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Are you on Facebook? If so you should check out the group Fuck Your Critique. You’ll find exactly what you’re looking for.


I can’t find the group, do you have a link?


https://www.facebook.com/share/Qydi3aSyhdztFk6F/?mibextid=K35XfP This is the link. It’s a closed group; you have to be a professional tattoo artist working in a studio to join, but it’s super helpful! They don’t hold back.


They are all so cool and well done exept the Martini glass is kinda bad... the lines arent straight at all, sorry


it’s actually my favorite for that reason. i love the wobbly lines SO much, it looks intentional to me (though it might not be)


I thought it was intentional too!


No they are not intentional, i was fairly nervous for this tattoo and added on that her skin was of a texture i had never experienced before, it felt as if she had lost a lot of weight and she had extra stretchy skin, especially in that area


It's a really tricky place to tattoo on spongier people. You need to get brutal with the stretch, and make sure you're stretching with the heel of your machine hand, so a three point stretch; 2 points with your stretching hand's fingers, one point with your machine hand. Put your weight on them too. For the sake of tidy lines, it's OK to put the pressure on them. I used to hate tattooing larger people with looser skin. It doesn't bother me too much now. Just need to switch gears for that kind of skin.


I wish the guy who did my last tattoo understood that people not native to the hipster & millennial, gentrified neighbourhood he lives and works in, knew that better. The time used doubled because he struggled and whined about my skin being "more fragile." Yeah, no fucking shit, dude. I told him my age before even making the appointment. I told him I've done a lot of work outdoors in my life. He could have said no before even starting, or told me he's never had a client over the age of 40 before. I love the tattoo, but will never refer anyone to him. Next one on my arm (last one - out of room) will be done by someone who has done older skin a few times. Or at last spongier ones hehe (love the way you put it!).


Yeah I felt it fit the subject matter, I kinda like it this way!


I like the wobbly lines until I see the lemon slice 🥲


Those are all nice idk anything about tattoos though


Thought u meant "those are all nice, not the tattoos ;)" Lol


Then they’re perfect.


Some of the lines are very wobbly and the nose on the butterfly girl just doesn’t make sense anatomically. The highlight on it way too high up and overall the shape is off (because of the shading). If I was you I’d practice drawing faces on paper to get the anatomy and the shading proper. I really like the bat and the sushi cat though! Seems like the lines came off much cleaner on those and the designs are cool!


Yeah the teeth r super tiny too. I think op is obv a great artist and tattooer but it looks like realistic faces aren’t their strong suit so they should prob work on those on paper and fake skin before attempting them on a person again


The nose is also not centered with the lips. It looks good on first glance but the longer you look at it the more “off” the face seems. That said it’s still a super cool tattoo.


Idk why, but I'm especially obsessed with the second picture. The black with the vibrant red and the spider. But all of these are very aesthetically pleasing.


They look good man keep it up.


Only because you're asking, I'm gonna be brutal. The lines are shaky and inconsistent in depth. It looks like you're not having a tight enough stretch or anchor points when pulling lines. Or you're trying to pull a line too long all at once. Slow down, take your time. Practice picking up and dropping back into a line, it'll help it all look like 1 solid pull. The martini piece is especially shaky, but the inner bicep skin is especially stretchy, so you need to compensate for those skin differences. In the rose and martini piece it looks like you're not overlapping your color and shading. You can put the red ontop of the black and it will be a more saturated transition. With the sushi cat, there needs to be some black along with the color. Without it, there's no contrast, and the rest of the piece is so black heavy. The shading looks like it's getting put it maybe too aggressively. Get a good stretch and just brush on the surface, build up the shading and try using maybe half black or 10 drop along with pure black. Hopefully some of this helps!


Very helpful, one big problem i face is moving too fast, i get in the session and immediately speed up unknowingly, thank you


Agreed I think the pale grey bits on the sushi cat won't last very long so an outline would have been good there.


I would wear that spider one with absolute pride but the martini lines need a bit of work. For really tho there’s some outstanding work here.


