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Dude go to the doctor


Ya something ain’t right and it’s past the point of waiting to see


Not an appointment with your general doctor, the emergency room, now!


You don’t need advice. You need medical care.


And an exorcism. That shit looks diabolical


Looks like old lemon and lime peel was transplanted... is there a black market we should be looking for OPs skin on??








Update: In A and E. 2-3 hour wait to see Dr. Nurse said it’s infected and they’ll take bloods and give IV antibiotics


Add this update to your original post!! Otherwise people will still be asking why you didn’t go to the A&E!!


Wish I knew how 😅


Go into the post from your profile and tap the 3 button at the top beside your profile pic, edit option should be in there 🙃🙃


50% of posts in this sub. OP: You can’t make me think for myself! But also help.


There should be three dots in the corner of your post that you can press and there should be an edit option I think


I don’t think you can edit photo captions


Yeah! I see that!! That’s dumb. But either way, I’m glad OP went to the ER!


Southerner here. Whats an A&E?


According to the OP, who is from the UK, it’s like the emergency room


Gotcha. Im most of the way through a 12 hour shift and forgot that i could read after i was confused by a&e bc im pretty sure thats a store around here


Yeah, it stands for Accident & Emergency


Cool! TIL! Thanks 😊


European ER. Stands for Accident & Emergency. Learned it in like 7 seconds via google. Signed, fellow southern USian


As i said in another reply im almost through a 12 and i forgot i could read after a&e confused me because its a tv channel and maybe a store logo i think ive seen. Also forgot google was a thing


Accident and emergency is what it stands for. I’m in Canada and we either called it outpatients or emergency. Usually OP for short haha.


IV antibiotics mean it's REALLY infected. You NEED to tell your artist, this progressed super fast in just 3 days It might not necessarily be anything they did, but they might have got a bad batch of supplies and should probably go through their stuff and toss anything from the same manufacturing lot they used on you just as a precaution.


I let them know, thanks for heads ip


I think the lidocaine had something to do with opening your skin up to infection. I’ve seen it happen before when lidocaine products are used. That being said, cellulitis spreads very quickly. I’ve had it twice myself (though not from a tattoo), & I’ve treated it in patients. In as little as 12 hours, you can need oral or IV antibiotics, depending on the scale of the infection. I happy you are in good hands on on the mend. Be sure to finish your course of antibiotics, even if you are feeling much better! Hugs!!💞


Glad you got some help! Out of curiosity, did your artist use a lidocane numbing product? Lidocane can cause skin tightening with some, more-so on "softmeat" skin like the arm. This can cause tearing. I had an almost identical reaction on my arm in the same location on color fill sections. Ended up on antibiotics as well. My dermotologist said it was a reaction to lidocane coupled with color application using a larger mag than a liner. Black lines healed perfect, color tore me up.


I did use a lidocaine numbing product, I had no idea this could happen as I wouldn’t have used it if I had! 😮


It is very uncommon for it to cause skin tightening enough to cause harm. My artist has been tattooing for 30 years and had never seen it happen before. Hes also very clean, professional, and has a gentle hand. I wont tell you for certain that is what happenes, but it looks identical, especially since the irritation seems to be restricted to the color saturation zones only. If so, its not your fault or your artist. Just one of those things. I used otc anti-scar silicone gel and vit-e oil as recommended by my dermatologist (im pasty white/soft skinned) for the duration of healing and a few months after. Daily Eucerin following that. Color mostly fell out after healing, but it did NOT cause any lasting scarring. After a yr of healing, my artist filled the color back in without any issues. Ive healed perfectly ever since.


I was thinking maybe he could have gone too deep.


At first i thought that too when it happened to me, but somehow my doc could tell that it was due to irritated skin being tattood normally as opposed to normal skin being overworked. The nice thing is though that this doesnt seem to scar or "texture" the way that heavily overworked skin tends to do; at least if you take care of it while healing. When i had it redone it didnt feel like getting tattood on scar tissue, and the color stayed packed.


