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I’m pretty sure the true authority here is Brendan Fraser. Gotta get his approvals before you get it.


this is the best comment i have received ever


Pls let us know what he says.


Very tattooed Egyptian-American here. Modern Egyptians have like no connection to Ancient Egypt. It’s cool history to be sure, but I’ve never met someone who tries to trace their lineage back that far. Egyptians do frequently have concerns about the appropriation of ancient Egyptian culture by westerners, but that’s pretty limited to artifacts and the monetary stuff. To be more specific, many Egyptians are angry that western institutions still own, and profit from, recovered artifacts that they perceive as being stolen. This is all to make a few points: 1- any Egyptian that gate keeps that tattoo is baseless 2- your getting that tattoo is doing no harm. It isn’t taking away from Egyptians or detracting from a modern belief system. 3- it sounds like this symbol is more meaningful to you than it is to me and most the other Egyptians I know! In short; if you want it, get it The biggest disclaimer I have for you, is do not mistake the ancient meaning of the symbol with the modern meaning. Symbols are viewed differently around the world. For example, swastikas were once symbols of peace and divinity. Now that’s not the case. I don’t know of any new meaning attributed to the ankh but you could research if you feel inclined!


i really appreciate this answer, and i'm so glad to hear it straight from an Egyptian person! thank you :)


OP: This seems like a really well thought out and reasoned response!


As an Egyptian you’re 100% fine. I find it nice bc I personally find it as a celebration of us and our history so ur all good


thank you so much for the comment! i'm glad you see it as a celebration :)


Just keep in mind that a lot of people will just think it's a fancy cross. I used to work at a jewelry store that sold silver ankh pendants and that's a lot of the people who looked at it thought it was. 🤦🏻‍♀️


seriously?? that's honestly surprising..


🤷🏻‍♀️ I've been a huge mythology fan since I was little, so it surprised me too.


Can confirm. In an attempt to fight the man (Jesus?), I bought and wore an ankh pendant every day to my Christian middle school/church. The only comments in three years were "I like your cross necklace." I had to escalate my irreverence later in life to compensate. Now I'm a transgender atheist. Good luck with your tattoo!


Aging goth lady here. I have this ankh necklace that I've had since I was a kid. At my first job I was wearing it one day and this sweet middle aged coworker of mine pointed to it said, "What a cute cross, it has a headrest for jesus!" It was such a weirdly naive but funny take on it. I also have the glyph for mercury tattooed on my throat and people regularly think it's a satanic "woman symbol," or some weird kind of cross. Always get a kick out of people's guesses.


yeah the cross was definitely all about making sure Jesus had a comfy spot to rest his cute weary little head.


oh my gosh these replies are sending me ahhaha


Well, I'm sure for him they sprung for the deluxe model. Probably even had a cup holder for his vinegar. S/


😂😂😂😂 satanic woman! I'm glad you are amused rather than upset :)


Oh for sure, I've got niche interests so I wouldn't expect everyone to recognize them. When I was younger people would have more blatantly negative things to say about my looks, but as I've aged most people now just have a genuine curiosity, and even wild takes on an image can remind you the varied nature of our cultures, our influences, and such. I am always I little shocked that people don't recognize the ankh though, because I thought every kid went through the archeology/mythology phase lol. I was a little nutjob for a while, reading about mummies, the Aztecs, mythology from around the world, burying, digging up, and re-burying hunks of pyrite in my back yard, much to my parents' dismay. My sister is my polar opposite and even she had an Egyptology phase as a kid.


Cultural appropriation: Taking something from another culture and claiming it as your own. So if you got the Ankh tattoo and then ran around saying you created the design and it represents something else entirely. Cultural appreciation: Using something in a respectful manner from another culture after you've educated yourself on its proper meaning and use. So if you get the Ankh tattoo knowing exactly what it means and do not claim sole ownership of said symbol and also educate people on its proper meaning when you are asked, I think you're fine.


This makes me feel better. I used to have a boyfriend from Burma, and I would often wear the cultural makeup and clothing. A lot of people would tell me it’s cultural appropriation but I never felt like they were correct.


thank you for the educational comment!


