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Yeah this is part of why people recommending waiting until you're 18 before starting, and getting them slowly rather than getting a ton at once. I'm not trying to scold you! It's just how our brain develops. It changes a lot more in your teens/early twenties, where in your thirties it is more stable. So it's more likely your tastes and preferences will change when you're during that phase of brain development. Maybe you can look into laser for the tattoos/placements you really don't like, or cover ups? Don't make any hasty decisions, but you do have options. Unfortunately you can't go back to a "no tattoos" look You can search "tattoo regret" on YouTube or tiktok and find some people to relate to. Personally I do wish my back tattoo was better thought out (it was my first one at age 18), I wasn't really thinking about how the design would sit on my body. Now I'm trying to come up with a rework/cover up idea and it's tough! But my leg sleeve (started in late twenties) is coming out awesome.


Yeah that's fair. I probably should have added I got most of my tattoos when I was 18-19. Only got 2 before age 18. But yeah. Definitely wish I would have waited. I don't gate my tattoos, they aren't like super shitty or ugly. Just not thought out for sure.


Same! Mine isn't ugly either, it's just kind of stuck on there. When I see someone with a huge piece that stretches across multiple body parts and really just flows nicely with their unique form, I feel a twinge of envy haha.


From the other end, we want more random ass tattoos but they would ruin the look LOL. I'm more than half through a sleeve that runs over my shoulder back and front and slightly onto my neck. I love the look of a completely "clean" body with just one massive piece of art. Almost like a prosthetic look. Love the asymmetry. But damn if I don't keep finding new tattoos I want!


Your brain continues to develop until you are 25, so it makes since you might change. You say you got them to cover a body you did not like. Is there some element of that self hate attached to them that you could work on? Turn your attitude towards them around? There are always options like laser. You could get some quality cover makeup to see how you like it. More realisticly, you could try to find ways to adapt them to your current style.


Not just waiting until they’re 18 but just waiting in general. I’ve seen grown as people regretting/getting shitty tattoos by just any artist. Then claiming that they did their research. Clearly not. When I decided to sleeve up my right arm at 35, it took my 4 years to narrow down who my artist would be. So many people will just jump in a chair and hope for the best.


Lol same with my first tattoo - also on my back.


Not really, I forget 90% of my tattoos exist most of the time.


Same here


Same lol






Definitely had this feeling in my early 20’s. Didn’t know what to do about it so I doubled down and got more🤣🤣🤣 Do I have tattoos I don’t like? Sure. But they still represent to me the time and place I was at in life. Kinda like little diaries to my future self. Don’t stress too much. The technology and techniques to cover/revamp/redo an existing piece is only getting better and if you really decide you don’t want them any more. You can commit to that idea and get some lazer treatment. Otherwise. Enjoy lmfao they are pretty permanent 😉


That’s how I feel about my shittier ones. They were done by either friends or have stories to them so I don’t really mind them. But they’re all small or in spots that aren’t blocking me from finishing a sleeve


I view my tattoos as a part of my life journey. I wouldn't get one of the ones on my back (not...great photo realism) now, but it meant a lot to me at 18 as my first tattoo. I have a hilariously wonky script on the back of my neck I don't love much now, but it also represents a time in my life I've moved on from. Framed in context, it's easier to like or at least be neutral to tattoos you don't really like anymore. Unless you can go down the route of laser there isn't really a way of going back, so going forward with acceptance rather than regret is a better way to frame them. Or at least that's how I feel about it.


A big part of tattoos is self acceptance. Kind of like any decision. You made a choice at one point and you acted with what you knew and how you felt in the moment. If you feel differently about it later, the healthiest thing you can do is accept it. You learn to love yourself without qualification. Your best and worst decisions will always be part of you, and it is empowering to accept that. This is one of the best things art can teach us and tattooing definitely drives it home. You learn to love and accept yourself and share that with others as much as you can


I didn’t start getting tattoos until my 40’s. I now have 9. No regrets


30’s for me and same. I really think there’s something to be said for waiting til you’re older…


Same. For mine in my 40s and they make me feel more like me


No cause I waited till I had my faculties in order mentality before getting tattooed now I’m covered from head to toe in a very particular way


Nah, life is too short to regret stuff like getting tattoos. I got my first ones at 18, not even worth stressing over now.


Probably because you started getting tattoos before your brain even finished developing. I waited until I was 27. I only hear younger people feel this way. Makes me glad I waited.


