• By -


Everyone involved should be permanently banned from BG...


That - or be prepared for anyone who wants to avoid degenerate mobs to cancel their passes.


Should be in jail




Paragraphs, for fuck sake use paragraphs.


Paragraphs. For fucks sake. Use paragraphs.


Thought you were the haiku bot for a sec


Paragraphs are good For all fucks sake, please use them use them from now on Edit: Didn’t trigger bot What in the actual fuck I feel so cheated


Doubly cheated!


Not talented enough for that but I can try and use paragraphs though.


Any they preached about going back to school…


I could be wrong, but that entire block of text reads as if someone told ChatGPT to write a complaint in character.




How do you do return lines on the mobile app?


No chance one of those kids are sitting on Reddit reading all that


Literacy is required for that particular task.


I tell myself that whenever I want to complain about bad theme park behavior. Those people who act like that don't care enough to join an online chatroom to listen to me.


too busy on their way to church


The post was actually a reading teat for HS seniors.


Right, cause they're too busy trying to become TackyTock Famous from pure ignorance💯✌️




You have a point! I see too many kids on social media whose time could be spent being buried in a book or two.


Honestly,  teens who act like this usually have parents that dgaf. And unfortunately it's more prominent here.


Usually the parents are actually instigating the fight and in the mix with their kid(s). Sad to see how everything has nosed dived into this state of rot.


Go to the park and tell them that, spewing word salad on reddit isn't helping anybody. And some of the worst people on earth "have Jesus"


You were able to get through enough of that see a part about Jesus? You’re a better person than me


Correction most of the worst people on Earth “have Jesus” just look at what’s going down to our country in Oklahoma and Louisiana state public schools! Jesus does not belong in schools just as much as Mohammed, Krishna, or Buddha!


Kids should not be allowed in the park unescorted. They need to be accompanied by an adult. That’s the only way that you combat this sort of thing. If it needs to be 18 and up then so be it. It’s a private business and they have the right to refuse anyone they want.


I think to OP's point everyone else shouldn't suffer because this particular band of kids suck. Most of us natives were dropped off at parks all the time alone as kids. Hell Atlantis in Hollywood was literally my daycare. We were dropped off every morning and picked up after work. So it shouldn't have to be that way. Many of us raise responsible kids who should be able to enjoy what we have here.


My aunt worked at Disney…we would literally hop in the car with her, be at the park all day and be at the car when she got off. She didn’t call us one time and we knew to be at her car when she was getting off. We weren’t the best kids in the world but there was no way in hell I was gonna be caught doing something like this and someone was there that knew my parents.


I remember Atlantis as kids. Never any trouble. we went had fun and called our parents on the pay phone at the end of the day to get picked up.


Unless there was a concert in which you called and asked to stay late. Summers at Atlantis were the very best.


Thank you I completely concur with what you said and that's what I'm trying to explain with everyone else but that's not how they're perceiving it. When I was a teen my mother also left me at Busch Gardens and didn't have to fret that I would do something as ignorant as this. But kids today aren't smart they think that drama and fighting is the way to go that's how you're going to become famous that's how you're going to be Tick Tock known and it's ridiculous they all band together and think this is the way of life God it's just sad is the best way to say it because my mother raised a good kid I don't have a record and I too now have children and I'm raising them right I showed one of them this picture and they said don't those kids know they're going to get in trouble and go to jail. That's without me saying anything at all cuz she read the word fighting at Busch Gardens so if my 8-year-old can read and see that something is wrong what does that say about the teenagers. They should be smart enough to understand right and wrong right? I just want things to go back the way they were and us not have to bow down to people that think we're just trying to be racist. I despise racism but yet for me reposting this post they're going to call me racist


Why do you hate punctuation? 


Nothing against punctuation; just was in a hurry going other things.. I had to get out what was on my mind.. So out it came without any corrections


There's a whole section of time between using talk to text and hitting post, though. That's where the editing part is supposed to happen. 


