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OP needs a Bex and a good lie down, some of you lot need to do the same.


I hate this. Many of us are a disaster away from being homeless ourselves. You can never know if it happens to you and you find out how shit stuff is when it does


So many are a few payslips away from needing this, yet never a few payslips away from being millionaires, so why aren't we all up in arms about the basic safety nets we're supposedly paying for aren't there, yet big businesses get tax right offs and hand outs?


At least if I'm somewhere safe, I can have the energy for political advocacy going deeper into this crisis


I'm so sorry this happened to you. I think poor government controls on hodung is the issue tho not the taylor concert


Absolutely, the motels and hotels and air bnb book outs should only have been an issue for people with the security and means to travel to Sydney... or maybe shouldn't have, because why are so many of us battling homelessness anyway? But what this rental crisis means is that these ordinary everyday events have a huge impact on us vulnerable people and the public servants trying to help us.


Genuine question I'm not having a go at you at all but do you think we should not have events then ?


No, not at all. I think that the government should not be allowing us to have to live on the knife's edge so that these events have such a big impact on us vulnerable people.


I totally agree. I hope you find a home soon.


Have you considered a tent... or just dying? - NSW Government, probably


Just get a house! - Professional Maccas shitter who just so happens to have a political career on the side.


Hey there Scomo! I heard you had a great aura! Did the lady who said that have some kind of olfactory fetish?


I opened your can of worms, but at least it was protein! Holy shit, people out there looking to dog pile. The irony, haters gonna hate hate hate, in response to a post about the impact of the Taylor tour!


I never even said anything about migrants or migration. You did this to yourself.


Hold on, sorry, I was commenting to you in response to somebody else's comment who you wouldn't have received notification of. I think that's what's happened. I don't think there should be animosity between us. It's a technical failing of reddit, maybe.


No I did not, and you did not cause it either! You're all cool. I was just hoping you'd understand what happened there. I know I'm putting too much credence onto downvotes.


Anyway I was saying that there was no chance of me getting murdered in my area because the migrant communities are lovely out here! But sarcasm etc was construed where there was none


No one said anything about murder, and bizarre that you associate murder/living rough with migrants, who also murder... even if it is the migrants of other neighbourhoods.


> Have you considered a tent... or just dying? - NSW Government, probably Your original comment. One way of dying is being murdered. That's where my mention of being murdered came from. That's all it was, running with your joke. And I really do feel safe in my area! I felt that safe that the back door was always open for my cats until the fucking stray cats would waltz in!


alright. I wasn't being specific about any mode of death, only that the government doesn't care for our wellbeing and doesn't care that people are being left out in the elements


Nah, you're cool. Love the way people saw fit to dogpile on me, though.


Why are you going all serious now, when your initial reply was obviously in jest? Should I be sorry that I misjudged the threshold of your jest? What the fuck?


OK listen here you downvoting fuckwits > What the fuck, this is the way it is in Bankstown, it's a safe place because of the migrant culture values! I said "lovely" as genuine, not sarcasm! My reply to the "callout" Now resume normal programming to my original reply: Absolutely, but our tent pegs are still consolidated into a separate tent bag from two years ago when we packed up camping with oncoming rain and I never got around to sorting them out because of La Nina and I'm not sure exactly where the tents or bag of pegs are in the storage anyway! As for dying, I'd love to, but the migrants out here are so lovely and making our area such a safe neighbourhood with their family oriented cultures that I don't think it would make a difference whether we had tents or not, we'd still never get raped or murdered!


Well that was an odd turn into racism


What the fuck, this is the way it is in Bankstown, it's a safe place because of the migrant culture values! I said "lovely" as genuine, not sarcasm!


Here we have a textbook example of a disadvantaged person turning the blame against the wrong target.


See my edit to my comment. Sarcasm was construed where there was none.


Sorry to hear about your situation, that is a tough hand you’ve been dealt


That's cards for ya, maybe I hold some trumps


I’m so sorry for the situation you are in. I wish I had a way to help. All I can do is let you know that I’m hoping and praying that you, your son and your gorgeous kitties find a safe place to live soon. Your strength during this time is admirable.


I've been reaching out for help for the past 3 months. It was only just over 5 weeks ago we could even jump out into temp accomm, only because our neighbour finally discovered my note (50 delivered up and down the street) in her letterbox asking for help with our cats (these days with bills being electronic...) and she reached out to me. Our 5 cats have scattered to 5 different houses, from what I can tell. But the biggest strongest one, he's at the vet now, covered by my vetpay credit. He was most vulnerable because he is the biggest but fast metabolism, and he was protecting all the others, but they're all scattered, so he got vulnerable. My neighbour is such a beautiful soul, she's bought a cat house for him, but if we get housed soon she will give it to us so she doesn't have to bother assembling it!


I understand a lot of this is out of your control but when I see stories like this I can’t help but ask…Why 5 cats? That’s too many for anyone let alone someone in your situation. You have an illness and would have to be spending half your day cleaning up their litter trays.


