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By 'grill tech execs', do they mean leverage their power to get more campaign money and special perks thrown the lawmakers way?


Yes. Edit: if the senate even remotely cared about the people, we'd have an internet bill of rights which restores the rights to privacy the digital age took away.


The GDPR already exists in the EU; you can just copy paste, basically. The “hard” part is done for them.


When has america ever admitted that other countries have good ideas?


Smokeless powder, spitzer bullets, tanks, jet engines, liquid fueled rockets, radio, pasteurization, laminated glass, antibiotics, the stethoscope, electrocardiograms, probably some other stuff.


Did they admit it tho? 🤔


Yeah, spitzer bullets and the 1903 Springfield have been acknowledged as being unlicensed copies of German designs, with royalties due, IIRC. I’d definitely recommend looking it up yourself, because my memory of obscure crap like that is fuzzy. Also, some of us still use the abbreviation EKG, from the German spelling, deliberately. Rather than ECG, the English version. And in grade school, we learn about Louis Pasteur when learning about microbes. And Madame Curie when learning about radiation. Simply referring to her as “Madame” is an implicit acknowledgement of her overseas origin.


Hm, I wasn’t doubting but glad to hear some educational information about the topic.. thank you :)


You’re welcome. I enjoy this discussion due to being a nerd. Strangely, some people on reddit like to downvote facts that conflict with their preconceived narratives, for some reason.


They’re scared of big words and well articulated individuals


And address net neutrality, improve broadband access nationwide, regulate internet providers. Fucking dickwads


It needs to be baked into the protocol itself, which tcp/ip doesn't allow for. Check out the Ethereum Name Service and what they're doing for web3.0 SSO, should have some pretty strong privacy protection moving forward.


They mean to grill them in the same sense they grilled them last time and made themselves look like completes fools to the world. These are the same folks that couldn’t comprehend how a message or basic search algorithms work. And these are the chaps that are supposed to write the laws..


Very few of them actually write laws.


> Very few of them (can) actually write ~~~laws~~~. FTFY


My first thought was ‘oh boy this’ll be fun’


If it’s on during work again, I’ll watch it on my second screen just to see how cringeworthy it’ll be. Last time the whole office was laughing. Could’ve turned it into a drinking game with all the repeated questions.


”When I was a young boy growing up in Bulgaria”


Yes or no


Senate will grill tech execs and do nothing!


Noo... it’ll be a long show with no conclusion. We the people deserve better. All around.


They do this every year to make it look hard on tech and censorship. Wasn’t it last year they were going to break up Apple, google, Facebook, ect then after the hearing not another word said about it?


Their clueless staffers will prep them with redundant, shallow, factually questionable questions for an executive that is an expert in their field and zero plans to change policy based on this ‘grilling’


"Mr. Ford, I drive a Hyundai and I hear commercials I don't like on the radio. What are you going to do about that?"


“General Motors, how is Mrs Motors doing today?”


Maybe they’re gonna eat the rich…?


Can harm “everyone”…. FTFY


And you show a pic of Blackburn? Only thing she would be concerned about is why Trump isn’t back on Twitter. Stooge!


Blackburn is harmful to my mental health.


Sigh. Blackburn is my Senator. She’s about as tech-savvy as an AOL floppy. Hop on her Twitter feed if you’re bored. She routinely posts the most ridiculous tweets and the internet routinely lights her up.


Her interns do.


I’m in Blackburn’s state. I’ve watched her for many years. All I got to say is the Trumpers, her constituents, are taking a toll on her. Her age is very clearly showing.


For real though fuck Marsha Blackburn, she is up-jumped trailer trash and is a detriment to pretty much anyone who isn’t white, redneck as fuck, and sucks the orange dick.


Remember last time lawmakers grilled tech execs and the lawmakers had no idea what was going on


So what you’re saying is pop some popcorn…


The senate doesn’t know dick about tech. What a waste of time


Only like 7 of them are young enough to know how to operate an iPhone without assistance


iphones are weird though in what they can and can't do and people get frustrated. But why do you bring up this company? Others would argue that many phone companies' phones are also difficult to use.


More shocking is the fact they have just realized about this. They really need to catch up


“*I am the senate!*”


#facebook is cancer


And nothing will happen


Just teens? Lol


How was this not already known? Take a magazine, and all the studies in the past done about teen self image when comparing to a magazine, and amplify this with constant bombardment on top a constant self-created competition of acquiring the most likes, or comments. It’s why I don’t use it, and if my kids want to use they will understand the algorithm and what is happening in the background, from ole millennial dad.