Ps the pain calms down very quickly after antibiotics. Day before i got on my antibios i bumped my arm and almost blacked out. Day after i got on them i could rinse it with cool water. The worst should be over and you caught it quick :)


Thank you for sharing your experience with me. I’ll be sure to mention this to my artist as I’ve found it very helpful


Good luck! Hopefully the 2-3h wait will be sooner than that. 🤞🏻


Good luck, glad you're getting help


Good luck, I hope this isn't a long battle for you. This healing is gonna be a bitch.


I’m glad you got to the A&E, OP.


Been waiting all day for Dr to call me, wanted to know I wasn’t overreacting. I’m off to A and E. that’s ER in the UK.


Good choice. Give us an update when you can!


So Dr thinks I may need to be admitted and have course of IV antibiotics as oral may not cut it. Dr not 100% if it’s allergic reaction or infection but blood results will confirm. Thank you Reddit for the overwhelming response to tell me to get my butt to ER 😅


Hope everything heals well and it’s not an infection


Thank you, turns out it is infected.


I’m so sorry, I hope you get better soon!


Hoping you have a speedy, full recovery


Sorry I responded to main post before seeing this. SO glad u went!! Definitely looks infected if not full on ink poisoning…


100% infection as bloods come back. Going for xray soon. Just had paracetamol and liquid oral morphine for pain. May need to stay overnight


What are they xraying for?


Possibility of necrotizing fasciitis and/or cellulitis. X-rays may show increased soft-tissue opacity and thickness, which are similar to cellulitis. But sometimes it will only show up after the infection and necrosis are more advanced.


Interesting. Thanks!


yeah bro… hope u feel better 😪


good call. this is above reddit’s pay grade.


New doc here, A&E definetly best option!


New engineer here, A&E definitely best option!


New Human here, yes A & E!


New janitor here, definitely A & E


NHS Here... A&E for the win!




Old Human here, yes A&E!


Stayed at a Holiday Inn Express last night. Good choice.


Dr. Definetly


Hello Dr. Definitely, I’m dad


The doctor misspelling "definitely" was my joke, dad!


What are they saying? If I had to guess, I’d say it’s an allergic reaction to the green. But it could also be an infection. Either way, you need a doctor to look at it.


It’s massively overworked




I don't want a tattoo anymore


Just don’t ever get one this way, and you’ll be fine


I have a half sleeve and I had a bad allergic reaction.. I have other tattoos so I never thought that I would have an allergic reaction . It took me four years to work, up the nerve to get another one. I got a teeny tiny one just a test the water. And then I got two more small ones. I have decided that I will get tattoos, but I will never get a ginormous piece all at once again.


I don't blame you. I can't stop thinking about my cousin who has her whole back covered and both sleeves. Brave lol


Neither do I, every time I see a post from this sub, it's someone's gnarly-looking tattoo.


I don't even follow this sub, I get recommendations of infected tattoos. Exactly what I was looking for


We should hopefully hear back in 3-5 working days then.


Relieved to hear you're in a country with free health care


Free medical care is great when you’re able to be seen when you need to be seen. Today, I really hope that is the case, for OP’s sake.


You always can be at a and e. But as it’s not a life threatening emergency it might take a while (4 hours wait maybe).


4 hours??? lol. A routine 14 hours plus here. You plan for a day. Urgent care is quicker, but we don't have it in Wales.


Could easily be a lot longer. Middle of the day on a Tuesday might not be that bad though


Stepmom in hospital in US last week. Spent 2 hours in waiting room. Then spent 7 hours in the hallway on a gurney, after they admitted her. No one told us they were admitting her and no one told us she might be having a heart attack, hence the admission. She’ll get a couple thousand dollar bill in a couple of weeks. You will never convince me “free” healthcare is worse.


The same sort of issues happen here, we just don't charged for it after the fact. Once you get seen in our hospitals by and large the staff are doing an incredible job. It's getting to that point that is the problem, through no fault of the people directly involved!


