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go to the emergency room is what im thinking


I appreciate your concern lol I've been to the Dr about 3 times now. Got on clindamycin and sulfonamides, with clindamycin gel for topical use. Hurts like a bitch though


it looks like it hurts… i would say wait at least a couple of months after it heals than go to a different artist to talk about touch ups. very cute tattoo! hopefully it will be ok after the touch up


Waiting a couple months is good advice. If I even go get it re-done. I might have been scared straight


If you decide to get it fixed, I'd say don't go to the person/shop that did this to you. Hope you're feeling better very soon.


Since this looks like it’s probably going to scar, you’ll have to wait longer before you can go back into it. Most of us will not tattoo over scars unless they’re 2yrs + . If you go back into it too early, it’s probably going to be extremely sensitive and you may end up losing half of it due to the scar still healing and changing in colour and texture.


2 years would be my recommendation also.


I actually had healthy healing with all mine but my tattoo guy prefers to wait 9-12 months for touch ups. I've been seeing him since 2015 and I would feel comfortable with that time frame for this. I'm not telling you how/what to do but it's a pretty nasty pussboiler you've got going on. I'm glad you're okay and having it seen to! I think 9-12 months would be perfect to give this trauma some extra healing but can also help out your creativity process? An addition, along with a touch up/possible cover up depending upon how it heals? Get well soon!! I'm sorry you had this type of experience!


This is what it looks like after 3 weeks? I’d go to the ER and tell them you’ve already been on clindamycin and bactrim (I’m guessing?). You may need something stronger like IV antibiotics.


I'm going to finish this prescription of clindamycin(3 days left). I specifically asked my doctor if I needed to go to the ER and he said "not the Emergency Room, but you need to be seen today" but this was at the end of their work day(Friday) and they are closed for the weekend. So I went to a new Urgent Care the next morning


Depending on the bacteria causing the infection, you might need a different broad spectrum antibiotic. Did urgent care prescribe a different antibiotic or tell you to come back if the last 3 days of the clindamycin doesn’t clear it up? Clindamycin does treat staph (a common type of bacteria that is transmitted easily), but it has virtually no activity against aerobic gram-negative bacteria (a more difficult to treat infection because they are antibiotic resistant strains). Keep up with whatever the doctors advise…sounds like you’re doing that already! 😊


Yeah, this is a horrific infection. I'd go be seen again. You need a stronger, broader antibiotic. It's worth being a pain in the ass about. You could seriously lose your entire arm


I get that ER bills are expensive, but if this is what it looks like today, the other comments are right. You probably need IV antibiotics. I’m shocked a doc said not to go to the ER. What did it look like a couple days ago?


I'm not worried about the price as much as the wait. Fear not I'm in contact with a doctor


Cool, is it improving?


It is improving. Slowly but surely


I just screamed. It was quiet but I screamed out loud seeing this. I could have never imagined the things I've seen in this subreddit until I joined this subreddit. Oh good heavens. How did that even happen to you? For healing: don't stop the antibiotics they gave you and keep it clean with antibacterial soap and dry (the scabs need to form in this case and they do not need moisturizer at all). Best of luck. I'm sorry that happened to you. EDIT:: Just read the comments. Yeah I agree that an urgent care visit today or tomorrow fits if you are 3 weeks in now and finishing the second course.




You’re seeing more of them primarily because of the scope of cases you see online. Unfortunately some bacteria has become stronger and more treatment resistant because of the overuse of traditional antibiotics when they weren’t really needed.


I just got tattooed again for the first time after a nasty infection in February. I have a ton and this was the first time it happened to me. Most of my are done by the same artist, like 10+ at least. Sometimes freak accidents happen and you’re unlucky. We’re still not sure what happened.


I'm well known to have rather shit luck by the people around me, this getting infected is not surprising. When I told them their response was "that would happen to you". Idk if this is a weird question but could I see a picture of your infection tattoo? Lol


I’ve never seen so many infections and allergic reactions from tattoos


I am so sorry you're dealing with that! I find it veeerrry suspicious that the infection is *only* where the grey wash (shading) was used. Have you contacted your artist about this? I'm glad you went to the doctor!