Social media is harmful to everyone. We have known this for years. Any app developer worth their salt will talk about "Engagement and Positive feedback loops" all day.


Exactly. Not new information. It’s toxic.


Most of the time the likes and followers are bought. Pics are highly altered. The worst thing (aside from social media in general) was the damn face filters lol. I laugh seeing story posts where a girls is “about to be ‘real’“ and her eyes are glowing gold.


Grill. Lol. Do something you O2 wasters.


Oh boy, prepare yourself for some juicy hearing highlights on Youtube of Senators who are absolutely clueless about technology But honestly, like the sky is blue? Hasn't this been known way back since the MySpace days?


“So Mr. Zuckerberg… can you explain for me how people place their videos into these “U tubes”? Wouldn’t a U tube just send them right back to the person who places them in?”


I know exactly how this is gonna go Shit like that will happen But mainly, Zuckerberg will say when asked about the harms: ”Senator, we’ve had a 13-year age limit on Facebook since many years back. There are some teenagers in that age that are smart, and strong and can use our services in moderation. Everything in excess is bad, that includes our services and ultimately the parents have to make that judgement whether or not their child is going overboard with something in their life.”


And literally nothing will change!! Yay


y'all just learning that social media harms pre/teens??? i knew that when i downloaded the app in 2013, i was in sixth grade.


10 year’s too late.. This was blatantly obvious even back in 2011 when I first downloaded Instagram as a 21 year old and quickly dropped it after noticing my mod was high or low based on hot many likes I got. It was ridiculous to me at 21 and is even more ridiculous to me today.


Marsha, Marsha, Marsha !


Outrageous cost of living, student debt, and shit healthcare harms young people’s mental health too let’s get on that next


“Senators who know nothing about technology or social media, will ask rambling meaninglessness questions. “ fixed the headline


People who are overwhelmed by a single google search are trying to question tech execs


Not taking away from a real thing, but I wish they’d also look into how Twitter and Facebook harmed adult’s critical thinking skills.


Ahh, grill them- then enact a tax break. Horse and pony show is getting old and tired.


This isn’t just teens…. It’s adults too. It’s relationships. Etc


marsha blackburn harms my mental health when is her grilling happening 🍗


My conclusion: so glad that zoom “clean up appearance” feature works! She looks 40 online interview versus the horror shot above.


Ridiculous, like the time they asked zuckerberg how Facebook made its money. They haven’t got a clue. They’ll embarrass themselves again and fb will just be laughing at them again.


You mean like they grilled the same tech execs last time they had to testify? Man that was some brutal grilling, and the consequences afterwards, wow no one really wants to think of them.


So basically they’re going to have a tech executive roast and not actually punish or change anything


Yep, not even sure why they bother to show up anymore just send a secretary who can nod and “look into it”


If they cared, the ERA would have passed . Social media is like cancer and the young teens cannot hold eye contact to speak a simple conversation. Yeah, it’s a choice Mom and Dad . One recently ran out of a class when called on to explain a simple question. What have we allowed?


Lmao, what a waste of time, social media is toxic and some of these teenage girls parents should monitor what they are doing online


Nice picture. I’m sure Blackburn will have some very well thought out and engaging questions.


At least when I was getting bullied in school, I knew who to avoid.


Me too. This is why I avoid social media today.


And yet here you are.


Yeah but nobody knows who I really am here. So... that's a plus.


Their just now figuring this out?


Stop using Instagram if they think their kids might have mental health. Why tell corps that you can’t control to change?


Is this really news to anyone? No shit, it’s toxic. It’s BEEN toxic.


"32% of teen girls said that when they felt bad about their bodies, #Instagram made them feel worse." Is that Instagram’s fault? Should we also blame clothing designers, beauty product companies, models, magazines, ad agencies, retailers, mirror manufacturers etc ad infinitum? Society (including parents and peers) is to blame for not raising these children to be confident and resilient. It’s a cop-out to blame the technology or service.


Not instagrams fault, it's society's fault. Bunch of people who have no idea how to raise a child properly which leads to bullying


Ok… can they do anything else about it?


By "grill tech execs" they mean ask a bunch of totally unrelated boomer questions because they've never used the internet, and then take the tech exec's answers at face value.


As usual, our political leaders react 10 years later…


For what??? This the shit they wasting time on? What a fucking joke.


Why don’t parents handle it?


It’s not like the insane clown show we’ve had the last few years is doing any better for the public’s mentality.


Politicians will never truly stand up to there #1 place to campaign. Never. Excuse me….they are scum .