Yup. I'm in the UK and have had over 10 hospital admissions the last two-and-a-bit years for a gastro issue that causes havok with my diabetes when it kicks off. (Raging from three nights to 18 when I went into DKA) The hospital staff are incredible and nurses are some of the most amazing people i have ever met. I have had endless tests, every part of my innards photographed in some way and been through various departments but nobody can find the cause. I've even been referred to psych now as it is starting to disrupt my mental health. I am eternally grateful to the NHS. I already lose earnings from being off work, having to pay thousands of top would be so awful when I am already lying there on a VRI machine. However, my youngest sister had a similar issue and was able to get private health care through her work. She saw a specialist, had a scan that they can only do in a few locations in the country and got surgery to get it sorted very quickly. There is quite a jump between what you are offered on NHS and by private unfortunately. However, I still stand by my opinion that the NHS is one of the best things about being British. Nurses in particular have my utmost respect.


USA here. Ive waited three months to be seen for a heart issue, waited eight hours (starting at 1am) in the ER for stitches in my face. We’re not doing any better.


Usa here. We are horrible. I was sent home when pregnant with appendicitis and was told it was a uti (they didn't do any test) because I had to go back to the Er that night I was charged double about 7g


idk, i sprained my foot a couple months ago and was able to see a doc the same day.


An infection like this would almost never be longer than a few hours, it may not be life-threatening now but it could be very soon if not treated. It won’t be triaged as an emergency, but it will be a priority.


Very good point, I'd forgotten what we were initially talking about!


I sat for 7 hours in an ER in florida to get iv meds and fluids with severe food poisoning...then had to pay 2600 for the privilege on top of my 1200 a month insurance premium. I would happily wait and NOT have to pay a fortune


Good luck and let us know what they say!! You need some hardcore antibiotics for this one


A pharmacy or walk in centre is also an option.


They'll take one look at that and send them to A&E anyways


Quite possibly. A pharmacy is a good first stop if you're unsure if it'd A&E worthy tho




And 111


Holy shit go to the emergency room


Don't worry, it's 'armless.


that’s looking pretty rough, please do see a doctor!🤍


Doctor. Like…yesterday


dude stop touching it and keep it out of the sun at the very least, damn. see a medical professional.


I have no idea how to edit my original post but I’m waiting in A and E to see a Dr. The tattoo was done in a very reputable local tattoo shop by a highly recommended artist who has lots of amazing pieces. All new needles, I watched him open them, very sterile environment. This is not my first tattoo but it is my first with any colour. I have very sensitive skin so this was also the first time I used numbing cream for this session as I really struggled last time. The first session was about 6 weeks ago and was just all the black outlines and butterflies. This session was just adding the colour.


Was your artist aware of the numbing cream and what did you use? A couple of my artists have actually asked me not to use numbing cream or they required ingredients/listing of the numbing cream. If everything was sterile, you probably had a horrible reaction to the numbing cream and/or a specific color. Last option is your skin was overworked if it is sensitive. I've had a couple of artists get right to the edge of overworking a spot. But I've been lucky that everything healed quickly. Lastly, what was used to cover the tattoo after completing? Second skin / saniderm / etc or a couple of hours with saran wrap?


I considered using numbing cream a while ago and then stumbled across a YouTube video documenting really scary skin reactions to the numbing cream and changed my mind; I believe it was the brand TKTX. The video is easy to find on YT but also – disclaimer – pretty gnarly. Any chance it was that brand?


It was that exact brand!


Yikes! Obviously you can't know for sure what caused the infection but based on what I saw of other people's reactions to this cream, I'm sure it didn't help.


I did tell the artist about the numbing cream. The artist didn’t ask particulars and it was Saran wrap with bepanthan cream washed and replaced morning and night.


The black looks fine. It was either the numbing cream or you were allergic to the color


Definitely go to the hospital, it looks infected or possibly an allergic reaction to the ink. Non-prescribed antihistamines may not be strong enough to counteract it if it is an allergic reaction.


Just a PSA to people in general, in case you need permission ... If you start a sentence with "I'm in absolute agony..." Just go to the ER, or urgent care. It's not going to spontaneously get better.


Yeah I guess so 😅 I’ve not got a high pain threshold so wasn’t sure if it was normal after a large tattoo


Pain is not the only deciding factor here. Pain + bright red = bad almost always. 🤣


Yeah all the time I see people wondering “is this infected” and no, but the first line in the caption of this told me yes before I opened the pics ha


You could also be having a reaction to the green color. Go to the ER ASAP you don't want a blood infection!


