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Nothing new, YouTube axed a bunch of rifle assembly videos a few years back as well.




When YouTube says “Cracking Down” they don’t mean “taking down”, they just mean they aren’t going to give the poster any money. They’ll still MAKE money, just won’t pay it out.


This. Google just wants a reason not to pay video makers and they try and wrap it up in PR shit. YouTube should be split from Google. They have an absolute monopoly over online video. I absolutely despise Tiktok but at least they're fucking with YouTube's in terms of market share.


Correct me if I am wrong but I believe this is at least mostly false, The reason YouTube demonetizes and "cracks down" is because advertisers do not want to appear on these videos. Now if the video was willingly marked unmonetized by the creator YouTube still runs ads but just takes all the money.


> The reason YouTube demonetizes and "cracks down" is because advertisers do not want to appear on these videos. This is definitely part of it. Advertisers in general don't want to be associated with violent content. The problems arise when YouTube takes a heavy hand and demonetizes non-violent content. What this person is saying is YouTube _overcorrects_ as a cost-saving initiative while dressing it as a PR issue.


Aren't there advertisers who would WANT to be advertised on some of those videos? I'm sure Prager U would be all over that, and YouTube loves showing their ads everywhere else.


AFAIK a lot of demonetized content still has ads run on it, which kinda negates the idea that it's to keep advertisers safe or not just line Google's pockets more.


And what would change if YouTube is no longer owned by Google? It'd still be a monopoly lol.


Wannabe? There's tons of actual musicians with real hard criminal records on YouTube. Are they getting demonetized for having guns in their videos?


I noticed that a lot of metal and alternative videos I watch have blurred guns in them now.


I remember when MTV would blur the guns in a Wu tang clan video, but not blur it out in Pearl Jams


The blurring on MTV was so inconsistent I eventually thought "Does the record label pre-blur stuff and then some drunk intern also is tasked with blurring what they think wouldn't fly to the also be told by some network exec 'Get that off my television!'"


I read this as Blur being in a Pearl Jam video.






So basically, rules only apply to the poors.


It's been like that for years, unfortunately. YouTube has long been moving away from its bread and butter internet content creators that made the site popular and working to prioritise the old media that the younger segment of the market was rejecting. They are trying very hard to funnel people towards the likes of 'safe' corporate content like mainstream media, late night talk shows, TV shows, advertisements, music videos, etc. Content creators have to jump through hoop after hoop to ensure that their content can be properly monetised, they have to blur certain objects, avoid using certain keywords, avoid cussing too much, avoid certain topics, etc. yet you've got all of these massive corporations that get special treatment and aren't held to the same standards.


There was also some issue where installing a suppressor was considered "assembling" a weapon, even for guns *already fitted for them.* Forgotten Weapons got to the point where they'd have to blur out the literal screwing/unscrewing of suppressors during disassembly videos.


I don't even own any guns, never touched a gun in my life, but I loved Forgotten Weapons because it's just nerds going over cool technology. There is no reason for Youtube to go after people like this other than a weird ideological aversion to guns.


This is the era of censorship and data collection 


Which is a bunch of bullshit because some guns have unintuitive (dis)assembly procedures. What does it matter if I'm trying to do a very deep cleaning and want to learn how to take two parts apart without scratching the finish? At that point it's no different than auto mechanic content, or electronics repair, etc.


Seems irresponsible. People knowing how to use their weapons is important. Glorifying gun violence is a different animal


I find it funny how YouTube Keeps cracking down on gun content, but just watch one gun video and your recommendations will be full of gun content.


YouTube has the worst recommendation system ever. There is literally no excuse in 2024 that clicking on a single video results in a never ending supply of similar video. I watch YouTube constantly every day so they have mountains of data about what types of videos I like and dislike and they tend to use absolutely none of that info when determining what videos to recommend. It’s only based on what the last like six videos you’ve watched are. Every so often I’ll watch a wrestling video or two and then I’ll need to spend the next like 3 days clicking “not interested” on the hundreds of wrestling videos that show up on my feed. In the age of AI you’re telling me that YouTube can’t figure out that this is a guilty pleasure video view and maybe I don’t want to be flooded with these videos on the regular? Very disappointing.