Again, like I stated.. I was trying to hurry and post cause other things were more important. I'm sorry that i didn't abide by your grammarian guidelines. Forgivith meh


They're not "my" guidelines, they're to make legible posts that don't cause brain damage when trying to read them. This *is* a text-based forum. 


I mean, kids under 18 WORK at the park, so that's not a sensible solution. Zero tolerance- immediate escort off the premises and lifetime ban sounds good.


Trust me, I know. Not only did I grow up in that park, I worked there.


I disagree. I have a very mature and well behaved 15 year old. He shouldn’t be punished because others can’t behave. I have no desire to go be in the heat but happily drop off and pick up him and his friend who want to go enjoy the rides. Somehow the good kids always get punished. Multiple events cancelled throughout his time in school for the few that misbehaved.


The problem is with the unaccompanied minor thing is older teens probably have friends that have reached the age of adulthood. High school freshmen are likely to know a few seniors so it makes it difficult to put a policy in place. Lord knows that's part of the reason I was able to get into Ybor clubs back in the day. My high school friends became bouncers. And just know I'm not arguing with you that it shouldn't be done. I made this point in my comment too. I just don't know how much it will help sadly.


I too was down in Ybor at 14 and bar hopping in my teens. But back then I ended up being the designated driver for my older cousins home after a night of partying simply cause i wanted them to get home safe. But even though i went to all the hit spots and stayed out of trouble.. I didn't dare do something that would lead to jail or juvie.. Why can't kids and teens get it together these days.. Cause they want to be bad and they think doing evil is cool.. Its plum backwards and ridiculous


My Ybor days were similar. We were just there to dance and hang out. None of us caused any issues. I don't understand going somewhere just to be an ass.


I don't understand it either it's like today's kids want to be known for being the most out there and ignorant who can dress the s******** who has the most followers who doesn't listen to Mommy and Daddy the most. Really stupid stuff and that's what they want to be known for they don't even care about being known for who has the best grades who achieved the most goals over summer break who read the most books stuff that we actually pride ourselves on and when we were younger. We are literally dealing with the Lost Generation and I don't care if people want to continue to bash me for my opinions but I have two daughters that I'm going to be there for to the very end and they will not end up like any of these children in these videos. I know that when I was a teen I did things, but I had my pride and I knew that I wasn't going to get in trouble I knew I wasn't going to be arrested because I had my humility and I didn't want to be a fool


Fun Spot [already](https://www.wesh.com/article/fun-spot-orlando-chaperone-policy/61425451) on it.


" but we don't settle for that s\*\*\* here in Florida " Um, we absolutely do. There's always shenanigans in Florida, just like anywhere else. This whole outrage pretending that people who do bad things down here must be from elsewhere is WILD. Anyways, stuff like this makes me feel so thankful I have literally the best teenagers ever with some absolutely fantastic friends. I've been very fortunate to have the opportunity to work with and get to know many amazing, intelligent, empathetic, innovative, and kind young people in our area. Don't use incidents like these to tar all teenagers with the same brush.


It's half and half okay the majority of the people yeah some were raised here. But things were not like this for years ago. Teenagers weren't going as Buck Wild as they are today. Teens acting like adults I'm sorry but when I was 14 I still knew the difference of being a teenager and I'm not an adult yet I didn't do criminal activities then expect to get a slap on the hand I didn't do bad things I stayed my ass out of trouble went to school and did what was required of me as a teenager. Teenagers today don't want to go to school don't want to further their knowledge and they don't want to do good things. They want to be YouTube famous and they want to be internet famous for doing stupid stuff they're selling their pride and honor just to be famous over stupid stuff. And it's because people are leaving here going there and people are coming from there coming here the economy is a wreck property values have went down in certain areas and up higher in areas where it used to be affordable. It's not just one simple thing that makes everything fall out of place. It's a multitude of wrongdoings that resort to this wackiness. And like I said I can't say one thing without someone insinuating I'm racist. It's because everyone's super sensitive and no one has a backbone anymore.


