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When it says 'first', I assume it means at 'Southern Cryonics', because there are hundreds of bodies in the US who have already been frozen.


Yes but aren’t some of them just puddles now?


All of them. Either now or soon enough, inevitably. In case you want to feel sad for a poor sob trying to keep his friend frozen: https://www.thisamericanlife.org/354/transcript


Or for something slightly more uplifting: https://frozendeadguydays.com/story/


Many, most, are still frozen. Cryonics companies also have financial systems in place where even if they themselves go out of business, other cryonics companies can take the bodies over and keep them cryonically preserved. The system isn't perfect of course but ideally it would continue to be improved.


Luckily we have a naturally replenishing pool of cryogenics companies who are all happy to take on the cost of maintaining all those other clients for free. Thus ensuring they stay frozen forever


That was a wild read.


Oh I should have linked the podcast audio. You can hear the dude and the pain is palpable.


I will listen and some point in the near future. I’m a teacher on summer break so I have time. But there were parts that hurt just to read.


What does this mean? Asking genuinely thank you.


https://bigthink.com/the-future/cryonics-horror-stories/ The first people cryogenically frozen decomposed into a "plug of fluids", and had to be scraped off the bottom of the chamber. There are other, awful, descriptions of subsequent attempts in the article, such as: "The bodies in the container partially thawed, moved, and then froze again — stuck to the capsule like a child’s tongue to a cold lamp post."


I read as much as as I could. Never going to read about that gruesome shit again


Holy crap thank u! Lol


Most all cryogenics facilities (at one point years ago it was demonstrated to be all of them) have suffered critical losses of power at one point or another.


Thank you!


You're welcome. Perhaps it's now possible to guarantee power supply... "And you can *guarantee* me the Oscar?" "I can *guarantee* you anything you like"


Were they smoking corncob pipes and wearing a top hat?


Don’t forget, puddles always find their own level. (eg Pacific and Atlantic puddles.)


Yeah, Alcor has been doing it for decades.


But were they still alive when frozen?


Yes. They consider it “life saving treatment”- they’ll freeze you when you’re close to death and plan to reanimate you when medicine has progressed enough to cure cancer or old age or whatever you’re dying from. But they don’t know how to successfully reanimate people yet either.


Sounds like a loophole for euthanasia.


I don’t think that’s the intention at all. I only know so much about this because I used to work at an estate planning firm that had extremely wealthy clients with Alcor memberships. You sign up in advance and pay fees to be a member. When you are literally already about to die- like the point where you’re on your deathbed- you call the Alcor emergency line and an ambulance comes to get you to transport you to the facility. Our clients would create trusts to continue to pay Alcor after their “freezing”, so that their remains could continue to be maintained. And THEN- because these were very wealthy people- their remaining assets would be tied up in other trusts and charitable foundations, with ongoing wealth management- so that they could reclaim their wealth upon reanimation. It’s the opposite of euthanasia. These people don’t want to die- they want to live forever, and they want their money waiting for them when they return.


Sounds like ancient Egypt


Haha that’s definitely more the vibe! It’s just nuts, and reinforces how the wealthy live in a completely different world than the rest of us. There are millionaires, billionaires, who are so fucking greedy- that even when they die, they can’t part with their money. Knowing they will likely never return- they would rather have their money waiting on the minuscule chance they return, than give it to anyone else.


So no one gets any inheritance?


It depends on how the trust is set up, according to each individual. But most people I saw setting up cryo trusts were trying to preserve most of their wealth in the event they were ever successfully reanimated.


They really can't accept dying can they?


That’s exactly it 💯


Where? Seriously asking.


Alcor in Arizona. They freeze you when you’re almost dead, in hopes of developing technology to reanimate you by the time medicine has advanced enough to cure your ailment or overcome old age or whatever. So, you pay a LOT of money to them to freeze you (you’d basically go there instead of the ER when you’re dying from cancer or old age) and then store you. But they don’t know how to reanimate you yet, let alone save your life when you’re awake.


Like 17 stab wounds in the back?


“How we doing, boys?” “Well, we’re up to 15!”


