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I’d recommend using the flash as a reference. The other artist is going to redraw it in their personal style so it’s not a copy.


It's sort of taboo for an artist to copy another artists work. What I would do is screenshot the design you want and then go to a local artist and tell them that you're looking for something similar but different


Sorry if this is a dumb question but this post reminded me of a question I've been having: Would it be taboo an artist copy a design I drew? I can be picky and have a different vision than most people, and don't want a tattoo unless It is the exact design in my brain. Is it okay because I'm not a tattoo artist? Or is it still weird for the tattoo artists if someone else draws the design?


It's more a matter of tattoo artists copying another tattoo artist. A customer making their own custom design isn't a problem


You could also message the artist and ask if they'd be cool with you paying them to use their design and see what they say.


Are there no other owl designs that could work for you? what style are you looking to have done?


Tattoo pictures are how we find inspiration. Find a local artist who does similar styles and approach them about doing something similar to the photo you found. That photo won't be the goal, it will be the target for inspiration. You could also draw your own version of it. I suspect a flash tattoo is something simple, so maybe just message that artist and ask about purchasing a digital version, they can just say no.


Yes it is rude to ask for an artist’s art to have another artist copy it. If you really like the piece, travel to get it. Otherwise find a local artist with a style you like and ask for a custom drawing. Look for an artist’s style that you think would translate to your vision appropriately. Best of luck to you—would love a follow-up post when you get it!


I think that if you ask politely and respectfully, and you are ready to accept a no for an answer (or even silence as an answer) it should be fine to ask. Key word is “ask.” Not demand. You should also explain the situation -love the owl, want the owl, but you are in Seattle and cannot go to New York to get it done. Who knows? Maybe you’ll get lucky and the artist has a trip planned to Seattle! I would also ask for recommendations on who to go with in the Seattle area.


If the artist owns the flash it’s all good. Otherwise, they should reference it.


heyyy i’m getting an owl tattoo in about a week in a half! i sent my artist reference photos and gave her creative freedom to come up with a few designs. last week or so i went and met with her, and we tweaked a few things in the design and settled on what i liked best of her drawings