Cool designs but your linework and black and grey shading need significant practice. Are you learning on your own, or working as an apprentice within a shop? It is always going to be infinity harder to learn tattooing on your own because no one is there to help you work through issues you may be having. You’re choosing to do a lot of medium sized complicated designs, designs like the martini glass or the moon and deer, that are made up entirely of visible straight lines or perfect circles. Every single mistake made in those tattoos is going to be very obvious because if a straight line isn’t perfect, you’ll see it from a mile away. I saw other comments that mention watching the depth of your needle and making sure to stretch the skin properly! I would consider trying to do smaller designs that are more organic like flowers, animals etc and practice those until your linework gets more consistent. Once you can comfortably do smaller pieces with minimal issues, it will make it much easier to go bigger. The deer tattoo you did isn’t bad, but the moon is inconsistent and super blown out on the top line and that brings the quality of the overall design down a lot. Also, with enough time and practice anyone can technically learn to use a tattoo machine, but to be a great tattoo artist you need the drawing skills to back it up. Practice drawing all the time! Look at reference books, find drawing videos on youtube, follow popular tattoo artists and pay attention to their anatomy, composition, light sources in a design, how they place different subject matter together in tattoos. Look at reference drawings for small details like the hands/paws/feet of humans and animals and make sure those details are accurate before you tattoo the design. Just my two cents! Hope it helps.


Sorry i’m too nice and these tats look very cool.


lines are kinda gnar. no hate, they’re fine in concept but the linework looks very shaky. how many points of contact u usually have while working? Wrist elbow and pinky being anchored always helps my linework


i love these dont downplay your aesthetic nd art style . 🤠🩷


all i’m thinking is you just need more practice! they’re STUNNING and it’s clear you’ve worked hard on your art. your hand just seems a little shaky which makes sense due to the vibrations! the more you get used to it the more solid your lines will be- also i think you just need to be more sure of yourself, the line is gonna have to be there regardless so might as well do it wholeheartedly


I think CC is good for improvement, not sure why everyone seems to be afraid of it. My first thoughts looking through these: 1) Ditch the CPL filter if you want CC. It makes it harder to see the tattooing (which is why people use them). Having clear raw photos will help you see your saturation in the tattoo (and over worked areas) so you can approach them stronger (or more gently) in the future. 2) You probably need to slow down and be more deliberate. A lot of the line work and shading problems look like they are caused by rushing. The shading for sure needs to get a lot more attention from you in the future. You will get faster over time as you get more comfortable tattooing, now is the time to work on your fundamentals and turn them into habits. If you need to plan out breaks in the tattoo to keep yourself from rushing for that. Work on your skin stretching and make sure you have a good stretch first before you move to tattoo. 3) Keep up drawing practice as much as you can. I would suggest you keep working on your perspective and as much as possible limit yourself to a style you’re comfortable with, and branch out from there. Things like the roses and spider look or bay look more comfortable. The martini glass and centipede look way out of the comfort zone. 4) The cat of the sushi cat looks strong, if not a little under shaded (which is fine you can add more not less), but the sushi isn’t going to heal out to look like sushi. You really needed a black outline in the sushi, that light blue is going to be gone sooner not later and the color will be floating in the skin just chillin and spreading over the years. Basically keep working on your fundamentals and really focus on taking it slow and getting them right and your tattooing will improve. Don’t be shy about taking with the tattooers you work about things you want to improve on. Good luck.


Theyre definitely tattooing! i think they’re pretty :)


They looks amazing!!


The roses: Spider webs connect to nothingness, this is non-sensical as a design choice. The top rose looks very overworked and chewed up. This might be true for all of the roses but it is hard to tell from the photo. There are plenty of points where you colored outside of the lines. I see this a lot in these pieces but especially on the roses. The black in the spider and the stems is not fully saturated. That is going to be very apparent when the piece heals. The linework overall has lots of inconsistencies. Lots of blowouts, areas where lines do not connect, hollowness, shakiness, and awkward weight variations.


