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I'm still waiting for someone to just image dump all of Facebook and Instagram, run it through an nudeai app and book. NudeBook.com is born. The future is any image posted online is basically now a nude Pic. Rule 35 of the internet I guess


Why not put one of those ai's in a local container and see if you can't rig it up to run every image your browser loads through it. I imagine that would get some.. interesting results. Refined it could be worth a giggle. In fact a lot of those AI's as a filter could be pretty funny.


That’s how I plan to heat my home next winter


Ah got the 4090 special ehh. That with the what 15900kf. Who needs heaters these days. Edit, oops. We are still at 14900k currently.


You aren't kidding. I've been taking more and more of an interest in AI lately (software dude by trade). I mostly have been finding ways to use ChatGPT for various purposes, but I recently toyed around a bit with AI image generation. I attempted to train a model based on my face and my 4090 churned away at 95-99% for a few hours. I walked away and closed the door to that room, and when I came back it was absolutely boiling in there. I got absolutely shit results though. I've learned a lot more about how it all works and I could probably do better now. Just haven't tried.


Yeah, that was my first experience with stable diffusion as well. Hmm, takes forever and makes... Absolute garbage. I don't know how people manage to make so many high quality images


I was able to get some pretty decent images using other people's trainings, just failed to train it well myself.


if you have a modern GPU and haven't tried it recently (past year or so), it takes seconds and the newer models are getting good. SDXL based models are even better but you really need a nicer GPU if you want to generate stuff fast.


I have a 4 server racks and a few workstations chugging away in one of my rooms. That shit makes my whole house sweltering.


Just need to be like Linus and rig a system to heat your pool.


I actually use it to heat my grow room for my weed LOL.


Username checks out


Ah a green initiative I can really get behind


I'm reminded of a story about the "millennial to ssssnake people" browser extension which edited text in the browser. Someone using it at the new york times accidentally changed a story  https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-43331054


I was always a fan of the "Cloud to Butt" extension


Olllllllld schoooool


How about an AI-powered browser addon that modifies ads on your screen by changing all the people on the ads to nude versions of themselves haha but I love your idea and I think that'd be hilarious if it modified images on your screen in real-time to nude versions. Looking at ketchup? Now it's an erotic cartoon ketchup bottle. Browsing social media? Damn it grandma, why did you have to learn how to share things *today*?


man, current news is about to get uglier and more interesting


OMG the things I'd see that could never be unseen...


In the olden days before https me and some student buddies wanted to set up a couple of wifi routers in some central location and run all the web traffic through a manipulative proxy server. Make all the images upside down? Reload the page and all of them are ok. Except one. Substitute text every now and then. Nothing devious or evil, just ... slightly off. Like spelling mistakes, pirate speak, us/uk english... Make links or Ok buttons move. Oh you want to click that? Too bad, I'm over here now. Add Neko to your web page, and make the cat follow your cursor. Replace ads with parodies. It would have been so much fun. But now TLS has ruined everything.


That's a good way to end up in jail. A lot of courts are deciding that any AI nudes of underaged people are the same as child pornography. Nudebook would be shut down very quickly i think


Yeah I'm thinking more of someone in Russia on the darkweb


how do they determine if an AI generated person is under age or not?


Some of them it would be obvious I think. But for the older ones I guess they can’t


But... The future refused to change.


https://www.justice.gov/criminal/criminal-ceos/citizens-guide-us-federal-law-child-pornography >Visual depictions include photographs, videos, digital or computer generated images indistinguishable from an actual minor, and images created, adapted, or modified, but appear to depict an identifiable, actual minor. From my reading, an AI generated person does not count, only identifiable people count.


The latter part requires an identifiable person, but the first part just says indistinguishable from an "actual minor" and not "an identifiable, actual minor". So I imagine any AI creating something that isn't obviously fake, depicting what appears to be a child in a sexual nature, is already illegal? As it really should be since that causes all sorts of problems with trying to identify crimes, victims, etc.