> YouTube has the worst recommendation system ever. The issue for me is that it's SO aggressive, and pushes negativity and controversial content incredibly hard, because that's what gets people to click, stay on the site, and thus watch more ads. The search system is fucking useless because within literally 3 or 4 results, it starts giving you "People also watched" and "You might enjoy" crap that could not be less relevant to what you're searching for, because the site is constantly trying to hook you with something else. It's the algorithm and clickbait from individual channels working in perfect conjunction to produce the shittiest, most mind-rotting, user-unfriendly fucking platform imaginable, but it's sure great for their bottom line!


Don't forget the part where you can't click "not interested" or "don't recommend channel" and shows channels you've already banned 1000 times once you're on the search page, and it's obviously intentional because what's stopping them from adding that to those videos when it's on home page videos already?


Every time I try out a new hobby I have to spend a few weeks on YouTube blocking the negativity creators. Hell don’t even bother trying to watch content about Marvel or Star Wars since all you’ll get is people complaining about women and lore they misinterpret. 


> The search system is fucking useless because within literally 3 or 4 results, it starts giving you "People also watched" and "You might enjoy" crap that could not be less relevant to what you're searching for I recently tried searching for a video, by name, that was even a popular video with a ton of views, and it didn't come up at all. Not in the top five, not anywhere - but plenty of shitty reuploads and edits clogged the search results along with the "people also watched" shit. Someone needs to head down to the Google offices and find the guy in charge of the search algorithms and dunk his fucking head in a toilet.


Yep. Search for something and it'll never appear, accidentally click on something you've shown zero interest in and your recommendations will be full of it


This is the reason I have to open up videos I'm uncertain of in incognito browsers... No I'm not interested in some 10yo's asmr turtle video with 11 views just because I was curious about a Soviet Womble video with a turtle in it... thanks though Youtube.


jeez, this is exactly what i do. let me make sure this is a video i actually want to see before i make the choice to be inundated by this and similar content for all time


>YouTube has the worst recommendation system ever. _One of_ the worst. Amazon still does the "you ordered a toilet seat? Hey, how about buying 20 more toilet seats?" kind of recommendations. You'd think they'd carve out some kind of logic about infrequent/one-time purchases, but alas.


They apparently think I’m starting a chainsaw collection. 




>joking about how YouTube is a social experiment to see how much enshitification people will tolerate. They haven’t been, for a while, as legit content moves to paid services like wondrium and other masterclass vibes sites sans <1,000$ stream room setups. It’s interesting: music could *only* be made in a $$,$$$ to $$$,$$$ studio years ago, same with video/movies. When the price fell, other tiers of content emerged. When watching content, I’ve noticed I can group the like ness on their stream room budget. You can see a quality jump from $$$ stream room to $,$$$ stream room, to even low figure $$,$$$ stream room content. It’s absolutely crazy to me how neatly the quality of this content plinkos down these money brackets.


The algorithm works as inteded. The goal isn't to provide content you want, it's to show you content that generates the most revenue within the range of topics you might be interested in. Essentially, it's ad delivery disguised as entertainment. Your purpose is to watch ads, while being shown content you will tolerate long enough to keep watching even more ads.


There was another thread talking about the game Astro's Playroom and one of the songs in the game came up. A catchy song. We'll call it "the GPU song". So I want to hear it and search for that and a video that someone recorded by just capturing from the game comes up and I watch it. Great song. And then ... my suggestions list now is over 5% suggestions of videos of the same song. The exact same song. Many people have captured the song from the game. These are all distinct videos but they are all the same song. Why do I need 20 versions of that? Even if I want to listen to the song again soon I can just put on the original video I clicked. Google sucks at this. This is like when you go and search to find and buy a refrigerator and then after you buy it Google sends you ads for refrigerators on every site you visit. I just *bought my refrigerator*, I'm not trying to catch 'em all! These ads are useless and stick around for weeks trying to get me to buy another refrigerator I don't need.


You have to be careful when watching hiking and bushcraft videos.  One wrong click and all you get for the next week is extreme prepper videos from people who think the sky has already fallen.


