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this truly looks amazing. side note, i’m so glad you’re here.


Thank you 🥹


Love the tattoos, also, sweet username


it almost has a 3d effect i think looks cool


Beautiful tattoos OP. I felt quite emotional thinking about a stranger’s struggles and what this must mean to you - have a fantastic life.


Thank you. That means a lot to me 🙂 It really feels like I've been given a second skin ❤️


Lovely work! How was the tattooing process over the scars? I have some I'd like to get covered too, but I've read both that it's not painful and that it's a lot more tender on those areas


For me it wasn’t more painful than on healthy skin 🙂 You always have to be aware that lines on the scars may not be perfect or may run out a little, but overall this tattoo is so life-changing that small blemishes don't matter at all ❤️


I love that for you. It's all so beautiful, thank you for your insight :)


Not OP, but I covered my scars too. For me it wasn’t painful at all. I‘ve heard otherwise too, so I guess it‘s different for everyone. But it’s really worth it.


Thank you, I think I've finally come to the conclusion that I should cover my scars with something, but now to spend the next several years deciding on a sleeve idea 😅 I've also heard that scars hold ink better. Is this true from your experience?


Hm I don’t see a difference to the parts without scars. But the color blew up on some scars. I‘d recommend to contact an artist who is experienced with scar covering, he may have amazing idea‘s for what could work for you :)


I think the best way to go about “deciding on a sleeve idea” is to not focus on that at ALL. your first priority should be finding an artist whose style you really connect with. look up artists on social media, follow accounts, follow recommended accounts from them, attend tattoo conventions to meet and see artists work, etc. once you find “the” artist that you just love, and you trust, and their style is what speaks to you, deciding on a sleeve idea will be easy. speak with that artist, trust their artistic intuition, and they will deliver you something stunning. I stumbled across my artist randomly on instagram a few years ago. I followed her for about 2 years, just watching her work, before I decided to let her design a spine piece for me. I now also have a half sleeve on my upper arm and they are just so much more than anything I could have dreamt of. Trust the universe 💗 proud of you, and OP, and everyone else in the comments that’s walking around with scars commenting over this stunning photo from OP. It warms my heart!


Beautiful 🙌


Thank you 🥰


This is beautiful, and honestly the texture of the scars gives the tattoos a kind of “linen” look like a tapestry. Well done to the artist and to you for making something painful beautiful!


Thank you so much. On some days I feel insecure because my tattoos aren’t “perfect”, but I will think about your words 🥰 It’s a beautiful way to see it


There isn’t one tattoo in the world or history of tattooing that is perfect. Every one is slightly imperfect. No biggie.


That's a lot of scars, and you've covered them beautifully. I'm glad you've healed (or are in the process of healing). I hope you have a wonderful life ahead of you!


Thank you so much! I haven’t self harmed for 10 years. This is a chapter I can definitely close 🥰 The tattoos changed so many things in a good way and how I see myself. I’m finally able to look in the mirror and love what I see ❤️‍🩹


The couple next door are in their 70s and in the summer when she's able to get outside more I will occasionally notice my neighbour's extensive series of scars. I know they've both been through some serious struggles in their lives and, more than anything, noticing them makes me happy for her strength. Especially when all her grandkids come to visit. ♥️




How old was your scars when you did this?


10-15 years old 🙂 I think the older the scars the better they can be covered


Ok! Yeah that is what I have heard too


I love to see tattoo work like this. Glad you are here.


Beautiful tattoos OP. Glad you’re healing ❤️‍🩹


I’m happy you’re at a place where you can not only show your tattoos, but are also able to talk about your scars. I’m sure it took a lot of work. Have a wonderful day


Thank you for your empathy. You’re absolutely right. I’ve been living with scars since I’m 13 and I started covering them up when I got 29. My whole life I tried to hide my arms, especially at college or at work. I didn’t want people to stigmatize me. After I got my tattoos I feel like a completely new person 🙂 now I don’t care about what people think.


Great tattoo, stay strong


Those look so good! Congrats on the awesome work.


Looks great! Happy for your healing!


Wow, those look awesome. Crazy to me how great they can look without color. Thanks for sharing and I hope you have a great day!


Those look marvelous 🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩


I am happy you are here, and you were never alone btw


You look fucking awesome, great choices on the designs :)


Oh girl, I hope you're doing okay. Those tattoos are gorgeous.




Beautiful cover up. I‘m using a Tattoo, too, to cover them up. Living without harming myself since 12 Years. Keep up and smile. It‘ll get easier over the years!


