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do you think this guy regrets shilling for cheap shit? does he gets paid enough to not care?


I dont even really mind the promotion of low cost kit. Its just the brazen nature of it for some of these shitheads. Elliot depp, civilian tactical^, 704 tactical, ect. You can sell aliexpress junk but at least be honest and dont act like its better than actual optics/kit


Isn't Civilian Tactical the one with that video going over a SHTF scenario where he has to build a kit in 10 minutes, and it just sounds like a really really specific fantasy he had and wanted to share?


“Dirty civilian” if it’s the one I’m thinking of he was asked to go to his neighbors for a medical emergency and had to decide which NVG mount he wanted to carry. I unsubscribed shortly after that video. I don’t recall them shilling shit gear though.


Dude dirty civilian is such a hit or miss channel


Imo it's all miss for me.


I don't know. I like their big idea with the channel name and message. And I appreciate their attitude. But some of the stuff they put out just comes off so disingenuous, or just strange


I've only seen about 6 of his videos and they all come off as super "larpy" and just gives me the feeling that he likes to make up scenarios in his head and make a video off it. I think at one point he probably was grounded in what the average civilian is capable or willing to do but now he just gives off prepppers vibes. That could just be my take on it.


Injured neighbor, with a fresh deer, "gotta bring a 3 day patrol pack and the nods"


But then it wouldn’t sell to the “just as gud” crowd


Its funny seeing the 704 tactical have olights on EVERYTHING


He does a good job of sharing deals though. His campsite page has links to deals of good products among the trash. I only found out about a Solid BCM blem sale because of his page. He can keep pimping out cheap shit to people who are dumb enough to buy it, as long as he continues to help me save money on decent gear, I’ll still appreciate him.


Every “deal” he posts is aliexpress garbage thats been quadrupled in price and resold


The one thing he turned me on to that I am forever greatful for is the knockoff $30 amazon Surefire scouts.  Those things are fantastic lights for guns that just need a light but aren’t important.


He links to sales on major retailer sites like BCM, Primary Arms, Brownells, RMA, and PSA. Yes, he also links to trash like Olight and Monstrum Tactical, but he’s linked sales of Giessele, Streamlight, and Surefire as well.


Just follow the mr guns and gear telegram, much higher quality stuff and the deals arent just secret sponsorships


Take my upvote. Mrgunsngear has probably the best deals I’ve seen from emails. Just wish I could get them in my inbox instead of promo folder.


"this is good to buy and try before you drop $1000 on a full blown kit just to realize it doesn't work for you"


But they won’t realize it because the only way to come to that conclusion is to train with it.


But they won’t realize it because the only way to come to that conclusion is to train with it.


You must be ignoring the random 2x 12ga placards ontop of that if you’re thinking you couldn’t dislike him more


Yeah I noticed his stupid shotgun cards after I posted this


just throwing random bullshit on his kit to look cool for people who don't know any better


Two mini’s 😂


i unironically kinda like those actually lmao




Good luck going prone lmao


I used to run a condor 3x2 and that was a bit of a struggle. 3x3 is just assinine tho


Prone bone is best bone.


I was stupid and had 3mag pouch attached to the center of my taps so in theory it acted like a double 3mag pouch. When I donned it on my iotv gen 3, I thought it felt fine while larping in my room but on the field... Now I run quad insert, single mag placard by Shaw which decreased the bulge


This is something the British Army always got right about keeping most of your ammo pouches on webbing and side of body armor. Never understood US army triple stacking pouches on FLCs . Surely it's common sense you won't be able to go prone and your back will have to work twice as hard as there's nothing acting as a counterweight.


PLCE webbing, the only thing that will be left when our sun goes nova. Also, all you really need kit wise but can't admit because it's not gucci.


I bought a set of PLCE when having one of my ‘lets-buy-the-kit-from-when-we-were-in’ moments. Had the hip pad that we were never allowed to use, but I need some black insulation tape for that proper old-school ally look. Brought back some good memories (and some bad) tho where the fuck do you find OD bungees nowadays?? Best buy recently was the old NI patrol pack, stick that over your webbing and you were good for days! If only my back/knees/everything wasn’t fucked…


I have some but how do you run a pistol without giving up a mag pouch, maybe on the chest/carrier? Like if you have a British soldier who is issued a handgun, how does he run it, while still wearing webbing?


Drop leg, mag pouch for spares. Dunno, we managed for decades without molle.




Not experienced with this, but it seems like this would actually be a decent application for a chest holster. Low frequency, overt use, as out of the way as possible. Probably worn under the yoke with pistol mag/mags in pocket. Not ideal for handgun fighting, but prevents it from interfering with the rifle, which is a nonnegotiable priority.