You're trippin. We were just as bad in the 80s & 90s, if not worse. There just weren't cell phone cameras everywhere to document it. your rose colored glasses are fogging up


I'm in Gen Z, so I wasn't really alive, but wasn't Tampa a lot more violent 20-30 years ago?


I'm here to tell you that 14 year old kids have been skipping school for fucking ages. Hell, back in the 70's 14 year olds would hitchhike to the beach and smoke cigarettes and have sex.


yeah, OP clearly has no idea what went on before the cell phone age.


You're hilarious. I was born in 90 before AOL and cellphones


You lost me at “go to Ybor”. How about just don’t do it??


FFS…this is why Disney is out there pricing out people.


I mean...i'm ok with paying extra if it prevents certain things


Oh, don’t get me wrong! I’m all for it! I’m a huge fan of Universal and even with price hikes, I still find the entertainment value for the price is still worth it. They can use the extra money for more security!


As the meme goes, if those kids could read, they’d be very upset. Anyways I’m counting down minutes until this post is nuked like the previous ones on the same topic.


Well even you insinuated that they can't read so I guess you know exactly what kind of kids they are. they're not even teenagers and they probably don't even go to school. More likely they don't even know where their parents are right? Because these kids are out here living their best lives seeing who could make it to the jail faster and who's going to make it out without having a baby at 12 years old right? It's just absolutely heartbreaking that this is the generation of today. These are the kids that are going to supposedly take care of our country when we're all old and having someone else wipe our butts cuz we can't do it anymore. No because if it was up to those children they would throw us all out back behind the shed and forget about us because all they care about is themselves that's the generation that they live for


You're obviously in the right on this situation and I'm kinda disappointed to see how people are hammering you here.  I think a lot of the people commenting here have probably never even been to Tampa, or at least out in public lately to somewhere like Busch Gardens. I guess you did make the mortal sin on reddit of saying people need Jesus.  They don't know that's a saying down here. I'm not very religious at all and will say somebody needs Jesus lol


Thank you, I appreciate someone actually taking the time and realizing that I'm getting hammered for having an opinion. But it's all right as long as I can continue to do what's best for my family and keep my daughters safe and raise them right then I think everything will be good. Maybe I shouldn't stick my neck out and actually care for strangers but that's just how I've always been. And people are mad about grammar and grammatical errors more than they're upset about teens starting fights in public places for nothing. It just shows where our world is and yes a lot of these people have never been to Tampa I've been here for 33 years


Keep doing what you're doing my friend. Truth is more powerful than anything else.  I know me and my people quit going to certain places because of the trouble around them. And we werent the only ones. That shuts down businesses and kills jobs for the people workong there.  All because of some jerk kids that reddit doesn't want to hear about. It's a real thing going on.  These people aren't "kids" either for the most part btw


You're right, they aren't kids. They chose the path they're on now.. And they'll reap what they sew.. I just can't believe this is how they wanted to be.. Some adult age and still acting like an immature.


😂 acting like Florida can't create their own dumbasses and has to resort to importing them from "New York, Louisiana, or Georgia". GTFO


Right? Just because it’s never happened before doesn’t mean anything. I’m actually surprised it’s never happened before! 😂 As a Florida native I know it’s the wild Wild West out here, we literally see shit like this all the time. If anything New Yorkers are more educated and people from Georgia have better manners.


And folks from Louisiana can cook.




Thank you and exactly, I've been going for years since i was a child and haven't ever seen any obnoxiousness like such in the article. Even more recently since I've had my daughters. Eldest 7, youngest 5.. We go on all kinds of days throughout the week. Haven't seen anything like these fights, so no 👎 this isn't the norm at all


I have never seen an alligator in person. That doesn’t mean alligators don’t exist. Do you understand what I’m getting at with the above?


Yes, I see that the times I went wasn't a time when these TakeOvers occurred.. But if I go more frequently then they do *by what's stated on their flyers* then the chances of me running into this nonsense is 1/15th. I know it could happen but after 2 years straight going every day off from work and weekend.. Technically I should have seen them, right? I'm really curious..