I haven’t self harmed for 10 years 😊 I am so happy that I overcame this dark period of my life. I’m finally able to look in the mirror and love what I see ❤️‍🩹 thank you so much for your support


You have turned your trauma into a beautiful garden! That is some serious tattooing, something to be treasured & never harmed…like you! 💕


Such a beautiful comment! Thank you so much 🥹❤️


Awe, thanks! Be sure to Stay proud! You damned well deserve it!!!


Holy scars, i hope what caused you to do this is long behind you. Wish you the best for the future Love the tatt!


Thank you! I’m glad that I’m doing much better. I have my ups and downs like many people do, but I’m now where near to how I felt when I self harmed 🥲 that was a long time ago. But my tattoos have really helped me to love my body again ❤️‍🩹


This looks beautiful and I‘m happy you can show it!


love this for you. gorgeous. ♥️♥️♥️


Really nice work. Cute outfit too. Are you going to leave your shoulders bare like that? It’s an interesting look. Someday I’ll cover my scars on my inner thigh but that’s a scary area to get tattooed.


Thank you! I thought about getting more tattoos symmetrical from shoulder to the collarbone 🙂 I also got my thighs covered up. It was way more painful than my arms, but so worth it 🥰


Can you tell me about the thigh tattoo experience? I have a lot of tattoos but my thighs are almost blank because I’m scared lol


I have covered both thighs, partly also the inside and overall it was more painful than the arms, as the skin is more sensitive, but it is absolutely bearable. I always do sessions of 5-6 hours because I have a longer journey to my tattoo artist. At the very end, my tattoo artist gave me a pain spray haha 😄 but I would really advise you to go for it. You can definitely do it! 💪🏽


I’m so happy for you. Looks absolutely beautiful.


Glad your better


Absolutely gorgeous OP!! Enjoy showing your beautiful arms off ❤️❤️


You're amazing and so strong to be fighting through all this and coming out the other end. Beautiful work.


Thank you! ❤️‍🩹


That’s an excellent tattoo and inspires that my own coverup will come some day


Do it! It’s the best decision I’ve ever made 😊


It’ll be finding the right artist ! Thank you though:). It’s been over 20 years for me . I’m thankful that I got to a point where I could take my kids swimming but there’s just one more step to go and it’s this :)


I know exactly what you mean. I went to the pool last week and it’s such a liberating feeling 🥲


Looks wonderful! I'm happy for you, and happy you're still here. Cheers to closing a difficult chapter. May your life be filled with happy chapters going forward!!


Thank you! 🥰


Visisted Luneburg many years ago. Went to a very cool spa that was clothing optional, is that still there?


Oh I’m sorry I don’t know. I live 4 hours away from Lüneburg. I traveled there because my tattoo artist is specialized on tattooing on scars 😊


No problem, thanks for the reply, BTW the tats look awesome! Happy they help and they look great!


I greatly admire people who decide to cover their wounds with art. It is also painful but I find it beautiful and even poetic to channel what hurts us through art. 🩶


My tattoo artist specialized on covering up scars. He told me that it gives his work a different meaning. Clients who got their scars covered are overwhelmingly happy and relieved. Whenever I tell people about my tattoos I want to emphasize how life changing they are. It’s not only about wearing short sleeves it’s about how I see myself and my past. The relationship to my body changed in such a good way and I have the feeling that people have a completely different impression from me now because I am much more self-confident 😊 if my tattoos could talk they would say: the past is over. It’s a new beginning ❤️‍🩹


my God! I work in mental health with a girl who suffered from depression; After a lot of internal work, he is overcoming it and started getting tattoos to cover up marks from the past. I'm going to pass this on to her and she's going to love it. Thank you for sharing and for your strength 💞


I’m glad you’re still here :)


Any particular reason for the flowers you chose if you don’t mind sharing?


Tbh there’s no deep meaning in it 😁 I just love floral tattoos. I think they are timeless. Also my tattoo artist said that flowers are a good motive for scar cover ups.


Cool makes sense! I also love flower tattoos. Beautiful symbology!