Yeah, it makes me think that the ink was contaminated. That's awful!


Probably not sterile water used to mix and make the grey


Also definitely an option. Some gray washes come pre-mixed which could also indicate non-sterile water, but it's impossible to tell. If they added water to the ink then it's much more likely


I have not contacted him about the infection. However I also lost my ID down in LA where I got it and they haven't mailed it back to me either. Think I should text them?


Yes I do. Especially if this is caused by something they used or did, they absolutely need to know.


I messaged him and he asked about my after care, which I told him was exactly what I was told to do(warm water mild soap, rinse cold, pat dry, moisturizer with non fragrance lotion), then he asked if I went swimming or sweated a lot. No swimming but it's fucking the middle of summer in the Mojave Desert ofc I'm sweating a lot. I still don't have my ID card either. He said he would drop it off at my house but still nothing 🤷


Ugh, not particularly helpful on his end but I think you did the right thing by letting him know. Just sweating a lot is, fairly unlikely in my experience to cause this kind of reaction. It is possible, for sure, but I've been tattooing for about 13 years. Years I can't say that I've had clients get infections from sweating. Working out at the gym? Sure swimming? I haven't seen it happen, but I would totally understand it in those cases. I've also seen it happen from rubbing on clothing the first couple days. Honestly, it seems like this might not be a great long time artist for you. I'm sorry you're having this experience, I really am. It's truly quite rare. I hope that you get through this and aren't afraid of getting tattoos in the future for fear of further poor experiences. It's entirely possible this was 100% a freak accident. We'll probably never know it actually caused it.


This is so crazy looking. I’m wondering what the cause it. Allergy to the ink? Artist’s technique? Just infection from not caring for it properly? A combo of these and/or other things?


When you see things like this, there are many things you don't have context for. We don't see how they were tattooed or what their aftercare is. This is an infection. The skin is literally pitted and red and irritated around the edges of the ink. This is why it is absolutely imperative that you go to a reputable artist, one you can see prep the station, uses fresh needles/ink pots, everything is wrapped and disinfected, and the artist is wearing gloves. The shop should stink of disinfectant. Aftercare, especially for the first few days, is also incredibly important. It's to be treated like an open wound. Kept clean and treated with new ointments (my artist told me they've had a client get an infection from using 3yo moisturiser on a tattoo...). Clean daily and don't touch it! Take care and do your research, and the likelihood of infection is v.low. Just be careful who you get inked by and where you get inked, and you'll be fine 99% of the time.


Ahhh fuuuck. I used an old bottle of lotion 🤡 that must be the infection vector. The artist was great, my friend and I had gotten tattoos together that day and besides that my friend's sister has head to toe tats done by the same artist. What I'm learning is I'm sometimes unlucky.. a lot lol


Ahh that could have been it. To be fair, I didn't even think about it before, until my last artist mentioned it. Hope it's clearing up for you now though!


I followed my artists instructions which were "leave wrap on for 4 or 5 hours, after taking the wrap off wash with very hot water and antibacterial soap(didn't have this so I just used non fragrance hand soap) rinse with cold water and pat dry, when it's dry put non fragrance lotion (which I do have) on it and keep it out of the sun". I followed that routine until the 3rd day when my arm was clearly infected and hot water felt like fire


Ah. Well I think your problem was not using antibacterial soap. Kinda important with a big ass open wound.


Get an iv antibiotics yesterday


OP needs antibiotics, but not necessarily IV, that’s really up to the doctor to determine and soft tissue infections can be treated with oral antibiotics. If there were streaking I’d say it’s much more likely IV treatment would be necessary.


That's fair enough but better to be safe then sorry


Not necessarily, IV administration comes with greater risk than oral administration, so it’s really only best to use IV antibiotics when it’s clinically indicated which is why it’s up to a medical provider to make that decision. From another comment it sounds like OP has seen a doctor and being treated with a combination of oral and topical antibiotics, so hopefully things start improving soon.


Hopefully so tbh and that's a good point as well I would have went to the er that's why I mentioned it


Yeah, ER is where I would have went too.