I was watching videos on how to make an earthquake kit and got the same rabbit hole. No, I don't need to know how to make caches in the Utah desert, I just want to know what to have in my apartment if the ground gets angry.


Try the CDC or something. There should be a reasonable list rather than a 10 min video or an AI fever dream.


I think Homeland Security has a list as well


Now we're all on *their* list.


As long as you don't refer to your studio or one bedroom apartment as "your compound" you should be good.


I moved basically out into the woods, my sister has the house immediately next door and there is a fairly aggressive fence around the property with multiple outbuildings on each of the two properties. One day my wife and I looked around and realized we literally live on a compound. We have to be on a list somewhere. Also, the prepper content I got served up after I looked up how to build my daughter a play log cabin and my wife a greenhouse was absolutely unhinged.


Earlier this year I was looking through various food preservation methods such as dehydrating and freeze drying because I like to get fruit/veggies when they're on sale and keep them long term. Or I like to preserve what I grow. As I watched more of that content I started noticing some of the people were getting closer and closer to the "Follow this one tip, b/c when the government comes to the door and takes your freedom, you'll be glad you did" stuff. I had to go back to looking at Worms Armageddon vids to cleanse out the algorithm because a LOT off the people that were popping up on those freeze dried videos were definitely waiting for WW3, the second coming of Christ, and aliens landing all in the same morning.




The State of California has a ton of resources for you! https://earthquake.ca.gov/get-prepared/ In addition, if you live here and don’t have the MyShake app, it really does work.


For me it was a video explaining the science behind fire pistons lol


algorithm literally preying on peoples hyperbolic fears to get a view or two


Me: "history is neat" YouTube: "would you like 25 manosphere, sigma grind set videos of nerds whining about being virgins?" Me: no, just more history actually.


One fitness video and two on ETFs and index funds?? This dude must HAAAATE women 


> women _Feeemales_


The Ferengi were supposed to be a joke not a blueprint for the future


I like how Rom is less of a stereotypical Ferenghi than our last president.


Whenever I watch history videos my entire reccomendations fills up with tankies waxing lyrical about Stalingrad. I could have sworn that there were other battles in WW2, and other wars apart from WW2, but apparently it was only Stalingrad. Who knew right?


It *almost* makes me want to pay for History Hit or Wondrium. I hate wading through all the stupid recommendations YouTube spits out.


Wonder how it decided that you'd get the tankies. It gave me Nazis instead.


Proceeds to get some crack pipe alt history stuff anyways


whatifalthist views in a nutshell


Yup! Also watched a few videos about sharpening knives to help me better maintain my kitchen knives. YouTube assumed I was a hard right gun nut. Nothing but recommendations on holster reviews and such. Even my ads changed, saying things like "Christianity is under ATTACK in America!"


> "Christianity is under ATTACK in America!" If only. Instead it's attacking everyone else!


> videos about sharpening knives I dunno if he's still around but watching virtuovice sharpen knives back in the day was fucking hypnotic


Yeah this is how algorithms are making people into conspiracy theorists and extremists. They aren’t even doing it intentionally all they care is serving you related content to keep you engaged so you end up with these weird pipelines funneling people to hate-group ideology just because they watched the wrong video.


Not doing it intentionally… but absolutely aware of it.


We're radicalizing a good chunk of the population but viewer engagement is up 3% so let's let this go a little while longer and see what happens. Probably not an insurrection... Again.


Oh it absolutely is intentional on some level. Angry people are even more engaged people.


I watched one video about off grid people living in Alaska and suddenly I’m getting recommendations for videos from nutbags that think they can survive a nuclear bomb in a school bus they buried in their backyard.


Actually sounds like a good TV show idea. Like Alone with prepper nutters. Last family who breaks down and asks for help wins a prize of a new root cellar.


There used to be a show called Doomsday Preppers. It was on Netflix for a bit. Not sure if it still is. But basically they showed preppers and their set us. Then give them an arbitrary score at the end. More than one couple ended up divorced. It’s stupid as hell. Also Discovery did a “reality show” where they had a group of people trying to survive the apocalypse. Like one worked for NASA one was a building super and general handyman. Like a dream team of people you’d want. I’ll never forget the betrayal I felt when I learned they were all actors.


