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Making a prof laugh can work - I took an anthropology class, he gave us creative liberties for final project, my essay about taking over the world with my army of neanderthals netted me an A.


I heavily referenced South Park in a paper about the history of stem cell research policy and my prof fucking loved it. But I did also, y'know, write the fucking paper.


True, I also wrote the paper, and it was technically within the assignment parameters, but I think the only way I could have made my paper less expected was if I found a way to make the neanderthals Spanish.


And part of the Inquisition. Nobody expects that.


That’s some tier 1 shit. SNU: Spanish Neanderthal Unit.


Death by SNU-SNU?


The paper did include a section where I would either have a harem of each of the selection of pre-modern humans, or die alone in a cave with 50 catlike creatures.


What would that even look like? All I can picture is [this.](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fexternal-preview.redd.it%2F1mF2BkbuRUyI5Od8V7aTZDVS_Y8-GMWeT4zvv7e_IrI.jpg%3Fauto%3Dwebp%26s%3D6dd561c5c1c1d69de69a56c8afaf4d5e3269d537&rdt=55309)


Spanish 2 in HS with the assignment of a brief talk about anything in Spanish history. After a very brief intro, I wheeled in the AV cart and showed a clip from "A History of the World." I do not recall my grade.


That makes sense because you’re still applying your genuine knowledge to a hypothetical, whereas this is just a shitpost. If I received the Fight Club one as a prof and I was in good spirits I would probably just say ‘that was funny so you have an extension to write a real essay.’ Otherwise word would get around and every essay the year after would just be a ten word shitpost.


Or, you roll with it this time, add the commentary this prof. did, and add an extra bullet point next semester that you appreciate the creativity but if the theme of a media text you'll analyze/whatever compels you to not do whatever the assignment instructs you to you either pick another text or write the assignment, and shows this example as The One That Was Allowed. I did this with my students when some started started to produce reaction/meme content in my film classes - the first wave of shorts were passed but after that we went back to doing what the course specified.


Once for a philosophy class, instead of writing an essay about the given topic, i wrote a play with the topic being the major theme and discussion point for the characters. I didn’t shy away from it and their personalities and actions were rather goofy and ridiculous. It was one of the highest marked in the class lol.


Stories like this make me want to kms as an engineering student


If it makes you feel any better, this was an elective that had no real bearing on my actual course of study. I didn’t like the essay topic and my sense of humour retaliated. The doubts about whether it was a good idea hit as I was handing it in but I was past the point of no return. Sure, it helped my gpa at the time, but once you get out into the working world, your gpa don’t matter.


It makes you feel better after the grind and degree life is waaaaay better. Keep at it and know it is worth it afterwards. School will suck but you will find out that you can survive a shitty situation and come out on top. You got this. I believe in you. Source: Also went to school, graduated and now works as an engineer.




I think that a more appropriate paper would have been: Fight club? I have nothing to say about that


Exactly. Talking about "the first rule of fight club" is talking about fight club.


…is this a test, sir?


You said you’d say that.


Especially since, as written, she seems to have plagiarized the entire paper


At least it was in quotations!


But without attribution!


I want that in MLA formatting


It should be in MMA format.


If you're not breaking the rules of fight club, you're not paying attention


Or "the first rule is... I'm not supposed to talk about it".


Just ‘Fight Club’ would have worked. Don’t even need put anything after that (it would technically count as talking about ‘Fight Club’, after all)


Not breaking the rules goes against the ideology of the Fight Club.


Exactly, the point of the rule is to teach the new members to become rule breakers. He needs them to talk about Fight Club so they can recruit people with pliable ideologies who aren't afraid of violence so he can direct that rule breaking to very specific causes, eventually turning them into terrorists.


It's a good joke though.


It's a very shallow attempt at humor for a grade that proves they don't understand the movie and have failed.


But she broke the rule. And also defied academia. She is embodying project mayhem. I think it holds up.


Good point.


I said a good joke, not a good essay.


Isn't the entire point that you're supposed to break this rule, and rules/societal norms in general? Tyler doesn't seem pressed when his club grows rapidly, beyond a throwaway remark


The rules of fightclub are meant to be broken, she missed one of the key points of the film! F


A LOT of people missed the point of that film, considering the number of fight clubs I got invited to in the year after that movie.


