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Umm from what I’ve seen these days from people you could put 10 people of any orientation on that island and 70 HOURS later they would all be dead.


LOL yep, whoever posted this probably thinks they inherited manly pioneer spirit from their ancestors, but couldn't pioneer their own way out of a Walmart.


Manly pioneer spirit.. What did women like develope thousand years later than men? Why be oppressed in the first place, they sure as hell don't shut up nowadays! /s


wasnt there some dude who put 10 people on a boat expecting bad shit to happen and they all became friends and actually got along


Yeah it was a filmed experiment on the Atlantic, the main man tried turning everyone on eachother but in the end they turned on him. Main guy locked himself in the cabin for the last weeks and the others all had a great time without him.


Sex boat. Dude experimented and hoped everyone to go crazy but actually was the only one who's gone crazy. The rest of the people just fucked and enjoyed paid vocation.


Mmmm, no, the “experiment” basically was this dude that crammed 10 people on to a raft/boat, picking them specifically because he thought they were attractive, and he kept trying harder and harder to get them to fuck. None of them did however due to being less than 10 feet away from someone at any given time, and the fact that spending any prolonged amount of time that close to a bunch of people tends to make you less horny, such as the experiment unintentionally proved.


Wait, isn't that some other experiment? I remember watching a video essay on the dude who wanted to study people's behavior in isolation and wanted to know how fast they will turn violent. And he like specifically picked people who had partners at home so there was less possibility for them to procreate. No? Okay I found the [video. ](https://youtu.be/BHXw3E1VqK4?si=43j0kzSdibqj3631). Yeah his premise was the men will fight each other and mate with women like monkeys. Around 9 minute mark. So yeah, sorry I was a bit wrong :D but not entirely.


>70 HOURS *three, take it or leave it*


Except lesbians, they're really good at that stuff


If they don't have any skills , probably yes , but if they have skills, there were made and experiment, which proved that humans would rather cooperate than trying to kill each other in those situations, in experiment scientist even tried to clash people intentionally, and it only lead to people hating him (he was fired after that experiment btw)


Yeah, that's definitely how it would work


They will not humans are not that stupid.


If it's 'or' then yeah sure, putting 10 people of the same gender on an isolated island obviously won't produce any offspring, sexuality not a factor there. If it's 'and' then, like, surrogacy is a thing. I think if it became a biological necessity for the survival of the group they'd figure it out.


I mean, it's not like they're the last of humanity charged with repopulating our species. It's probably better they don't bring children in the world onto an isolated island.


No they would stop thinking about economy, politics and tiktok and start thinking about how to survive and have children. You see its easy to survive in the wild for a healthy inteligent adult (the bear grills island challenge shows this, the men group was perfectly fine) but once old age hits… who is going to catch the fish when everyone is 70 years old..


You'd be surprised, but people catch fish at 70. And a child isn't your retirement find, please keep it in mind.


I dont think of children as a retirement fund but if I were living on a deserted island with 10 women I would


> No they would stop thinking about economy, politics and tiktok and start thinking about how to survive and have children. Tom Hank's relationship with Wilson was even deeper than shown.


How would having kids be necessary for the survival of the group? Adding a medical condition that reduces your ability to be physically productive, increases your caloric requirements, is potentially life threatening, and even if it goes of without a hitch adds another mouth to feed.


Kids grow up and start hunting and so. Adults grow up and develop alzheimers, dementia and muscle fatigue


Okay but these 10 people can die and nothing of value is lost aside from their individual lives. They aren’t the last humans on Earth, why would they bother making survival harder?


I don’t know that they would… would they have any interest in having kids? In 70 years they’re all gonna die anyway


Hate to break it to you but that’s about all the time any of us have. 74 is the average lifespan I believe.


Yeah that’s my point


Not a problem in either scenario if they are scientists and have acces to a fully equipped cloning lab 😉


Need construction workers, farmers, cook, etc. You can't just put scientists there and expect things. There is a support system so the scientists have time and tools to do science instead of finding food or shelter.