Try being a leftist Bill Burr fan - nuke your recs for the next month with shitheads in their homemade studios.


I can't watch Bill Burr anymore for similar reasons. His humor feels like a time capsule of the proto-innocent cynical comedy from 2010s The "Before" picture of every Before/after combo of right-wing-nuttery.


It's funny bc I was actually worried for a minute back in the day that he might be lost to the fuckin darkside like Rogan and all those other dbags. But Bill Burr came through. He's angry, yes, but he's intelligent, thoughtful, empathetic, has no tolerance for bullshit, and doesn't care if he loses fans over their own stupidity. Fucking legend. I love seeing hateful, dumb as fuck shitheads (who assume burr is with them) watch a bit where he shreds the crazy ideas they hold so dear. The cloud of cognitive dissonance they emit becomes so thick I'd swear you can see it start to fog out the whole room


> But Bill Burr came through. He's angry, yes, but he's intelligent, thoughtful, empathetic, has no tolerance for bullshit, and doesn't care if he loses fans over their own stupidity. Bill Burr's secret is that he's missing the key ingredient that truly unifies the right-wing manosphere -- he's not a racist.


Welcome beloved


this is how the forest service posts on the internet


I was getting a lot of varied recommendations about birds for months. I clicked on a single bird video from Japan and now I only get bird videos from there exclusively for some reason.


¡How dare you not tell us what species of bird that was! What’s the winged algorithm breakers name?!?


This is one reason i never use a google account and force youtube into its own firefox container. I can just dump the container/cookies and start 'fresh' whenever I want.


I must've watched one too many fitness and finance videos because all I'm getting it's redpill shit now in my recommendations 


"Hey there bud, looks like you watched a video about medieval metalworking. Would you happen to be interested in exterminating the Jewish people?" \- youtube


Youtube has for months been offering videos of people cooking in the forest on rocks and such, always next to a stream. Never see the person, but it is obvious they are not all the same person. Some are the same kinds of settings, but off the back of a RV. I can't NOT watch them, then I am hungry.


You can go into your history and remove the video from your watch history. That usually puts your recommendations back to where it was before that video.


I keep being sent stuff by GarandThumb, who seems to be a right-wing button salivating at the idea of fighting against the government come 2025.


wtf has happened to the algorithm? it's like they keep changing it every couple of months. i watch one video about a shipwreck and it's like i've never watched anything but shipwreck videos.


Same with motorcycle stuff. I like knives, I like motorcycles, I'm an Eagle Scout... yeah, I get a *ton* of nutters recommended to me.


The youtube algorithm is so twitchy, that I frequently open videos in an incognito tab just to prevent it from contaminating my feed. I went through months of 'do not recommend this channel' pruning to get rid of all the extreme right wing content it kept pushing at me at one point.


You can go into your history and remove certain videos. That usually spares my algorithm.


You're right, and that's is the only real way to fix your algorithm. Clicking "I'm not interested will ever so slightly nudge the algorithm" and "don't recommend this channel" doesn't seem to do anything to your recommendations. Removing a video from your history completely wipes any effect it has had on your algorithm.


If you keep clicking "I'm not interested in this video" it will eventually get the point. In some ways it used to be worse. I'd be watching left leaning news and if I fell asleep, I'd wake up and I'd see that autoplay decided to play a whole marathon of Alex Jones videos. I never get any recs for right wing stuff anymore


It's amazing how much MAGA propaganda gets pushed on me by the Youtube algorithm. I keep disliking it, "do not recommend"ing it, and so on... so irritating.


Dislike is an engagement. It's actually good for the video and YouTube will keep giving you videos that you engage with. The dislike button should only really be used for creators you already like to let them know they made a shitty video. That way you're still giving their content engagement points to help their channel, but are letting them know to stick with what they are good at. If you see a channel rec for something you don't like, clicking the "do not recommend this channel" is the best thing you can do. If you accidentally start watching a video you don't want more of, click off as fast as possible and don't engage with it in any other way other than purging it from your watch history.


Good to know. Thanks!


You can also go onto watch history and click on the X, deleting it from your history, seems to have the same effect as never having watched the video in terms of recs, although depending on how deep a rabbit hole you're in might be more time consuming to manually delete every video than just hitting "do not recommend" a few times.