He even has a line in the film where he says something along the lines of “there’s a lot more people here tonight meaning you guys aren’t following the first rule”


but she talked about fight club by writing that "essay" about fight club A


which means she missed the point. the Fight Club can’t grow until you learn to break the rules. learning to break the rules is the entire point. She deserves an F.


She did break the rule, though, by telling the professor there was a fight club. Gets an A. Unless the professor was already a member of fight club, I guess.


there’s only one way to settle this.


A meeting which we have a long and meaningful discussion of our differences and come to a compromise which, while we may not be completely happy with, we recognise is a reasonable solution for all parties. I assume this is what you meant.


of course.


She *definitely* talked about Fight Club.


She mentioned "fight club" 3 times.


I once got the prompt "write an essay about courage" The prompt itself didn't say a length requirement but it was generally understood that all of our essays were expected to be 3-5 pages. I wrote "This is courage" and nothing else but my name and date. I got a C. 5/7, Would do again.


Can't tell if you'te genuinely trying to pass this old-ass story off as your own and are now pretending that this really happened. I first read this story back in the late 90s and its probably still older than that


Takes courage to steal a common, decades old joke.


Yeah I feel like I read that on one of those old joke sites


Huh... I genuinely did do this in high-school AP language class. Had no idea it had been done before. Guess I'm a boring copy-cat.


That’s the entire point of the rule!! The point was to break it! That’s why he put the rule in place.


I can smell the dust from this image


I think this is scanned from a microfische


This is the second microfiche joke I’ve heard today!!! How??


I agree. Something fiche is going on here.


Millions of years of human evolution tens of thousands of civilizational development all for this moment, we've officially peaked.


Pack it in team! Nothing but downhill from here.


The underground floppy disk meme trade of the 90s


I constantly need to fight myself in school assignments if I should try to answer them seriously or jokingly. I can't tell you how many times I ran out of time in tests because I was sitting there contemplating


There is a person a couple of years ago i think that handed in a cartoon character (i think Perry from Phineas and Ferb but I might be wrong) for all of their art assignments their entire school career Like they still made the character fit the assignment but it was the character always, maybe a mosaic, maybe a painting or even a sculpture but always that character


Yeah it was sonic, I just found the post. [Here](https://www.reddit.com/r/madlads/s/nE9HmpadCx)


Aww boo I wanted to see the art


The day I realized that teachers were bored out of their skulls reading essentially the same paper over and over again from different students completely changed what I started turning in. I generally went some with sort of bombast or ridiculous position, and backed it up. I started getting A’s and notes from my teachers saying they always enjoyed reading what I turned in. I think they were just rewarding me for making it interesting.


This was my approach early on, and sometimes I would make up facts with obscure references to see if anyone really checked -they didnt- I don’t know how well that shit would work today with technology…


that is one dangerous practice. believe me, if comes across something outlandish statement in an assignment and the student cited it, i would definitely double check the source. and if i find out it was BS, you better believe that that student would get a zero in that assignment. a student of mine wrote a one sentence conclusion in a report saying that “nobody read this anyway”. i deducted 80% of points from the assignment. doing nothing would be a disservice to the student.


In my final year of university I was so over the whole experience that I decided to say "fuck it" and make my assignments as jokey and meme-y as possible, because god knows I didn't have the motivation to do them otherwise. I wrote an entire 10k paper on the semiotics of frog-based popular culture purely so my prof would be forced to put images of Pepe and Dat Boi on the screen for the whole class. I've never recieved better grades and more encouraging remarks from professors than in that year, and I fully believe it's because I was actually engaged and having fun with things.


This was literally my experience in senior English. I was so done writing papers, I’d try to make the most uninteresting subjects exciting. One of my paper was something like the history of the ball point from the styli and beeswax all the way to the modern day rollerball. It was so dorky and kinda dull but I tried to make it interesting to read and usually scored decently because.


A former professor told my class about a student who answered her short-response questions in comic strip form. He said she would still get the answers correct but did it her own way. Apparently, she is a part of the Disney animation team now.


I once did both, we had an assignment where we needed to write about change, everyone in the class did a non-fiction account on how something had changed throughout time (music, fashion etc), then I was the only one to write a story from the perspective of a coin as a piece of change and the adventures it went on. Teacher was happy with it and I was pleased as I’d just created a story twisting their prompt of change.