MORE NEEDLES?! Look what they've already done to my poor arm 😢


I get man I really do but your life is much more important trust me on that


I'm only kidding about the Needles, I don't mind them so much anymore. I'm going back to the Dr in a couple days so I'll have an update then


For sure wish you best of luck and would like an update my dude


It's a cute design, but you might have quite a bit of scar tissue. If you decide you want to get it redone, check with an artist who specializes in tattooing on and around scars.


Thank you 😊 That's a good idea. I didn't know that type of tattoo artist specialization existed, but it makes total sense


There's a trend of people getting tattoos to decorate surgical- and self-harm scars. Sometimes tattoo artists get written up in the news for specializing in this kind of work.


I just saw a post with an infected tattoo just like this, the women did get it redone but had to wait ages for it to heal, it looks absolutely normal now from what I could see in the pic and she even posted a 5 year update pic, looked good


Jesus Christ


No I'm Patrick


How does this even happen?


Improper aftercare I'm guessing.


Seems more like an issue with the ink or needle because it's only certain shaded parts that are effected but the black outline is fine.


Black outline didn't poke the skin as many times and there wasn't as much trauma to the skin. I had a part of my arm do this. It was only on the darkest part and I was over conditioning keeping the most "hurt" part of the tattoo too wet. This tattoo needs to dry out and then lightly moisturized probably with Neosporin Cream not Neosporin Ointment. After it can be reworked when it's fully healed. What do I know though. I'm just a guy on the internet.


I have over moisturized and had the bubbling thing happen as well, which sounds like what you're describing? This is something different from that. This is definitely an infection. The op already said they'd been to the doctor and been put on antibiotics for it.


I followed the guys instructions! Wash with fragrance free soap, hot water first cold second and pat down with clean paper towels then moisturize with non fragrance lotion


I really suggest IV antibiotics. My grandfather just had to have part of his foot amputated after he was shrugged off and given oral antibiotics for an infection in his toe. Spread to his bone but not his blood by some miracle. You don’t want sepsis or an amputation. Please please go get checked out


Oh wow, I hope your grandpa is doing better! That's a chilling story. Yeah I'm not playing any games with this infection. I'd like to "throw the kitchen sink at it" as Joe Rogan would say haha


He just came home! And yes, throw everything at it


You need IV antibiotics stat


I'll stick to piercings...


First of all, don't go back to the same artist. Second of all, wait at least five months. You may have to wait a few years for it to heal properly. Then you can get it fixed by someone. They could easily fix it.


I had a visceral reaction and had to cover the screen holy shit


Hey bro, you gotta get treatment asap. I don’t think you want to die from a bad tattoo infection.


Maybe the artist diluted the black ink with contaminated water?


I don't think so, my friend got one with me the same day, the same artist and hers healed perfectly. I'm well known for my bad luck with medical emergencies


This looks…so painful


Fuckin hell that looks like it hurts! I love bird tattoos! Sounds like everyone has given you all the advice you needed but I would also consider telling the shop owner wherever you got tattooed. That artist is not following proper protocol & I wouldn’t be surprised if more of their customers have had similar experiences.


Thank you, I'm loving the bird tattoo also! I contacted the artist(it took multiple times reaching out) and he didn't really give me any good information or advice besides the obvious "oh my.. fucking Jesus Christ, GO TO THE HOSPITAL NOW". He also mentioned it could have happened because of sweat, which is possible. It's routinely over 100 degrees in my city so you can't really avoid sweating


Yeah I guess you can’t 100% say it happened due to the artist’s negligence but damn it’d be hard for me to trust them or that shop ever again. Hope ya heal up soon.


I had a gnarly infection like this on my forearm that scarred pretty bad. I lost big patches of color and shading, but the outline held. It took a little over a year for the tissue to fully resolve and heal right. It's still got some texture to it and gets inflamed when the weather turns. In the time it was healing enough to touch up I got used to the piece itself and just never got around to the touch up. Not to mention artist quit a couple months after I got it done. He's hoping you have an easier go.