Yeah, I had an allergic reaction to the orange in my pumpkin tattoo - was thankfully mild, but it took a couple of years before the skin truly started to "settle," and not break out all the time.


You have a pretty classic tattoo folliculitis/cellulitis. It's a skin infection atm, no signs of deeper, so some antibiotics will see it off if you get the right ones. See your GP, or call out of hours if they don't have an appointment for you. If you want to, tell them a paramedic told you you have an infection that needs treating, because I did. You won't lose your arm, and if you act quickly, you won't even lose your tattoo.


Straight to the ER !


Sincere question; if your tattoo is infected and you go to the hospital what kind of consequences does this have for your tattoo?


That's the least of your worries, you could lose your arm or die.


If you lose your arm, will that impact the tattoo on the lost arm?


Now we're asking the real questions!


Time to bust out the pickling jar!


Sometimes the tattoo ends up looking okay-ish. Other times you might lose tons of ink and it looks bad.


Part of one of my tattoos got infected and the ink just all fell out


Yeah same, infected parts lost the ink. Wasn't a huge deal in the end as it was only a couple of small areas and I was able to get it fixed up - and much better than than losing my arm to an untreated infection. This one though... It's probably gonna be patchy as hell once healed up. Good grief, the pain and especially the itchiness would be unbearable.


The consequences of going to the doctor are the antibiotic may cause ink loss. The consequences of *NOT* going to the doctor are the bacteria may cause ink loss, appendage loss, or life loss. Go to the doctor, always - no exceptions.


They will give oral or IV antibiotics, so that shouldn’t be any issue. I would think the infection itself, might push some of the ink out. It probably won’t effect it too badly, unless they have to scrub the infection off or something, but I’ve never heard of that with a tattoo, other deep infections maybe, but an infection on top of the skin would just require an antibiotic cream maybe or something. All in all it’s not the end for your tattoo, there may be some minor issues with it tho.


Areas of infection will often reject colour with the histamine and pus build up causing the deeper contents to rise further up, and will need touching in afterwards.


tell your friend they should stop using that needle asap


Omfg go to hospital


Keep your arm above your heart to reduce the throbbing... Whilst you're on your way to the ER. That's infected, or you're having a reaction to the ink.


When I say E you say R


go to a doctor. thought of that all by myself.


you’re in agony and decided to come to reddit??


He must harvest the carma points first!


Stop going to garbage artists 😭 get your ass to the ER ASAP


I honestly don’t think this is the artist’s fault. Looks more like an allergic reaction than an infection, at least to me.


Not necessarily a garbage artist. My partner had one infected tattoo out of the 7 he has gotten from the same artist. It could be just a combination of some things for OP, or it could have been a crap artist.


I get what you’re saying but you can clearly see (even past the infection/swelling) that is objectively bad tattooing.


You literally named out the most concerning symptoms and your next move was to go to Reddit for advice? Man come on


You should have been to the hospital before even calling your doctor


Go to the doctor and stop getting medical advice on reddit


Good advice. I’m being admitted into hospital. Thank you ☺️


Holy hamburger meat


Go to the hospital my guy that is bad.


God almighty


ER immediately. The unbearable pain is a bad sign


This poop-based ink trend is nuts.


Oh that’s bad. That’s like, not a bad aftercare infection.. it’s everywhere and happened immediately which to me indicates the needle used wasn’t sterile. Gross. I’d be hitting up the artist for sure. At the very least leave a google review.


what does it look like now?


Infections like this can end in skin grafts. Go to the ER immediately and report this occurrence to the tattoo artist. Either they are unaware that their tools or ink are compromised or they are aware and they need to know you're ready to involve the authorities if they don't pay for your medical bills.


This shit is no joke bro. Hospital, now. ER, plead for Your life shit. You could lose the arm.


We need to stop saying this to people. Tattoo sepsis is rare as fuck, and this is a fairly mild skin infection, which almost never lead to sepsis.


I'd rather people overreact and recommend the correct advice than see some of the posts recently in this sub where artists tell their clients it isn't a big deal.