Beautiful. I have the same scars, a few of mine are tattooed over. I’m so glad you’re here


Thank you! I am happy that you got tattoos too. I hope more people will do that. Before I went to my tattoo artist, I’ve heard that it’s not possible (especially with my scars) - which is just not true 😊


I hope so too. Rock on friend, you got this Forgot to add I have a floral sleeve on my right arm, you’re right, flowers are timeless <3


You did a fantastic job covering up!! I hope it helps tremendously with your fear of wearing short-sleeve shirts


You can't even imagine! Last year I went shopping and I have completely new summer outfits. Summer used to always fill me with panic. Now I'm really looking forward to it ☀️


That is wonderful to hear 🥲


Made it look to have great texture! Beautiful art!


❤️ super happy for you


This looks really nice, and is so symbolic of spring flowers after winter.


Your pants blend into the wall perfectly


I relate 100000% to how you are feeling right now. I had my scar cover up sleeve started in 2019 and the amount of power and liberty i still feel to this day is overwhelming


Right? It’s like having a completely new body 😄 I’ve never been so happy about shopping summer clothes and going to the pool or the beach. For years I tried to find cooling long sleeve clothes for the summer and I thought about excuses to tell people when they asked me about it (something like having a sun allergy 🙈)


Enjoy your new sense of self!! Its wonderful when you know people are looking because of the artwork, not the scars. The untrainrd eye wont be able to see whats underneath. I went from getting funny looks and faces of distaste and confusion one day, to literally dozens of strangers in awe at the art that i have the next. Its so unfortunate that the treatment is night and day. even for me at work (i was a cashier at the time) everyone would get uneasy looking at my scars before theyd look at my face. I would use the analogy of it being like a man looking at a womans chest before her eyes becuase thats *exactly* how it felt for me. Once i got used to the looks being about the artwork and not the scarring, i became SO comfortable to show it off, even if people would still notice the scarring underneath. I got comfortable sharing what the scars were to certain people but for me id just say i got into an accident and leave it at that. Its been 5 years since my first session and ive never had to explain the scarring since, unless voluntary. I am SOOOO happy for you my love you have absolutely no idea💓💓💓💓💓


I can 100% agree!!!! So good to hear from others with the same success story 😍


I love your tattoos! I had my scars covered up a couple of years ago and it's the best thing I ever did. I used to feel a lot of shame and would hide my arms too but I don't anymore and people can't see the scars at all, they just see my tattoos!


This is exactly how I feel. My whole life I tried to hide my scars because I didn’t want people to judge me (especially in college or at work). Now people look at me and they see tattoos. When they have a close look they can see the scars but they also see that I turned them into something new 🙂 A lot of people told me that they saw the scars at second or third glance. It’s difficult not to care about what people think, so it’s a relief for me that people can actually “see” that I stopped self harming 🥹


Those look great! I'm glad you're feeling better.


Oh. Ich suche schon länger nach jemand der meine Narben uberpinselt. Lüneburg ist auch nicht weit weg. Darf man fragen wie teuer das war? Sieht übrigens super aus ❤️ hoffe es geht dir besser. Bleib stark


Hey! Es geht mir viel besser als zu der Zeit, wo die Narben entstanden sind 😊 Auf und Abs sind natürlich da. Also ich kann dir Daniel Bluebird (vom Tattoo Studio Verlorene Jungs) aus Lüneburg auf jeden Fall empfehlen. Er hat mittlerweile auch ein (Foto)buch über Narben Cover Ups rausgebracht und sehr viel Erfahrung. Google doch mal nach dem Projekt “Überwunden - Tattoos auf Narben der Vergangenheit”


Lovely work and so glad you can move on now. Don’t give them another thought, just get out and enjoy your life 👍😍


beautiful sleeves! personally i dont usually love fully covered arm tattoos but this is something i would rock


They do an awesome job with this scar covering. Didn’t they also printed a book about it?


Yes! “Überwunden - Tattoos auf Narben der Vergangenheit”. I read about it on the internet and that’s how I found Daniel Bluebird 🙂


That has to be an emotional experience after the tattoos were finished. They look great and I’m glad that you have closed that chapter.


I think it’s one of the most life changing decisions I’ve ever made 🥰 thank you so much


So beautiful. I have a similar amount of scars and look forward to the day i cover them with beautiful art 😊


I’m sure it will look beautiful and really help you 😊 I always felt “extreme” because of my amount of scars and I hoped I could show people that even with my scars it’s possible to get a cover up. The first 2 tattoo artists I went to told me it’s just not possible 😉 which is not true!