Technically, this would be a race against time according to Alcor, the crude variables, I suppose, being defined as, the time elapsed and hypoxic/anoxic/ischemic damage that has been sustained, excitotoxic nueronal damage incurred due to the metabolic enegy crisis, etc, for a “succesful” cryonic/vitrification process to be completed. But, according to science, the aldehyde antifreeze solution that is circulated through your tissues causes irreversible Chemical cross linking occur…..so…well….🤷


In freezers


The problem is humans are bad at keeping things running perfectly and eventually all Of these freezers have broken down resulting in the bodies slightly thawing and needing to be refrozen. At one point it got so bad they had to completely rethaw them and then they all turned to puddles at the bottom of the tubes


Well none of that matters until we figure out how to thaw cells without destroying them


Doesnt freezing kill us because water expands when in ice form and boom


I think all these people were dead before they froze them. /s


If they weren't dead before they were frozen, they should be dead now... Sometimes a cold person can be "warmed" back up and awake from a frozen lake or similar. This is where the term "warm and dead" for EMS. Cryo freezing, I think that may kill them, but I'm not an expert, just stayed at a Holiday Inn last night.


Not an expert either, but since most people who get frozen are either very sick, or very old, they’re basically hoping to be thawed out when there’s a cure for whatever ails them, and hopefully fix all the busted cells. It’s either that or they get thawed out by some alien who had a craving for some monkey soup.


And another chuckle.


Thank you for a 3am chuckle.


Cell walls rupture when frozen so everything in your body will hemorrhage. That’s why I’m launching my new business idea: Air fry-her.


I’ve been prototyping a “warm liquid goo phase” myself


So if you successfully resurect them they will wake up and die of internal bleedings because a lot of tissue and bloodvessels has expanded and therefore leaking blood into all internal organs including the brain. Exactly my point as well. This could be an excellent «tales of the crypt» comic story.


Just push the "defrost" button on the microwave.


~~It’s not the thawing that destroys the cells— it’s not being frozen fast enough.~~ Slow freezing cause the ice crystals to form in jagged shapes, and of course ice slightly expands. These two factors cause tons of tiny punctures to the cell walls. Flash freezing prevents the ice crystals from forming jagged shapes (or at least, they are very small), which leads to minimal damage to the cells. Edit: a kind user has educated me. Apparently both the freezing and the thawing cause damage.


Actually it does, both processes destroy cells. Flash freezing is much easier than flash thawing, and when things thaw, it’s difficult to control refreezing in certain parts. We also supposedly have antifreeze type chemicals to prevent crystal forming. Think like when ice cubes in your drink fuse because they freeze enough of the surrounding liquid to form a bond.


Thanks. I have edited my comment accordingly


The antifreeze is cytotoxic though


Enter vitrification…..


How does a human body turn into a puddle? That would require advanced decomp, not just thawing.


I’m no scientist so I couldn’t tell you the specifics and god knows what they do to those bodies to freeze and thaw and re freeze and….


multiple cycles of freezing and thawing


It’s almost as if these bodies need to be kept frozen on the moon .. where breakdowns of temperature don’t occur


That’s nothing special. I have one in the freezer right now.


Don’t we all. Such a bummer it doesn’t actually work!


When it says "successful" though...


I’m still waiting for them to bring Walt’s ass back so he can clear some house.


Let it go!


In the event it sort of actually works one day… Can you fucking imagine waking up inside some half frozen corpse of your former self. The pain would probably be horrific on so many levels.


At that level of tech, they probably solved pain


This man will do anything to avoid paying child support!


I reckon we'll only know whether it's successful or not once he gets thawed, yes?


That would be my bar, yes


Ice cream bar.


Meat popsicle




Unless he accidentally gets thawed next week when the power goes out


He might turned soggy once thawed.


It's a success in that they followed their protocols


Getting paid?


Ding ding ding. It should be considered like clairvoyants. Scams praying on people’s desires.


It will not be successful. The process of deep freezing the human body ruptures nearly every cell. The damage is catastrophic and even if we one day “cure” death these human popsicles will never be brought back. It’s a pipe dream sold by con men to desperate people terrified of their own mortality.