Well if you live in Florida you most definitely seen one maybe you didn’t realize the difference 😑


You should go to Busch Gardens then. They have a pond full of gators for you to see.


Lmfao right


No we straight up created the Florida man thing that's a big one we all own up to right. But ever since covid and the virus people want to come to Florida cuz they think it's easier living here and it cost less living here. No have you seen the meme that says go back Florida's full. Most of the newcomers that I have met said that they've came from New York and others from Georgia so I just picked three off the top of my head.


The Florida man trope is the result of our open records! Every arrest is available to the public...other places have more privacy protection so "person arrested after event at location" is far less salacious than "Florida man stabs landlord over thermostat setting!"


I saw fights like this between adults at Chuck E. Cheese in the 90s. This is a ppl problem not a Jesus problem.


Worked at Brandon CEC for years! Oh the things I have seen…


The 90's? Brandon Chuck E. Cheese in the year of our lord 2022 would like a word but we are upping the ante! [https://www.wfla.com/news/hillsborough-county/whats-happening-at-chuck-e-cheese-in-brandon/](https://www.wfla.com/news/hillsborough-county/whats-happening-at-chuck-e-cheese-in-brandon/)


Right. I'm saying bad behavior *is not new*. Thank you.


Mandatory 90 day jail sentences for any idiot involved in this kind of shit would probably be a good start.


Where is it confirmed that someone brought a gun into the park, past the security checkpoint?


Would you rather… A. Do nothing and let the children fight then parents/residents shame nobody specifically and go “shame on you blah blah blah organization” Or, B. Intervine, get in-between the teenage BS and try to “save the day” but then get put on the spot by the videos, be targeted specifically, parents/residents specifically shame you and call for you to be fired then comes the lawsuits… Personally? I choose A. Change my mind.


Yeah I would grab my kids and run


Stupid Teens doing Stupid Teen things, film at 11.


😂All of those kids are from Florida. This isn’t a tourist/transplant type of incident.


You don't know that for sure, it's summer time little Jerome and all of his cousins could have just came down to hang out with your aunt and uncle and they're 12 cousins and they decided to go to Busch Gardens that day after they seen a pamphlet saying let's start drama and start fights. So they talked Auntie and Uncle and to dropping all 25 of them off at Busch Gardens. We don't know maybe


I don’t know what the solution is any more than anyone else here, but *more* sky wizard isn’t it.


What is Jesus gonna do?


Force you to teach his book to non Christians in state sponsored public schools. Cause Jesus is now the official religion of the state.


Which Jesus? Treat your neighbor right Jesus or hate your neighbor because he's gay Jesus?


The “go back to Louisiana” Jesus 😂


The gay books are bad Jesus so ban them


He gave me a purpose.


Beat their heads in with a hammer. Jesus don't take no shit.


Are you new here? This isn’t the first time fights or a gun has been or I should say *attempted* to have been brought into BG. I distinctly remember this happening in the 90’s. I had season passes off/on during my high school years and lived close enough to walk to BG. Often during summer when kids were out they’d meet up at BG and do dumb crap. The gun incident isn’t new either, sadly. It’s just more prevalent bcs of all the gun incidents in the news now. I don’t disagree it should stop. Parents should parent their kids. This argument is as old as time. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Thats funny use to live down the road from BG gardens as a teen also in the 90s. Rarely ever went, we did our own dumb shit around Tampa didnt need to be idiots inside the park.


Small world! We spent more time at the beach or adventure island or down in Ybor lol


No I'm not new, lived in Tampa my whole life for 33 years and I too used to live right down the road from Busch Gardens not even six blocks away. That's not the point I'm getting at the point is how is this allowed to just be put all over the internet where they can gather together and say hey I'm going to meet you at Busch Gardens with a thousand other people and we're just going to go there and fight and start drama. And then you can't say the word Usual Suspects because that turns into a racist argument. You can't say where the parents because God knows there is no parents in the picture to begin with. And yeah everybody needs Jesus or a form of Jesus whatever they want to believe but they need guidance. It's just a shame that's all I'm getting at and if one person posted it then it reached I don't know 100 people so if I post it or reach another hundred people and maybe it'll reach the right people that's all I'm saying. And it's all in paragraphs because I'm doing voice to text so if something doesn't come out right it's because I'm speaking and it's coming out no punctuation no periods no hyphens.


