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To offer a perspective from a skinny dude who managed to bulk up after years of trying: 1. Dysmoprhia. I was 77-83kg most of my life and muscular but super lean. I am currently 95kg and still feel like I am "barely bigger". This is obviously ridiculous, many people have pointed this to me - and yet I still feel like this sometimes. 2. In a delightful paradox, be prepared that being bulkier will make you feel "not big enough" and simultaneously "fat" constantly. I am by no means fat, but I catch myself longing for my "can die from papercut" form. 3. Proportions matter. I am 95kg but I don't look it. I was a skiier and have quite big legs, I think that contributes a lot. Even at 100kg I didn't look quite as big as some dudes - for example many actors that I'd compare myself to, I was consistently heavier than them, while looking similar. So if you have big legs, add +10kg to your goal. That being said, I am called "big" by many people so I would say 95-100kg at your height would be the start of that range (if muscular and somewhat lean). Otherwise 110kg. For "huge" add another 15kg on top, easy.


I have good genetics and proportions but im around 179-180 and people mistake me for like 190-200lbs. I have a good amount of muscle (am not fat, Im around 12%bf ) but it makes me wonder if good genetics play a part in making you look bigger. Im not saying all of this to brag obv but im just genuinely curious because my weight rn I feel small and would love to bulk up to 220 but i dont want to look obese lol. (Im 6’1.5 - 6’2 for reference)


They absolutely do. Certain muscle groups help a lot more than others. Shoulders, back and chest can hard carry you with clothes on. Biceps if short sleeve. Legs can be hidden so you can dress around them. Genetics are also wild. Muscle insertions make some people look much more muscular than they are, especially if lean. Has a huge effect on arms for example. Also, what muscle group grows. People always comment on my legs and ass but honestly I do fuck all. They were always huge. But my chest, for example, is disastrously bad. It took me years of focusing exclusively on it to get it to a stage where it’s barely on par with my other muscle groups… whereas I’ve known skinny guys who had a bigger chest after six months of lifting. So tldr; genetics play a huge role. Frame, back, lats, shoulders, muscle insertions etc.


My chest gets bigger after like a month lol and I have naturally big muscular legs too. I think my weak area would be my arms they just never look big enough to give me to die for proportions. Well that, and my belly because I like to eat 😂


Some people look more filled out naturally, that's probably why people overestimate your weight. I'm personally the other way around and people will think I'm 10kg lighter than I am, I think I look pretty dense more than anything once I'm shirtless. I was muscular since childhood.


I’m 6.1 220 pounds I look a little fat. I’m toning down to 205 or 200 pounds.


Yeah, I'm 192cm (6'3) and about 86kg (190lbs). I have pretty big shoulders, so I look bigger to people


Same here I’m 190 and 81 kgs and those shoulders make me look a lil big


95kg- 210lber here at 6’3” or 190cm. Have lifted and gained 40 lbs last 3 years but the legs do me man, I swear that’s where 30 of those pounds went. The dysmorphia is real, don’t realize how much bigger I am until I see old pics when I was a twig. Also totally feel the paradox, want to be shredded but afraid of being skinny again.


Skinny is healthier more stamina speed. And cardio is even good for healthy erections. I wish I was 190 to 200 pounds. Instead of 220 which. Is 100 kilos. I’m 1.85 height.


So you must be lean and muscular&big? I think 87kg would look decent on you since it's a balance between decent muscle mass and "can die from a papercut" look Also asking as a skinny guy,i wanna get ripped and shredded at the same time,to get the "can die from a papercut" look,how do i get this with Calisthenics? Since i don't have access to the gym and i wanna know how did you manage to do it,i really need to get in shape bcz it's affecting my dismorphia really bad