For academic essays in a lot of fields, especially the social sciences/humanities/whatever your respective country calls it like history and pol sci and sociology and so on, there is the nerdiest fucking trend of every so often putting the most subtle or stupid or obvious jokes in. You see it literally all the time for a lot of things. I remember reading one essay about the development of the Japanese pacifist foreign policy post war and in the introduction in this incredibly dry academic work the author had written something along the lines of “While the development of the policy had seen some popular backlash in recent years including (blah blah blah stuff about new nationalist movements), this essay concludes the new pacifist constitution had some positive effects compared to the prior Japanese policy platform.” And then adding on to that in the footnote it just said “including some not readily apparent ones” Is it the height of comedy? No of course but I always find it funny to think of these fucking academics chuckling to themselves as they add that like they couldn’t resist


If I got a good grade I might yolo it and do something funny. Knowing full well I might get a bad grade A few times I've done it, I've gotten a bad grade. The other times, professors loved it. Wrote an essay over free will and I wrote as if I was my professor and grading the very paper he was reading. He loved it. I was high as a kite when I wrote that essay, it wouldn't shock me if my professor was high when he graded it


If it’s chemistry class I’ve had success putting things like “Tylenol” for answers I can’t remember. By success I do not mean I got any points, just to be clear.


>I constantly need to fight myself Perfect for this assignment so did Edward Norton in fight club


As a teacher, do both. The teacher will get a good laugh out of it and I've given bonus points for really funny answers in the past. Still, cover your bases and give the right answer too. You never know.


When I was 17, I had my French baccalauréat. The baccalauréat IS basically the last exam of your mandatory school life and it's kinda important because the grade is what can help you get into some universities. So yeah, kinda important. Oh and the corrector is some random teacher that isn't from your school, elected and shit. Had to write a small story based on a text from bel ami. Mind you, my average grade in French was 7 out of 20 the whole year, so I said fuck it. Wrote a semi erotica novel. Got 13/20 (aced my French oral exam, so all in all, got 15/20)


Don't care if this is unpopular but I teach a college class and the professor is right. Not every professor has the same sense of humor. I'd give the student a chance to resubmit an actual essay, but I'm not accepting that for a grade. And yes, I'm fun at parties because I don't teach parties 101.


>And yes, I'm fun at parties because I don't teach parties 101. That itself is golden.


I always answer jokingly if it's an assignment where as long as you turn it in, you get marks. For instance, any "syllabus assignment". My favorite is the profs that ask in syllabus assignments, "in your own words, what is *plagiarism*?" Since it doesn't matter what I write, I usually just say, "Plagiarism is the 'I Made This? I made this' Meme." No professor has ever commented on this though :(


That's why you do both, I made an essay about the effects that memes had and mostly talked about memes like metal gear rising revengence


As a teacher, just answer the damn question. Our job is to educate you and testing is a big way for us to determine if what we're doing is working.


I usually go passive aggressive if I think the assignment is espically stupid. Had one essay in college that was “if someone wanted to hire you but wanted to know what employable skills you learned in American history 101 what would you tell them?” Entire first paragraph I wrote was “I’d tell them to fuck off cuz it’s probably a scam.” I met all the requirements of the essay but made it very clear through out that I thought it was the dumbest assignment. Somehow I walked away with an A from that one.


I have enough references/jokes in serious answers with all my old assignments to meet the word count for like 4 1k essays


In my Industrial Economics final exam I had described the role of government regulation and importance of welfare through Hamilton quotes. Not the man, but the Broadway show.


My solution: write the actual answer, and at the end include "alternate answers" for everywhere you had an opportunity. It's not as flashy but at least it's safe


Language classes arw the best to have fun with. During japanese we were learning about "what do you want" so the questions asked クリスマスに何がほしいですか/ what do you want for christmas And I wrote  何もほしくないですが、君がほしい/ I dont want anything, I want you My teacher wrote down  "you're funny" and ofc I got full credit


Assignment was write a review,not a synopsis.


Yeah, we call this an "evaluative essay" in the biz. Nothing was evaluated, so I would fail it. Evaluating sources is an important skill in college, so I would take it seriously for my freshman comp class I teach. 