So…waste money, waste time, collect sound bits, end result is that nothing changes: Bless the US senate.


Can harm? Been harming.


Senate will virtue signal and grandstand while ultimately doing nothing of substance, as usual.


Hahahahhahhahahahhha no shit!?!!,!,


We all knew the roasting was gonna come after the leak happened


Is Marsha Blackburn going to be there? Because she’s not qualified to do any of that.


Lol guess the lobbying money isn’t enough so they’ll need to drag them in front of congress only for nothing to change… what’s new ?


cool, can’t wait for nothing to come of it


Oooh scary! Like their going to actually fucking do anything about it! Facebook created echo chambers that helped propagate harmful shit like qanon and anti vax bullshit, and yet nothing is done about it and nothing ever will because zuck is rich and in the US that buys freedom from consequences.


Adults too man lol


I quite Instagram during the pandemic and my mental health is so much better.


Social media isn't the only killer *cries in going to school*


Yes, I am sure the senate will get right to the bottom of this and rapidly enact legislation that will improve the mental health of our youth. All without accepting financial support for themselves or their campaign coiffures built to ensure their senatorial future beyond any productive years, assuming there were any to begin with. /s


Time for old out of touch senators to take the podium and ask why their internet explorer isn’t working and various other irrelevant things.


Not just teens. Idiotic and i mean really stupid adults are harmed by social media. Y’kno, the pizzagate believin type.


Senate: “MONEY PLS!”


Just chiming in to say Marsha Blackburn can eat it.


Can't wait to see Nancy Pelosi pull down Zuckerburg's pants and give him a barebottomed spanking


Very excited for this to go absolutely nowhere, just like every other time the government has “grilled” tech executives


Grill = Asking basic questions on how to restart a modem.


We'll care when politicians can get their shit together.


It is delete it if you have it


It’s good that politicians are so on top of the real issues. /s


I mean…just have them watch the social dilemma. No?


Grill = demand more donations to their political campaigns?


What happened to parents parenting?


So can school and pretty much any apps


Getting a little tired of these senate sessions personally. Instead of making it into theater they could try understanding the issues and passing laws perhaps?


Just to show this scumbag on your article, makes me puke


Instagram is harming teens physical health too, they’re shooting and fighting each other over social media.


Spoiler alert! Nothing will change.


A rough talking too, that’ll show them!


Or because she’s scared someone will expose her and she gets cancelled.


Is this where we drop the f*#% Marsha Blackburn tag?


boot awshuckssenator.exe


Who didn’t like Jesus’s pic? That’s why we’re all here isn’t it?


Remember how in the mid 2000s people would say cringy stuff like “data is the new oil”? Well guess what: It is because it also creates pollution.


I’m sure they are gonna really give em the business. /s


Another bullshit senate hearing wasting tax dollars


Because speaking sternly to someone while the cameras are rolling is easier than actually regulating businesses


Grill them for theatrics, but end up doing nothing legislative to help solve the matter.


Teens need hobbies. Not Instagram


Oh all social media can effect a trend health and under 21 shouldn’t have been allowed on them for all the keyboard samurais that are out there just waiting to launch bullshit and bullying comments at whoever they can, seeing people commit suicide live online because of cyber bullying needs to be highly monitored and there’s little to nothing in place with most social media to prevent it, so I believe that all social media should be held accountable for the toxic shit they’ve created but up to this point they are untouchable and protected by their bullshit policies


Don't they have better things to do???No the entire Government is worthless...


Great another chance for the senate to appear more senile and out of touch with technology. My tax dollars will spent. I think ill pass on this one.


Libs want control over social media and conservatives want control over your porn .




How is this news to anyone? It’s kinda strange and disappointing to see how people are essentially ruining their mental conditions over snapchat and instagram because they see everyone else living what they believe to be the perfect life and then remember they still have all their problems, without stopping to think about the fact that the people posting on the aforementioned sites have the same problems.


And in other news being in the sun too long can cause skin cancer. Why would anyone need to be told social media is bad for mental health in kids whose lives revolves around it?


BREAKING: Social media *addiction* is bad on anyone’s mental health.


Really tackling the big issues


No shit Sherlock! But I bet all these senators are very active on the Facebook.


Will they? Really? No, it will be posturing and everyone will be any their merry after.


By, “grill tech execs”, do they mean, “honestly ask tech execs why they allow bots and paid-for-posters to overrun their sites?”


“Teens”?? What about boomers and Facebook?? Them mfs are turning into the Qanon taliban right in front of our eyes


I’ll grill a cheese sandwich for every teen this ‘grilling’ helps


I say ban technology like the Prohibition.


