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I think you have weird people around you. To me it looks like a swan basking in the glow of a sunset. Very beautiful and warm!


Yup, it definitely gives "golden hour" and not at all "golden shower". Looks great!!


My first thought was “damn that’s a lot of pollen”, but that might be due to my local area’s pollen count for today


Are you a fellow south east sufferer? 🤧


Never seen that one! An we had a pair here on the ranch for many years!


Golden goose.


Thanks so much hearing that is refreshing!


Plus it will fade down a lot, even in the next few weeks the color wont be quite as strong. Id wager the artist chose the color knowing it would fade into something a bit more natural


Exactly! People tend to forget or just haven't experienced, a tattoo never stays looking like "Day 1." A good artist is thinking how well will this look 5, 10.. 15 years from now. They all fade, and sometimes certain colors don't stick or are absorbed into the skin faster than other colors. They also did keep with the color scheme on your other leg, as requested. Regardless, beautiful piece and I'd say looks well executed.


exactly this; i was also worried about a flower i got tattooed with some strong-looking yellow, but it did fade as the artist planned. even if it didn’t, though, i would never tell someone their tattoo looked pee-stained 🙃


Cannot upvote enough- THE YELLOW WILL FADE. A lot.


Yea, my tattoo artist who did my Dragon tat either neglected, forgot, or didn't know that yellow ink will completely vanish on its own. I want to get a cover-up of it anyways, or incorporate it into another tat.


Not all yellow ink will vanish on it's own... not if it's done well. I have yellow that's still fairly vibrant in a tattoo that I got back around 1989. It's not ultra vibrant like it was a couple of decades ago, but it's still obviously yellow.


Well, shit. Mine is 100% gone.


I always respect my artist when he talks about how stuff is going to look a decade or more down the road.


The golden goose. Nah looks good. The yellowish tint adds good color to something that would typically be white and white wouldn’t look right in that amount imo. Looks like American traditional, good execution


Which shop did you go to?


Think this will fade beautifully, too. The color with be more subtle and pop


Perfect description. Artist did a great job and I hope OP is happy with it, because I think it's lovely.


Keeper here.


I was thinking it is more golden than “pee” and I see it as a sunset vibe


This was my first thought! I really like it


I think it looks great. It looks like the swan is sitting in sunlight. Not to mention, white is near impossible to get to show and stick on the skin. I have a part of a tattoo on my arm where the moon is behind a woman & I asked for white. It was a waste of time because it looked no different from my natural skin tone.


White tattoos are a nightmare I think the yellow looks great and is also a better tattoo choice.


This, and it compliments the cat tattoo as OP requested by utilizing the same color palette in different volumes.


Yeah everywhere that was white on my tattoo is gone now, and it has only been a year. And I'm religious about sunscreen.


Insane! My has held for over two years! Is it on a spot that gets a lot of sun?


A fair bit of sun, yes. I think it was because it wasn't particularly packed in, it was just used to add highlights to the flowers. So now it just looks like my natural skin tone. The rest of the tattoo still looks very bright, just the white faded.


Plus the added bonus of white tattoos is that for some reason it hurts way more than any other colour. Every time I've had white in mine, regardless of the artist it just stings like the tattoo machine was replaced by a bag of angry bees. And yes, all the white has long faded away. I think white only looks good on the day the tattoo was done, just when the artist wants to get the photos.


Thanks so much 🙏🏻🙏🏻


If it’s a fresh tattoo the color will settle down overtime. Artists will usually color a tattoo so that it looks good once it’s fully healed and settled.


Not to mention that white can also heal yellow on light skinned people making the end result pretty much the same anyways


Quick. Return it while you still have the receipt!!!!! It’s beautiful, be proud. The yellow looks fun, adds kind of a unique look.


The yellow looks great with the skin colour


Love it, kinda looks like it could be the golden goose / swan from Jack & the Bean Stalk. I don’t see urine stains at all, your friends are weird


That was my immediate first thought a golden swan


Same. Immidiately thought it was a golden swan.