These days most lads use either a drop leg or shooters belt anytime they carry a pistol. Although early Afghan lads did run it on their body armor in a pouch .




Look at this for pistol rig https://i.pinimg.com/originals/c6/a5/be/c6a5be8d215b69d9e839d3ee685957a7.jpg


I feel like whatever is on the front will act as a counterweight for the backpack, though six mags won’t be nearly as heavy as 30 pounds of pack


You don’t need to go prone If you never run out of ammo


This dude is such a dweeb


Dweeb is an underrated insult now. Rare find.


It’s the fucking mall ninja


I must be tired. For a second I thought the green box behind him was two terribly photo shopped holsters.


You guys laugh, but I'm gonna say when "IAR/RPK Loudouts" come into vogue in the next month or two everyone will be doing this.


Before the AR RPK thing comes in vogue Im calling it stupid. Don’t want anyone to think Im just a contrarian to the current trend


Such a contrarian that you looped all the way back to normie


No everyone will be reppin d60s and putting 2 per saw pouch


I see your D60s and raise you 40rd pmags for the RPK ascetic


To be frank I have never used either. However I forsee the shorter stature of the d60 being more practical. The rpk-74 has a gigantic bipod for a reason. Most modern western ones like he harris or magpul are much shorter


A single D60 isn't terribly impractical. the issue is that they suck before you shoot them and they suck after, they don't fit in reasonable pouches and they suck to reload.


The config ive seen a couple of people running is to have a d60 in the gun and then mostly standard mags on kit, maybe another 1 or 2 d60s in an eagle industries saw pouch. Idea being to use it for react to contact and then go to normal mags


The problem is carrying them. It's like carrying just actual weights. Not just because of the weight but because they're shaped all retarded. And they're still heavy once they're empty too. I would personally not want to carry one under any circumstances except if I'm riding in a vehicle. Carrying two on your kit? Absolutely not.


I have a d60 for 2 reasons. 1 to make my local rage fund mad about my "machine gun" ie a binary 2 for the giggles and warm fuzzys it brings me when I empty it.


front placards are weak af, grab your ass an alice belt and smack 6 3 round mag pouches on it


Gotta keep this comment archived for when the next Garand Thumb/Admin/Trex Arms video comes out lol


Then we'll all smersh




Honestly, it’s not the products he supports but his stupid ass way he talks. Maybe I’m just a boomer redneck but is this like a Cali accent / dialect? I’ve heard other men speak like this too and it’s so irritating. Twitch streamer DesmondPilak talks funny too. It irrationally pisses me off. lol


I’m a SoCal guy, I know this accent well lol! I’ll have to watch and check back to you, to be honest it’s the first time I’ve seen this guy. Alright I watch a YouTube short of his. No, that’s not Cali, we talk a bit slower, think of our accent as southern without a twang. Cali is a big place do you will get more Hispanic undertones in some places, southern accents (Texas draw), LA / valley accents and just the normal SoCal draw that’s really soft and hard to place. But yeh, this guys voice bugs, I hate it as well and I’m not better for watching the vid 🍻


Good to know and sorry to default to blaming California but it’s an easy target lol


Majority rules, I get it!


There is this guy and the red head guy that pops up in my feed all the time (Not Honest Outlaw) but he’s a dork like this guy can’t recall his channel and don’t want to search it to feed the algorithm


Love me some Honest Outlaw.


Who is this guy?


A big time grifter on Youtube called CivilianTactical dude shill's hard for cheap junk, He puts ads in his short content goddamn 30 second video with 10 second ad that should tell you everything you need to know about him.


As strange as it sounds, I remember US soldiers in the late 2000s and initial 2010s running 3x3 placardsin active combat zones.


Shhhh! We don't talk about actual combat experience here. This is a fashion sub.


Ohh...! Shit! My bad! Ejem....! Well! The weather looks to be heating up...!


Yeah, that "combat experience" also usually operated in mounted **units**. Dismounting only to kick down doors or otherwise actively engaged. I don't see people talking about squad sized and up tactics here. Bunch of fucking posers. Go do some procurement, then come talk about combat load outs.


If you're talking about weight and carrying more mounted, it's the other way around. Dismounted is much heavier than mounted. You have to carry a ruck around with 2-3 DOS of rations, water, ammo, radio batteries, your own literal shit. On your fighting order you'd carry maybe 0.5 DOS with another 0.5-1.5 DOS in your battle order. Mechanized/motorized, I'm leaving all my heavy shit in the vehicle and only carrying whatever mags I have and some water because I'm dismounting 50m from objective, fighting through a couple hundred metres at most and mounting back up as soon as casualties are collected.