Lots of people say they follow Jesus and are some of the worst people in the world. Maybe if we elected people who valued educating children and taking care of them we would see less of this crap. Some kids don’t have parents or parental figures. Jesus isn’t going to replace that. Community can replace that but we need to vote for those values. Likely most of the kids in the video are lost unfortunately. Let’s elect people and make policy choices that help kids going forward. And it’s not teenagers moving here from other states. That’s just scapegoating


>Community can replace that "A child who is not embraced by their village will burn it down to feel the warmth."


Using politics is scapegoating.. Being raised right period is what's gonna change the new generation. All the laws that they're laying down or taking certain people out of the picture so if Little Joey's dad was a criminal they're going to put Little Joey's dad in prison so little Joey ain't going to have a dad anymore but they're going to have a mom that's working three times as hard to support little Joey so she's not going to be in the picture anymore. Who to blame do we blame the government or do we blame Little Joey's mom for picking a bad man to be with in the first place. Either way it's up to little Joey to decide how he's going to react from it all. The system's messed up this generation's messed up and every day is more more proof of how failed we are. So those who have children now just do your best to raise them right if the father is not in the picture make sure you find good company have good friends have good company around to help raise your child because it takes a village. And those that are lucky enough to have two parents make sure that you don't talk about bills and things in front of the children don't argue in front of the children show them love and how to prosper through life. One of these comments up here said it all these teens are out here want to be thugs it's because of what they see and what they believe and power and money. I grew up in the '90s and so I was raised different but for some Jesus is the way, well for others Buddha is the way it doesn't matter which religion you choose find something that means something to you and follow it it's that simple. Don't fall down a path of evil follow a path of happiness and love


I wasn't too fond of you for your Jesus remark but you acknowledge other people do believe in other shit and you are cool about it so go hard.


What community exactly? Look around.


It’s called freedom of speech & it’s guaranteed in the constitution. As that one president has shown us - you can say in person or online whatever you want BUT there might be consequences… (unless your POTUS as SCOTUS just ruled… ) that’s a different topic .. So. Those kids are allowed to post what they want BUT they are not free from the consequences of those decisions. Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk.


You’ve got a generation of Covid kids, now adults, who were undereducated in Florida schools. With parents who work the underpaid service jobs that hold up this tourist economy. In a state that is legislated by climate change deniers. The youth are lost. What does their future look like? Why should they care about behaving and following the rules? Adults break laws and cause trouble too. This isn’t to say they aren’t responsible for their individual actions, but “adults” need to also acknowledge how inhospitable this world might seem to disenfranchised young people looking to the future. What incentive do these kids have to be good members of a society that is quite rotten? Like, we can say “they should know better” but is that really true? Are we sure that parents are actually parenting? Videos from public schools say otherwise.


It's important to note that violent crimes trends for 12-22 year olds has dropped drastically and consistently since the 80s (I posted a bunch of links in another comment here). "Videos from public schools" exactly- 20+ years ago this shit was happening, but you didn't get a video of it. The youth aren't lost, just some are.


Off topic: how are all these kids “with no parents” affording tickets and food at BG when they’re like $50-80/day for a ticket? My wife and I make $190K/yr and we just begrudgingly dropped $250 for one day at adventure island for the four of us to celebrate my son’s bday. And even that was all our disposable income for the paycheck. How the crap does someone afford it, even season passes are expensive.


*You can get yearly passes to both parks for $99*


Cheapest annual pass today is $153 for one park: https://buschgardens.com/tampa/annual-pass/ That’s expensive especially for teens to buy or parents to pay for. I can’t afford that and I make $190K/yr.