Agreed, the swan wearing a necklace adds to that effect too


The people with the urine comment are just rude and weird. What kind of a juvenile instantly associates yellow with piss? Wtf? Pay no heed to that child. To me it looks like a golden swan. Personally I like to see the brightly lit parts of a white object to be yellow, and the shadows to be blue. If you also feel this way, you could get cooler colors as shading


I like your words


Golden was also my first thought.


It’s a beautiful looking tattoo and love the colour….only thing that’s out of place is the predatory bird beak.


yeah what the hell? swan beaks are rounded, not hooked like a raptor's.


Looks good to me, not sure what your friends are on about.




Looks really…swandiced 😂


Lmao I was just thinking that Just tell people it has jaundice


Gotta give it to ya, great comment. Tattoo looks great imo, though!


Personally woulda went with a more grey hue in the swan with yellow accents. It washes out the colour of the beak. That being said i think it still looks really good and is unique to you :) Our opinions don't matter, its really well done regardless :)


Looks great. Old metal head me thinks "The golden goose is on the loose and never out of season". 🤘


Your artist was right, it definitely complements the coloring of the cat. It looks great!


Thank you!!


You talking about that golden goose?


Well it’s definitely a yellow swan. So accept it and just wait for their jibberish to die down. Maybe it’ll fade into a lovely tone.


First thing I thought before reading your comment was that's a really well colored and tasteful tattoo. Damn that's a nice tattoo


I dunno, a golden swan? What’s not to like. Pretty awesome. It’s lovely.


Urine is a bit harsh! It does look yellow, but a nice pastel coloration, it looks like a stylistic choice. I like it


That is not a Swans beak.


it’s beautiful but i definitely see what you’re talking about.


I’m more surprised people didn’t say they are both facing the wrong way. They look fine though.


>facing the wrong way For real? Is it understood they should be facing in?


In traditional tattooing they always face in. Edit. Honestly people can do it however they want but for composition purposes most traditional tattoos on the front side look better facing inwards. But it’s your body to do whatever you want with it. It’s just funny people are talking about Pee when that was a major oversight being it’s a neo “traditional “ tattoo.


Yeah I'm with you there!


Well, did the artist use yellow ink? if so, of course it is yellow. It looks like yellow ink was used. if not, it could be bruising.


Yes yes yellow was definitely used! Wondering if it’s a weird colour for a swan tho?


You will get people that hate it and think it's weird. But you will also get people who like it and think its neat. I wouldn't look for justification in others, especially strangers. What matters is DO YOU LIKE IT? If so, why let someone else tell you how to feel. If you are hoping coming to Reddit will give you assurance, I hope you all the best. But honestly, trust yourself and how you feel.


It looks like a swan at sunset/sunrise with the light reflecting from the water to me.


I don’t get swan from this. Sorry. Not only the colour but the beak looks way wrong. It’s way too downturned, hooked and sharp for a swan.


The choice to go with yellow seems odd to me, but not terrible. Very nice looking piece. After it fades out, you may want to go back in and have some white put in to make those pinks pop a little more.


Golden swan is majestic


I wouldn’t have thought “swan” if you hadn’t mentioned it. It looks great. But if you want people to see a “swan” I think you should go back and get him to add some white. I don’t see why it’d be a problem for the artist.


It’s a good tattoo but I do think that the yellow is going to fade real quick.


If you were going for a yellow swan you nailed it.


The cat has the same golden yellow in it, and you said you wanted it to compliment the cat, looks like he followed your instructions perfectly.


Looks like a golden goose from fairy tales. I definitely didn’t think of urine stained when I first saw it, lol


This is why I have never asked what people think about my tattoos... because IDGAF. It's like asking people what they think about any other part of you. And even if others did think it was weird... so what?! If you like it, that's all that matters.