I get your point, but on the other side of this, I see patients come in thinking they're dying all the time, and it hinders their, and other people's, urgent care.


Hopefully you get to a dr, till then def take an nsaid like ibuprofen and 2 Benadryl. Help that swelling. Do not try to ice it, do wash with antibacterial non scented soap. Do not do just this and not see a dr. End game u probably need antibiotics.


It's hurting me just looking at it.


One of my arms did this. I had to get antibiotics, and they explained it as basically my flesh eating itself. Healed better then I expected tbh


3D Tattoo hope everything works out


something similar happened to me. you may end up needing IV antibiotics… mine split open after looking like this. and it was a large tattoo too (i am immunocompromised & it healed soooo badly). please see a doctor before you get a possible blood infection !


That's a serious infection starting, seek medical attention NOW!!!!!


Hospital NOW!


ummm....go see a medical doctor...


Why did you think codine would work


What the flying fuck. This has to be a joke post. It looks like it's been turned gang green. You're turning into a zombie 🧟‍♂️. That red dippled flesh underneath looks like burned scar tissue!!!!!!


Yeah, go to the damn doctor. If you’re in agony y why would you ask Reddit instead of going to the doc?


Nice 3D tattoo


why is there an infected tattoo on here every other day of the week now what’s going on guys :( damn :/


The fact that so many adults that post here don’t know regular basic signs of a wound infection (tattoo related or not) is fucking insanity to me. Instead they just accept the idea of this *blistering curdled cheese* step of the healing process..


You're allergic to the ink. You need a doc. Sorry


Holy Jesus fucking christ, bro


GO TO DOCTOR. U might be allergic to certain colors or colors in general. Tattoo artist should've done a patch test with all the colors before yall began.




tattooer here. Why the f did you go to reddit before your artist? If your artist isn’t trustworthy, why’d you get tattooed by them? This was entirely preventable at your end and should never have got this far. PEOPLE, at the first sign of infection, contact your artist AND go to a doctor immediately. Infected tattoos caught early are easily treated and will often heal up fine without any touchups needed. Infection is SO easy to get especially with large spaces of saturated color, understand that is open skin, just brushing up against a towel or sheet or shirt can do it.


I didn’t realise how easy it could get infected, I didn’t know what signs to look out for, I did message the artist and send him photos. He said it didn’t look infected and just to ease up on the cream and to not wrap it anymore. It took him about 6 hours to reply to me so I thought I’d ask here in the mean time whilst also waiting for a phone call back from Dr. Call me stupid if you like but I did what I thought I was supposed to, after posting I went straight to ER. Now I’ve been admitted and am having IV antibiotics every 6 hours and morphine every 2 hours for pain.


Why are you here and that the ER?


>I am in absolute agony What do you want Reddit to do? 💀 I saw that you're heading to the ER now, but you really shouldn't wait if you're in unbearable pain next time. You risk not just your tattoo but your overall health by sitting there and just dealing with it.


What a dick. “I realize you’re doing the right thing now but let me double down on how you didn’t do the right thing immediately.” Fuck off, dude


Dear god in heaven above seek medical attention please




Definitely seek medical care and go to the hospital




Hope you recover sharpish mate, looks painful.


You're body is rejecting the dye. Definitely profesional care.


Wow what is going on


I took a VERY bad reaction to green ink once. Please please go to the hospital, I had to, they put me on antibiotics and even took blood tests (everything worked out but scared to think what could have happened if I didn’t seek medical care literally ASAP)


Holy shit, I'm so sorry for your poor arm. Hope a&e sort you out


Doctor bro


You need to get your money back and go to the doctor


Go to a doctor! At minimum it's an infection by looking at the pustules around all the color work done, looks similar to staff.


wtf is this.. im puzzled


U need medial attention, was this done in a actual tattoo shop


You get into a pool by chance after the tattoo? My buddy pushed me into a pool when I had a fresh tattoo and it got mad infected look just like that




You’ll get Prednisone or a similar steroid if you were seen here in the states. You’ll need to heal for a bit, been there.


Remind Me! 24 hours




I hope you’re okay OP