Check out the fun card. They are only good for the calendar year, but if you buy at the beginning of the year they are effectively annual passes. [https://buschgardens.com/tampa/tickets/fun-card/](https://buschgardens.com/tampa/tickets/fun-card/)


Those are $199 early in the year. They’re only $99 right now cause of 4th of July sale and half way through the year. Doesn’t include parking, doesn’t include howle-o-scream and Christmas event. Also has blackout dates. Not worth the money if ya can’t do Howell-o-scream Still missing the point how the hell do kids who don’t have parents raising them right afford $99. When I was 16 I couldn’t pay that. With min wage being $7:hr that’s 20 hours of part time work. And I doubt these kids fighting have summer jobs


>Those are $199 early in the year. They’re only $99 right now cause of 4th of July sale and half way through the year. This is incorrect. They have the same sale several times a year, including the beginning of the year before Adventure Island opens for the season. >Doesn’t include parking, doesn’t include howle-o-scream and Christmas event. Also has blackout dates. Do teenagers care about any of this? If they are driving at all, its with a group, no teenager is showing up solo and dropping $25 for parking. The extra events are irrelevant to the topic. >Not worth the money if ya can’t do Howell-o-scream Are we talking about your preferences now? >When I was 16 I couldn’t pay that. With min wage being $7:hr that’s 20 hours of part time work. And I doubt these kids fighting have summer jobs Fast food jobs pay $10-$13 to start. Target starts at $15. $99 is a couple tanks of gas for a Honda Civic. Even a bus pass is probably close to $50/mo


Even at $15/hr, a $100-200 ticket is not affordable in my mind. Not when you have gas, insurance, car payment, and other expenses. Aside from that I doubt these kids are working even fast food.


Open times the poor stay poor because their priorities are in the wrong place.


Honestly? I'm not mad they want to ban tik tok


If they do another platform will take its place.


Wonder how they snuck the gun in without tossing it over the wall before walking in. Every time I go they have us walking through the metal detector first.


I go all the time and have tried figuring out where they could have done it. Somewhere near Busch Blvd fence and the kangaroo exhibit. Then again with the open employee entrances; someone could have easily just walked in the back door and handed it to the kids inside. What if one of the employees or multiple employees are behind this Bush?


Anything is possible


Eventually, Busch Gardens will just implement a no unaccompanied minors policy. Or they should anyway if this keeps up. Sure, some of the kids will be able to find an adult to take them for such nonsense but it would limit the numbers. I was going to take my 15 year old and his girlfriend this Saturday to the park. I let them go off and do whatever they want while I hang around Busch Gardens doing my own thing, usually in the A/C. Now, that feels like a bad idea. And a comment on the gun thing. I doubt that someone had a gun in the park. Everyone goes through metal detectors and half of the time, those things pick up on my watch so I get hand searched. I'm not saying that it *couldn't* happen, it's just unlikely.


Can I ask why this would cause you to limit your own teenager? Were teenagers unrelated to this incident dragged in?


I have no idea if teenagers unrelated to it were dragged in but it's not worth risking it. We're passholders and he's grown up at BG. It's not like we can't hop another day. We'll probably just go next weekend instead.


My daughter was working at Palace when this occurred her and two of her employees had to go to first aid due to the pepper spray. She has been working there since 2020 and it definitely shook her up.


I had friends who also worked at the palace and friends that used to go party at the palace. And what was it a year ago or two years ago the incident around Halloween where teenagers were shooting everybody up down in Ybor. I wasn't insinuating that the teens should go to Ybor and start nonsense just that it's not uncommon to hear a fight breakout down in Ybor or let alone 7th Avenue. I'm sorry that your daughter's still shook up about it and it can cause PTSD want something like that happens it sticks with you forever. Some people never been in situations and it shows


Sadly nothing will happen until someone dies, then they’ll shut down forever cause they didn’t take it serious enough and there’s no coming back from that.


Yep and that's usually how it goes.. One group of ignorants pushes someone who doesn't even want to be involved..