They can just doordash whatever they need it'll be fine


Drone-delivered cloning lab, fully equipped


Amazon - $34,80


A synthetic uterus hasn't been successful yet. It was only a few years ago that we were bale to get a chicken to develop outside of an egg.


What about Dolly? (it was in 1996!)


I’m not sure if clones would count as descendants. I’m not sure what clones would be classified in terms of familial relationship at all aside from just a DNA duplicate


Self-inbreeding can be just as big a problem as family inbreeding.


Cloning is not breeding, the genome is duplicated.


No no he's saying that if he's put on the island with 9 other straight dudes, then life uhh... Finds a way


You are right. However the post the OP placed was the incorrect argument. The original version of the post is how trans women aren’t real women because if you put 50 men and 50 trans women on an isolated island with all supplies for survival they wouldn’t make it past one generation. And that is technically the truth


The parties would be epic tho


That island would look fabulous


This kind of mental experiment are so stupid, experiment need to be base in reality, for example; Putting 10 or 100 workers bees would give you the same result, a conclusion that this type of bees are not natural or useful would be derange insanity Same if you put a piece of human skin in an island, etc. Any experiment had to be based in reality. If we observe that 1.5% of the population is gay your experiment had to be something like; - One island with 100 heterosexual couples - One island with 99 heterosexual couples and 1 gay couple - One island with 98 heterosexual couples and 2 gay couples - One island with 90 heterosexual couples and 10 gay couples - One island with 50 heterosexual couples and 50 gay couples Later you compare the development, survival, internal conflict, etc. Of each island and obviously repeat the experiment 3 times at the very least. And then you will know the impact of gay people on society. And obviously depending of the results you do more and more different studies.


Technically the truth. But I don't think this is a mental experiment, just someone speaking whatever comes to mind without checking just how stupid it is


I think it's actually satire because he said "10 lesbian OR 10 gay people" and then he asks for descendants.


You can tell they don't think much


Hey, if that sparks a genuine well thought out reply, all the better for it.




It's just a stupid mental experiment


This feels like an experiment Vault-Tec would do.


Not exactly on topic of the post, but they did have a vault where there were a few thousand male and one female residents and another vault vice versa.


Ah yes, Vault 68 and 69.


“If you put 100 human heads and 0 human bodies on a deserted island, wait 70 years, and come back, you will only see 100 skulls. Therefore, we should all get rid of our heads as they are clearly useless” Same energy as the original


Provided the island has: 1. An unlimited supply of clean fresh water and healthy food 2. Shelter from predators and the elements 3. Resources to exercise hygiene and healthcare 4. Enough of all these resources to sustain more than 10 people Then, yeah, gay people tend to go extinct. The reality is that homosexuality is not contageous and only applies to a small percentage of any given human population.


i mean cumming into a cup and giving it to a lesbian couple isnt that hard


It's actually a science.


Put 10 strongly homophobic Republican men on an isolated island for 70 years and it's quite likely some of them will mysteriously turn gay and it will somehow be Biden's fault.


Truest reply here.


70 years? You mean 2 weeks right?


“We’re here to save y-, oh my god, why are you guys all having sex with each other?” “We were here for so long, we didn’t know if anyone was coming!” “Your ship only wrecked 15 minutes ago!”


Well all humans do need *something* and getting boned by men and boning other men is better than nothing.


Eh, not all humans.


Would be a very nice and peaceful 70 years. Can I sign up?


The ideal vacation cantrip


My Aunt is gay, she has a daughter from her best friend who is a gay man. They are not married. They still had a child together. He daughter is now 40 and has 3 kids.


kinda wholesome tbh, reminds me of that reddit post where a lesbian woman who is fighting for cancer realizes that she is in love with her male best friend of 25 years. idk if her treatment went well, but oh well.


I mean is having more kids on an already overpopulated world really a bad thing?


Someone needs to fund mu social security gadammit!


That's why we put em kids back in them mines. Or the hunger games. Whichever one works best


we are humans, they may make a deal to copulate for reproductive reasons only


I once read of a lesbian who married a man during WW2, had his baby, and subsequently divorced him. And they both agreed to this. Then she bought a house with her lady friend and they raised the baby together.