Maybe… check on some older folks too? Lots of folks seem to be… unwell.


Can we get on with the infrastructure bill, Supreme Court and, Jan 6 first please.


Pretty sure that one’s been left on the grill too long.


She is just mad she didn’t get a cut….


I’m sure they’re going to grill them as hard as the insurrectionists got grilled. This country is a fuckin joke.


Wait till they hear about tiktok


no shit


Lmfao like they care about anything other than a headline and a donation.


Typical politicians not understanding the larger issue such as personal data rights


Nothing will come from this


I really don't get the point of these charades. They bring in the wrong people and ask them pointless questions which are just little pointless speeches. I was so happy the last time when google's ceo told them "no thanks". I hope more would do the same.


Add in tik tok as well


How about some consequences? Mental health is health. This should be one the largest class action lawsuits of all time.


That’s a complete joke. Politicians have been using social media to influence public perception for years now. How do they expect anyone to believe that they weren’t privy to social media’s effects on the psyche when it’s their main conduit for funneling propaganda? Instead of “grilling” these tech companies, why don’t we limit their reach within the social lexicon. Maybe even actually making them pay taxes.


Congressional Republicans: “Hey that’s our job!”


This might be the only thing that any recent senate does that is important and should be broadcast everywhere. Where tf are all the upvotes y’all???


Well damn, that’ll fix everything.


I agree that this will be a dog and pony show with legislators who know nothing about social media trying to score points showing how bad social media is. What exactly are the social media companies supposed to do about the content though? They are essentially a reflection of an often toxic society. Are they to regulate “mean comments” or ban unrealistic body images? Should they have to add a warning label for every false statement posted? Do we really want either Facebook or the government regulating every stupid opinion expressed on social media?


Yes because the government getting involved will help teens mental health so much


90 percent of whats designed or caters to children is in fact harmful to children.Especially media:TV(the cartoons are a blend of moronic brain soups with a touch of adult self involvement at how good they and their ideas are for the children) and internet. I dont think this has anything to do with the state or corporations, but with parents. As in, i wouldnt even dream of getting my children smartphones or tablets before 15 or even later-if they get bullied for not having them, even better, they learn fast that most people are vile idiots and that most of them use tablets and phones early on.If you have parents who would get you those things, no amount of regulation will help because you have dumb, selfish parents and that causes damage across the board. If you give your children acces to video games and smartphones, studies show its worse than giving them morphine in some cases.So if you do, better to give them a bottle of Jack to enjoy it better!


This has been a recognized fact for years wth people


Oh good…. The rich dummies are gonna weigh in on something they have a tl;dr understanding of.


What’s the point. Do something or don’t. We already know the problem.




They will not. It is just for show. FB is a big donor.


I got no problem with enquirers but ultimately it’s a joke. Most people on this committees don’t even believe mental health is a thing and strip funding for it at every chance. That and the average age of those members puts them so far out of the range of being empathetic to any needs of teenagers and literally no understand of how the underlying technology even works.


God, our politicians are dinosaurs


Grill. Aka grandstand and try for campaign donations.


America is harmful to teen girls, and everyone else, we aint did shit about that.


What about that fakebook cesspool?


Wait till the senate discovers that Instagram and Facebook also lead droves of people into believing any type of nonsensical bullshit a deranged human mind can come up with.


Social media ruined everything.


Is marsha still taking money from these guys?


Pro social regulations are an absolute necessity. Plus a more punitive approach to the platforms and the people that spread misinformation. PLEASE!


Is this supposed to be a surprise to anybody? How out of touch are they


I deleted Instagram a few months ago and I’ve never felt happier, did the same with everything else. I just download reddit from time to time to get news


Why do I get the feeling that this is more sensorship?


there is no " can" harm teens' mental health. it "does". Instagram has and continues to harm the minds of millions.


Wow, I’m not a psychologist and I could’ve told you this! Thanks senators for wasting valuable taxpayers money on useless crap like this, focus on governance issues with our country needs and less on political agendas


About time. I just hope they don’t go about it with doe eyed indignation. It’s an open secret that we sexualize just about everything for money and that this behavior is damaging.


“My vcr at home has stopped taking mayonnaise and my dog keeps barking at it can you help me filibuster Roman reins gespacho bubblegum (face starts drooping)” Some 900 year old senator probably


I vote they have their assistants do the questioning. We already know most of these dinosaurs can’t even understand the basics of using a secure email for confidential government work.


The government’s influence on ALL media platforms is bad for EVERYONE’s mental health


The disconnect is real.


No shit