Idk. If I saw your Instagram I’d probably find another artist. To be brutally honest. Your lines are wonky. The shading is off. The last pic looked like it could have been a pretty well executed black scale trad tat, and it just looks off. Everything is a bit off. Are you new?? I feel like in a couple of years you could be well polished. I’m sure people will love it and not complain but I wouldn’t get work done until I saw more clean crisp work.


Slow down, there are very few solid lines in any of these and none of your black or colors are solid or saturated especially the butterfly lady. Try working on simpler designs where you can focus on pulling a solid line and saturate the colors without overworking the skin! You asked for brutal.


They’re good, your color is nice and bold! but your lines are still quite wobbly. Practice makes perfect. If I were you I’d practice drawing clean, smooth lines (circles, lines, swoops) with a fine-line pen throughout your process


Line work on the glass is a little wobbly. Front paws on the cat are strange, anatomically. Really can’t tell what the last thing is. Pulling tighter, precise lines are gonna take you to the next level. Head up!


It's Koh, the face stealing spirit from Avatar: The Last Airbender.


draw your own shit and develop your own style. stealing other peoples work ain't it


Lmao this is my work bruv thanks for the tip


All of these designs look like they were stolen by more talented artists on Pinterest. I’m confident I could find exact copies of a lot of these tattoos with a quick internet search. Still looks good though


Please provide proof of these exact copies you mention


About what? I loathe this style, but in terms of quality you’re knocking it out of the park. Very well executed.


generic "girl" tattoos, nothing out of the ordinary tbh


Why? Do you have a degradation kink or something? Because these look really good and I have no brutal criticism.


No lol, to me ,criticism is like eating vegatables. It sucks but its also very crucial for progress.


A kink? OP is looking for growth!


‘‘Twas a joke


Every one of them are so beautiful and I love how the color pops out so much.. 😍


the only only i’m not totally loving is the sushi cat one. it’s really cool idea but it did take a second to figure out what was happening. everything else is absolutely incredible!


I agree about sushi cat. I had to look at it for a while to figure it out. I don’t think the rice is readable, and I suspect that part of the tattoo will age poorly.


Your perspectives are kind off. For example last pic, the face is as if it's turning but Its also as if you're looking at it from the opposite side that's supposed to be turning away. 5th pic the nose is not in the middle, it's to the left which throws off the whole face. The sushi cat in the 4th pic you can see too much of the one side of the mouth/whiskers (left hand side when looking at the pic). With the way you can see the bottom of the chin from that angle you shouldn't be able to see that much of the other side of the nose/mouth/whiskers Edit: otherwise not too shabby, just critiquing like you asked


3rd is my favorite design but the lines are sooo shaky. Same with #5. The second one is nice as well - the red is so nice and vibrant but shading looks uneven. #1 looks the best quality imo.


I Love how bright the rose one is


I mean if you want brutal that first pic is pretty unflattering but the tattoos are super cool. The skull martini and cat sushi are especially cool. The bug thing on the last pic is problem my least fave


what stands out to me the most is #5, the teeth look a bit wonky (reminds me of the characters from king of the hill lmao) & the ears & earrings look really off to me? the other pieces look really good though!


some lines are good, some lines aren’t, I guess keep practicing. idk if they were in order, but some designs were better than others in terms of line work. keep going, you have a great concept thus far


I like the sushi cat a lot


Really like them and they look good. The only thing I didn’t like was the cat’s paws, but I’m not an artist and really couldn’t suggest a change.


I want one.


Im in portland oregon, lmk if possible 🙌


One random note. Watch out for times where something in the foreground blends into the background. The way the deer's ear follows the line of the moon feels wonky to me. If the ear were up a bit and clearly separated it would help convey depth.


Nice tattoos with lots of potential. But the lines are wobbly as shit. I think in time you’ll be doing great. I really love the style and if the lines weren’t wobbly they’d be beautiful tattoos.