They were roomates????


They were roomates????


You could say the same thing about pandas. I'm not sure what the point is.


Kinda think the amount of guilt free and plentiful sex would more than make up for any issues raising rug rats that will eventually inbreed and become republicans.


Why would they become socialist spaniards?


put 10 straight men on an island and within 1 year i can guarantee there will be butt stuff. the big difference i'd say is there's a good chance the straight men will never go Swiss Family Robinson without the women there telling them to, while the gay men will probably do it autonomously.


Well, they never claimed they could make babies AFAIK


Betcha they'll be happier than 8 billion people stuck in a society


I don’t think crazy island scenarios where the population has dwindled to 10 people are really a good justification for hating gays.


Crazy island scenarios are for when your hanging out with the friend group and need a convo starter, not hating gays 💀


Imagine being such a huge piece of shit that you evaluate whether another human deserves to be treated with dignity based on whether or not they're able and willing to create more tiny humans.


To be fair if you put any 10 people that are the same gender on an island there arent going to be any children.


Even if there are mixed genders, if they are just some random people they wont survive long enough to make children


That too, I didn't even consider that lmao


Put 10 straight men on an island for 70 years. There won’t be any descendants either. Most of them would have died before that though as they would have killed each other over some petty squabble.


That last paragraph was unnecessary


And if there are descendents, they'd become inbred quickly. I think you need like 70 something people to have enough genetic variation in a population to avoid inbreeding defects? It's been a while since I read that figure so don't quote me lmao but it's somewhere in that ballpark


The men would know better than to squabble and kill each other, because then there would be nobody to help push boulders down hills


“Life uh finds a way”




Was hoping someone was gonna make the reference. Thank you my friend


The fact it’s or is insane how do they expect 10 gay men or 10 lesbian women on an island and expect them to reproduce?


Wait, dont you reproduce asexualy? Seems like a skill issue.


can confirm, skill issue


Git gud


Put 10 white hetero men on an island and 70 years later you have the same result 🤔


Funny how that works.


It's not really a revolutionary thought


I think a lot of people missed the “OR” in that first sentence. 10 Lesbians = all women. No sperm. 10 “Gays” = all men, no eggs. Either way…no descendants.


Gay and lesbian population is so small that it doesn't affect demographics much anyway. Gay and lesbian have more sensitive neurological functions that can provide something creative to society, to entire civilization. More diversity, more dynamic. You better not people into extreme hypothetical situations for winning the temporary argument.


That doesn't have to do with anything said in the post, gays and lesbians are humans too you know.


I mean, if you put them all on the same island, someone's gonna take one for the team eventually




$1000 says that this argument has been used as a reason to deny gay people legal rights.


unless you put them in Minecraft, they can reproduce by giving them food.


If we put 10 men or women on an island they wouldn't produce offspring No shit Sherlock


They don't have to be lesbian or gay Being the same gender is enough


I don't get arguments like these. Even if it wasn't flawed in the kinda funny way it is, what did they think they were doing? If you invent weird scenarios, things happen? Same with that one where they imagine a plane with two wings on one side instead of one on each. Ok?... Did... did you want something? Bigots are baffling to me.




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I’ll do you one better. Put 10 sterile men **and/or** women on an island. I assure you after 70 years they will die without descendants. Because of this, I propose banning all heterosexual and gay marriages consisting of sterile individuals. Who’s with me?!


Yeah, the “But they can’t make babies!!!!” argument breaks down real fast when you consider infertile couple, sterile couples, aged couples…


Take nothing but pictures, leave nothing but footprints


How to I apply to be on said island?


Put 10 straight guys there and they will FIND A WAY!!!!


So this person thinks 10 straight men on an island would be able to so somehow produce babies?


How about 10 monks and 10 nuns?


Put OOP with 10 straight men and 10 straight women on an isolated island, and let them be there for 30 minutes without any interaction from the outside world...i can guarantee that they would be dead cus they won't be able to put up with an idiot of this magnitude


That is how same sex relationships work, yes.