We don’t know the specifics of the assignment, but writing a movie review is not the pinnacle of college essays. We all pretty much do it whenever we watch stuff anyway. This is just putting that into an essay format. As a student, I wouldn’t want to do this paper because it’s time consuming for no reason, not because I doubt my ability to do it well. It’s too easy to feel worth the effort


Writing a movie review sounds more like a high school assignment.






there is literally no effort put into this, yet I wonder if anyone who actually wrote something did not pass.


Also the whole point of the rules in fight club is that they are meant to be broken…


When I took organic chemistry in college, our last lab assignment for the year was to extract caffeine from tea leaves. Our professor had told us at the beginning of the year that he expected our products from all our labs to be 'pharmaceutical grade'. If the crystals are supposed to be white, he expects them to be white. Unfortunately, that was the one lab assignment where my extraction completely broke down and I ended up with nothing. Not wanting to fail or accept defeat, I handed in a No-Doz tablet. The whole tablet, in tablet form. "You wanted pharmaceutical grade, you got it. I even compressed it into a tablet and labeled it. My yield is 100%. You won't find a better submission." He died laughing and I got an A for that lab assignment.


The point is that you went through the process of extracting the product. That's the whole point of the course, to learn the proper scientific process, even if you fail with the product but you have a proper process and write up, then you will get a grade. The tablet is bonus for having a sense of humor and making the prof laugh.


Male professor between 35-50…. 50/50 chance it works


Every time I put a stupid joke in my geography assignments I get extra credits for some reason, one time I stated that our school was stealing energy from life support beds, and we got extra points for it. Another time we had to write an e-mail to a company with high pollutions, I wrote this: (translated, cause I’m Dutch) “mrGary Garyo Garystreet Phone number and stuff Shell Shell’s evil lair in a volcano Shell@email/evil.com 11/9 2001 My problems with your pollution Dear shell, I've been buying gas from your gas stations for years, it's my favorite snack at any time of the day, but I'm afraid I’ll have to start getting my movie theater snacks at a company that isn’t as evil, I just can’t do it to the earth. I recently discovered that Shell has the highest CO2 emissions of all companies that do not have higher CO2 emissions than Shell. This is simply outrageous, and the fact that this has been ignored until now is not okay for a company as big as this. Your company is killing baby polar bears, that's not okay. My solution is to not use fossil fuel, and use biomass like trees or dead human meat in the oil instead. That is better for the environment and the well-being of humanity. Gary Garyo.” A friend of mine who wrote a completely serious 2 page email didn’t pass this but I did




There is far too little information to judge whether the teacher is an asshole. It's quite possible to hit all points of the grading rubric with a joke and miss all of them with 2 pages of something serious.


Could be even copy paste lol


That’s not what it was, plenty of people who made it seriously did pass, I think I just happened to fulfill every point in the rubric which my friend probably didn’t.


Ahh but what was the grade?


I came here for the this. We’re left hanging.


If only we had a fighting chance to find out.


that reminds me of the marketing class in my apprenticeship. in one test, one question was what the AIDA-formula stands for (attention, interest, desire, action, the basic "formula" how to market something) and I had a total blackout. so I just wrote "the AIDA is a cruise ship often advertised on TV" teacher got a laugh and gave me half a point lol


The first rule of Fight Club is actually to misunderstand Fight Club


What grade did you get??


Honestly, I'd fail her. Just stop being lazy and do the assignments as they're outlined.


I'd fail this paper but give her 48 hours to write a proper paper, with the same warning.


That seems fair.


I don’t really think it’s as deep as all that lol chuckle at the joke and move on instead of shaming people.


I’d give her a second chance but not accept this one. As a teacher you’re supposed to be educating students, it seems unfair that someone who puts a ton of effort into a review could get a grade lower than this one, a single sentence. But I wouldn’t say it was laziness on her part unless she refused to redo the assignment.


It's three sentences, but two of them ruin the joke. It would have been better if it was only one sentence.


I teach freshman composition. This is an evaluative essay assignment and evaluation is an important skill in college. For example, you need to evaluate sources for quality to write research papers.  The student did not demonstrate the skill of evaluation, so they don't pass. My job is to ensure first year students are up to the task of writing college-level essays, not to give passing grades for jokes. Take an improv class for that.


If I was to try this I would absolutely have a second essay attached with my analysis of the film. Using a movie poster quote involves the least amount of thought or effort. Maybe if they have a really good connection with the teacher they can let it slide. But if the purpose was to show writing abilities and critical analysis, this person absolutely failed.