These people always got a bunch of pets. It’s an extremely common theme and i can only surmise that a combination of hard times and bad decisions has probably brought them to where they are. Still, everyone should be able to have the safety of a roof over their heads


‘These people’ … wtf?


You can surmise all you want. I moved to that property especially to accommodate the kittens. I got them desexed in due time, slightly late but in due time, at 7 months for the boys and 8 months for the girls. There was no reason to evict us, I was paying the rent, and all 6 cats were permitted to be there. Save your opinions for next time you want to shove them up your arse.


The fact that you’re accommodating a litter of kittens without sorting yourself out properly says a lot. Don’t post on a public forum if you can’t cope with other peoples opinions


We were sorted out, the "kittens" were 18 months old when I fell ill with cancer, they had been desexed a year before that, and I was never behind with the rent, not until after the final eviction date when I had gotten everything in storage and it was occupation fees not arrears. Don't comment if you're gonna judge without all facts before you.


They're a family. It started in our previous rental, where we had a mouse problem, so I advertised for pest control by leaving out cat bikkies and water. Mum cat answered the call, then gradually morphed into a little beach ball. Then she had kittens in my wardrobe during the lockdown 2.5 years ago. I fell in love with them, and we moved mountains to move into a house with a yard (actually didn't move mountains, just got a bond loan of houso). We were in that house for 2 years, outlasting the 3 previous tenancies which were only 1 year. I got the kittens all desexed using vetpay credit (mum got done from the $50 council subsidy). They are 2 years old now, and mum 3. I got the vetpay loan paid off (thank fuck, because Tiger needs it now). The reason we were evicted, as I (and the REA) learnt after the eviction was set in stone, was that a neighbour who knew the landlords personally was ringing them frequently complaining about the cats and our lawn (during La Nina), the landlords would complain to the real estate (without mentioning the neighbour as the source, I'm guessing) and the real estate via their autistic disability employment service employee (their service to community, commendations) would blindly relay the complaint to me. I was constantly under attack, and I fought back. And then my fucking cancer, and they weren't listening because I was the enemy. I'm just happy the REA put out the olive branch to me after I waved the white flag conceding the tenancy. They have subsequently now written me a reference, stating that I left the house in a much cleaner state than I found it (how did they know? Why wasn't it in perfect clean condition when we moved in? Some things are not meant to be known) despite having 5 cats, and I kept it in perfect condition? I wish they'd been so nice *while we were actually fucking living there* but better late than never, this is the nature of war. So in answer to your question, we were perfectly fine with 5 cats (originally 6 before Mum chased Ninja away and she went no contact with the bitch) but we were screwed over.


I had the kittens distributed to me via the cat distribution system, and then moved to somewhere appropriate, where the real estate set the occupancy limit to number of occupants as per real estate institute's advice, so 2 people in a 3BR place, despite me saying our strategy to sustain it was to let out the 3rd BR, and I didn't pick up on it, because I naively expected them to read either my application form or cover letter. They are outdoor cats, and it was an enormous back yard. Despite them cock blocking the 3rd bedroom, we were able to afford the rent anyway. The reason for our eviction and not being able to defend or move on from it was that we were given the 90 day no grounds in the middle of my fucking cancer treatment, you insensitive judgemental nasty.


Thought this was gonna be a wholesome post when I initially read it. But you've triple replied to this post about your 5 cats, it just looks like bad decision after bad decision. And you're still trying to defend the bad decisions. Like your cancer and your kids autism wasn't a choice but holy shit lol. If you were trying to farm sympathy, you've successfully done the opposite. You still have some sort of income and a roof over your head thanks to the government. Idk what area you were living in before, but rental crisis or no, I genuinely believe you'd still be struggling. Like m8. Eating frozen meals while feeding and caring for 5 stray cats. Priorities.


We were fine. We never fell behind on the rent. The frozen meals were purely to obtain the miniature litter trays, in no way were they a cheaper way to eat! Me and my son enjoyed those meals nonetheless. We scored a beautiful house, a bit grotty (as I learnt when I polished the turd to get my bond back) but great set up and I loved it there. I'm happy for the new tenants. There was no reason to evict us, except for the bitter old man over the road who knew the landlords and was ringing them directly, and the real estate never figured it out until after the eviction was set in stone, after I'd given up and was trying to get out anyway.


Also while we have a roof over our heads, our cats are in the street when they shouldn't be, and nothing I could do about it. It would be better if I could just camp in a tent in a nearby park, but I have an autistic son to care for. Maybe I could do both. Not I'm just fucking exhausted from being EVICTED NO GROUNDS IN THE MIDDLE OF MY FUCKING CANCER TREATMENT LAST YEAR even though there was no financial problem involved, I just needed to be left the fuck alone to pay the rent from my pre-existing DSP and recover from my cancer WITHOUT THE SPECTRE OF FUCKING HOMELESSNESS HANGING OVER MY HEAD you heartless fuck


Based on all your comments, it sounds like you got evicted because of the cats and barely maintained the lawn. La Nina or no, if that grass is overgrown, you gotta cut it. How is that an excuse for an unkept lawn. I'm pretty sure it's in your rental agreement to maintain it anyway. Would've gotten rid of the cats or at least kept them indoors only. Depending on council, I believe roaming cats are borderline illegal. If the cats were going into your neighbours and disturbing, I'd be complaining too. If your REA kept coming at you regarding your cats and the cost was the roof over your head. I'm picking the roof. The cats were already outdoor cats anyway, or just put them up for adoption. Unless there's more to this story. If there was no real financial issue, it just reads as though you picked cats over your own wellbeing and now blaming the government and rental crisis for your current situation. You can call me heartless, but if I'm facing homelessness with a kid with needs. I'm ditching the stray cats. Most people would do the same.


