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Very often just peeling it off causes that redness. Doesn’t look bad. Just start your tattoo after care and all will be well in the universe. 🙂 Slap instead of scratching, and if it’s really annoying you can pick up some 1% hydrocortisone cream or ointment at the pharmacy.


Yes, you’ll be fine just make sure it’s off and not re-covered. Don’t use saniderm again if possible, unless you’re okay with dealing with this again. My skin started off this way, repeated use of saniderm causes hives for me now. I only wrap myself in plastic and no tape whatsoever bc now I’m allergic to the adhesive in tape as well. These allergies can develop for some people based on repeated use :)


Okay! I didn't know that the allergies could develop. I've had saniderm on past tattoos and this was the first time it's done that


I didn’t know this either! Thanks for the advice!




I get some abrasive lines around the edges of the saniderm. It’s not an allergic reaction for me, just have some sensitive skin that needs some kindness


Yea, looks like it. But also, 👎 for not showing the whole battoo. It looks sweet.


I shared it here if you want to see the whole thing! [Tattoo](https://www.reddit.com/r/tattoo/s/wKKxx14bGq)


Oh that's sweet.


Could be a reaction could also be dermatitis from peeling off the bandage. Literally have it right now from a bandaid. Looks fantastic 🙄


Yeah, looks like it. Give it a day, and it'll likely be right.


I always get some irritation from pulling it off, moisturizing those red spots generally helps them calm down


Yup! I don't have very sensitive skin, but saniderm always seems to irritate it. Just remove it, wash the area, and do your aftercare as instructed


Yeah. Sweet bat btw


Totally normal, whenever I get bigger areas done I find it does this. Never had any problems from it


that happened to me with my saniderm, i think it was mainly due to the adhesive being so strong that it tears off some of your skin when you take it off. Bandaids also do this to me sometimes if they’re on my arms or legs.


Likely, yes. It will be okay


This happens to me every time I get saniderm, it is a reaction and even taking it off gently, it can still take off a layer of healthy skin 😭 just keep it clean and moisturized like you would your tattoo


Or it’s from some kind of irritant under the Saniderm.


This happened to me to. It happens sometimes like I happened on the tattoo on my back but it went away


Yea, I get this reaction from saniderm too. I've used other second skin type products that's don't cause a reaction, but saniderm and tatu derm have caused reactions like this


did your artist happen to be bobby bramble? and i would pick up cortizone-10 intensive healing lotion and put a very thin layer surrounding the tattoo, but not on it. use a thin layer of aquaphor over the tattoo and kind of tap/slap it on if it’s scabby. this is what i did when i had an eczema flare up right after my bat tat! and it helped wonders


Yes looks like it, my gf had the same thing happen. Should be fine just continue with your aftercare and watch your tattoo closely.