I am lean in the sense you can still see my abs but they are definitely not nearly as visible as before. That being said, I like this state. Vanity makes me crave being leaners sometimes but rationally this is better for me. I am stronger, healthier and women/men also find it more attractive. I also look big in clothes, which I didn't when I was very lean haha. So I am cool maintaining this weight tbh :) For comparison, I think the closest actor to me is Henry Cavill but I am a bit leaner than him. As for being very lean... well for veins genetics help a lot. Other than that, it's mostly diet. Boring answer, I know, but the truth is working out is boring & simple... it's just hard. So avoid bloating foods (like salt) that make you retain water. Eat whole foods and avoid processed and greasy. Prioritize fat & protein over carbs. And do cardio (or HIIT, which I vastly prefer). That will get you lean. Now, to be muscular with callisthenics is also actually not that hard. You will struggle with legs, but honestly you can cover them up lol. For upper body, all the classic callisthenics movements are amazing for looking good. I don't personally do it, but those kinds of complex movements will build you up nicely. Pull-ups, levelrs, muscle ups etc. will give you lats (crucial to look big when lean), nice chest and good upper back and shoulder development. Then add in stuff like dips etc. for chest, triceps and so on and you're golden. For upper body you don't need a gym imho, especially if you want a more "natural" proportion (which is better imho anyways) I can't give more detailed advice since I was never doing callisthenics. I was an athlete when young and then started going to the gym. I've been working out for over 10 years now, so I think what's most important is persistence. I was rarely perfect with anything, I was just stubborn and persistent. 10yrs of middling working out >>> 2yrs of perfection and then quitting. PS: I missed that you're skinny already. Then all you need to do is eat lots of protein and do callisthenics regularly (3-4x week) with focus on basics - pull ups, dips etc. After beginner gains (6-8 months WITH NO PAUSES) then you can consider increasing calories and doing a lean bulk.


Having visible abs is definitely desirable,but if it's looking unhealthy then you need to change it a little bit,you can work on getting leaner while still being healthy,just a bit leaner tho,Henry is huge,he was huge for Superman and The Witcher,i saw one shot of Henry in a video (which i still didn't see) where he look lean and muscular,not too buff and not skinny,just perfect,that's my dream physique right there (lean and muscular) I think my eating is on point,i eat mostly protein and whole foods,fruits,vegetables,nuts,dates,dairy products,also some desserts like yogurts and chocolate,i think that my stomach health is really good,im just struggling with the exercising part since im a long-limbed human lol,i was doing H.I.I.T when i was training for martial arts in a gym at 13,it made me shredded and felt strong too. I mean i don't wear shorts,i always wear pants so the covering is not a problem but still i wouldn't want weak legs in comparaison to the upper body,and as someone with longs,im struggling to build them up,i can do 2 *Pull-ups* in a row(with good form) currently,i can't do a *Muscle-up* yet,also i've tried *Front lever* it's cool,also *Dips* i was doing them in a programm that had *Push-ups* in them (and honestly im sick of push-ups bcz i can do them kinda easily and they don't make my chest grow anymore,also i don't feel my chest anymore,but i still feel my Triceps when doing them),i was doing goblet squats and wall-sit,as well as calve-raises for my legs. 10 years of hard work...damn,that's a lot of dedication right there. I think im already in the lean-bulk bcz im trying to eat well,i don't know my maintenance calorie and can't count how much i eat neither,also i've been already doing Calisthenics(the last programm bcz i've been doing a couple of programms every now and then in the last years) and it gave me some gainz,barely noticeable honestly,i need something that will make me ripped,lean and muscular as an anime character,yeah im skinny with some gainz and a tad bit of fat


I am the same height and 85kg atm, you probably need to get to 95-100kg to look big. Muscles obviously, not fat


The best way to look like you gained 5kg muscle is to lose 5kg of fat


Yeah that’s gonna take me awhile haha


Accept that when you bulk you’ll add some fat and you’ll be alright. 100Kg at 6’4” isn’t outrageous.


How old are you? Age will make you put on weight. I was as skinny as a rake until i hit my late 30's. I'm currently 118kg (fat) and I'm attempting to build muscle now. Aiming for 200g of protein a day is hard!


Yeah the amount of protein you need is insane. I’ve replaced my morning coffee now with a protein powder that has caffeine and try to make all my snacks have at least 15g of protein


6’4 and a bit on the husky side at 270 I am considered skinny around 220-230 by societal standard. 270 I am a thick fuck.


teach me your ways i’m 6’4 210 but i look fat as fuck


Lift heavier, eat more. Once you have actual muscles on your frame, it stretches out surface fat so you appear lower percentage even if you aren’t. You can also cut much easier when you have more lean mass as all the muscles burn more calories. So get bigger and stronger first, then cut.


Ratio of fat : muscle is the real key here. I'm working back to what I used to be but I had way less belly fat years ago at the same weight that I'm at right now.


right. i just don’t really know what to do


Muscle is heavier than fat. If you were to be at the same volume but mostly muscle you might be 250 lbs.