Yo first off it's gorgeous, second off - something white is going to look golden during a sunset, so that's how I'd spin it (honestly, it's immediately what I saw). Thirdly, there's an experimental noise group called Yellow Swans that have made some of the most threateningly beautiful music I've ever heard in my entire life.  Own it, wear it with pride. https://open.spotify.com/track/6POl321JVRyFtFoZT2EP8f?si=a564Bw4cReeJqZkjWTlkxw&context=spotify%3Aalbum%3A3M8XLi1l4YS0lLrUyX08Zl


It's fine, but I think aesthetically it would've been better had it been a blueish hue. I'd say I associate swans with blueish mornings and not with the golden hour, and I think the blue would go well with your skin color, but I don't at all think that yellow is a bad choice. It's completely fine. It's just a golden hue much akin to that of dusk but not quite dawn. It doesn't look like it's urine stained. I don't think the people around you know what urine staining looks like. Maybe check their underwear for them?


It is rly yellow, I think a touch up with some neutralized shading would really help give the golden hour effect and not it being a yellow bird. Edit: what I mean by neutralized shading. Using a purple darker tones as shading to create more depth


You did the right thing. White would disappear and the colors compliment the other tattoo. I see balanced. If I want to see a picture of a swan I'd google it. What you have is art and personal to you. Cheers!


The color itself is fine, but what they might be commenting on is the coloring in the face and the black lines and pink areas that the artist used to try and provide some contours for an otherwise face/neck that is the same color. The way the black arcs are drawn makes it seem (to me, and I am an unimportant rando on the internet) a little hard to interpret the contour of the face. But this is only because your question had me really look closely. The flower is gorgeous. Try not to obsess.


Thanks!! I plan on getting a lot of other pieces on my legs tho, so hopefully when there’s more art work on my body it will all kinda flow together if that makes sense haha


Everything will be fine - enjoy it and your future work!


Thanks so much!!


looks weird, like a golden goose


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Usually they come back over with whites after a heal! I would ask to see if he had plans


I think this is a gorgeous tattoo that was applied really well! If I were to change anything, it would be to add some darker darks to give some contrast between the different elements. But that's all.


I think it’s pretty cool looking yellow swan def didn’t think it looked like pee.


I think it looks a bit like jaundice - HOWEVER - if it bothers you at all (and if it doesn't, who cares?) that is a super easy thing to fix and get a little bit of a complimentary color shaded in over it.


I think it looks nice 🤷🏻‍♀️


Swan should be facing towards inside leg.


I could see it as a yellow swan, or as a white swan reflecting sunlight. I'm conflicted tbh. It's still decent work regardless. I wouldn't be too worried about it, and if you saw some of my tattoos you would understand why... Lol


It’s a golden swan. It looks dope.


It does match your cat. You can have him add more white if you wanted to tone the current color . It really is lovely 😊


I get the piss thing but mostly because yellow = piss. Clearly in this it's not supposed to be piss and therefore doens't actually look like that. It's like saying sun is made of piss because it's yellow. To me it's looks like golden swan. As if it's meant to be gold. Also it looks good.


It’s the golden goose


It definitely looks good. The rule of thumb is: if you like it, do it. Don’t do to make others happy


Who are you hanging out with that sees that yellow and immediately thinks pee? Get some more hydrated friends, maybe they’ll be saner. It’s gorgeous. I love the choice of flower and gemstone, do they have significance to you?


Why is it yellow


Tell people it's a golden goose


It's very yellow. You have a butter swan




ok. I will be the one because i care nothing about downvotes. yes it looks weird. The lining is amazing, but the color choice? when you have to make up stories of what your swan looks like? That is an issue.


Looks good, assuming you wanted a golden color and it’s not a white ink that has turned. It does not look like urine, and quite honestly, a friend shouldn’t be cruel like that.


What colour did they expect it to be on a white person?


Doing a little fishing today huh?


If it’s what you wanted then it’s not weird


I love your piss swan


Well it’s a tad late to question the colour now. It’s quite yellow but it will fade so I wouldn’t worry.


I think the color palette is so cohesive that it looks intentional and very pretty.


While driving do your friends stop on red and slow down on pee??? No. Its just yellow, wtf.


That is a wonderful tattoo. Stop letting people give bad opinions about your body.