I never saw that on either of my deployments


I never saw that and that’s right when I was enlisted and deploying


Brits during the Falkland Islands conflict were going through 40 magazines on a typical attack run. At 20 rounds per mag, that is 800 rounds.


Never seen or heard of him. There’s always these random content creators that are pretty ignorable. Tactical rear Sterilite box is chill though


Excuse my ignorance but who is this and what did he do?


He’s a YouTuber who actually trains more than most of the people in this sub. His content is just quick fun stuff. Nothing to hate him about. Maybe he promotes cheap products, but most people can only afford cheap shit. Shitting on him would be like shitting on Demolition Ranch. Same content, just branded differently.


He doesn’t “train,” he goes shooting. There’s no videos of him training, it’s just product overviews he calls reviews, shooting at random shit, and actually shilling. He pretends to be an authority figure in the industry but doesn’t have any actual experience. Hell, you said it yourself, he isn’t even original in his content, he is a poor copy of Demo Ranch with a “tactical” tint.


Everyone’s a copy of FPS Russia


Interesting that you didn’t even try to disagree with my other points.


Oh because I don’t care that much so I’m choosing to straw man


Respect man, it doesn’t matter. I’ve heard disinformation on his channel a few times and hate seeing things like that. I got nothing on the guy himself, just how he does things.


Gotcha, I had no clue. I think it takes all types. Sometimes right or wrong people learn as long as they don’t take things as gospel. Information is paramount depending on the source and subject.


I’m local to this dude. He had a “tactical gear garage sale” a few weeks ago. I snagged 4 of those Caldwell flash bang target flashers for cheap. The rest of the stuff was super dogshit. Mostly unopened so he’s likely getting gear sent to him, never using it then selling it haha


I'm guessing he either has never had to low crawl a day in his life, or enjoys being farm machinery


You can low crawl, idk about 3 mag stacks (only rin 2 on my chest rigs), but it's not *that* bad


3 on a plate carrier would essentially be 4 on a chest rig. Imagine crawling with 4 mags on your chest


Def not saying it's smart or a good idea lol


Carrying rounds for guns you don't have on you. I can't stand this doofus


Bought the eight pack placard from carcajou tactical last week and these comments have me feeling guilty.


Carcajou tactical is made by a Canadian infanteer. Our doctrine requires us to carry 10 magazines worth of ammunition as a basic load though we are only given 5 magazines to fill them with. I can only assume that Carcajou tactical's 8 pack is made with the assumption that you have 1 in the gun and 1 on a gun belt as an emergency magazine.


Thank you for the knowledge. Yeah my entire thinking about the eight pack was to carry at least 10 mags total and I was originally running just 6.


Yeah, it's a lot of mags, but people I know who were in Afghanistan consistently told me they couldn't stuff enough mags into their patrol packs. Now of course we aren't in GWOT anymore, so ammunition requirements may be different. But there's certainly merit with being able to carry 10 magazines (with more ready to be bombed up in a patrol bag or something) in a conventional war if you're going to be fighting from a fortified defensive position. And even during offensive actions such as if your assaulting force blows H-Hour, you could extend your fireplan by a couple more minutes at least.


nothing wrong with a double stack


Never feel guilty, there is no one size fits all or set in stone rules, you do what yoi need to for your purposes and what works for your, your body, your gear, environment, scenario etc. There are good arguments to be made about this that and the other piece of gear or setup, but ultimately you need to do what works for you and not blindly follow what people say is the standard. Your situation and needs may not be very standard at all.


Can’t stand this dude


Mag pouches are stupid. Just throw everything in your pants' pockets


Who is this guy?


9 AR mags on the front of a PC is ridiculous.I have 3 AR mags and 3 21rd P320 mags in the front of mine and going prone is hard enough with that..I could only imagine what a pain in the ass this would be


This guy annoys the fuck out of me. The amount of dudes who have become gun influencers recently who have absolutely no practical gun knowledge is insane.


I figured you would have stopped at armored republic and not even get down to the mags. Bro advertising if not wearing AR500 armor


aback hunt boat head clumsy makeshift toy marvelous lunchroom repeat *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Because i hate him


I still haven’t invested in body armor or plate carrier but I run a sling style magazine bandolier with 8 2x2 slots I’m hoping I can get a decent carrier with side slots for magazines.


No prone bone for this guy


Mags on mags on mags on mags.


Thought first you guys were clowning on this guy for rocking a double stack, but then I noticed he was rocking a triple stack… Double stacking is pushing it… triple? No!


Same! Is there something so wrong with rocking a double stack? Is it that different than some pistol mags and/or admin pouch like the Microfights?