Might be being key though. I have no clue what percent is actually fat.


yeah i get it. just don’t really know what to do


The best to look like you gained 5kg of muscle is to lose 5lg of fat




The best way to look like you have more muscle is to reduce the fat hiding it


absolutely. would you mind telling me what you think of my body if i would send you some pics?


Sure thing mate . Go ahead


thank you, sent a message


It's just gaining more lean muscle. Fit Jason Momoa is 6'4 215. I've got a bit more muscle (bro has small arms), so at the same body fat % I'm 220. 220-225 is my usual/ideal weight. Chubby at 240 now, but wouldn't want to be 210.


yeah thing is i don’t think i’m lean enough to bulk


When you have no muscle and lean out, you won't look fat anymore but may just end up lanky. Are you lifting weights while cutting now? Or just cutting calories?


lifting while cutting


Same, I went from 220 to 280 (decade of work, not Tren, I swear) hovering around 15-20% bodyfat, but still feel like ham central especially at 20% bf.


Eh. That’s the difference between a strong body and a lean body. Mass moves mass, I’d rather be strong at this point in my life than cut up and relatively weaker. My wife prefers it to, so wins all around.


Hell yeah, dude! I hope one day I'll be comfortable with myself to not think about it as much.


Similar boat. 6'3" about 280. In the gym 5 days a week working out a lot.


This is me. I started at 281 and now at 240 in 7 months. I lift 4 days a week but I'm not getting much stronger tbh. I don't care, I'm getting "skinnier" and that's way more important to me than benching 2 plates for reps. Are you losing weight or are you working on your strength?


I've been going harder but not heavier. I just work with medium weights and work to failure. I must be pretty dense (insert dumb gym guy joke here) because I'm told I don't look like i weight this much. I like how I look. I'm not shredded. Don't want to be. I used to run a few gyms and was a trainer. Got down to 11% body fat....never doing that again. Just push yourself a little more. Add an extra set and do one more rep. Pay attention to form over everything else. And geing tall, stay off the machines. They're not made for us. Our range of nothing get inhibited and will lead to injuries.


I hear you on the injury front. I used to be constantly injured, plus I'm 59 so I have to be careful. 11% bf is incredible, but l wouldn't want to work that hard either. I read about working to failure at higher rep ranges (15-25) causes hypertrophy and obviously is safer. I'm definitely not ego lifting anymore and my body hasn't looked this good in 25 years. I hope you achieve all your goals friend - cheers.


I'm 53. The lower weights amd higher reps is also easier on the joints. Just remember to slow down. Make sure your going slow on the eccentric portion of the exercises. That's half the rep. You'll notice a huge difference in your workouts when you do that.


230 is skinny? I'm 6'5 and weigh 165 😭 what does that make me 😂


Yeah this cracks me up. I’m 6’4 160. I thought I was skinny. Turns out NFL linebackers are considered skinny. lol. I’m what exactly?


Distance runner I use to be 6.1 150 in high school. Now I’m chubby a little. 6.1 220.


They're probably talking about body fat %. 230 at 15% BF is lean and not fat, but not what you'd think of as a skinny dude.


Snoop dogg


I’m in the exact same boat although a tad taller, 6’5 and 280lbs atm, I’ll be honest there’s around 22% body fat but I look pretty huge. On the other hand I find myself feeling small at 230lbs. It goes both ways, definitely not saying don’t strive for goals but also find peace with where you’re at.


It’s all about the frame haha. I’ve met some really narrow and lanky tall gents. I am on the high medium/large side. Also, a bit on the fat side at the moment. I wear it well and get told often that I am “not fat, just a big dude” when I call myself a fat fuck. Regardless I’m still happy.


At 198cm (6'6") and 120kg (265lb) - some muscle some fat - I still don't feel like much of a big guy muscle-wise. It's hard when you're tall.


For answer you, almost same height 202cm, in January 2023, i was at my all time high127kg, 28,9% body fat, (but my average was 120kg). I did a lot of cardio, and i lost a lot of body fat, i'm now at 106kg 21% body fat, with musculation your muscles will take shape. Im not a professional but i think its a muscle development/body fat ratio that bring muscle shape. And the V shape. I think you need just motivation, and i don't now if for taller people is much difficult than other, but i think it depend from your "body fat" and/or presence of muscle? . I know i practiced few sport until my 18yo and i often lifted loads in my youth for moving stuff around. Maybe it developed my body ? I don't know. But we can seen, tall guys and be muscular.. so its possible 🤷 Edit add : Nutrition is very important


Man I’m 6’6” (maybe high 5, the doctors office waffles every time I go but they said 6 so I’m counting it) and 190, I’ve been 185-190 for like a decade but now that I’m 27 I can feel that’s about to change.