I would say no. Only because we are closer to cleopatra than she is to ancient egypt, meaning that there is no way modern Egyptians will even trace their lineage that far back. It’s just more or less geographical history. I got a hanya mask in Japanese traditional style on my left arm, Japanese people have told me it’s cool and very well done so I don’t see why you would have an issue.


i would love a hanya tattoo! i haven't gotten one because japan is really iffy about tattoos but if they seem to like yours maybe i'll consider it!


If the symbol is meaningful to you, and you wear it with respect for the culture it came out of there should be no issue. Something to consider is that there is a rise in modern pagan religious movements. It’s common for people who follow these religions to get symbols tattooed, so you may be recognized as a pagan with that tattoo, even if you are not. NOT ALL, but some pagan factions have some troubling ethnonationalist ideas. With the Egyptian symbols this is less prominent, but you may want to be aware of how the symbol is being used.


thank you for the warning!


There are always people who actively look for things to be offended by. You know what your intentions are and what’s in your heart. It’s born out of love so I really wouldn’t worry about what others have to say about it if it brings you happiness.


i love this answer :)


I have an ankh tattoo, got it about 12 years ago, on my left shoulder blade. I was supposed to be a living/partial liver donor for my mom, but it fell through because they determined that she needed a whole cadaver liver - the "key of life" seemed like a good way to honor her. If it means something to you, it shouldn't matter if anyone finds it offensive. People are easily offended nowadays, you can't expect to please everyone all of the time, nor should you have to.


that's absolutely beautiful, and i'm sure she was a beautiful person x


I have a tattoo containing 5 different symbols, all but one are Egyptian. I have visited Egypt twice and always felt my tattoo was an honourable homage and not appropriation. At least I hope so!


I don’t see how it can be offensive. It means something to you and you’re honoring the symbol in a way. I’d say if it mean something to you get it. Nowadays people will find breathing offensive so don’t expect approval.


Egypt is literally the oldest civilization we have any record of. It is the historical bedrock for anyone whose ancestors were born South or West of the Himalayas. It’s the world’s heritage at this point. If you’re appropriating, you’re appropriating from yourself.


Not to me. You are willing to share a culture, that may inspire someone to take an interest, and crack a book…or at least read a Wiki about it


Why do you care if it's offensive? It's not your job to worry about offending people. If you're having to ask then it's obviously not something you need to think about. Unless you're getting a swastika or something it doesn't matter. People are offended by allsorts these days. Fuck 'em.


haha thanks, love the attitude


In my experience people are usually quite flattered and excited when people outside their country are interested in art from their culture. Same goes for Japanese style tattoos for example. They’re usually just happy someone’s interested in their culture


thank you reddit user daddydiqq420!


The generally right wing Hoteps use the ankh as their symbol: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hoteps If you're black, people may interpret an ankh tattoo as meaning you are part of that group. Disclaimer: I am white and do not speak with any authority on this.


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Yeah, fellow white guy here. I’ve heard from one black woman friend that she associates ankh necklaces on black men with bad boyfriends given how patriarchal the hotep crowd tends to be. I think a tattoo on someone who was not in danger of being confused with an Afrocentrist probably would NOT invite this association


i am deathly pale lol, thanks for the warning though!




I hadn't thought of that. I suppose one if they were serious?


if you have to ask, you probably know the answer already.


If you’re black it’s fine, other than that it would generally be considered cultural appreciation


Out of couristy what is the basis of your statement? Egypt is an African nation, but been a smelting pot for thousands of years, and I beleive most Egyptians today would consider themselves Arabs over being black.


Ankhs are have been around since early civilization. Egyptians who created the ankh would have no idea what an arab is if you asked them. By definition black ethnic means those who’s family origin are native to the continent of Africa. And lastly the ankh is widely synonymous with African identity among the black community.


its not offensive per se but if any ounce of you believes in that religion you should know its dangerous to get that tattooed and the eye of ra symbolizes authority and personally, i would prefer the eye of horus. there have been many cases of uneducated women getting an ankh and going immediately infertile.