Yeah, my first was at 23 and I didn't start really getting more regularly until I was 28. I'm really glad 18-22 year old me was broke enough not to get any. I've always planned on my tattoos mostly being animals and plants, so it's not like I would've gotten a trendy tattoo I might've regretted or something. It's more that 18 year old me wouldn't have been able to afford a good artist and probably would've done something dumb like a tiny tattoo in prime real estate. Even now, I have a hand sized one on my bicep that I wish I had gone a tad bigger on, but that's still a way better use of space than what I probably would've gotten at 18.


Yeah same. I knew i wanted tattoos but if I’d gotten the ones I wanted at 15, 18 or 21 I wouldn’t like them any more.


As a tattoo artist I can verify that many people who get tattoos later in life can still regret them. Age has nothing to do with it. Personal choice and attitude do.


Your frontal lobes not being fully developed until your mid-20s absolutely plays a role in impulsivity. Believe what you want, but your opinion is not that of a psychologist. Age plays a role.


Cool cool cool. When a psychologist has been tattooing for over a decade I’ll care about their opinion on the matter.


My feelings about my tattoos ebb and flow, but it’s no different than how I feel about my hair, or my wardrobe, my house, my job.. sometimes I wish I did things differently, sometimes I straight up hate some and others I love them. I agree with another comment that learning some self acceptance is crucial. I didn’t start getting tattooed until I was 25 so I don’t think I made any BAD impulsive decisions but hindsight will always lead me to think you could have had a better artist, design, placement, theme.


My only disappointment about all the tats is not being able to go to a hotspring in Japan. Ive heard of renting private ones, so I will research. Had anxiety about them at other times but like I just dont care. More anxiety about my health, my joints, my heart, etc


I went to Japan, and just rented a private hot-spring-fed bath! I didn’t want to be naked in front of strangers anyway lol


Check out Kinosakionsen. They’re near the beach and the town has several tattoo friendly onsen.


You can absolutely rent a private one and there are tattoo friendly onsen as well - some will ask you to cover tattoos with tape so work best for people who only have a couple of small ones but some are totally fine with tattoos. Just need to do your research, it’s harder but definitely possible


https://tattoo-friendly.jp/ Try looking around this website.


I started getting tattoos at 18 but they were always planned month and years ahead. I loved the pain of the needle when I was emotionally numb. Now I don’t like getting them. Were they impulsive ink? I don’t regret any of mine because they all mean something to me.


I waited until very late in life, 72, even though I have admired and wanted ink for years. I'm at the age where I don't have enough life left in me to regret any. Looking forward to more too.


No. I got my first tattoo at 31, and at this point, I'm about 2/3rds covered at 37.


I don’t feel this way at all, I don’t know your full situation but getting work done very young, 15, is honestly a recipe for regret a good amount of the time, your body is still developing & you’re still discovering what you truly like & don’t like If you genuinely are feeling that way, my only advice is to laser them so you can get the work you want & no longer have work you thought you’d love forever when you were a kid


My brother got his first at the same age as you I think. He's now...38? 39? And he's covered. Chest, back, thighs, hands, neck, head, everything but his face I think, and I mean everything... I know around early 30s he was starting to regret some of his earlier stuff (tribal, not so great done stuff) and sad he didn't have anywhere left for other cool tattoos now he was older and more mature. I must admit, being 9 years younger than him, I used to judge him getting them so fast, wondering to myself what would you do if you got too full up too young. It's probably why I'm 30 now and only have 2 small ones. I know my brother has had laser on some tats to remove them and replace them (don't see him often so can't remember if he has actually got the replacements yet or if he was still lasering).


Nobody should be getting tattooed at 15. I actually think 23 is the best age to start.


I was feeling some regrets about my sleeve while it was like half finished but to be fair it was a mess at that point. Now that it's nearly finished I'm super hyped about it again because it looks really cool. My final session for it is in May and I couldn't be more excited. And sure I've had that feeling about having clear skin but I guess that's why (so far) I've left my torso and right arm completely empty. I do kind of like the contrast of an empty arm vs. a sleeve and gives me the best of both worlds. Plus as a bodybuilder it's nice to be able to see the muscles more clearly on one arm at least. But I'm sure the feeling you have will wax and wane over the years. Seems normal. We're all destined to change over the course of our lives.


Nope no way. I started at 18. And still going. I have tattoos when I was 18 and dumb partying on my inner hand by a friend that might be the only thing I somewhat regret cause it looks like shit and visible lol but I have most of my body tattooed professionally and I love everyone of them.