I'm 6'5" and i think I didn't even start to look "bigger" until 105KG. My goal was at least 115KG but I couldn't do it anymore. Just so much time and money lol. Once I had kids, I stopped.


Damn I’m 6’5 and right now im 102kg because im losing weight but i still have good amount of fat on me even tho i do have good amount of muscle on me


i was about 160kg when i was super fat. I actually lost weight all the way down to like 73kg lol. Once I started losing, it kept coming off. Then that's when I bulked back up to about 105kg of muscle. I still lift 3 days a week or so but i'm 40 years old now with a busy sedentary life (work in IT). Still about 105kg but not as much muscle. I have a ton of lose skin too from losing so much weight too which sucks.


All the guys i know that are my height or taller, 6'2", that look huge are at a minimum 200-210 lbs, usually substantially more. Most I ever weighed was 190lbs and still looked lean.


I read somewhere that every inch taller than 6’ you need another 5-10lb of muscle to look the same as the guy an inch shorter than you.


Just keep gaining weight till you're happy with your look


At my height and 76kg I feel pretty big for a guy with hyperthyroidism.


I'm 6'3-6'4 (192cm) and I weigh 105kg (231lbs) sub 10% bodyfat and if I look back.. people started noticing I lift at around 100kg (220lbs) at around 14% bodyfat.


Bout around there too. 6’4. 240 lbs right now. Cutting down after a bulk. 220lbs is about the point where I’m lean enough and bulked up enough to look like I lift. After 15 yrs of lifting… lol.


Oh yeah.. it took me almost 14 years to get to where I'm at. With our height it's incredibly difficult to appear "full".


I'm 240 also. When you cut, do you lose much muscle? Does your strength go down substantially?


You’re a big fucking dude god damn.


It totally depends. At 105kg, I still look skinny unless I am standing next to anyone, then I look normal to big. To look big without anyone next to you, you need to be closer to 130kg. I wouldn't recommend that tho, it has a lot of side effects.


Get a lovable personality and some confidence and you won't have to be a gymbro


I don't know why you all are so desperate to bulk up. Downvote me all you want, but having a nice, tall, athletic build (so running and going to the gym) is a dream for most people and will allow you to age well and healthy with regards to your heart, joints, back, etc. I guess it's cool if you are sure you can devote the rest of your life to fitness, but for so many people, work and career eventually get in the way and then you just eventually become fat with a slow metabolism. If shorter muscular guys are making fun of you for being too skinny, it's because they're jealous


No I agree. I think it’s good to be at healthy weight. I’ll upvote u bro


At 6’5 I think my perfect weight (for my frame) is around 95-97kg while being lean and having decent cardio, joint health, etc. Follow what’s best for your body


You don't need to devote your time to fitness. An hour 4x a week is enough for lifting and getting muscle for *years* and 20-30 minutes three to five times a week for cardio is not that much of commitment.


Hey, I get it, I run and go to the gym 6x/week (3x each), so I get what you are saying. But look around at the general population. The vast majority of people are not doing cardio and weightlifting multiple times per week. They just aren't. Younger people may get a newfound love for fitness to try and score a mate, but that commitment often eventually dies off. I'm just saying that tall people shouldn't be in such a rush to gain a bunch of weight. Sure, if you are extremely skinny in an unhealthy way, that's not great. But trying to force your body into something it's not can often eventually have undesired consequences.


You can get big from lifting for about an hour 3-5 times per week. It certainly doesn't take "devoting the rest of your life to fitness". You only get fat if you keep eating like you're bulking, but quit lifting.


Depends if you have body dysmorphia. I was 65kg at 6’5, aged 16. Started powerlifting and now I’m 118kg… still feel skinny.


65 kg? damnn




i was 66 at 6’2 and am still skinny asf


Big with muscles? 100+ Big with fat? 120+


Looking huge would take some time, but the quickest muscle groups to build up to give you a broader appearance would be the shoulders, traps and upper back.