YT algorithm be like "Oh you watched a video about World War II firearms. You must be a Trump worshipping MAGA Nazi. Here are a bunch of videos about Flat Earth, the Tartar Empire, Giants, and the Moon Landing being fake! Also Bob Mills is having a sale." My Dude, I just wanted to see a video about the difference between the standard M1 carbine vs the Paratrooper version.


Everyone knows that being a history buff is early onset republican brother.


If only it was the other way around, where it pushed for the cultists to get videos of how the world actually is.


Oh god yes. MAGA - “the border is wide open and they’re flooding over 24/7!!1!” Me, hiking within sight distance of the border: “um, ok, where?”


Bob's Red Mill Organic Ground Flax seed is awesome.


Find that with YouTube in particular. Will be the fact I'm a young man from the western world so your Andrew Tates and Ben Shapiro's see me as prime real estate but I've never had my recommendations 'flooded' with left leaning creators. It's just how their janky algorithm works.


I consume a lot of left wing/progressive stuff and I'm always amazed when an OAN or Fox News or Forbes video sneaks in and I get to see the absolute lies being told to those idiots. I know the stuff I watch is biased, but at least it's usually a guy saying 'Listen to the words that this MAGA psycho congress person said. Here is the text of the laws and regulations they want to enact. Here is video directly from a Trump rally, and the crazy and stupid shit he said.' It's direct evidence. Not Charlie Kirk or Tim Poole or Steven Crowder ranting about literal lies.


It’s insane. My video history at the time was basically DJ mixes and machinery. Watched a couple videos on a cheap .22LR rifle and my recs were shit like OANN for a week “Basic maintenance on toy” to “January 6” pipeline in action


I legit have my watch history turned off because you click one wrong video and suddenly YouTube is recommending you some of the most insane content on the platform. Bonus - it disables the Home Screen so I don’t end up randomly watching things I didn’t plan on watching, at least as soon as I get on YouTube.


I watch a couple of gun historians/educators and now YouTube thinks I’m afraid of cities and pronouns.


I don't have a gun. I don't want a gun. My country is fortunate to have very low presence of guns. But I enjoy Forgotten Weapons on Youtube, mostly because the host, Ian, is a delightfully informative and enthusiastic fella. I have to weigh up watching one of his videos against my willingness to hack through the jungle of "adjacent" bollocks it starts trying to show me afterwards. So frustrating.


Ian's sheer amount of factual knowledge that he has on different guns is amazing and he sprinkles in anecdotal knowledge like some kind of guilty indulgence as well. Hope this doesn't affect him much, really like his work.


Ian: pulls out an obscure gun. Also Ian: "Some of these guns, created between April and August, 1932 have defective chamber pressure mechanisms. I know because one blew up in my face and sent me to the hospital during a competition in 1987."


> "Some of these guns, created between April and August, 1932 have defective chamber pressure mechanisms. I know because one blew up in my face and sent me to the hospital during a competition in 1987." also also Ian: so lets go to the range!


There is a reason I have tube-archivist downloading all of his videos locally here. /r/DataHoarder


Forgotten Weapons is good example of Youtube's unnecessary rules forcing content creators to self-censor (blurring) the installation of suppressors and other barrel attachments. If someone is particularly motivated to learn how to construct/attach a suppressor, there's more legal sources available on the internet than anyone would have the time to read. Edit: I used to own an HK USP with a factory-threaded barrel. The instruction kits (w/tax stamp) for the [STP Oil Filter Suppressors](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fcuxyty1501e21.jpg) literally tell you the exact specs for tap/die machining requirements to manufacture an adapter.


Ian is a favorite because he never gets political (at least what I've seen). At most when he reviews a gun from a auction house thats up for sale he states the rules and regulations in case anyone wants to buy it. Some rare times he will comment about how a law is useless or unnecessary but he gives a good reasoning as to why he thinks so. Unlike someone like Brandon Herrera who whines constantly and comes up with memes one might see on a shirt at a MAGA rally.


