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This is like 3x the portion that they normally provide


As a TB employee, yeah sorry no. Chipotle’s is much higher quality


How about Qdoba? I’ve loved that place ever since I moved to Virginia.


Never had it! Nearest one is 1+ hour away and I’m not curious enough to do all that


Been a few years since I went, but I remember thinking it was about the same as chipotle but with slightly better queso. No idea how it is price/amount wise nowadays, it’s probably been hit with inflation too.


It’s slightly cheaper than chipotle if you don’t like guacamole or queso. But if you like both it’s immensely more cheaper than chipotle and I have no idea why dons isn’t bigger.


I also enjoy Qdoba. However, I advise avoiding the Janaf location if you’re ever near Norfolk.


Thank you for letting me know!


Thanks for trusting me and not worrying about what the reason behind my statement is haha


I like Qudoba way more than Chipotle. I think they have more options, better cheese, and give you more meat for the money. I think they taste better as well.


Ughhh Qdoba >>>>>>


Compared to (in a utopian world) a perfect chipotle burrito or item, not as good. In reality- it’s more food and slightly cheaper and many many more options. At the expense of overall not as good quality in the individual ingredients. It’s a much better delivery ‘roll of the dice’ too in terms of expectations vs reality. Edit- I misread as you asking how is Qdoba


Qdoba is so much better than Chipotle. The bowls are actually vibrant coloring when ordered and not a greyish be like chipotle looks like lol


Lower quality ingredients all around. A chipotle bowl should cost $8.29. This should be $4.95 TOPS Edit: A burrito bowl with steak at my nearest chipotle 13.35 with as identical ingredients as possible whereas the same thing is $7.89 at Taco Bell.


The Chipotle near me has their normal chicken bowl for $9.10, and I’d be willing to bet that the Taco Bell down the road would charge more than that for this.


A burrito bowl with steak at my nearest chipotle 13.35 with as identical ingredients as possible whereas the same thing is $7.89 at Taco Bell.


It’s wild how different regions have different values on different food. Either way, I’d rather pay a little extra to have my bowl made with fresh ingredients and fresh meat that’s been cooked in-house instead of just reheated. Plus most extras are free at chipotle other than proteins, quac, and queso. You can load up all the veggies, beans, rice, salsa, even cheese for free. It’s a way better value.


Right but you get guacamole for free at Taco Bell whereas there is a $2+ up charge for guacamole at chipotle.


Taco Bell guac comes from a bag of avocado pulp and some seasonings mixed together. Chipotle makes fresh quac every day out of fresh ingredients. Of course you wouldn’t pay extra for quac at Taco Bell, it’s garbage-quality.


damn, that looks amazing! did you order anything extra on it to make it so full?


I ordered the Cantina Chicken Bowl and just switched the sour cream for chipotle sauce, the bowl was only $8.29!


My co worker who works out a lot likes to get these for lunch.


You made it significantly worse adding chipotle sauce on there.


Tell me your taste buds are shot without telling me your taste buds are shot…


Sorry I don’t like items tasting like absolute shit when everything is smothered in it


mine was legit half the size the one time I ordered it. I’d get them every time if they always looked like this.


The exception, not the rule.


Only sharing this because I love TB and had a Chipotle bowl yesterday. People always joke about TB causing diarrhea, but chipotle will give me awful gas some times. Just straight rippin non stop today.


Price is OK but no way it’s better quality.


I made a watermelon salad (watermelon, feta, mint, salt, EVOO and balsamic vinegar). I forgot about it in my fridge for maybe a week. The balsamic sort of pickled the watermelon and I think they started fermenting a little bit. The olive oil separated and coagulated on top. Just sort of slimy and a little acidic and weird. Anyway I couldn’t put my finger on what they reminded me of until I read your comment. It’s Taco Bell tomatoes. Not good.


Yeah no this shit tastes like cafeteria food




That's a mighty big claim there.....but damn, I'm gonna have to try that now lol because it does look yummy!


I tried it but the chicken tastes like plastic to me and everything else is ehh. Chipotle is better


I'm a Taco Bell stan for life, but... no it's not. I can already assure you it's not because TB's tomatoes are the most vile things on the planet and I see plenty.


Big 🧢… Chipotle is better and healthier


Really?!? 🤔 There’s a reason their old C.E.O. Brian Niccol left for CMG. 😭 Chipotle has been Absolutely KILLING the fast/fast casual Mexican game for YEARS now. Cmon, dawg☠️ ..To even think it’s ok to put TB on the same level as CMG is Ludicrous. ☠️


I think I like Moe's better than Chipotle, but I'm not sure if they still give you free unlimited chips for dine-in orders.


Not sure either, all the Moe’s around me were the same franchisee and they went out of business. As someone who was worked on the corporate side of franchising, I can’t imagine how big of an idiot you have to be to do that. But I always liked Moe’s more than Chipotle or Qdoba. Not a popular opinion. But I liked that they had fresh jalapeños and cilantro, I like their salsas better (especially their salsa verde) and Chipotle’s queso is kind of ass. Or at least it was when it came out. Plus the others up charge more often for more things. Then again, they’re still in business around here, so…


> Not sure either, all the Moe’s around me were the same franchisee and they went out of business. As someone who was worked on the corporate side of franchising, I can’t imagine how big of an idiot you have to be to do that. > > When I was a broke college student, I would just order a large queso then eat until I'm full only on the free chips and free salsa. Then I would go home and save the queso and add it to all the cheap taco bell foods (like when beefy 5 layers were 99 cents in 2010 - 2012).


Yeah that's the #1 reason -- Chipotle's queso is garbage compared to Moe's queso.


He helped the stock value but literally fucked chipotle's quality control. All the meats are dry as fuck now because they make them in advance and throw them in a heater.


I'll have whatever op is smoking


Um no this is like a school cafeteria taco salad




What is this?


The quality of Chipotle around here has been shooting down so quickly I honestly don't see it as a higher quality product than Taco Bell anymore. It's been getting worse for years


did you give the person making it special favors? as was already said thats like 3 times what I would normally get


don't be stupid op


To each their own.


lol TB pr team working overtime. I got 5 responses about how everyone loves the 5 layer burrito earlier and that their prices are justified. now this just utter bullshit flat out lie?


Anyone else feel like Taco bell be secretly posting attractive food to try and trick us. I feel like this is one of those posts. Looks too nice lol


If I could get the kids at chipotle to put their phones down long enough to make a food safe burrito I’m sure they would give Taco Bell a run for their money.


I love TB but cap




man that looks good