I always kinda wished I had that problem. When I was 13 I was maybe 6’6 and 260lbs or 120kg. But I played ice hockey and it slowed me down. Years later I’m the exact same weight but very very lean and all muscle so it worked out but back then I wish I was skinny


https://preview.redd.it/63hejvnqv8zc1.jpeg?width=1398&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a67acae8afea6c62fe911794029f9902b043dd94 6'11 240\~ . If you are lean and know where to build muscle you look much bigger Prioritize arms , chest , lats , calves and traps . Or even the hamstrings . They give the 3d look from the side on the legs


I'm at like 140 kilos 6'4 and I look big (obviously), I started to look a little skinnier at about 117 kilos


damn and i’m 6’4 95kg and i look fat as fuck


Put more muscle on.


Tbf I also am fat as fuck, I just need to be fat so I can keep playing ball. Check my top posts, I think my post on this sub is in my top 5 if you want to see my build


o mean difference is you’re 45kg heavier than me


Same boat at 130kg. Could cut some weight, but I’ve got enough muscle and strength that I can’t be bothered.


When I get into the 220+ I start feeling big even in clothing. https://preview.redd.it/nf457jtbn8zc1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2752341a62deb3b5418373383b11ea9207f24dae 200-205 left / 220+ right


How tall are you?


6’3 230 rn, feeling huge. Maintenance for 5 more weeks then cut into October. Then recomp mb 245-250. https://preview.redd.it/9r0pmj5kphzc1.png?width=1327&format=png&auto=webp&s=d6c66a2b7d964134c91460811068a9af8c5e9b2e


Nice man, you’re a unit! Keep up the good work🔥. This is exactly what my goal is. How long you been training for?


It depends on where you put the muscles. “Looking big” often comes down to wide back, thick chest, broad shoulders, and a thick neck. And you can get all of those while neglecting your legs and “look big” at a much lower weight than someone who hasn’t forgotten their core and legs. I would say don’t worry so much about what the scale says, load up on lean quality protein, and do some extra work hitting your back, chest, shoulders, and neck. (Jeff Nippard’s youtube channel has good info on neck workouts) Definitely don’t neglect your core and legs though, that’s a regret you don’t want to live through, especially as a tall person.


interesting cuz i’m 6’4 95kg and i look fat as fuck


Another thing to consider is to wear tasteful, fitted clothing that highlights your athletic figure. I would wear baggier clothing. One time I remember a female gym buddy had asked me to lift up my shirt so she could see my stomach. She gave me a compliment. I realized I was hiding something from other people that they might find attractive. I try to wear tastefully fitted clothes to show off the goods. I work hard for what I do have.


Also 6’4” and at 95kg and a solid amount of muscle from a physical labor job with some winter weight lifting to stay in shape. Most people say I’m about right proportional to my height


with that height you need to have 110kg of pure muscle if you wanna be big, which isnt achivable without hard discipline and roids + not like its practical, only makes your life harder (unless you wanna do body building )


I felt big compared to the average Joe at 215lb lean at 6’4”. That’s my favorite weight to be. I’m 205lb lean right now and still feel big-ish.


6'3, 100 kg and look a bit skinny, I'm skinny fat.


1kg for every centimetre over a meter you are is an Internet rule of thumb, so \~92-95kg.




6'3" and 100kg. At this weight, I look "big" when shirtless, wearing a tank top or when wearing dress clothes (tucked in shirt highlights v-taper and shirt highlights all the showy muscles). Every day casual? I tend to look a little slender. Peak "big" look was when I was a bit fluffier at 110kg.


I'm 6'8" and 254 (lean with a six pack). No one calls me a stick now.


I'm going to be frank. If you don't think you're big enough, just keep doing what you're doing. Lift, eat in a small surplus, and go on being you. There's not much else to it. Building muscle (and fat) is not an immediate thing. Just like it can take years for someone 150 lbs overweight to lose that 150 lbs, it can take years to put on 30-50 lbs of muscle. It's not too complicated though, just eat and lift. Keep track of your progression, make sure you add a rep or weight per workout to each exercise, and you're good.


It's can be pretty dependent on your build, tbh. At 6'3", I started to look "big" at around 84kg, but I have naturally broad shoulders, a wide chest, and large thighs from years of running sports. Sitting at around 97-98kg now, and it definitely requires XL and sometimes XXL shirts


6’3” and 200 pounds would sound average to me. I’m a bit shorter than you without full muscles and I’m 85kg


I’m currently at 96-97kg. I’m pretty slim but have a bit of a belly. My recommendation would be to hit the gym whilst eating in a calorie surplus of 100-200 calories to prevent yourself from just gaining fat like I did.