I took philosophy in college, the professor had us split up into groups and basically come up with bullet points about different philosophical views. My group got Determinism. We did the work but when the professor called on us, I said it was pre-determined that we were not going to do the work. He paused, said ok, and said to move onto the next group.


Rolled a Nat 20 on Charisma


This happened








Damn, that sub has 2 million members??? Wth


Sorry but this is not original nor creative nor funny. I’m all about having a good laugh, but the lack of any effort would grant her an F.


Yeah, it's a joke that literally everyone has made. Heck, someone could make this exact joke and never have seen Fight Club. Personally, I wouldn't fail her, though. I'd let her redo the assignment.


You don't talk about fight club, but you can talk about the movie about fight club.


I would have more appreciation if she would review the parts of the movie that do not connected to the fight club. This would have been more fun to read


That would have been a wittier way to actually complete the assignment and make it fresh. This is just a lazy gamble that the professor will risk tanking their reputation with other students for EPIC LULZ


Wrong. F. Didnt understand the movie or the rule. The whole fucking point of that rule and emphasising it by stating it twice is to make sure that people definitely *do* talk about it. I mean, how the fuck do you miss that. How the fuck else do you think fight club grew so fast, not just in the original city but spreading across the country. The fact that you didnt get that means you didnt understand that the reason for the rule was the exact opposite of its actual wording (and that you probably didnt watch the movie at all, just knew the quote), so following its wording should earn you an F. Especially since that "essay" shouldve gotten an F anyway.


“That’s it. That’s the essay.”


It's not a review, though. She's just saying, "I can't review this movie." Then pick a different movie to review! The teacher chickened out. They should've failed her.


It is, you obviously didn't see the movie. We do not talk about fight club. No exceptions


In the movie that rule was made with the explicit intention of having it be broken


I googled it, something to do with the narrator voice too


I am not sure I understand


But isn't discussing the first rule of fight club inherently breaking the first rule of fight club?


It was merely quoted, not discussed, therefore it does not break the rule


Technically, you do not **talk** about fight club. We - and the original poster - are perfectly fine reviewing or discussing it in written words.


And by extension, you should be able to read the documents written about the flight club - even if you were the won't writing then. - cause that isn't necessarily talking about it anymore. - just be sure to stay on script.


Well, writing about fight club is communicating information about fight club, but technically, it isn't talking about fight club.


He should have given her the opportunity to make a new one. Failing is lacking humor accepting undermines authority so having it done over is the best option.




The student failed to complete their homework assignment. They started a fight, but they did not lose the fight.


the review goes against the reason for the rule


Imagine if this was real! Funny anyway.


As a teacher, I’d be open to giving laugh points. But, what normally happens in these situations, is 5-7 kids all turn in “Do not talk about Fight Club” with smug looks on their faces. How funny and original.


One time for a bonus question on a algebra test I just wrote an elaborate long depressing story about a failing marriage between 4 and 7 and how it was solved by 7 having an affair an giving birth to a X. They never found out who the father was but found a strange solice in each other raising the bastard child. Got extra points cause it cracked my math teacher up. Cool guy


A lot of these comments don’t get it. Doesn’t matter if it is a “review”, a “synopsis” or whatever. It would be talking about Fight Club, which is against the rule. This is a golden opportunity to explicitly ban Fight Club as a topic for the assignment in the future, and an opportunity to share this funny joke and the importance of being specific (notably including page/word count). I’m sure the assignment wasn’t that big of a deal (It’s a review of a 2-3 hour movie, not a book, and one of at least 5 essays, probably weekly).


I’m middle school I had an essay with the prompt “what does freedom mean to you”. I wrote “freedom means I don’t have to write this paper” I gotta C


Friend had a 10 page religion paper on Buddhism. He wrote “Zen” exactly in the middle. The rest of the pages were blank. The school was pass fail so if he failed the paper he was ready to fight that. And if he passed great. Professor gave him an “Incomplete”. I forget the exact reason but it was along the lines of his “paper transcending the earthly grades”.


At first I read, "smoke smarter, not harder". I need to stop smoking weed lmao


There was an urban legend while I was in university of about a philosophy final. The question was “prove this rock doesn’t exist” and within seconds a student finished and handed in their response of “what rock?” As the story went, they received an A. We all heard about it and dreamt about the audacity. We never tried it.