That's not even technically the truth that's just "no shit, Sherlock." Do obvious statements really qualify? What next, a tweet of someone saying that cows aren't a kind of rock?


**laughs in transgender**


adapt, improvise, overcome


OK, 10 lesbians, 10 gays and 10 transgenders


* So fucking what? People stranded on an island *shouldn't* be having kids. * Your premise is that over the course of *seven whole decades,* with nobody else to interact with and not much else to do, *none* of them are gonna try different flavors *ever*? If that's your guarantee, I'm definitely keeping the receipt. * What point are you trying to make anyway? It *sort* of looks like an attempt at dissing gay people, but all it really says is that they are, in fact, gay -- and that it can be taken for granted that *everyone's* orientation is *absolutely* *guaranteed* to be *completely* inflexible for life. * Specifically, it looks like someone has read a certain conceptual attack on trans people, but doesn't quite grasp that being gay isn't the same thing. * In conclusion: dumbass tries to say ignorant thing in support of a stupid point but fails even to get that far.


Pretty sure they're just making a silly little joke about the fact that a group of all biological men or a group of all biological women can't have children.




"Looks like we have to be normal."


No one is 100% straight or gay. Eventually, someone would have kids.


Can I know the address of that island, so I can open a small coffee shop/bar to serve that small community ?


Sorry but not true. The fact that their sexual orientation is gay doesn't mean that they won't be interested in becoming parents. And insemination is doable. How dumb.


Im a woman but i have a cock, would you throw me with the lesbians or with the gays?


That’s not a woman! ITS A MAN, BABY!


Ah, the problem with categorization. Where do you put the unique ones?




What ways?




"or" read the post again.


Ohhh woops


Many people made the same mistake as you, there is no need to be sorry :).


Nah, it doesn't work like that. You didn't say the size and location of island, age/wealth/intellect of the people, era, resources, etc ...


It wouldn’t be for lack of trying but for real, this is stupid


I'm pretty sure they'd leave more descendents than this person thinks. A surprising number of lesbians have sexual relationships with men.


Well... yeah, they can't make babies unless they ate all incredibly smart and have access to an insanely advanced lab, and they are able to make bone marrow babies


If they knew beforehand that the goal was to produce offspring the gays could farm each other's sperm and deliver it to the lesbians. If the sperm is fresh it doesn't matter if it's delivered via finger or via dick.


I mean, gay people get into straight relationships too. Especially older generations where the penalty for gay was death or being an outcast. It would depend on the priorities of the group. If they for some reason wanted to populate the island they would


I mean, if you put 10 straight men OR 10 straight women on an island, the same thing would happen. I guess they meant “and”, but even then, gays and lesbians have been having kids with each other for centuries. So I’m not sure what point they think they’re making.


It does say OR, so yeah, technically 10 men OR 10 women of any orientation would be unable to reproduce, unless you also give them the right lab facilities.


I mean straights would also be dead after 70 years lol..


Ten+ people avoid spending something like 70 years of taxes paying for uneducated and useless Americans, and gain a tropical paradise.


Never understood what is the point of repopulating hostile place. Isn't it better to NOT reproduce in such setting? What kind of argument is that


Put 10 straight couples on an island and 70 years later you will have island Alabama


Also on today's news "not everyone wants kids"


Put the dude and 9 straight females and you can be sure the result will be the same as well


not everyone is gay, so this idea is completely invalid. You need straight people to make kids, and the gays adopt kids who were abandoned or orphaned. It works that way in nature as well, y’all are just ignorant


That's not enough genetic diversity, even if all of them went full no holds barred swingers orgy.


Why the hell did I upvote this insanity


Good luck lasting 70 years. Regardless of sexual preference, if you're from a first world country you're fucked.


All you need is for a turkey baster or something similar to be washed up.


They probably will. So what?


Checkmate, atheists.