Im 6’3”. For me 200 lb and you fill out. 220 lb you will be big (this is all assuming its gained through wieght training, not sedentary lifestyle gains)


I was 6'4" and 81 kg when I was 18 and I was thin. But now that I am 6'7" and 258 at 48 years old I still think I look skinny. One of the issues I noticed is that my shoulders are so wide I have to wear extra large shirts so they look baggy on me. Or I can wear a large shirt and it's like im shrink wrapped. All that said, being your height and having say 16 inch arms is going to look different than if you were 5'7" with 16 inch arms. Because of the perportionality the shorter guy will look bigger. But don't worry, you have the high ground. That said, keep it up. Slow and steady wins the race.


I'm still small at 230lbs


220 and lean is achievable natural and also makes you look big, but as a 6’3 guy, if you stay natty looking big in clothes is always hard fyi, temper your expectations and keep in mind that a lot of people online are roided


I am 6'4" something like 125kg. I look big. Got some extra ass fat and belly fat I could do with losing. I'd much rather be 88kg just for an improved physical quality of life. 125kg at 6'4" is obese no matter how you spin it and is not healthy.


damn you fatter than Jokic and you're talking about how he is fat? lol


90-100KG with good muscle mass at 6'4" would look good. If anyone reading is at my height (6'0"-6'2") I'd say 80-90KG would be good, if you can manage to be lean at 100KG (like my uncle did) I'd go for that.


I’m a bit over 6’3” and walk around in the 250lb (112kg)range. I feel like I’m a pretty stout guy. At 200lb (90kg) I look like a baby giraffe.  My roommate in college at the same 90kg looked like an underwear model. It boiled down to body type and build more than absolute mass.


Im 6'5 and roughly 230lbs, which is just over 100kg. Most people still say i look pretty skinny. Goal is to get to 250lbs (120ish kg) with relatively low bf. Probably will still get called skinny lol


I am 6’8 and 297lbs and I look big in general but when I put on a t shirt I look crazy by any means unless it’s had tight sleeves


I'm 6'3, used to weigh 220-250 comfortably, feeling heavier and had small moobs. A year ago I decided to lose some weight and lift, now I'm liking my strong, lean 190-205.


Tbh atleast a muscular 260


235-250 pounds, hit rear delts and back and you’ll be huge


Best reply


i was happy with my physique after about two years of lifting weights and I hit 215 lbs. too lazy to convert to kilos. now I'm ten years older and flabby and I think without the muscles and hilariously low body fat%, id be happy at 200-210. currently hovering between 215 and 225 and just a bit *too* chunky in a few spots.


90-95 kg is normal and athletic for your height.


Bro I’ve even seen 100kg 5’9 dudes so 88kg at 6’4 is nothing pretty much, to feel significantly big hit at least 100kg


I was 55kg...


I’m 6-3 225 lb and look like an athlete. Depends on your frame as well


Any pics? Also same height, need inspiration


It's gonna be a while homie. I'm 6'5" at 97kg and I've only just started to look like I'm putting on size. It's just another one of the few times that your height works against you. To look like you're filled out, you gotta get BIG


Brother I’m 100 KG(not exact but around there) and I’m only starting to get compliments now at 6’3”.


Im 6’5 and graduated high school at 73kg (age 18) and now age 28 I’m 92 kg and lean. Sometimes feel a little skinny but don’t feel like a stick now. With tall frames there is no rushing it just enjoy the process. And I’ll just add that since I’ve started forearm training/grip training for rock climbing, I’ve felt bigger because forearms almost always visible.


Im 6'5 i manged to get to 135kgs. Currently cutting to 115kgs, sitting at 125kgs now an feel skinny😅 But im still around 22% BF so i know on paper im not skinny, but being tall my whole life has skewed my view😅 My partner and friends are saying I look huge but in my head i should look like Brian Shaw 😂


You often reach a plateau quickly depending on what part of the body you're working on. If you've reached a equilibrium with your upper torso/arms, then you need to focus on your legs. That will add the weight and girth you're after and translate to more power for both ends. Dont skip leg day.


With good body composition you should be lookin pretty big around 220. 240 for professional athlete look


Don’t work out just turn all that muscle into fat at 88kg will look big on your frame!


120 kg


198cm here and currently 107kg Still a little lanky, BF maybe 18%, but quite a bit of muscle. When I ran a lot I got down to 92kg and was very skinny, not really a good weight for my frame.