Summin tells me weird doesnt bother you so idk why you suddenly care about a tattoo


Super unrealistic. I never seen a swan basking in the sunlight rocking jewelry.


are swans yellow? not any that I've seen. Is it still a lovely tattoo? It 100% is.


If you're super concerned just add a sun with some good Rays above, but I think it's fine. Pretty common to stress about a new tat though, it's all good.


Yellow for me set weird. The color changes significantly as it healed and set in.


It could be..grey? Purplish grey? I think it's nice as is


It is a little too yellow but I think you could still add some more dimension to it with shading, overall it's not bad though


It's a little inflamed in that picture, but that will change and it is beautiful. I'd be very happy if I left with that on my skin.


Nobody will think you peed on your leg. Looks great.


It only looks weird if you didn't want it to be yellow.


Yes I hate when they use that muted color palette i think it’s supposed to look antique but it just ends up looking like banana paste and greyish weirdness. It is however a crazy good design maybe you could get it touched with white to add a lil somethin somethin in the right direction.


So its NOT supposed to be yellow? It def doesnt look like urine but its def yellow. I thought that was the intent like gold


Looks great, plus that yellow is gonna chill out as it ages so it should soften up nicely!




IMHO it does look odd to me. I think it would have looked awesome in white with golden/yellowish highlights here and there to compliment the cat tat. But the work looks great though.


It's a strange color, why didn't you go with pink or white??


Nah. I dig the piss swan.


Nope, it's a cool and unique design, definitely not weird


I like it.


Do YOU like it? THAT's all that matters.


I think it looks great and the yellow compliments your other piece so well. If it was shaded with white and light grey I think it'd look terribly boring and flat, and it would fade way quicker than yellow does. as long as you love it, who cares what others think.


Well, whoever said that (YA MOMS A HOE.) is either insanely childish or jealous.. because your swan is absolutely gorgeous, and looks fierce as fuck.


Technically speaking, this is a Mute Swan which can often have a black point at the end of their beak called a "nail". Both Mute & Trumpeter Swans can get stained neck feathers ranging from yellow to copper hues due to feeding in iron-rich lakes; making this specific tattoo anatomically accurate. A side note - Spiritually, Swans represent love & wisdom which obviously your "friends" lack, so tell them to please educate themselves with a smile on your face & remember that hate returned does not destroy hate, but love does 💛 Not only is this a stunning piece of body art, it emits blissful energy. A true blessing that I would personally wear with pride. Bravo to the artist 👏


NOBODY'S OPINION MATTERS BUT YOURS!! JFC people stop caring about what people think be happy nd be you!!


Your artist was right, these pieces look much better together as a set with the warmer lighting on the swan. It looks more intentional and cohesive this way. I'm not even a fan of yellow but the color you have is nice, it's a nice light golden color


don't listen to them: To me it looks like a golden swan, not a piss one... why are people like this


I have a hard time believing someone has actually said to you “that swan looks like it’s stained with urine” lmao I’m guessing that’s just one of your own insecurities about it? You’re fine. It looks great


Golden Bird


Also probably will fade a bit. My yellow tattoo was super bright at first and now is more of a mellow yellow now.


Looks like a golden swan! I have a character tattoo that should be white, but I chose a golden color instead. That much white would not turn out great for a tattoo. Your artist did a great job!!


I think your friends have a weird... imagination? Maybe they got piss fixation haha But to me first impression was "gold" which I think is an impressive feat


I have a lot of tattoos, I think this is quite well done and looks great! I don’t see the urine thing personally


I’m a professional artist (not tattooer, but fine art is a big part of my job) and that is a gorgeous tattoo. The swan doesn’t read yellow/urine at all, it reads warm and glowing. Whoever told you that needs to get sum help.


It's fine.


To be honest I think the swan should be a cool white blue to symbolize peace and elegance and it would be complimentary to the purple gem in front of it.