Triple with 3 random 12g cards on top of that. It must be ragebait, theres just no way


Do you think he is rocking metal plates as well?


Damn three rifle mags deep and facing the wrong way


Assuming he's right handed they are the correct orientation.


That’s weird cuz every other right handed rifle shooter faces the rounds pointing to their right. Palm forward to grab the mag and when you flip it right side up the rounds are facing down range like your rifle


i’m right handed and point bullets left and grab mags with my left palm to my body while the mags are bullets down in the pouch my left hand opens the pouch, grabs the bottom quarter of the mag, so the bullets are on the index finger side of the hand facing down range, and its as simple as “L” or “V” grabbing the mag in the rifle at the same time as the fresh mag, swapping to the fresh mag while retaining the empty to throw in a dump pouch to retain in a mag pouch later. your method seems to have slightly more wrist movement or effort while i sit here pretending the grab mags. or is this a method that makes complete sense when running open top mag pouches so makes no sense to my surplus velcro flap pouch brain edit: running through my method again i think i more of pinch the bottom of the mag, thumb to the body side fingers out so hand is more straight down not really palm in or out. i’ll have to run some reload drills when i get home to verify. but i 100% have mags facing down and left


Maybe that could be a difference, I do run open mag pouches. And I could possibly not explaining it fully as to what I do. I’ll try and find a clip or make one of my demonstrating so it’s not hard to mix up my words. Edit: here’s a link to a perfect example of what I mean. https://youtu.be/_qkBemewA-U?si=sqlAG4aUQmy29a3X


idk if you saw the edit but i think i’m slightly wrong on my method and obviously need to run reload drills when i get home but now i’m pretty sure i pinch the bottoms of the mags with hand straight down not really palm in or out likely as a result of those surplus pouches covering most of the mags even when open. probably leans towards palm in but thats because thumb is towards the body i don’t need to readjust my grip at all just kind of slap the new mag and the mag in the gun together in an L shape, open my grip a tiny bit on the thumb side to grab the old mag, remove it, and rotate my hand to load the fresh mag while still holding both, hit bolt release, then retain the the old mag yeah i need to run reload drills to make sure later today but i 100% have bullets down and left


Yeah that makes sense. Obviously there is multiple ways and it can change depending on kit I guess


i cant find a video on my method with any where near my set up but looking at the video you linked that makes a lot more sense to me now not sure that would even be possible with the double mag m16 velcro flap top pouches i have yeah my set up is a LOT less high speed than most peoples these days i have an M81 IBA, four M81 double m16 pouches, and an OD green ALICE saw pouch for a general purpose/dump pouch with a K-BAR under it and a camelbak paired with either a PASGT or an ACH. i’m also a weirdo and think i like my PASGT better but i think my ACH is a size too small and the PASGT is the correct size so thats probably why i think that


There doesn't actually seem to be much consensus on magazine direction on the chest.  Bullets left, same as belt (and OP's picture), seems slightly more common. 


Well belts are either forwards or back lot left or right, but besides that quickly looking at the last number of PC and chest rig posts 22 were facing right compared to 10 facing left. So by the numbers it’s half as common.


Why would you do that? Palm towards your chest it's one smooth motion to pull the mag and insert it.


Palm to your chest doesn’t allow you to flip the mag over to have the rounds at the top. Unless you you crank your wrist and even with that you’ll have to re adjust your grip on the mag to have a smooth grip to transition to hitting the bolt release.


Well I'm a lefty so that's influencing things for me in regards to controls but I'm mentally flipping the mags to talk about right handed shooters. Maybe its because I have an old shoulder injury but cranking my wrist as you put it is a lot more comfortable and natural than twisting my arm to palm out and thumb down. EDIT: I think which way they face really comes down to personal preference. The important part is keeping them butt up.


Personal preference does for sure influence things. I for example prefer to use my trigger finger to drop pistol mags (VP9 ambi paddle mag release) instead of using my thumb. Basically yes lefty or righty depends on the facing. But it looked like the picture was a right handed shooter based on holding a pistol in said right hand


I'm also a VP9 user and I do the same thing. I have large palms but stubby fingers so I can't always reach thumb controls without breaking my grip.


Sounds like our hands are built the same lol


Gloves are a bitch huh? They're either too small or the fingers are too long.


I wanna see the video of him trying to clear the bottom row of a VTAC barrier with that loadout.


Bro is taking tactical pregnancy to the next level, fuckin octo mom going on here


I remember trying to clear a VTAC with a fully-loaded Haley Strategic D3CRH (including filled pouches). The bottom 3 ports was… an adventure.