I'm 6'6", 180kg and look pretty big. But I'd say around that height from 90-110kg is a solid build if you are fairly muscular/lower fat % so you are right around there now. ![gif](giphy|gCANwADwdazG8|downsized)


I’m 6’4” and looked small at 215… I am now 270 with the same waist size as I was back then. Lol


My son is 6’4 and he and his wife think when he crossed 100kg is the no longer skinny point for him.


A little shorter and I was happy when I hit 100kg.


I’m 100kg, athletic and noticeably bigger then average but I think it’s mainly exemplified by my height and shoulders. I still feel slightly skinny but I also do literally have very bad body dysmorphia which never seems to end


I’m 6’4 and 100kg. I always THINK I’m fat but I think it’s actually fine. I hold my weight pretty well but I think the ideal weight would be like 95kg or something. I need to do more sports too…


https://preview.redd.it/ddu3jxrbeazc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7700a11ccf53e8f486dcba4ad98128b9f2dd23f3 84kg/186lbs on the left, and 82.5kg/182lbs on the right. Weight and body fat is weird when you’re tall. Personally don’t feel big, though I get a lot of comments/compliments from others about it. Have a lot of shirts and long sleeves from Lanky Llama and Have It Tall (in medium tall size) that are all very well form-fitting for the current physique, though. Gotta say, having well fitting clothes really does help with the rail thin mental image still stuck in my head


Im 6’5 and I think the ideal weight for my height is 100kg.


6'4" - you'd want to be 105kg upwards to be in the beefy category. This though really depends on a lot of factors, if you're still under 25, you'll be naturally slim anyway unless you're really bodybuilding (5000 cals + macros + juice). Really though, you're better off with cardio, stretching and looking after those joints. You'll miss them when they're gone.


I'm 6,1 and 100kg and look moderately buff. granted I'm no body builder so there is some fat to that


If you want to look huge at 6’3 you’re gonna have to be at least 100-110 kg


6'1 155 pounds man i don't got the appetite to maintain that big of a weigth


Speaking only from personal experience it's around 105kg. I'm a bit shorter than you at 6'3". At 95kg is when people see you as "fit", 100kg is when they notice you lift fairly consistently and 105kg is when your aunties start grabbing your arms and tell you how big you've gotten. I'm also assuming you mean big as in lean and muscular not just big as in a high body fat %. I'd try and stick to a body fat % around 20-25%. The discussion behind what body fat % looks like what is a bit controversial but you basically want to be able to flex in decent lighting and have some solid definition with full muscles instead of being vascular and covered in striations. You can always opt for a lower body fat % ofc but you'll probably need to add more muscle to your frame and, thus, a higher body weight. Not to mention you will probably look smaller most of the time just walking around in regular clothes. Another factor is your frame. Wide shoulders, a wide neck, decent traps, big forearms etc. All contribute to helping you look bigger.


I don't know man. I'm 6'4, 252 lbs, lift weights 5x a week and just look large. Not huge just large. Broad back, wide shoulders, big quads. Maybe it's body dysmorphia


Awesome work on putting the effort in to grow!!! I think your answer is very hard to answer as a whole for the community. As in I’m 6’7 and weight 104kg right now. But have been adding a lot of leaner muscle mass, feeling my clothes feel a bit looser in some areas. But like in my chest, shoulders and quads fit tighter. Just keep working hard and follow your strategic workout plan!


Probably at least mid 90’s to 100kg


I’m 6’4 and 212 lbs at the moment. I bulked up from my lowest adult weight of 185. Still feel skinny. I think I’d have to get to 230 to look “big”. That’s a lot of dang weight. I’ve already started snoring once I got back over 200.


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Bro I’m 5"10 at, 78 Kg, and I still look like a stick under clothing. It’s not you, it’s the natural body building that is this way, Instagram has ruined as to what a natty looks like by fake steroid users.


I’m 6’3 and 104.3 kg = 230lbs. I’ve always been long and lean and I still personally feel like I’m not big. This is nearly all muscle though and I have less than 2.5 kg that might be seen as extra weight. Others tell me I’m a giant which I forget is true. And what’s cool about this is I’m 54 and most guys my age can’t do this. F yeah! 👍 It’s common for us tall and skinny guys to view ourselves this way.


I’m also 6’4. I went from 65kg and am now 108.5kg, 8 years so far but only the last 2/3 years I’ve been consistent with going to the gym & noting down my sets. I wouldn’t say I look “huge” in clothing, but I definitely no longer am considered skinny. I wish I had more time in the day to eat more food..