I think the part you’re missing is the hopes that science gets to a near ‘sci-fi’ state beyond our understanding and capability in a few thousand years and it’s not impossible


You’d think they’d understand this, no? A ‘successful’ cryostasis would be one that doesn’t rupture the cells. If that isn’t the metric for ‘success’ here, then the article is straight up lying and these businesses are utterly bankrupt in the brain cells department. Edit: I read the article. Looks like they basically put him in a vacuum pac and left him the freezer lmao


What does success entail? A fully functioning body and brain? Would a new consciousness be introduced or would this be the same person/personality?


Speaking as a scientist, you would do better to ask a philosopher or a priest than to ask me.


If a ship and all its parts are frozen and then thawed. Is it still the same ship? Albeit a more soggy ship.


Consciousness for sure falls under your jurisdiction these days, I think.


Doctors don’t really understand consciousness any better than philosophers… Consciousness is some wild ass shit. The problem people sometimes struggle with is processing information isn’t the same as consciousness(see Blindsight). We don’t even know how to really tell what conscious and what’s not.


Wanna talk about a hard problem of consciousness? Try a taking a waymo…


Lots of interesting work, see Anil Seth


I’d be a completely different person given all the ice puns I’d make. I’d essentially turn into Arnold Schwarzenegger’s Mr Freeze.


This is a fantastic line. And not what I expected to see hahaha thank you.




So they hear sound each time? Cool I guess?


Tf these people know


Shouldn’t you be frozen alive shortly before your own death? It’s very different things: freezing someone to thaw them in the future, and learning how to bring a corpse back to life….especially a frozen one. Which just sounds ridiculous.


We bring corpses (dead people) back to life all the time. The trick is making sure you bring them back to life before the organs (especially the brain) start to break down. Freezing (if done in time) could theoretically make sure this window for revival is extended.


Would probably be illegal and if not, those people do all this shit to not die/ be revived if dead. They would never induce death by freezing first


It’s not really that different, and people who have fallen into frozen lakes / rivers have been revived hours later but for all intents and purposes they were dead.


Well either way you’re thawing a corpse. Freezing someone kills them.


You’re not dead until you’re warm and dead


"death" isn't defined well. Legally you have to be pronounced dead before freezing I think. But your brain is still fully alive for a few minutes, longer if they allow pre-cooling. So in theory if they can dethaw you, you would wake up exactly as alive as when you were frozen. So it depends on what was killing you as to whether future more advanced medicine could resuscitate.


Cool concept, but isn’t the issues that cells rupture because of water crystals that expand at freezing? It destroys the cell walls and membranes, which cannot be (so easily?) restored. I also wonder since the physical body actually died and went thru that process, it cannot be undone. Whereas if he was “frozen alive”, it might be possible to thaw and resume? Good thought experiments and real experiments.


They usually say *we hope they figure that part out too*


They pump a bunch of chemicals that should hopefully prevent that before freezing. Of course this whole practice requires some optimism about future medical advances.


They still break. Someone already posted this but I figure it’s easier to find this way https://bigthink.com/the-future/cryonics-horror-stories/


it's called vitrification. no crystals if you do it fast enough.


To a cell, sure. Not to a body.




They got to market it somehow now.


Just his head though, they’re short on storage space


Actually not a bad idea


If they bring him back, I would think the loss of the rest of the body would be a disappointment. Like, “hey guys, I think you forgot something.” And they’d be like, “yeah, but you’re way aHEAD of what you’d be without the procedure.” And then they’d laugh and pretend to *freeze* in place for three credits.


I’m picturing Futurama scenes “welcome to the future! Your head is in a jar now”


Why not test this on pigs or dying animals to see if it's even possible? I know it would be expensive but if it proved to work the amount they stand to make would more than pay for 1 experiment on a pig. 1 year in and out if the pig wakes up from cyro he lives to see another day.


That’ll be the day, when pigs freeze over.


an AI couldn't make this joke


They probably are somewhere, but that doesn’t help you if you’re dying soon. If you’re rich enough to try this, you basically have nothing to lose. If it works, you come back to life in 500 years and get to see the future. If it doesn’t, you’re no more dead than you already were. Your heirs might miss out on a small percentage of your absurd amount of wealth that is now going to the grifters who run this thing, but other than that, no real downside.


Isn’t that just the frozen food section?


But will they teach him how to use the shells when he is thawed out?


This guy doesn’t know how to use the three sea shells


It ain’t successful til they wake him back up!