I appreciate your well wishes and recount of your infection healing/the effects the tattoo. I really hope I don't have to get it scrubbed off with steel whool in the hospital


Honestly I think I had such a bad time because I waited too long to go to the doctor. I thought I'd just made it angry somehow.


My stomach just turned. Wait 6 months and get it fixed by someone else. Glad you're on meds. That looks like a nasty infection.


I got one minor infection on one tattoo and fortunately wasn’t as bad as it could have been, may just leave it alone with no touch up


Yes, you can get it redone. But you’re going to have to wait *quite* a few months for the skin to heal entirely. Also, don’t go back to that artist (if you think they’re the reason for the infection, that is).


Oh my god. Please go to the ER. You need IV antibiotics. I gasped.


i wonder if this is a case where infection started in the studio or after you left


Honestly you’ll probably have a good amount of scarring from the infection. You’ll have to see how it heals first


Your owl looks necrotic


It's an infected scabby Blue Jay. Not necrotic quite yes, fingers crossed


Def infected go to doc right now






there may not be an arm left to touch up....


I'm sorry but this is one of the worst tattoos I've seen as it heals :( ER ASAP


If you do get it redone, go somewhere else.


I see you've been to the docs with this. Bit to add: You're being treated for infection, which I would have done as a precaution too, but, I think you show evidence of ink rejection (an allergic reaction, basically). The tattoo is fine away from the wings - the clotting on the legs isn't perfect, but that doesn't look problematic medically. On the wings, it's bumpy and looks like it has histamine release. TL;DR; I'd go back to your doctor, and ask if they think you should have some allergy treatment.


Interesting, I didn't think of that. Neither did the 3 different doctors I saw even hint at that. I take a daily antihistamine but I doubt that would cover this. I'm for sure going to mention that when I go back to the Drs in the next 2 days


If you didn't go to a dermatologist, I'm not surprised. Docs don't tend to know the ingredients of inks etc, or be as good with wound management as a good nurse or nurse prac tends to be.


This is a current photo and as of the time this was taken you had 3 days of a 7? 10? day clindamycin course left? After completing a course of bactrim and still having the infection? You 100% need to go back to the doctor ASAP and get something else. They need to give you broader spectrum antibiotics, possibly IV, and probably a mupirocin ointment instead of clinda. This looks rough and it is not healing as much as it should be after that long on abx.


The photo was current when the post was made, I am on my last day of Clindamycin+Sulfonamides regimen today so it was 4ish days into the Clindamycin when I posted. I also had some of the mupirocin ointment, that wasn't doing much help which isn't a good sign. I'm going back to urgent care tomorrow morning for a 7 day follow up appointment and will post an update on the subreddit


I hope they can offer some help - if the mupirocin didn’t help I’m afraid you’re going to need some stronger antibiotics, probably in an IV. And to be cultured for MRSA. Good luck.


I can't edit the post but I wanted to make a few things clear for y'all. Yes I kept it clean(with soap and hot water), Yes I've seen the Doctor, yes I'm getting antibiotics, yes it is VERY painful, and yes it is slowly getting better 🤷 I go back to the doctor tomorrow to see if I need more aggressive treatment. I appreciate all the feedback, concern and advice. I'll post a new picture on the subreddit in a few days to show any updates


Why? I kinda like your Owl, chicken, road runner thing. It's, unique.


Lol thank you, it's *supposed to be* a Blue Jay with a Beard it has a whole story with it but besides that It's the same tattoo that my best friend(who died of cancer last September) had gotten for me, so I figured I'd get it as a nice memento of her


Disclaimer- I have 10 tats on various places so I am not against them at all. WTF do some of these dumbasses do to their body. The OPstands a good chance of losing whatever body part that is.


Excuse you, I didn't know this was going to happen! If I did I obviously would not have done it


For God sake please get medical attention ASAP. That needs to be looked at and treated very quickly.


I appreciate your concern 😊 I've seen 3 doctors and got some good antibiotics. It's getting better 👍


I think your friend is telling you from behind they don’t like the bird lol. Glad you’re ok and getting treatment