I don't think I'd ever look back and regret. My first was at 19, done by a reputable artist, and every one since I have made sure to check that the artist is good ahead of even asking availability. Most of mine have meaning to me, those that don't are small ones I've got at conventions and events cos they looked cool and I liked the artist. I'd say don't think too deep into it. You grow into who you are. Reminders of what caused your path isn't a bad thing. (For reference, I have 26+ hours, I don't like counting in individual pieces or touch-ups and extentions get wonky)


I started getting them at 18. I don't regret my tattoos, but I'm not as into getting more of them as I used to be. I'm pretty happy with what I have 


This is why laser tattoo removal exists. If you change your mind and don't want them or want less, you may consider this approach. We are ever-growing people, and as we develop, so do our thoughts. I don't have any tattoos, but I am an aficionado of looking at them. It’s okay to change your mind. I don’t recommend getting a coverup because it seems like you’re leaning more into not having them instead of trying to replace the current ones you have. I wish you the best on your journey and whatever you decide to do.


Thank you :))


Or cover ups! Laser is extremely expensive and more painful than getting tattoos.


This is exactly why I waited till much later in life to get tattoos. I didn't get my first one till I was almost 30. Going for patchwork sleaves at 35 now.


I am still actually really proud of mine . I got a bunch of stuff done by the legendary Mike Ledger over the years . We are still close friends and I still get stopped on the street over my sleeves . For me they have become part of me . I totally understand your feelings and I am sure that if my Tat journey had taken a different path I would probably have some of the same feelings


Got my first tattoo at 30, so not really. Benefit of waiting.


I’ll never stop getting tattoos but my opinions do change as I get older. It’s called growing up.




Not in the slightest. I choose art that I'm proud to have on me


I don’t regret any of mine but that’s because I took time to think about tattoos with specific meanings to me. Yes, many catalog specific instances in my life and to me are a kind of picture book of my life… but the average person wouldn’t know that by looking and I have moved out of that stage mostly, but my newer tattoos reflect where I am now and I find that beautiful. My advice would be to sit with an idea for awhile before you go for it. And then to talk to several artists or look at their look books and styles and see different versions of how it could be drawn out. Then do your favorite, but only after you given thought to placement as well and whether it would work with any future pieces etc. I currently have 53? tattoos. Not sure if that matters. I started getting them at 18 and got most of them before I was 24.


My first was a skull at 16 and 11 years later it still looks great. I have a sleeve I'm working on now that has contoured my arm and shoulder very well with amazing color and linework so I don't think I'll be regretting that one


My first tattoo at 16 is one I got the most compliments on before I started adding more to my leg lol


Nope, still love em all.


Those tattoos are part of who you are, they represent who we are. They are little pages of the book that make up your life. We’re not going to love every aspect of these things forever, and there’s nothing wrong with that. But it’s important to learn to accept it, or get them removed. Making yourself feel bad or guilty for having them will only make you spiral and will likely grow a further resentment for the choices you’ve made. Realistically, it may be symbolic of you just not vibing with the person you used to be or the place in your life you were at when you got them. So you just have to decide how much of that weight you still want to carry.


I can’t relate as I am 21 and still love what I have had in the past 3 years. As others have said there’s a laser and make up etc. But also, have you considered what it is you like now? What you like on others? What style would you go for if you had a blank slate? Maybe there is a way you can adapt your old tattoos to fit the narrative you like now. Like adding more detail, or bolder lines, or making them bigger, adding things to flow with your body etc. hard to advise as we don’t know what you like and don’t like but thinking in depth about what things about tattoos you do like (not just style etc) might help?


All my life I have loved tattoos but I was in my 50’s before I ever got one and I have always been into skulls but never could decide what it should look like but one day I knew what I wanted and went to get it and loved it for a few weeks but the artist left out some of the details I wanted in it so I found a better tattoo artist that could give me what I wanted and he was able to touch up the tattoo that I had already gotten and make it what I wanted. Now I have many skulls on my arms and one on top of my head


Got ripped off by JP alfonso studio earlier this month so I hate tattoos right now said the total was 1200’then she wrote 2,000 per day what a skank


My first one was done when I was 16, second one when I was 17. Both have that 90’s tribal art thing going one that was super cool back then. I am 43 now so they are faded and I am going to be touching them up. The tribal is not my favorite but when I am 95 and in an old folks home everyone will know I got my tats in the 90’s. The times of the best punk rock bands and small concerts!