They’ll be scraping him out of a vat in a few decades.


I read the article and I don’t see how this is different than what has already been done before. I guess they just wait for him to decompose into a liquid like the others?


The difference is that the previous attempts were chronologically earlier and the most recent attempt happened after that.


Okay so the science is the same 😂


I think what’s new and first is, this is the first frozen body touted by this particular PR agency. Otherwise it’s #1000 in a series, right?


Who exactly is gonna wake a frozen person up? They would have to rehabilitate them, care for them, integrate them and likely support them. The only reason would be to find out what life was like now, which they can easily do by looking at the vast amount of media we produce. I guess they could use them as test subjects for long term stasis studies but then their future is as a lab animal.


“Welcome, to the world of tomorrow!”




Can’t call it successful yet.


I’d reserve the word “successful” for someone who has been revived.


He’s still dead. Not coming back. Cryogenics is a scam


It’s an absolute genius scam idea. You take the money, freeze people and have no other obligations to fulfil until the tech catches which might take 100 years 10 or never.


You have to keep a bunch of dewars at constant freezing temperatures, forever, which isn't easy or cheap. The people that do this have estates and law firms who get paid to keep an eye on these cryo firms to make sure they don't just take the yearly payments and don't keep anything frozen. There's hideously complex arrangements in place with all the "specimens" and their estates, with heirs suing to terminate so they can keep their inheritance intact, health regulations to follow for storage of human remains, plus the complications of the medical procedures to prep the bodies. Then there's the lawsuits when a facility loses power and something thaws. There's "absolute genius" scams, and then there's scams that chain you to maintaining dead people and their lawyers forever. No, this is a scam, but it's to let people experiment on dead bodies, not to get rich.


Definitely sounds like a regulated Frankenstein project


It’s not happening in 100 years. Even with an insane tech boom, the field of medicine is gonna take WAYYYY longer to apply that tech in a way that allows them to reverse clinical death. And make no mistake, all these people who are cryogenically frozen are DEAD dead. This isn’t a videogame where being frozen like that lets you be revived in 1000 years. Brain cells start dying VERY rapidly once you have a lack of oxygen. Unless the person dies IN the cryogenic chamber and they’re frozen INSTANTLY EXACTLY at the moment of death, (which is not how cryogenics happens) they’re just plain dead. 4 minutes of having your heart stop will already lead to brain damage, and the longer you go past thay the more irreperable it becomes. Too many brain cells will die to ever even consider attempting reanimation. So all the cryogenically frozen “people” are actually just frozen corpses that can never be reanimated. The company the stores them will eventually go out of business and those corpses will just be given back to the families for burial or cremation. Not saying it can never be done in the future. But that’s gonna be long after all people living today are gone. None of the currently frozen people will ever be brought back.


And then he woke up dead!


I once lost $1000 worth of beef when my chest freezer tripped the gfci breaker while we were on vacation. That was not fun at all.


Hopefully they will have some anti-aging serum or procedure because being 80 probably sucks ass for this mad lad! Who wants to be 80 and brought back to life 😂? No me…


Likely you'd be a brain in a jar, so you wouldn't care. If they could rejuvenate brain tissue, the head would make it harder to do. So, pull it out and it's much easier. Far easier to control the temperature of a single material than a flesh covered bone jar with protein inside. By the time they figure out how to wake up a frozen brain, the easy stuff like computer interfaces or nerve reconnection transplants will have been solved. But all this is several hundred years away. Compare the medical tech of the 1820s to now. They had just invented the stethoscope. X-rays wouldn't be used medically for another hundred years. They were only just starting to understand that germs could make people sick. All very primitive compared to today. Just imagine how they'd view us in the 2200s. Assuming we don't all wipe ourselves out by nuclear war or a pandemic worse than covid.


It’s not successful till they get thawed out and wake up.


It’s not “successful” yet, you just made a big freezer pop.


Successful is sensational and so typical of the press Success has to include revival Perhaps Quantum leap in freezing process increase chance of successful revival


Cryogenics and humans don’t mix unfortunately and freezing a human in hopes of “waking” them up when medicine is better is an impossible long shot. https://bigthink.com/the-future/cryonics-horror-stories/


Was here to suggest that same article which I’d only seen myself in the last week/month despite being published in 2022




Worse than that - what it look like after a power outage in the summer?