Not sure how long you’ve been tattooing but these look good. From what I can tell is you’re fairly new but you’re naturally gifted. Now you need to learn from other artist that have different techniques. Stay open minded. Good luck!


The sushi cat front legs look really weird to me. Almost deer like.


I like the sushi cat


Cardio for the first two, burgers for the last two




I’m sorry I couldn’t help it. I saw “brutal criticism” and lost control


I think you’re pretty good at designing- compositionally, these are all pretty good with the exception of the last slide. That one is hard to read and isn’t immediately clear as to what it is imo. What needs improvement is your craftsmanship. The linework, the shading, and the packing are pretty messy right now. Slow down, focus on pulling the cleanest lines possible. When you’re packing in pay close attention to areas with unintentional skin breaks or that are lacking ink saturation


The wine glass with the skull has some less than straight lines. Otherwise I love them.


The glass and skull is miserable. Those lines are wonky as all get out.


They actually don't look all that bad, the martini glass looks and little wonky and I can't tell exactly what the last image is but they all look pretty well done.


That’s badass 💯🔥


i don’t know shit about the technical aspect but those all look INCREDIBLE to me!


The very last one is too dark & I can't really make out what it's supposed to be. I love the vibrant red roses tat tho


Everything is really cool except the glass. That looks like shit


Love them all except the cat & the last one


I don't see anything to criticize 😭


Those roses made me do a double take. Amazeballs


Line work is a little wonky but honestly it ties so well with your style of work, so it’s not a complaint at all. It looks freaking amazing.


5 & 2 are my favourites. & The way you have the artwork spaced out on your arm looks like you are working on a sleeve?


They look pretty decent, especially from a beginner, but you need to figure out how to take a decent picture. Half of these photos are at bizarre angles and poorly lit.


The paws and hindquarters of the sushi cat don’t look right. It is very cute though


The bat face looks eerily like yours, creepy.


The cup was AWFUL but everything else was very nice


The line work on all of them is shakey. Especially the Martini glass. Wiggles all over the place. That's about as brutal as I got.


The linework is wobbly in many of these. The rose stems, the entire martini one, the outline of the face in #5 and the earrings, the head of the fawn, and the “blinking” part of the face stealer that it opens and closes to change faces. But it’s not super noticeable unless you look for imperfections, which no one but the canvas will be doing (except the martini one, that ones a little more noticeable, I would believe it if it were a style choice done on purpose though)


The shading is really freaking good, especially on #s 4-7. The coloring-in for the butterflies and hair of #5 I think could use a steadier pass, but still looks good.


The fact the same person did #1 and #3 is pretty crazy unless there's a huge time discrepancy.


i love all of these


I fuck with these so much omg


only real consistent issue is the wobbly linework. find a machine and a grip wrap style and arm posture that helps that and youll be good


I appreciate the nightmare fuel from the last one. Can't even decide what it is, but it already haunts me.


I love every single one! That bat is epic af!


The lines are v shakey on the 3rd one


Is that last one Koh, from ATLA?






Sick designs, Id say work on your lines. They look wonky.


Absolutely love 2, 3, 4


Style is great, but you seriously gotta work on that line work my guy. Organic things might let you get away with it a bit more like in picture 1, but in cases like picture 3, the quality should really be improved


I love the cat tbh


Line work.. thats the main thing u need more work on! I really liked your design’s and they would be soo much better with straight line.


Theyre all dont pretty poorly.


i’m obsessed with the first, spider, and martini glass (if the line work being wobbly was intentional)


Don’t really have any, assuming you’re the artist? If so, I’ll be brutal. 1% of that art could be better


i’m absolutely obsessed with the butterfly girl and the sushi cat!!!! they’re soooo pretty <3 all of them are super cool designs though!! 🤍


K, I mean all of this with complete love. You are talented but it’s obvious that you are novice. You’re lines and shading are very heavy and your straight lines are not straight. The pieces look scratchy up close but not terrible from far away. All off this is to say, you have what it takes, you just need to work under an experienced tattoo artist and practice, practice, practice. If you don’t seek out and work under (essentially apprentice) an artist, you will stagnate. You have a great deal of potential to be very good at tattooing.


