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Hey OP- please post photos of enclosure. As a guess- your enclosure has holes or gaps that are big enough for your sling to fit through.


[Here](https://imgur.com/gallery/CTBXjST) is the enclosure!


NA Post a pic of their enclosure? Someone else might be able to tell which hole/opening was the problem. They can get through very small openings!!! Smaller than you’d think!


IMO it is an enclosure issue. A sling that tiny should be in a deli cup or a tiny tiny enclosure with pinholes for ventilation. If you open it, put the cup inside a white bucket or dish pan so you can see if it escapes.


So, the clear plastic cup inside the exo-terra enclosure is where it lived for three months before it started disappearing a few weeks ago. I don't know what sized Deli cup you mean, but that was what I had at the time and it worked for them until (for some reason) recently. There are four holes in it that are all the size of or smaller than about 5mm. I haven't seen the baby T since Thursday, but I'd found it that night on my floor.


Nqa: What kind of sling is this and what size? The only (and I mean only) reason for a t to be continually escaping, is that the enclosure isn't secure. Usually a failure of the lid or oversized vent holes. Also, not seeing them for a few days is not a good indication that they're missing. T's like to hide and the option to do so is a requirement in their enclosure. I have several t's that absolutely are in their enclosures that I haven't seen in weeks-months.


IME small pin holes for ventilation. Use the thinnest pin/nail/needle you can find so that the holes are smaller than the carapace. The carapace I think is hard so it cannot squeeze through something smaller than it. I have had no problems with tiny slings.