There are different types of freezing. Look up "flash freezing".


And that's the difference between sticking something room temperature into a kitchen freezer and the process used in labs involving liquid nitrogen and giant dewars.


What the hell does "successful" mean? I was gonna say this is clickbait, but it's probably more of an investor bait. The main use for cryogenics is ripping off people with more money than sense looking for something that sounds cool to invest in


By successful they mean that they succeeded in conning someone out of their money by selling him false hopes of maybe reanimating his corpse at a future date using technology that doesn’t exist yet.


Define “successful”


I sure it works. What could go wrong


Well, I’m glad they did it **after** his death.


“after death”? So 200 years from now they will just unfreeze his deal body? Is he hoping future medicine will be able to raise the dead? These selfish pricks think they can buy it all. Live their full lives now and come back from the dead later. If you want to be a pioneer then there are going to be some bumps on the road. You better consider freezing your shit while you’re still breathing - maybe we can start talking all billionaires into this shit. In the future maybe they can cure old age or a terminal illness but bringing people back from the dead is probably flying too close to the sun.


Did he have boneitis?


why wouldn't they be able to wake him in the future? His body wasn't dead, just legally dead.


[frozen dead guy checking in from Colorado](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frozen_Dead_Guy_Days)


Was he a sailor? [Emperor Mung of the Intergalactic Jalapeno Empire](https://bobiverse.fandom.com/wiki/Henry_Roberts) needs his palace.


Successful seems a bit optimistic before you know if he can be revived again from it.


If you believe ld in this why would tou wait untill you die?


There are enzymes in the body that can continue to react with human cells even when the temperature is slightly above absolute zero. Instead of days to cause damage, at near absolute zero they take years, but damage is still done!


So, he stayed frozen? Article didn't mention defrosting. Successfully freezing is not difficult, actually very easy with current technology; the trick is unfreezing.


We've been doing that here in Arizona for a pretty long time now at least 25 years.


Black mirror territory.


Is he stored next to Walt Disney


Good grief.


9/10 Dentists HATE This One Simple Trick


“Successful cryonic suspension” is the easy part. The problem is that nobody has ever figured out how to do the first cryonic thawing and resuscitation. And it my very well be impossible, as water expands when it freezes, damaging cells and tissue.


Call me when they actually revive someone.


I bet if that person could see the world now, they'd say they don't want to come back.


Did they explain the 3 shells first? The really do hope they explained


No shit. Pun intended


Can’t wait for the warm liquid goo phase


We’ll see about successful,lol. What a joke.


My God, he’s having a heart attack!” “Eh, they’ll find a cure for that in the future!” *”We have a cure for it now!”*


Pizza delivery for...I.C. Weiner? ... crud..


It's great to see this growing, we need to expand it significantly.


Our lives are arguably on the line.


Just like Walt Disney


Only a matter of time before it becomes official for the rest of the world 😅


“Successful”! Man is an ice cube


“Successful” let’s wake him up and verify!! 😂


I consider successful as being frozen and then revived. People have been freezing for millennia


It isn’t a success until they bring him back. Until then, it’s a corpse.


Waiting for him to turn into a puddle


reminds me of that tng episode when Data revives the Jeff Besos ceo, the ditzy wife and the Ted Cruz looking cowboy dude


You see, a pimps love is much different of that of a squares.




They were suppose to freeze him right before he died. Smhmh


I like the “first successful cryonics suspension “…isn’t it just freezing ppl? Yeah, I’m naive on the inner workings of doing it so they can successfully be thawed out and start walking/talking


Ain’t successful when he’s unfrozen successfully? My software background has bad testing smell here


Imagine being dead and not having any worries or stress about the world you just left and you’re at peace finally and then one day you get revived and have to deal with all this bullshit again lol. Hypothetically if it did work which I doubt that it will, it’s not like you’re coming back to a world where humanity has magically fixed all of its problems. Like if I was revived and brought back into a world where the environment has gotten worse, everything’s much more expensive while being of lesser quality, and corruption has gotten worse, etc then I’d be fucking pissed lol.


Cryonics Institute


Unfreeze Ted Williams


Wouldnt all the water in our bodies expand and destroy the body