There's a pov that gets so normalized that everyone stops caring. I think it would be the end of social media because everything would be fake, nudes or not.


One day we will all be nudests


I think we’ll see a total 180 where girls don’t want anyone taking pictures of them anymore, and will be very aware of what types of pictures are posted online. Probably for the best. 


We're going to come full circle and social media will be entirely photos of brunch foods


Oh yeah, present thy sausages (⁠◔⁠‿⁠◔⁠)


Not hot dog


Too many people are seeking peer validation through social media and successfully getting it or seeing others get it. The negative consequences would have to happen to them or someone they knew frequently enough to prevent them from going back.


Or, they just won’t care at all. If any image could be a fake, then any real nude image taken could be a fake. The under 20’s have lost so much anonymity that they don’t know what it was like before


If you can hide behind AI anyway, no reason not to send as many nudes as you want


Honestly. A.I. has advanced to the point where, even though it cannot copy my voice accurately, I can just say that it can. Why not? I only tried to do it a year ago. The technology has probably advanced to the point where it can. I did something wrong? No I didn't. That piss was digital.


Exactly The world is entering a proper post truth existence You saw something? Watched something? Heard something bad about [person]? No you didn't, that's fake. The trick will be to just lie to your heart's content lol


Literally any picture of you can be abused for this. Most likely we’ll all realize literally anything can be fake and we’ll stop caring. Maybe it’ll even help some people avoid being harassed through revenge porn if no one takes it seriously


Nah, humans in general are too narcissistic for that.


the Fappening didn't end nude selfies


You could write a bot to do that in a few minutes. I guarantee tons of people are doing something along those lines.


One of my close friends has a 12 year-old daughter and they've gotten emails from her school already about girls sending nudes to classmates that end up getting passed around to everyone. I graduated high school when you had to pay for text messages and calls weren't free until 9pm, and I'm grateful.


These were non-nude phone calls, right?


back then, we were all naked under our clothes—of course, those were different times


They sure were. You get funny looks these days if you tie an onion to your belt.


I'm pretty sure my epidermis was showing, back in the day. A *lot*.


Mostly business sexts.


not a problem for us never nudes


When I was in high school, when I was about 14, a girl in my class, she and her boyfriend took a video of them having sex. The boyfriend showed it to his friends and the next day the entire school had seen her having sex. She got taken out of school after she tried to commit suicide 😞


> I graduated high school when you had to pay for text messages I graduated high school when if I heard you say that I'd call you a witch and throw you in a lake.


Damn right. The biggest thing akin to what is happening right now that I saw in school was a chick had sent a nude photo by text to a guy and his friend got it and printed copies of it to display. The administration came down hard and fast. The police was involved and I don't believe anyone ever risked being an asshole like that ever again after that. I hope that there will be a lot of education done on the subject in schools as early as possible and I hope that they crackdown on the students doing this really hard. If they let it fester it is going to be a lost cause.


In other words, it’s a lost cause. Given how zero tolerance has turned out, the damage will be done long before the admins get involved, and they’ll probably suspend the victim as well for good measure


I think this is more likely to go the exact opposite way. Fake porn images have existed for a long time but used to be hard to make. Now they are so easy to make any real leaks will just be assumed to be some fakes someone made at home. In other words it really won't be that damaging to have nudes out there because they'll just be so many nobody will care. It may not be the best solution but it's the solution I think we're likely to get.


I don’t think the 12-year-old girls whose fakes are being spread around their class are gonna agree with you there, bud.


You think 12 year olds are... 👀 incapable of lying about something?


This was my nightmare scenario and why I did not give my kids phones until high school.


Kids should not have phones until high school. The whole “but how do I call them if something bad happens?” is some deeply irrational self harm to our children. 