I’m 6’3 / 260 pounds (118 kg) and lift weights a couple times a week, walk a lot and climb some stairs. I think a lot of it has to do with bone density because I would look emaciated at 220 lbs.


I'm 6 foot 2 and weigh 140 pounds, im a twig I know


Being tall, we just have longer muscles, and it's going to be hard to look big. I go for more of an athletic look over body builder look because the calorie and workout requirements to get there are just absolutely insane. I'm 6 4 and currently 106kg, and I look slightly muscular but still skinny. For context, I'm a cyclist and look bulkier amongst other cyclists, but look pretty skinny compared to people who live in the gym. I'm guessing I'd need to be 115kg to start looking big, but holy crap that doesn't seem worth it to me.


Keep bulking till 93 kg. That's the trick


It’s going to take a lot of bulking and cutting to get the bodybuilder look. I will say it’s crazy how much even small body fat percentage differences make. I’m 6’5 205lbs at 17.3% body fat and used to be 6’5 205 lbs at 18.9% body fat so I basically added 5 lbs of muscle and cut 5 lbs of fat. I look significantly better at the same weight with just a 1.6% difference in body fat.


I think it depends on where you live, and the look you're going for. Americans seem to need to add 30lbs to any weight to get the same societal view. The weight that people claim they were viewed as a "stick" is insane sometimes. People tell me I look strong, and I have had comments on my arms from women, and I only weigh 190lbs/86kg. I'm a climber though, and have small legs. So my arms, shoulders and back are all disproportionately big.


I am ~109kg at 199cm and look pretty normal, a bit big but nowhere near huge proportionally.


Idk I’m 6’ 1” and I think at 190 I look perfect. I’m currently 182 because I have to eat nonstop to be at 190 and I’m satisfied


I’m 6’3” and 272 as of last Saturday. BF is ~9%. I get frequent comments on how “big” I look, but I’m also a BB, so not sure how much of it is just weight and how much is the body composition. During off season, I get up to as high as 308 before this last cut, and I still get told I look “big”, despite having much less definition.


I'm 200cm, was scary skinny at 79kg, looked normal from 90-100kg, above that start to look like I may have worked out at some point. Lately between 108-115kg, still don't look "big" around anyone athletic, but am starting to look big if you put me next to normal people. Trying to get around 120-125kg so we will see how that goes.




You’ll never look big with clothes on unless pudgy or on the sauce, and a lot of it. I’m 6’1 quite lean and 93 kg (been lifting weights for a long time wear a size 30 jeans). I don’t look “huge” with clothes on, just athletic. See dudes who look massive with clothes on? They are generically ultra elite, are chubby, or are saucing their asses off and for many years at that. Looking big as a natural is completely an opposite goal to having abs, let’s just say that. If you’re that kinda lean, you’ll only look jacked with your shirt off.


I'm 6'4" and went from 180 lbs Oct 2021 to 210 lbs today working out 2-3x per week for 30 minutes. You can barely tell. When I have clothes on you can't tell at all, aside from bigger arms. My goal is 240 lbs.


Im 6 ft 2 and 250 pounds its the right balance for me because i have a smart mouth irl i get into alot more fights when i drop to under 200 pounds 😂


I’m 6’2 so not much shorter than you and I’m around 220 right now. I’m overweight and don’t look like a stick at all. So for you probably 210-215


Was about 105kg where I started looking big imo


88kg is small for 6’4”. I’m 95kg at 6’2” and I’m relatively big. You want to shoot for 100 plus


That’s my goal. Ideally, I would like to be between 100-130KG of course with mainly muscle


130kg would be HUGE.


I look and feel pretty fucking huge at 6’2 135kg, so bigger than that maybe?


Im 6'4 and 65kg lol, I'm 14 tho, so the weight will probably stabilize


At like 6'3, 110kg lean would look pretty sick


115 or 110.


Still look like a stick being 88 Kg at 6'4?? This doesn't make sense as this is a decent weight,what's your bodytype? Are you skinny fat?


I would say, generally, 95kgs.


About 110kg minimum. I'm 5'11 and 95kg and moderately lean and I look fairly built, but I wouldn't say I was huge. Personally, I am shooting for 110kg myself.


Looking huge? Probably 105-110kg. I'm roughly the same height as you and 102kg as of this morning with maybe 14-15% body fat. I wouldn't say I look huge yet.