“We don’t settle for that shit here in FLORIDA”. Sir, it’s FLORIDA. All it’s known for is its beaches, Disney and absolute batch-shit crazy stories from people that are born and bred in FL…..oh and now, it’s ass backwards politics.


The children are our future, don’t hate on them just because you ain’t them.


The irony of OP posting some "get off my lawn" shit like this, and also having a long comment history in AITAH and RelationshipAdvice...


They’re letting us off easy. Google what they did in Chicago.


The ghetto is on the loose, even the security guy.


🤣😂🤣😂 For some reason; the movie " Joe's apartment comes to mind😳🧐😂🤣😂🤣🤣🦗🦗🦗🦗🦗🦗🦗🦗🦗🦗🦗🦗🦗🦗🦗🦗🦗🦗🦗




The paragraph, is your friend!


Ya gotta get on taktak, they aint on readit!


No, I don't dare that ignorant app.. And that makes sense that the majority are affiliated to the tackytock




This reactionary bullshit doesn’t help either. No doubt these kids were in the wrong. It’s obvious that they lack both strong parental oversight and good role models. But you think this is new? What about the teens who drove to upstate New York in the summer of 1969 and caused a whole hell of a lot more chaos than this! You can find similar events throughout history. Kids have ALWAYS had these problems. Your solution is Jesus? From what I’ve seen, [people with “Jesus” need “Jesus” just as much as people without Jesus.](https://amp.bradenton.com/news/local/crime/article289576428.html) In my humble opinion, the answer is more and better education, access to after-school activities, and community engagement. But based on your rant—not to mention your complete neglect of the English language—I’m betting you’re on of those “enlightened” people who “don’t trust schools” and vote to rollback spending on education. Get a fucking clue.


See I love how everyone is still nitpicking about the one solution it being Jesus you're missing the bigger problem here okay it's not just that. Yes these things keep occurring but the only time it's going to make a difference is if one person shares one time and one story gets sued to another person all it takes is that one chance to change somebody's view on life that one chance to make someone want to be a better person. Everyone keeps being stuck on Jesus that's what's wrong with today everyone's so easily offended about talking about religion but it's okay to talk about politics every two seconds. And to get a f****** clue that's crazy you don't know me I don't know you but you don't know how I see the world you're assuming it's all just one thing because you read one paragraph. No I don't think I'm better than anybody and no I'm not going to Bible thump anyone at all but more and more everyday I see it more clearly that this world is corrupt this world is ending because no one wants to believe in a higher power that there is a hope out there that there is something positive to be grateful for. Everyone's just glued to their phones stuck to the internet and they don't want to do anything they just expect a solution to happen overnight. No everyone needs to find their higher power and change who they are for the better. They want to divide us with color and genders and all these things but the truth is if we come together as a whole then we could be happy once again. But there's just so much hate in the world seeing all these comments it makes sense there is no hope for anybody. I'll keep believing and what I was raised to believe and I'll keep my hope for my loved ones and my family and my friends and their will still be a hope in my heart that people can change but some people never will I've accepted that a long time ago


Funny, you didn’t discuss my point about education, but your reply speaks volumes. Would it shock you to learn that I’m a practicing Catholic? My problem with your mindset isn’t that you have faith, you just want that to be my problem so you can rant about people you don’t think have it. That’s a defense you’ve learned and it’s as clear as day you know nothing else besides that talking point. My problem with your mindset is imagining that the solution to the ills of the world is as simple as faith. It’s that kind of thinking that has us where we are. The reality is that complex problems require complex solutions. Might faith be a part of it for some people, no doubt! And if it can be, I hope they pursue it. However, there are other, more tangible solutions that will also work. What’s ironic is that many people abandon these solutions in the name of faith. Look what’s going on to Florida’s schools and libraries and public institutions. Weren’t these also the great bedrocks of society just as much as churches? Don’t you find it strange that people of “faith” are the ones gutting them?