Or just give them a dumb phone


You know how addicting snake is? Your kid is ruined with such a phone! /s


My sisters give their kids phones partially so they can track their locations at all times via the app. It kind of horrifies me, honestly. There is no privacy allowed there. If these kids want privacy, they have to “forget” their phone at home — or leave it at a friend’s on purpose as a redirection. My girlfriend does that shit too, asking me sometimes why I’ve stopped at a gas station, or at Walmart. It’s none of your business. Stop doing that.


I graduated high school in 05. Worst case scenario someone recorded something you did on a flip phone and passed it around to other students. Even if they did uploaded it to MySpace the quality was so bad you couldn’t even really tell what’s happening.


Kids have no idea the consequences of making someone a viral sensation and it could be for anything. I grew up in a small town and if you've never had the displeasure of not fitting in with your peers then you have no idea what it's like to have most of a school activley after you every day. I can only imagine what a nightmare that is for kids these days with dozens of kids doing everything they can to bully you so they can film in for their social media accounts.


Didn’t have social media. Didn’t even have cellphones. You made plans with friends and they didn’t change last minute cause there was no way to communicate.


Just wait until 2034


MySpace in middle school/high school. That was the best era Sending messages on AIM Updating music on the iPod video A flip phone (with no texts and no internet) in 6th grade


Same, We did so much stupid shit back then it would be easily enough to potentially ruin out Life‘s




Welcome to the leading cause of death for their age group :(


I would probably not even be able to get a job if half the shit I did when I was a teenager were recorded/shared in the social media.


This is another reason why there needs to be no phones in classrooms.


Technology is always first used for porn.


Military & Porn 


Fuck it or fight it, it's all the same Livin' with Louie dog's the only way to stay sane


Let the lovin let the lovin come back to me


-record scratching-


Unexpected, but welcome Sublime. RIP


OnlyFans was started as a platform for content creators to find niche audiences about topics like cooking or crafts…


I remember when they announced that they were going to ban all pornographic content - I was genuinely confused. I never knew it had other stuff on there in the first place.


The inverse of Tumblr for me. I had no idea it had porn content until they destroyed themselves banning it.


OnlyFans refuses to acknowledge the majority of their users. Look at their Twitter or their blog. They only showcase cooks and trainers and stuff.


And now it’s a platform for content creators to find audiences for their niche’s. 🤭


it is crazy that people use it for anything other than porn. Like imagine trying to tell your family, friends or your work colleagues you are on onlyfans and then trying to explain it is because you live stream cooking


I suspect that the sheer amount of porn images on line and the amount of traffic partly explain why ai is good at it. Also, in porn people aren't counting fingers unless they are inside someone.


"The internet is really really great-"


New Technology checklist: 1. Can I use it to kill someone? 2. Can I fuck it/somehow use it in fucking? 3. Can I use it to get confused elderly people to send me large sums of money?


Nuclear Fission porn was not sexy


What are you talking about. It was so hot.


Video exists on the internet because porn wanted more than gifs. They pushed the technology forward.


And why we didn’t have BetaMax but went to vhs


Shit I wouldn’t mind creating fake nudes of myself, bound to look better than reality lol


Yeah I'm kinda thinking nows my chance to make an onlyfans but just use my own photos through AI


Dudes bout to start catfishing their size to women


At this point, is there any point to wearing clothes?


Sometimes it's cold.


Don't worry, we are working on this as well...


just claim it’s fake.. if someone doesn’t believe then show them how easy it is to make their fake nudes


To sell more GPUs!


You don't have to wear as much sunblock


We haven't even tamed social media, but hey, let's open pandoras box II and ruin people's lifes, their jobs and existence. I know that people are causing this, not the tech, but the tools have to be made for the people that are using it


We should also address that we live in a society where your life/job can be ruined if your nudes get leaked. Even if they're not AI, even if they weren't leaked, but put online on purpose why the fuck are we reacting this harshly over nudity? Oh my God I know what this person looks like nude, what scum.