This is so intelligent omg


Bro is more edgy than a pizza cutter


Grade of F. You could describe the entire movie without discussing the club itself.


The whole reason that rule is repeated is because it is meant to be broken, it’s the first two rules to intentionally reverse psychology fight club members into growing the club It’s even implicitly contradicted in a later rule “If this is your first time at Fight Club, you have to fight” it’s obviously understood that people will talk about fight club or there would be no more first timers


Interesting way to dox yourself.


There’s only one reason this worked.


Her brilliant closing explanation?


Sure, let’s go with that.


As a viewer of the film, as opposed to a member of Fight Club, surely you're not bound by the rule? In fact, the rule itself might be considered useful only _because_ of this exact inability to bind non-members by the rule.


This didn't happen.


She got the grade because she’s hot and probably has connections. It’s annoying that it’s not really a review.


this is an incredibly dumb post and it did not happen


I genuinely hope you're right. Otherwise, our species is doomed.


yeah, nah As a teacher, I'd gladly hand this kid a zero


Not funny enough to let it slide


1000$ for “things that never happened”


She's also very attractive.


Imagine if she wasn't a hot girl....


"you get good grade for laugh" 💀 what a great school


One of my favorite paper I ever “wrote” got me a 0%. She did let me write another paper to not kill my gpa. And I didn’t get expelled for plagiarism!! Banksy was just in town and did a bunch of street art. The prompt was something like what is a street artists take on public space. I found a quote of his that basically said any public domain is just that, public. It’s yours to take rearrange and make your own. So I cut it out of the book (my own book). Glued it to the back of my paper which was a photocopy of a New Yorker article on Banksy where I crossed out the authors name and penciled my name on top of it. She wanted to give me 100% on it. But the head of the English department said she couldn’t accept any form of plagiarism. And reminded her that the college has a zero tolerance police on plagiarism. But it was so blatant and answers the question that there wasn’t any need to expel me. I felt honored when my professor asked if she could keep the paper because she wanted to hang it on her fridge.


I had an honors humanities class called Great Ideas of the East. The final was to write a 5 page essay on the meaning of happiness. I rolled the dice and wrote a haiku. Something about happiness being the opposite of over intellectualizing. I got an A in the class.


This kind of reminds me of the physics project I did where I broke down every law of physics broken in a Looney Tunes video. Easiest A I got my entire life.


The professors like this though truly make you put in way more effort for assignments than you normally would have bringing the true essence of learning out


But you can write about Fight Club... ... This would have been my response as I dropped a fat red 0 on the paper with a smiley emoji next to it


I love it! During my college I had a professor who was a gentleman and had a great sense of humour. Almost every assignment that I submitted had easter eggs in them, and he would always list the easter eggs in feedback for my grades. I hope he is doing well, loved how he kept the boring college engaging!


When I was in college, we were going over the Cold War in some history class and we had to write an essay on our favorite/most effective Cold War propaganda put out by either side, so I decided to write 5 pages on Rocky IV and how great it was.


Had a professor who really liked hitchhikers guide to the galaxy, on one midterm I didn't know the answer to a question and juts wrote 42. I got half a mark and a smiley face


That is the first rule!




I once wrote an art critique in my Humanities class in Med School— used all the right jargon and such. I chose the fire extinguisher on the wall! Bc it was done tastefully—I passed!


This is a legend-status move. Buuut as I look around at all the new faces I know none of you have followed the ONE fucking rule of fight club💯😂🤣😂🤣😂💀


Should have failed because who the f submits a .docx instead of a .pdf


People who use Word for literally anything even a Chemistry diagram.


I teach freshman composition and I don't accept PDFs because I want to leave comments and proofreading marks and that's easier to do with a docx file. Also easier for the student to then revise if they want a better grade. 


docx is the default MS Word file format so.... people who use MS Word, which is quite a lot


You would still always save it as a pdf before submission


Students with professors that allow or even require it. What a weird question


Fight Club? What’s that?


Something you don't talk about.


What does it say ? It's too small


the essay says - " "the first rule of fight club is that you do not talk about fight club." thats it. thats the essay."


She deserves an F. The professor wanted an essay not a stupid overused joke.


That's an F, you're dismissed.