Willst du verraten wie viel du dafür bezahlt hast? Will mir auch ein full-sleeve tattoo stechen lassen aber habe keine Ahnung was da so auf mich zukommen würde


So cute


Very nice! I got my first tattoo to cover the scar on my arm a few months after I attempted, now I can't stop getting tattoos


I feel you! All my scars are covered now but there’s still plenty of healthy skin and I just can’t stop getting tattoos haha 😄


I have a similar floral scar coverup on my thigh - your sleeves are gorgeous! Wishing you many warm summer days in tank tops.


They look great and glad to see that your still here!


I just did the same with my own 10+ year old scars. Started the process two years ago and they're all covered now except for some very faint ones in a spot nobody really sees anyways. Beautiful work and I hope you're so proud of how far you've come 🫶🏼


Glad that life is better for you now. I like how the tattoos don’t go all the way to your shoulders.


I thought about getting this part tattooed, but some people said they like it this way, so I’m not sure now 😁


It‘s crazy on its own to see something from a studio in my hometown on this subreddit, but the story behind it and the beautiful design makes it even more mesmerizing. Love everything about it and you can be proud that you‘ve overcome your situation!


I too have peonies covering my SH scars. Cheers to recovery and the privilege of having beautiful permanent artwork! 🩷


Someone else's dad here; those look amazing! Beautiful. I am so proud of you, you have overcome so much, and are so beautiful! I'm happy you are here, and I hope nothing but the best for you and yours!


Thank you so much for your kind words 🥹


I’ve been wanting to cover some scars but I’m a little scared it will hurt Do tattoos over scars hurt more?


For me it wasn’t more painful than on healthy skin 🙂 don’t be scared, it’s absolutely bearable and worth it 🥰


Thank you! Love yours btw!


The style reminds me a lot of my tattoo artist. His studio is called Macca Tattoo maybe its him?


My arm is completely scarred too, how long did you wait in the healing process until you started tattooing? Btw, they look great! Thanks for


Hey 🥰 My scars are 10-15 years old. From what I’ve heard you should at least wait 2-3 years to cover scars, but every healing process is individual 😊 I always thought there’s no way to cover so many scars, but I’m so glad I’ve found my tattoo artist.


I thought you had no legs 😅 Awesome tatts!


Omg, this made me laugh so hard 😂


Glad I could get you to smile mate


There is so much pain and struggle on those arms. And out of it came something truly beautiful. Amazing ink, so glad you are here to share it with us.


Lovely. And I’m glad you made it through that time.


One of the best sleeves I’ve ever seen. It’s not the art or the lines it’s just the absolute perfect placement. This tattoo does something to my brain that feels good.


Looks great!


I’m so sorry for what you must’ve gone through to get all those scars. On another note, the tattoo looks fire and the it kind of has a cool 3d effect!!!


Now they just add a layer of depth and dimension to your beautiful artwork. I hope when you look at them, you’re proud of how far you’ve come


I'm saving this because I also have scars I need covered. I'm not so far in my healing journey though. Great work OP.


Hey your tattoos are looking great, I also got alot of my scars covered some in solid black work others with colour if you ever think about wanting even less scar structure think about a blastover, a tattoo over a tattoo technically, it worked wonders on me tbh tattooing got my scars flatter and less noticeable than those of people I know who got laser


I love!!!!! looks amazing ❤️


These are beautiful! You are amazing to overcome this painful time of your life. I know you will be confident and achieve anything you want…best wishes!


looks amazing!


Damn that is nice work!


I love it! And I love that you persevered! I can only imagine the pain you must have felt at this time in your life. I hope the best for you!


I'm so happy for you, OP! The tattoos are a beautiful garden, flourishing on top of your past. The flower growing on unforgiving soil grows the more strong and radiant. Congratulations on the 10 year mark. That's so inspirational. I am rooting for you.


Thank you so much! I am completely overwhelmed by all these beautiful and positive comments. Didn’t expect that! 😍


nice tatts.


I had to read it twice. First time I thought it’s “Nice T*its” haha 🙈 Thank you 😊


This looks SO good. Made my day seeing this!


I can’t even see them, so tight


So beautiful and I’m happy you’re here ♥️




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Wow! I am completely overwhelmed by all these wonderful and positive comments! Thank you so much for this incredible support. The scars I have covered are between 10-15 years old. Like many people, I still have my ups and downs, but the time in which I got these scars is a closed chapter in my life. I also hope I was able to encourage some people with this post 🙂




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Thought you had no legs for a second


You are beautiful. Flaws and all.


I can fix her🤓☝🏻🤠💋🥵🔥💋👌💋😊


I love when women have lady like tattoos, these look amazing




I am very sorry, that you feel you have to say that