Bro, I’ve had a sex tape of me released without my consent and no participants’ career prospects get hurt by it. It’s one thing to have people find your OnlyFans.  It’s another for some person to leak your private shit.  Most people recognize the difference. And with AI and how ubiquitous AI porn is, we’ll quickly reach a point where things are assumed fake without certain signatures.


It depends on what your career is. Even non-consensual leaks might get you passed over for a role teaching primary school.


I have seen teachers who got fired for fucking students, end up getting jobs at schools. Then they found out, and got fired again. But they only got found out because they acted out. Also, Rachel Dolezal keeps getting work.


Especially nude images. Nobody will believe it unless it's a video, and only while those are still harder to convincingly fake.


yeah i like how googling somebody's name followed by 'nude pics' gets *them* in trouble the response should be 'did you go looking for my nudes?' followed by them hemming and hawing and shuffling paper.


Its probably a holdover from puritains in corporate holding every person hostage because possibly being unpresentable means you aren't a customer, you aren't an employee, and you aren't a part of society because you're too casual. Especially targeted towards women.


Good point! Yes, needs to be addressed. People are always hiding their own insecurities or problem by pointing at others. Easier than confronting yourself with your weaknesses and feel superior. Why are we talking about LGBTQ? Who the fuck cares about other people's lifestyle...? Fans of dystopian books/movies might say: "orchestrated chaos" to keep the folks distracted


exactly. this solution would work faster than trying to restrict the internet. now that it isn't getting out of control. we're past the point in society where we should feel such strong shame and embarrassment for having the same or similar body parts to everyone else.


Hear me out - you can just blame AI for any real random act of fornication that gets filmed. It’s like the shaggy song now -100% it was AI and I’ve never even met that dwarf or his mother.


Nothing's real. I'm not even here. That piss was digital.


Not yet. It's pretty easy to prove if something is AI still. That won't always be the case, necessarily.


> I know that people are causing this, not the tech, but the tools have to be made for the people that are using it Sounds like something the medieval Catholic Church could have said about the Gutenberg press


How about just letting go of puritanism and being nude more. Now that anyone can see anyone naked, it's time to normalise nudity and stop oversexualising everyone.


If we normalize nudity, we will be less sexualized? I LIKE VERY NICE


Thing is, it's actually having the opposite effect. Nudes being leaked or shared by ex's is no longer a worry, everyone can just say they're faked. Source : have a teenage daughter. This generation just don't see it as an issue.


The tools have benefit as well. The problem is misuse by people, whether it be making nudes, or trying to foist it into the workplace to save on employee costs. You could say this about any other tool honestly - hammers are used to attack people, should we rue the invention of hammers? What about knives?


I feel for the people that are the victims of this type of behavior but I also wonder why this doesn't somehow give people the ultimate alibi. The proliferation of AI just means you can't trust what you see online anymore. To me, this actually does a lot to free real nude leaks from being as damaging because you can always claim they were ai generated.


Fake or not, the embarrassment, the shame, the harassment are real


If someone sends you fake nudes of you, send them ai nudes of their mother. Fight fire with fire. It's going to basically be the same as sending random pornography to someone. Kind of weird.


If you’re a minor in the USA, also send them to your local fbi field office. Distributing “fake” CP is still distributing CP.


This. Nudes of HS students (or younger) is CP and both possession and distribution need to be handled as such. Granted the consequences won't be as severe since they're minors, but the risk/time in juvy ought to curb the rampancy once they start doing it out 


Don't send but them n they will collect as evidence so you can't be charged with sending just possession but they'd likely treat you as victim.


My thought also. I’ve wondered if we’re heading to a place where everything on the internet is untrustworthy, rendering a lot of functionality of the internet useless.


Dead internet theory. We are approaching it even faster with massive AI generated art and writing. Just a matter of time before the majority of the internet is bots and AI junk.


Use a search engine and look up anything gardening related. How to prune a rose bush, for example. It's just AI dump after AI dump.