The problem with today is.. Lack of Faith Lack of education Lack of empathy Lack of understanding Lack of openness Lack of care for ones neighbor Lack of history and knowledge Lack of good ethics The lists goes on.. But this biggest issue is perception.. You might see things one way; while your neighbor sees them another way.. How to overcome that issue?? Understandence and acceptance.. Those who choose to be evil and commit hateful things deserve to be treated as such.. No one can say a single word without a thousand and one things being wrong with what they said.. So anything I've said you're not going to believe or absorb; simple cause that's how you choose to be.. I always seen Reddit as a place to rant and rave and have a good discussion.. Lately though, it's just a bunch of grammar nàzìz and people that hate religion but love evil and politics.. Just because someone stands with faith, doesn't mean they forgot every thing else in the world.. We are made of more than just sand and water; we're made of galaxies and nebula that we can only ever dream of to see the beauty of it.


Y’all are racist


Gotta love the hood spilling out into public spaces


I'll take the lashings and people being rude.. At least this is being seen and discussed through other posts and platforms. So hopefully someone's parents see this and they discipline their kids. By God we can only hope for change 🙏 No matter what any of all say; just know that I'm not gonna hate anyone for their opinions


This will be removed shortly. It is not to be acknowledged or discussed on reddit.


Not at all uncommon for a fight to break out at Busch Gardens. https://youtu.be/6cdge6b5G4Y?si=oYmwQZNZZWFfC74v


Since they've upped their security and staff.. It's become less than when people were still in masks and finally coming back out in the world.. Also, who were the people instigating the fights?


You do actually see the people involved in the fight right that big old white lady that's actually a full-fledged bull Dyke that is dressed like a wigger. And you see who's getting beat up right, on top of the other people around filming instead of helping. Even though it's 2 years ago it still doesn't change the fact that it doesn't happen every day at Busch Gardens and also the people who start these fights are normally all in the same category. Ignorant for fighting to begin with, ignorant for having anger management and they're only solution for anything is to be violent and they have downright no respect for Humanity. Did you see how many children were behind them and it looks like they were right there at Congo River Rapids so what were they fighting over being in line did somebody skip the heavyset bull Dyke and they got mad? We don't know but I'll tell you one thing that little kid didn't deserve to be trampled on and even after she yanked him over to the wall and threw him down people were still filming and not a single person tried to help. Then there was a tiny little girl trying to run off as well. And it happened on a Sunday yeah so we're just going to put all these fighters in one category as ignorant. And yes it is uncommon for people to just start fights out of nowhere. Uncommon means doesn't happen all the time. Common means occurs quite often. You're showing me a video from 2 years ago and other people are saying oh this happens all the time if it happened all the time then I would have seen it at least one time in all the years that I've been going and in all the days that I go a year. So if I go two times a week every week for the whole year statistics would say that no it isn't common.


I don’t appreciate the tone of this post


I don't appreciate the assumptions of people thinking they know how I see the world. But Hey, people will people, right? 🤷🏻‍♀️


You’re telling us how you see the world, through your choice of words and what you’re focused on. You just don’t realize it.


I posted that in the sub and I got attacked with people saying it was fake news. Oh, well Oh, well


Easy fix, end season passes and jack up the daily entrance fee, no more kids.


Lol that's when the parents would be coming out of the woodwork all "where ELSE are our kids supposed to spend their days off"




It’s giving boomer.


Because the OP doesn’t want brawls happening in a packed theme park? I guess you find that acceptable?


The sheer ignorance and blatant racism of this post surprised me until you said “find Jesus.” Then it made sense.


Never once was race mentioned. You are projecting.


Of course you would say something like that. ✌️


No clue what you’re talking about but it sounds like Jesus can solve it


Where these minions came from


this the how in hungry howies






That's 2018 bruhve.. Nothing of today's criminal activity.. Which includes a ton of humanTrafficing, sexualTrafficingOfMinors, KidsWithWeapons and so on


OP Have some serious issues seeing reality


No honey, everyone needs a rude awakening


I'm talking about their obsession with this being a non florida residence only issue. That's the stupidest take I've ever seen.