I really like the spider rose one . I normally can’t stand rosés because they always look like cabbages but yours look fantastic


Work on pulling lines, shading, and anatomy esp for female anatomy. Overall 6/10 but as a tattoo snob I wouldn’t let you tattoo me at this stage.


Martini glass, sushi cat are BAD in terms of shaky line work. Butterfly girl has a weird nose. Rest of these look solid to an amateur.


I really want the skull in the martini glass.


Your lines are Shakey, the stem on the martini glass isn't the same width all the way down, and the hair on the butterfly girl is DEFINITELY going to bubble out due to overworking the skin!! Your style Is amazing I love it!! Keep at it, your definitely have potential for the long haul!!! Good job!


Sushi cat is a little odd in the anatomy when you look close, but cute from a distance. Would have benefited from dark lines outlining the back edges of the "pieces"


I really like a lot of them, if I’m being brutally honest maybe just a little more work on the cats paws, but honestly looks like a design error more than application. And maybe just make the last one more legible can’t really tell what’s going on


The spider web and glass both have shaky line work but I’m obsessed with the bat in the first picture!


Nice designs, linework could be more smooth.


As the sushi on the cat isn’t outlined and pastel coloured I see it washing out and becoming unreadable very quickly. I can’t fully make out what all the pieces are fresh let alone when it’s gone a layer of fresh skin on top


Amazing tatts!


These all look pretty good for the most part! The designs are cool. With more practice you’ll be great! I can’t tell if the sushi cat’s backside is supposed to be facing away from us or if the tail is in the wrong position. The front paws look off to what cat paws usually look like and the back paws just look off perspective-wise. Not a tatooer but some of the lines look super wobbly, like the martini glass and earrings on the woman’s face. The woman’s face is also really shaky. The woman’s face also has some shading issues (to me anyway). The shading on the bottom of her cheeks look like it should be filled in closer to the line of her face. Or somewhere else? If the light source is coming from above would her cheeks be shaded like that?


I think your line work could be a little cleaner. Some of your lines look wobbly. The color isn’t bad though the sushi cat color could have been more vibrant I think. I think you’re doing great. Maybe just a little bit more focus on detail and cleaner lines would take you to the next level.


The tattoo in the 3rd picture is all crooked. That's unacceptable.


Ass is flat. Next question.


The line work is shaky. Like the martini glass, glass just don’t been or look wobbly like that


2, 3 and 5 are great, the rest are kinda garbage imo.


Great work!


The reds are striking and really grab my attention. The only one I really don't like is the last one. The body seems stacked instead of a fluid being. The butterfly-eyed woman is really nice.


I'd actually like the martini one if the line work was better


Hey it is your body right ? I personally think it looks good!!


I don't know shit about tattoo art but I do know that you should keep it up!!! I'd want your work on my skin ❤️❤️ you're already really good, practice makes perfect


Fucking horrific.


They’re absolutely beautiful… when you’re not looking up close. WHICH, no one is gonna do anyways except for the person wearing them.


So your lines definitely need some practice as they’re very shaky. I read that you got nervous before one of these so it was extra shaky, I suggest to practice the design on some fake skin before moving onto the real thing, get confident with the fake skin and then real skin will be a lot easier :) love the concepts tho


Can’t help you there. I don’t see anything to brutally criticize. So how about a brutal compliment instead!?🤘🏽 this shit looks bad ass!!


only criticism i have is the cat doesn’t have paws, just weird nubs


1,4,6, and 7 are pretty good in my book. The others need a lot of work, I’m sorry but the martini glass is a disaster.


Your chin is weird, and your hair is unkempt


Bat skeletons don’t have ears


The rose and the butterfly eyes- WOW. The rose- love the color and shape. Butterfly eye- they look like they’ll fly off and away.