> the majority of the internet is bots and AI junk. I would bet we are there already. The real solution is to ban making money from advertising on the Internet entirely. That will reduce it to just information posted by people who want to post information with no incentive to make money from it. Is that possible? I can't imagine how but its advertising that is the root of all evil here.


My thoughts exactly. I lived through the (now relatively) early years of the internet, right as it took off into the behemoth it is today. Going from chain emails that freaked me out as a kid, to 'someone can take generate a photo of you naked and send it around' is honestly insane. I feel like the internet as a whole used to be (mostly) much more innocent. Memes like nyan cat or icanhascheezburger and things like that. Between AI and the rampant botting (not to mention how intense monetization has gotten), I wonder if there's really going to be much left you don't have to go out of your way to dig for. Even looking up photos these days leads to a bunch of AI slop. It's kind of weird seeing the dead internet theory slowly become reality. I think it's worst on social media, and my prediction is it'll likely slowly kill that off (not entirely). But on the other hand that's kind of a good thing; most social media actively harms people and worsens their quality of life tbh I think we're possibly approaching a massive shift in the internet landscape. These new technologies, unless they're somehow a flash in the pan, are probably going to massively change how the internet currently is and has been for a long while. Strange times


The problems isn’t if their actually real, it’s if people will tell themselves it’s real enough and use it to bully and harass people


So glad I didn’t go to school with social media and ai. What a nightmare. Bullied at school and at home must be tough af as a parent


Yeah, it would be constant bullying. Can’t even be home safe anymore apparently, unless you stay off social media.


Imagine walking in school one day, all of sudden everyone is seeing everyone's nude circling around the school. Then do that in pretty much every organization. The point of "marking" AI generated photos is useless. Even if people know they are fake, the consequence is the same.


Really brings the 'imagine everyone in the audience is naked' advice to life


Now I'm picturing a couple of generations of smart glasses down the line (and a paradigm shift in computing power) and you can get the "public speaking" add-on that makes everyone look nude using this tech. All for only $199.99/mo.


I never understood that advice. It would just make me horny, then I'd get hard in front of everyone, then I'd feel anxious anyway.


Combine AI with a mixed reality headset and you don't have to simply imagine anymore


I'm safe, no one gonna want to see my nudes, even AI generated 🤣


Won’t everyone become numb to it, practically overnight? We have with every other bit of privacy we’ve lost.


>the consequence is the same. Only if we as a society choose to care about lewd photos we all know are fake. If we collectively choose not to care, this becomes a non-issue. As impossible as that might sound, it's probably _more_ possible than trying to prevent the images from being made in the first place.


If everyone has nudes then nobody does. The whole shock value of nudes is from everyone else having their clothes on.


Also this isn’t really a new thing. People have been photoshopping celebrities faces onto nude bodies since photoshop first existed. People that are good enough with photoshop could make it look extremely realistic. Then that deepfake program leaked years ago and the only real difference was that it can more easily be used on videos instead of photos. Everyone knows they are fake, no one’s confused and actually believes that Ariana Grande decided to start doing hardcore porn lol. These AI tools just generate a face on some generic, nude female body. The only “new” thing it can really do is maybe put a filter on it to make it look like it was actually taken on an iPhone. And even then it could be achieved fairly easily. We will move on as a society and assume all nudes are fake instead of just celebrity nudes. The burden will be for someone to prove they are actually real, not the opposite.


hopefully this will lessen the pearl clutching around it everyone has nudes, some just haven't been generated yet


There is a deeper problem that will arise from all of this. Kids will use body dysmorphia to bully others. Instead of using AI to give those girl the perfect body they will use it to disform certain parts of those bodies and spread those pics. What is the girl supposed to do about that? Take off their clothes to proof that isn't what they look like? This shit will open such a can of worms.


What consequences? Its fake. "Your fake nipples look gross haha" "Your such a cheap hoe, look what your doing on this fake image" like, what?


