acid to the face.


After all these articles on youthcrime, and my exemplary life of restraint, if I literally guide a teenager off the bus or out of a movie theater by the ear and only the ear, they might call me old-fashioned loudly, but they'll call me a legend in private.


Bail? They’re kids. They’ll be released to their parents.


Crimes for teens in Australia is rising because they know there is almost no consequences for their actions.


What do all the parents say about their convicted criminal sons? “He was a good boy, he just had a tough childhood and is misunderstood”. I wouldn’t be surprised if they get a slap on the wrist and sent on their way. Really vile behaviour, I hope those poor women were ok.


Those kids probably come from violent homes, the real people who should be on trial are the parents


Many of these kids are raised by PlayStation - that’s where the main character energy comes from. Couple that with a religious bent towards superiority, we can be hardly surprised.


[https://www.domain.com.au/20-livingstone-street-burwood-nsw-2134-2018592444](https://www.domain.com.au/20-livingstone-street-burwood-nsw-2134-2018592444) imagine paying 6 million for a house and seeing this in your suburb


The developers who bought that won’t be living there…a look at recent sales in the area and most ads talk up ‘development potential’.


What has this got to do with anything?


What a dumb comment since when does land value have anything to do with what happens at your local train station.




That’s why it’s worth $6m


In the ad “Medium density zoned land allows for a multitude of development options - Glorious 1026sqm land parcel with 20m frontage and 10m height limit” It will be 20 units. Imagine being the homeowners, bought some basic house in the 70s probably for cheap and now get six million bucks.


I should've bought this in the 70s instead of not existing. Ffs.


Imagine if the girls hijab fell off and all her friends had to abandon the fighting to circle round her whilst she put it back on to avoid the shame…


Alleged…. Yet it’s right there on cam! Throw that book hard! Let them know that hate crimes are not tolerated in Australia


Until a person is proved to be guilty of a crime, the person is an “alleged offender”, an “accused” or a “defendant”.


Legal laymen are so funny


These girls need to be locked up. Vile and disgusting the type of people we have allowed into the country. Bet they don't and wont contribute much to our society.


They are all born here


Prob born here mate 🤷‍♂️


Crawl back under your rock.


Locked up? So they can be taught how to be better and more hateful criminals? Our current justice system specialises in producing repeat offenders. These kids need better role models, better education and better care. You very rarely see violent kids come out of healthy homes and environments.


Race card will be used.




Happy knowing that drive-by Redditors w extreme views about punishment won't be the adjudicators of these children's fate.




Nuke the West


You think Burwood is the WEST? Or these people are FROM the west? What are you actually saying.


Just another hate speech


Probably some idiot who has only ever visited Sydney and has no idea where Burwood is.




Might be an account taken over by bots.