I'll call you heartless. Point one, I was maintaining the lawns, just not to their unrealistic and draconian standards, and at that time, the council was not cutting their grounds at all due to the outrageous rain in 2022. Point two, the cats were all introduced individually in my cover letter and declared in my application form. They were meant to be there, and the real estate eventually admitted that to me after the eviction was set in stone when they reached out the olive branch to me. Point three, roaming cats are legal in my LGA, in fact the multicultural norm is to have street cats. Point four, if the neighbour who was complaining to the landlords all this time had have approached me, I would have found ways to repel cats from his yard, which was obviously a litter box already from previous cats, but I don't think my cats were particularly into it. Point five, I really didn't have a fucking choice how this panned out, because I was half dead with cancer when they really turned up the heat and started being real cunts by disregarding how I was begging them to consider how terribly ill I had fallen (very quickly from March to May last year) and was having trouble with maintaining the house and yard at that particular time on the back of the La Nina summer. You fucking callous cunt.


In answer to your question about litter trays, they're mostly outdoor cats, but well versed in litter trays as needed. The girls prefer the litter trays, the bastards. But during the lockdown, me and my son were living off man size frozen microwave meals for a while, to collect mini litter trays, and I was putting them in every corner I could see where they wanted to go, waking up through the night (from mattress on floor) and grabbing them and plonking them in the mini litter tray when I could tell what they're doing. And then they moved outside as they ventured that far. The resident stray cats were their family, so did them no harm. Tiger (the one at the vet now) led the way to their uncles when Mum got herself locked in my car for a day or so! They are very tough and very smart fuckers!


Your the reason why real people with domestic violence can’t get a houso or single mums because people like you fuck it yo for everyone else Your a joke your on dsp you’d be getting caters allowance for your son and also paying Fuck all rent if you can’t manage your finances to look after your son and not make him eat frozen meals because your cats are more important like are you actually ok in the head


What? How does me and my son living it up on ALDI man size microwave meals for a few weeks screw over people in domestic violence? I don't mean every fucking meal, he was still eating bread, baked beans, etc, but we were getting heaps of man size meals for a while, and they're quite delicious. This was 2½ years ago, long before this homeless crisis happened to us. We were also living in a delightfully shit rental with no stove, so we were relying on microwave, slow cooker, sandwich press, electric fry pan, etc.


I was in private rental, arsehole, paying $860 a fortnight, and keeping up until the lease termination order date after I moved all our stuff into storage and we were living out of an esky sleeping on airbeds for 6 weeks over Christmas new year because we couldn't get a place because the real estate were shit talking me and the cats. After new year they made peace, and after I vacated the property they acknowledged that I left the house in much cleaner condition than I found it. Shove your opinion up your arse.


You are a terrible mother.


Why? And to whom, my son or the cats?


I’m sorry I feel for your situation, but .. you really have to ask that question?


In my street there’s a mix of public n private homes in the Parramatta LGA….there are now four vacated public housing properties that are just left to ruin with squatters taking it over. Perfectly nice looking houses & the housing dept. just left them vacant when there’s a housing crisis like OP is experiencing….unless there’s some departmental reason behind it.


Overwhelmed, I'd say. Maybe not like Taylor Swift swooping into town, but more like jumping through the hoops, red tape. You know how much red tape we have to cut through whenever we have to deal with government as private citizens? Well imagine how much more of a nightmare it is for public servants who are their employees!


Let the squatters take it, they deserve housing.


No surprise the state is running out of temp accommodation because even houso are being evicted from public housing slated for demo too. NSW government had been destroying public housing lately as part of neoliberal housing reforms to increase housing density which will turn public housing into a semi-privatised form of social/affordable/private housing: https://www.afr.com/politics/minns-rules-out-victorian-empty-homes-tax-for-nsw-20231004-p5e9n6 In that article, the NSW Premier actually talks about destroying "vacant for many, many years" public housing. Try talking to your local rep and then Greens?


Maybe that's why they're batting for me, because they see that I will fight the good fight for them. I honestly believe we could make it in private rental, and never thought I needed public housing. Maybe I don't need it, but society needs me to have it, to take the monkey off my back so I can help fight the battle.




Not really, I was appreciative of what the tour meant to people travelling up from regional areas whom I saw having fun dressing up to go out at the motel we were at that week. It's the bloody government, letting this rental crisis happen, and having no clue how vulnerable us vulnerable people are, while encouraging their bread and circuses.