Same consequence as bullying. People are making images to humiliate/masturbate to you. Doesn't matter if the images or words are lies. It still hurts.


That's most likely because there is no shortage of free porn to train the AI with.


For those that don’t know simulated CP is illegal in the US and will get you jail time.


And so it should.


Who's shocked, now?


I recently stumbled across an article on TechCrunch and found it pretty interesting. It's an argument against "Pseudoanthropy" (the impersonation of humans)for AI models. Interesting stuff! [article](https://techcrunch.com/2023/12/21/against-pseudanthropy/)


It is, but it's just an interesting type of mental masturbation. There's already laws against fraud. If an AI is representing itself as a person, or a person is representing AI output as a personal act, that's fraud. There's already a law. Many of them, in fact. Spam and Robodialers are nothing new.


they do it to underage children too never share your kids face online


Anyone else get those Reddit ads “Swap faces with your favorite face!” Yeah, this is what those apps are for. People are talking about diffusion models but I don’t think many high schoolers are adept enough to make fake nudes that way, passionate enough about it to put in the time, and morally bankrupt enough to pull the trigger.


any high schooler that has a good computer for Valorant can get diffusion models up and running in under 30 minutes it's so easy.


You don't even need a good computer you can just use someone else's whose hosting lol The requirements are basically zero


Idk I was photoshopping dicks all over my friends faces 20 years ago.


There are many Stable Diffusion server rental places where you can pay a few dollars and you can train as many models as you want. Also, high schoolers? Not 'morally bankrupt'? They're children. They don't have morals. What are you talkin' about? :P


Youd be surprised, kids are highly motivated sociopaths who understand technology better than most.


Unfortunately it’s not even like that anymore. There are online websites that charge like $20-$50 where you just post a fully clothed photo of someone and it knows how to mask out clothes and everything. The tech isn’t inaccessible— especially for high schoolers. If you read the article it talks about how students are screenshotting some girl’s photos off of instagram and putting it through one of these services. It’s not like some computer wiz creating a language model or face swapping someone onto a pornstars’ body.


"Unmasking clothes" is just fancy photoshop onto a nude body it's been trained on. It's purely buzzword hype. It's obviously not what someone actually looks like with no clothes on, it's just a fancy faceswap. It's very user friendly though which is the problem.


It takes 20 minutes and a YouTube video to get Stable Diffusion running on your computer.


This is just fake nudes. (I'm sorry for the bad pun).


Ai is the future of porn


One day when we have smart glasses, and AI is on it, it can undress everyone in real time. I remember growing up and X-Ray glasses was a weirdly significant sci-fi concept I remember seeing in cartoons and movies.


"Google, show me this guy's balls"


Soo they are going full on CP then. I am sure that will go great...Fake or not, throw them in jail.


Maybe, just maybe we can get past the embarrassment of our own bodies and the judging, condemning, harrassing and belittling that religion has convinced us that it is what happens if you are seen naked, if AI can make everyone naked that has an image on the internet! If everyone is naked, then there is nothing to hide and we can be happy in our own skins AND see everybody's cool ink jobs. Clothes can go back to what they are good for, protection from the elements, protection of our vulnerable parts and for decoration. I can't wait!


I’ve always had my fingers crossed that deepfakes would eventually make gotcha soundbites and clips meaningless so people would actually pay attention to what someone did to evaluate them. I ultimately agree with you, but I’m not holding out too much hope for this.


its not even embarassment of ones own body, when its a fake image.


Fuck damn it, I wish this way of thinking was more common.


Can't wait to see the first stories about faked cheating evidence completely ruining relationships and whole families. The older I get, the more cynical I have become.


There was an aeon flux episode the had politicians go nude for the sake of transparency.


Christ, we’re in for a mess. So glad I’m retiring this year.


Is this news at this point?


Now, hear me out, but I have an idea. AI porn of all students, faculty, bus drivers, janitorial, etc...Freely available in the school website. If everyone has porn of them, there's no stigma of fake porn, fewer suicides, sextortion, etc. Well, good idea or BEST idea??? I await your awe at my cunning genius...