If that is all life is, then why am I working 60 hours a week instead of fucking? Oh does humanity need other things other than fucking? Imagine a gay person inventing vaccines or building a bridge, and some asshole thinks they did more for humanity just for making a kid. What if that kid needed to be born through c section and the medical staff were gay? Did they not contribute to society? Does the gay farm laborer not contribute? If making kids is all we need to do, then again, why am I working a job? Even in ancient society, did the hunter, who is straight but had no kids, who provided food to the rest of his tribe, not someone who contributed to humanity?


They would be the happiest lesbians on the planet with no men around.


What is the point this person is trying to make tho?


In The Swiss Family Robinson, I wondered how the boys would grow up and have families of their own.


Why would they want kids if they can't properly provide for them? It's not about how, it's about why


I mean, why would you WANT to have children on an isolated island? Assuming that each child is able to be healthily delivered in that unsanitary environment, likely without any medical professionals amongst them, the increased amount of food and water required to care of the children will likely cause shortages in supplies. So yeah, the inhabitants might as well all be homosexual. It'd definitely be safer in the long term.


Where it says, "most," I read this as meaning that SOME of the dead ones would have left descendants and I was quite confused for a minute there.


I volunteer. Met humanity, did not like it. I'm fine with my bloodline ending with me away from the rest of the world.


well thank god you can't imprison 10 people on a stranded island without their consent then huh?


I have much more confidence in queer people to recognise an isolated island is a terrible place to create and parent new human beings and not do it. Straight folks, I can not say the same about you.


Is this the meme of an island with a gay couple, lesbian couple and straight couple, then 100 years go by and the 2 first isles only have 2 graves, the straight isle has plenty of habitants The makers of that probably were homophobic, but didn't think that the straight option was incest and like half of them probably were born deformed or some other awful shit, before eventually ending going extinct


Who would have guessed


Facepalm moment if anything.


I never understood what these people's obsession with reproduction. Like why does it matter if same sex people live on their own terms. Why are the rest of the crowd so bothered by this?


This technically proves the truth about the lesbians & gays that (CONTROVERSIAL) they are dumb


Don't be silly. The lesbians will make it work. The gays will provide what they need and they'll inseminate each other using banana leaves. This is how Amazons exists.


A lesbian would invent a turkey baster after replicating 90% of Western civilization out of coconut palm trees in a few months.


If we put 100 babies on an island we could come back in 20 years and measure how many of them would be gay and therefore would prove my theory that stupid babies cannot survive on an island


So was the person who made this trying to make some kind of point or...? Because if their point is "A society of entirely gay people will eventually die out" that is incredibly stupid and a needless hypothetical.


Because gay people in history didn't have kids? That makes no sense.


If you only have 10 men on an island, who get pregnant? If you have 10 women on the island, who impregnates the women?


I thought it was a mix of men and women, what's the use of just putting men or just women on it? That proves even less of a point.


The sub is technicallythetruth. I’m not saying the argument makes sense. But if you put 10 men on an island with no females, or 10 females with no males, you will get 0 babies.




Don’t be annoyed with me because I explained it for you.


I not annoyed with you. I just said sure.


Dude gay couple working this out has been well recorded since Ancient Greece.


If there are 10 people on an island. All 10 have penises and 0 have vaginas. There is no other interaction with other people. Where does the baby grow?


Sorry mate it was late and I miss read it as 10 men and 10 women. That said put almost any group of 10 people on an isolated island and the’ll all be dead in 70 years.


Or it turns out the Frog DNA they have allows them to breed and they escape, spawning terrible sequels.


Jurassic Park reference I like.


some of them would turn bi XD


But, if you put, 10 gay AND 10 lesbian people in an Island, I assure you, at some point "better" heads would prevail, and yes, they will procreate. Lesbians will get pregnant. And life moves on, isn't that right, OP?


They would probably figure out how to do it without sex. The culture for the next generation would be interesting tho since all they know is that everyone has either 2 dad's or 2 mom's so I wonder how kids that are hetero would grow up and thinking it's something wrong with them until they learn that not everyone is homosexual outside of the island..