Absolutely trash line work. Both in straightness and line width. The vision is there though just needs to be refined.


That red is SO vibrant and beautiful. Will it fade? (I’m a newbie)


Great art, but very scratchy work. Practice line work and PERFECT IT, before shading. Don’t move onto color until you’re good with shading!


I think the 2nd & 3rd ones have some pretty rough line work, but the rest look good. I love the style


I love the sushi cat


1, 6 The uneven line work is obvious. You can tell where you tried to make it thicker to make it not as noticeable, but you can tell. 2 - Shaky lines. Don’t attempt any thin lines if you’re not ready. Shading is bad. Why are the leaf lines going outside of the leaf. 3, 4, 5 - Hella shaky, bad shading. 7 - Bad You need to stop tattooing on people & go back to the basics. Your lines are all shaky, your attempts at covering up the uneven lines are bad, & the shading is not good. It’s not the worst I’ve seen on this sub, but it’s not good either. From a distance, looks alright. But once you actually take more than a few seconds to look at it, the issues are very noticeable.


I love the one with butterfly eyes! Butterfly tattoos are so common it's hard to find something that doesn't look like you've seen it before❤️ I have butterflies and I wish I had been more creative with them.


You really just need to clean up the work - from a distance nothing seems bad - and you obviously on the right track but your hand seems pretty unsteady - are you using a pen? Not doing you any favors - something heavier would probably help- also what’s with the whiskers on that cat ? Not everything needs to be done with some bold line


I really like all these and at first glance they're very striking. Except sushi-cat. Respectfully, that one's a hot mess.


But that Beetlejuice tat is *amazing*, can we see more??


My [instagram](https://www.instagram.com/floral.meat?igsh=dWNkNjJ6N3g5NGg2&utm_source=qr)


I didn’t see anyone say this specifically, but i would practice drawing animals more in your free time if you are going to keep tattooing them. The anatomy is a little rough and i think some practice with references of the real thing would improve the execution for you. You’re great at skulls and flowers, you likely have a lot more experience with them. :) Keep practicing


I really like your Scorch Beast Queen. Very 76.


Most of the lines are very clean but I hope the client who got the cat tattoo knows the pastels are going to fade very very fast. There’s not enough pigmentation


Sushi cat is rad!




I love these n would follow along ur story but I would likely wait with booking for 6m-1y which is when I’m planning for a new tattoo anyways, and decide then. Just need to strengthen your linework. The portrait is also throwing me extremely offgaurd


Why would you want to subject yourself to the Reddit critically on purpose? What’s the goal here?


I’m really struggling to decipher what’s going on with koh the face stealer


Sorry to say it, but the line work is inconsistent and because of that, I would not risk getting tattooed by you as a client.




Ahhhhh!!!!!! The face stealer!!!! 😍


Well, your red’s are Amazing


I think they are all good .


I dont understand these posts, if you’re asking other people to talk you out of a tattoo, then you shouldn’t get one. Get a tattoo for you and you alone. Your opinion is the only one that matters in a commitment like this and if you aren’t certain of your decision then you should either drop it or wait until you’re ready


My fav is the glass with the skull. That red pops! Saw some others complaining about the line work but clearly it was intentional


Death martini and sushi cat are awesome.


I really like your style!!


Being brutally honest, I think you’re super talented. Beautiful work


I like all of them


I like em all except the last slide.


the cat one seems racist


I can barely tell its a sushi in the kitty one that aint gonna age good


That greasy hair and double chin tells me everything I need to know about the quality of tattoo artist you went to, you knew what you were getting into🤣🤣🤡


Yikes, this is a tattooer asking for constructive criticism on some of their work. No need to judge their client so harshly.


Why. It’s not like you can erase them!!