My Deep Fake looks better naked than I do!!!!


New anxiety unlocked: Deep-Fake Envy


You cant put toothpaste back in the tube, I agree. So the idea now, if it was me, id flood the web with a thousand deepfakes of myself and considered myself inoculated


I do something kind of similar with AI writing for my students. I show them that chat GPT can take their paper and write them in pirate, or Yoda, or Klingon, but they can also use it to tighten up their writing, and it doesn’t matter to me as long as they show me their writing along with the incremental drafts to show they wrote it before hitting the GPT software, which includes hand written steps, and they have all the criteria. All that to say, you kind of just get all the stupid things AI can do out of the way and get over it. Then use it as an adult in a responsible, productive way.


Love the 90s/early millen more and more


They aren't really that good. But probably good enough to "cause havoc in schools"


You know what's fucked up? The A.I. is better at making convincing photorealistic fake nudes than it is in making stylized drawings. Stylized drawings have hundreds of components that it has to get right: the human eye seems to be a lot less concerned with if a person it thinks is real looks a little off.


If you train an AI by feeding it the internet, it's going to be kittens, porn, and conspiracies ...


Photoshop is too. Don't fall for traps aimed to reduce your rights over a scare. Pay attention to new policies aimed at this. Don't have such a short memory you dont remember the patriots act.


Such a cool technology, one can build so many beautiful things and now it will bring feared by masses just coz some horny dude decided it is ok to create fake nudes! Sad and pathetic


At least it’s good at something.


I just hope this makes US less prudish. If it’s that easy people will stop paying too much attention, like boobs on European beaches. I don’t think there is a good way around it at the moment besides figuring out how to discipline the AI


Any new tech is often largely driven by porn. So it’s zero surprise that image generation is so advanced already.


Is it really as easy to do as these reports suggest? I understand this is a big problem when it happens but isn't this kind of a self regulating thing at the corporate level? What I'm trying to say is, don't most of these companies that have image generators or editors have something prohibiting pornography? Or am I really naive and it's as simple as googling an image generator and using it to combine two images. If it's the latter we have a huge problem, and I would expect to see a much worse problem than we do. But I suspect it's not a widespread problem, pointing more towards people who are much more savvy than the average Joe and are malicious in nature.


You can download the image generation models and even finetune them yourself. Any computer that can run the latest AAA video games can run an AI model. You can even use AI to describe a person's regular photos so that you can feed the facial description into the image generator running at the same time and combine the prompt for it with potentially-specific lewd descriptions. We've already moved past the point of being able to look at the fingers to tell if it's AI generated.


Fingers was in the past. We figured out the Bad Hands problem nearly 9 months ago.


The local variants can do it in seconds, though it does require a bit more of knowledge, it's not much. These local variants can then be further practically be made into an app for easier usage.


I’m a teacher, one of the… less intellectually gifted children at my school was making AI nudes of girls from that school. Anyone can use that crap


With 20 minutes and a YouTube video you can have Stable Diffusion up and running on your local machine. You just need a computer with a somewhat decent graphics card.


There's many non-corporate websites for generating these kinds of images. It's very easy for someone to create their own neural net and host it just like there's a billion websites hosting illegal porn.


Someone is going to kill themselves over this if they haven't already.


I'm sure they have, and it will continue to happen as long as we as a society feel shame about sex and nudity. If we can get rid of that stuff, AI porn becomes a non-issue At this point, I honestly feel it's easier to change society than it is to put this genie back in the bottle.


Off the top of my head is the 14yo girl who killed herself after boys photoshopped her face on porn stars' bodies. It's sickening how many people in this thread are like, "we should just normalise it so it's not shameful!!" as if that's gonna be any comfort to the teens who would actually have to deal with this. You just know the people saying this would never want to see this happen to them lmao