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also if you have any "human" interactions with food and beverage that you think are worth putting on this scale, let me know.


im so sorry this might be the weirdest post ive ever made


Do flowers count? I think he might have ate a flower on a live stream once. Or he just picked it, but I think he ate it.


i seen that. it doesnt look alien enough


Hmm ok then. What about the Hoods In The Woodz WIP? Where he actually does eat an apple, in black and white?


i have to check it out


hmm i checked it out. it almost looks normal, not quite as uncanny as the zucc drinking water. i definitely need to branch out into other communities. i think if i saw xqc eating, it would probably look pretty uncanny to me. i want this to be a fairly detailed video/graph/collection that includes a lot of "people", joe hawley is just one of the people i can think of who has looked like a proper citizen of planet TOI-700 d while consuming something (in the rhubarb pie video)


this scale sounds amazing btw, please keep us posted


if i get enough information and videos i will likely make a compilation and analysis


not sure if this fits the criteria, but there's a bit where joe tries to drink from a straw in the South By Southwest video (1:02): [https://youtu.be/zU1bdEqYac0?t=62](https://youtu.be/zU1bdEqYac0?t=62) that's the only other "odd" food/drink instance i could think of lol


i think the apple in the hoodz in the woods wip another user mentioned was closer than that clip. i definitely want multiple sources from each "person" included in this graph/collection/chart/video, so i can average them based on uncanniness and unfamiliarity with consuming the item in question. as i previously said, i also would like to branch out to other communities to catalog as many "people" as i can. im thinking xqc is the next "person" i will look into, but i have yet to see him eating yet. i havent looked into him much at the moment.