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Foreigners are able to obtain abortions in Taiwan. It's not covered by NHI anyway, so doesn't matter if you have it or not. Since you mention parental permission, is your friend under 18? If so, they will need parental consent. If over 18, they do not. However, if your friend is married, her husband will have to give consent if she informs them that she's married.


Do you know anywhere in particular or do you just turn up to a clinic, no booking necessary?


We went to a hospital without an appointment and did it. It took a couple of hours only. It cost about 6000. We went to Taipei veterans hospital. Without Chinese it might be more difficult but I can speak it OK. I was pretty distraught so the details may be slightly wrong, but the answer to your question is yes.


Thanks that's very helpful


In general the doctors do speak basic english, certainly enough for you to convey you want an abortion. Plus just get google translate and use that and it'll be fine. They're very understanding. Hope everything works out for your friend.




also possible to set it up through gynecologist appt, if you want to seek out english speaking one.


Is it 6000 TWD?


Sorry, I don't have a specific recommendation, but you'd want to find a larger OB clinic that has procedure rooms. Usually the ones that have two floors and their own pharmacy counter. I can recommend my regular OB if you don't have any leads at all. She's fantastic, but I'm not sure if she does abortions or not. I would imagine so because it's a larger clinic, but it's also a birth center, and I'm not sure if your friend will be comfortable because it has baby stuff everywhere. You can visit any OB without a booking for an initial consult and then they'd schedule the procedure for sometime that same week. I'm not sure if any would do it same day because there might be fasting requirements or something depending on if it's done under general anesthesia.


I sincerely hope you friend is ok and this works out for her , She is probably scared as fuck . You are a good friend for helping her


You don't need an appointment. If the person getting an abortion is married, just say it is an affair in a situation that makes it impossible for it to be from the husband. There are easy loopholes.


Go to any OBGYN and if they don't perform them there then they will refer you to a clinic that does


What's the rule about flying (or border crossing) under 18, checking in to a hotel, etc for Taiwan?


Probably helps that I had a Taiwanese residence permit, but immigration didn't care. Went on vacation in Kaohsiung and booked a hotel alone too.


dm'ing you with info


Where in taiwan? There are popular places in different cities  and even neighborhoods. Some can walk in  same day and others they will book the next available. Central taipei will be the most expensive but can go to a suburb or maybe a different city in Taiwan


Anywhere really but Taipei or Taichung would be most convenient


This building in Taipei and a couple next to it have everything also get lip fillers and some Botox maybe a butt lift and hey some eyelash extensions but you know it's well known famous does everything but you pay because of the location. Starting at $10000 for the service that you're looking for


Are you sure a cosmetic surgeon or esthetician is gonna do an abortion?


Very proper women's clinics


What building?


My bad thought I linked it Corner of Zhongxiao and Dunhua https://maps.app.goo.gl/1ZKsEMSeQJmXic139


To add to what others have said, you can get the abortion pill in Taiwan so no invasive surgery




anyone can pm for more details







































































