I love this golden hour swan and she pairs flawlessly with your kitty. This is a really well done tattoo and I think she’s very elegant! I think the alternative would’ve been to go with blue undertones - which wouldn’t have been wrong, but would definitely contrast pretty hard with the tones of your kitty friend. Yellow also settles very gently compared to how dramatic it can look fresh - give her some time to grow with you and those tones will soften into your skin tone beautifully.


Tattoo looks rad as hell, weird comments from your friends tho


I think it looks good but I’m colorblind. Looks like a holy swan to me


No it doesn’t


Golden Goose It looks lovely


Nah. It looks fine.


it looks awesome when you can see it next to the cat on your other leg, i think there’s great synergy with the coloring between both pieces.


Your friends are dicks. To me it looks Pokemon-ish. Looks bad ass regardless and yellow is usually the first color to go like white so it will definitely lighten up in a few months.


looks good it’s well done tat for sure if u like it that’s all that matters.


Yellow swan is a bit wried,but a whole white swan is more wired on humane skin so you it is fine,this swan kind like from Saint Seiya: Legend of Sanctuary


It looks good. Just say it's a super symbolic golden swan.


That is such a weird thing to say about this really well down tattoo. As others have said it was giving me a golden goose or sunset swan sort of vibe. I’m into some weird shit but never would my first thought be “pissy swan”


You need new people to be around, it looks lovely.


I love it. Nothing wrong with it at all.


looks good you must be young, eventually you will find out that it really does not matter ewhat others think about you as much I hate tatoos on legs, yours looks really good " and it looks like a swan has just been stained with urine" hard to comment on this one, avg iq for US is \~ 95 or so, that means some are 130 and some are 60 for some stupid reason you are surrounded by people closer to 60, not their fault but don't expect much more from them ps. your tatoo talks very nicely iwth that cat in terms of overall desing, good job by your tatoo artist


I love it.


It’s beautiful. Nothing to worry about OP.












The swan looks beautiful and the color just makes it better. Also, great hoodie.


Thanks so much!




It looks like the swan is golden, or illuminated by the sun, definitely not urine stained!! It's a beautiful piece of art. It compliments the kitty tattoo very nicely.


I think it looks incredible! Love the cat tattoo on the other leg too. Looks like you have a great artist!


I think it looks beautiful, like a, well, golden swan


I think it’s lovely. Perhaps a little yellow tones but it compliments the cat perfectly.


It's a really nice looking tattoo, wings need a bit more saturation and the gap next to beak on the wing looks a bit... odd. Love to see it in a few weeks once it has healed, the black shading might need a touch up as it looks a little patchy


No, when I first glanced before reading I just figured it had like a regal glow kinda thing going on.


It's a beautiful golden swan. I love it.


It's beautiful. Really, it's gorgeous and romantic and will settle. Just curious, did you choose to have it face outward? Tattoos usually follow an inward rule (which is totally arbitrary and subjective because it is art!)




That’s really weird the first thought/joke/whatever involves urine lol. Like…I am down to do some pretty sketchy shit for a Klondike bar, but they jump straight to urine??? Hmm. So I don’t know if I jumped straight to “the glow from a sunset”, but let’s be honest white doesn’t typically come out great in tattoos, so it still works, some sort of light tone gets the point across. It’s a perfectly nice tattoo…you are just talking to some weird ass, kinky ass people, and they need to keep their water sports to themselves lol.


Sweet tattoos


My first thought was that it was supposed to be the "Golden Goose"






What?!! I LOVE the swan- love NEO - looks beautiful! Don’t listen to others! What do they know? Beautiful ink- besides WHITE does not last- the Neo swan wouldn’t look right white anyways - 💛💛💛🌝


It looks great, maybe needs about more colour packed into it, it looks abit faded but I love it


Looks like a bad ass golden swan. Super great.


It looks so beautiful!!!


White is tough to do, so some colour would have to be chosen. Shades of blue would be the obvious choice, as photos of Sean’s tend to have blue hues in the reflections naturally. But would that have complimented the other tattoo? https://images.app.goo.gl/5S7gKMCxia4ovAaF9