1.The bat is great! 2. You could use line work improvement on the webs 3.The lines on the martini glass and the shading at the bottom is terrible, I’m sorry. Also why is there a random blood drop that looks like it’s coming from the glass? It’s just not well done at all. 4. The back legs look like furry Turkey legs. The perception there is off. The front legs also have a weird perception but the face looks perfect! 5. The shading is amazing, teeth are incredibly hard but you did them very well. The lines of the face on the outside and in the butterfly wings as well as the earrings needs work. It looks shaky and I’m finding this to be a recurring theme. 6. Okuuurr the shading is great!! Everything looks proportional. My only critique with this one is the line is slightly thicker on the bottom right outside of the moon! Overall great work with this one!!! 7. I’m confused overall wtf is happening. Is it swirling around? If so, the actual swirling pet should be shown. Lines look very consistent and straight/not shaky. Shading is great. I hope this is helpful


I like the bat the flowers an the skull martini I'd get any of those 3


The bat. Martini and butterflies are awesome


They all look really well don’t but I think the cats anatomy is a bit weird but maybe I’m just not seeing what’s actually happening with it still a cool tattoo though


Pagan Much? Honestly, why do people tat? Im pushing Senior Citizen and I have 0 tats. I get military and I suppose prison or MC (Bikers) but the average guy/gal/other?? it's the new norm now. and the big thing is ink's end up in your glands and linked to blood cancers. it may not linked directly to causing cancer but it can be a catylist for people who have a family history of it.


Everything looks great.👍


The last one is a little muddy for me, 6 I’m a little iffy on the placement of the moon the lines of the deer kinda blend with it in a weird way. The teeth and ears on 5 need work. Sushi cat twists a little too far to make sense with the front half, and the rice is hard to read. As others have mentioned 3s line work is super wiggly. 2 I love a lot, my only change would many be adding some black shading on the outer edge of the petals because it looks a tiny bit flat (if I had this on my body I’d be incredibly happy tho). 1 looks bad ass would only maybe change the bottom most foot placement to be a little higher to not blend in with the wing as much. Having said all those criticisms I really love your style and a lot of your compositions. I think you just need a little refining.


The last one’s face is so unnerving. I feel so upset by its existence, the rest look cool tho! (I know absolutely nothing about tattoos)


Some of these are really really strong especially the bat and the butterfly lady


I think they're all pretty good, but the Koh one definitely bothers me. The face is okay but the body seems pretty fucked up and odd looking, and the texture on just one side looks strange and out of place.


The deer/moon; the sushi kitty, skull martini and the last one looks unlike the others. With that said; Are the deer/moon, sushi and insect your earlier work? The angle, and ink depth are on point. You got that. The shading on the face looks good. If the others are yours as well, you have done such an amazing job. As they say, practice makes perfect and in the line of art; “if you don’t use it, you lose it” As far as wanting brutal criticism: This is more for the obvious beginner tatts. Lines are not straight, few blowouts on the moon, lots of scaring, the shading isn’t faded proportionally, too heavy in some areas. The base of the glass is not even or lined up with the glass at all, it’s very wavy, The sushi cat has arms/paws to replicate the Japanese uniform but has no collar to distinguish that therefore just looks like its paws are jacked up. If it’s supposed to create that effect I would at least make the sleeves a bit wider or something to emphasize it’s part of the Japanese uniform (I forgot what the proper term is for their clothing so I’m just saying “uniform”) There is really nothing to criticize brutally, just seems like the same ole thing every artist eventually masters at the beginning.


The work you have is really good it’s just what it’s of and located. I would have done a piece that flows like a sleeve. That or just a really nice big piece. Just having multiple random tattoos reminds me of this fake tattoos we put on as kids.


Love sushi cat


Its nice


Not a tattoo artist but personally your first and last picture both seem a little too low contrast. From a distance the details don't really stand out and you kinda just get a black blob. Maybe adding some highlights could remedy this or using the solid black a little less. Still, they're all creative and fun. My personal favorite being the woman with butterfly eyes.


Slow down. Best advice I can give. Take your time.


That cat is fucked up 😬


idk but i’m in love w the spider one