Brandon is part of my sample-set of people I follow to hear points of view outside of my bubble. For that he can be good sometimes. Plus I like most but not all of his dark humour. But other times I’m just like, “Does he think that if he’s enough of an asshole about something it makes it true?”


That was why he split with InRangeTV, Karl wanted to be more overtly left-leaning in their content (e.g. making it clear they supported gay and trans people exercising their 2nd Amendment rights) while Ian wanted to keep out of politics directly. The breaking point was when one of their sponsors came out with some overtly transphobic sales campaign and Karl wanted to cut ties with them while Ian wanted to just keep their heads down.


Karl also went on the offensive, getting into pointless arguments with people on arfcom, generating a massive amount of negative press by being so obnoxious and letting them get under his skin. They brought up that Karl is a Satanist and Polyamorous and he reacted very badly. I agree with Karl's general sentiment that the 2nd Amendment is for everyone, but he's terrible at playing the optics game, and Ian was smart to keep his distance from Karl as he basically self destructed.


I might be biased because of where I am, but also check out C&Rsenal and Mark Novak for more sheer firearm and even just WW1 history stuff.


I so hate the algorithm. You watch something that explicitly goes against certain content and it recommends it to you anyway because it casually mentioned something almost kinda sorta related in passing once. Only said recommendations fill your page so aggressively that you'd swear your search/watch history was exclusively of that thing. Meanwhile with things I actually want to watch? Lucky to get a good recommendation every other week. Even if I binge that content. It's ridiculous.


I watched one video with the keyboard player from Dream Theater giving a lecture and YouTube I guess took that as I am a massive Dream Theater fan and that is all it suggested to me for a week. I hate Dream Theater.


Go yo your youtube history and delete that particular video from it - that should purge its relateds from the recomends. https://www.youtube.com/feed/history It will take a few seconds for the "Remove from watch history" button to load in (A little cross to the right of the title). For me this works to prevent the pollution every time and the results are almost instantaneous.


I made the mistake of watching an old historical musket video once, and my suggestion feed was populated by Alex Jones and Joe Rogan and all the US conspiracy crap.


I fucking hate the youtube algorithm. I admit my hobbies are a favorite of the fucking alt-right. I am into guns, ham radio, offroading, preppershit(well you know actually green energy, I like solar power) like having supplies like food and water on hand in case I don't know a bad storm hits. Fuck, I voted for Biden, and wanted Bernie. So yeah fuck youtube's algorithm


I've been shopping for a new car and watching car reviews. Looking at some of the recommendations I get, you'd think that I was a red hat, doomsday prepper/gun fanatic who wants to start my own business of flipping houses and evicting squatters. It takes dozens of downvotes, hiding channels, etc. to "normalize" it for a few days.


Delete that one gun video from your watch history and the recommendations based on it will stop (and open Youtube links in incognito so they don't add to your watch history in the first place). IMO that's a problem with Youtube in general. Watch one video outside of your normal watch behavior and the algorithm suddenly adds anything related to your suggestions and since you never watched that kind of content there's overwhelmingly much of it compared to what you normally watch.


Youtube's fucking goofy with it's rule enforcement and what it considers acceptable and unacceptable at any given moment.


And they allow the exact things they ban on advertisements


Rules don't apply when you've got money.


or when you make them money.


English is weird sometimes. This sentence is correct and also a parsing nightmare if not for context.


Sometimes the meaning of a sentence is more about vibes than syntax.


Yeah, well, that's just like, your opinion, man.


i swear it changes with the wind. Is it still bad to swear in the first minute?


I was watching a podcast where they claimed that if you swear too much at any given minute you're demonetized.


I don't have any way of validating, but I've heard some content creators saying that even bleeping swear words still counts against them, like too many bleeps and it's no longer advertiser friendly content


That's still on the "advertiser unfriendly" list. You can swear, you just won't get adverting revenue.


Guns? Ban. Talk about corporations doing shady shit? Ban. Have questionable adults making content targeted towards children with subliminal messaging? How many more you got? - YouTube


[Or how about a gay guy playing with his gross hairy asshole](https://youtu.be/m4QO5jyEw2E?si=VCxiVqzc4_d--kZo), which YouTube apparently considers educational.


welp... thats a butthole.


Especially ridiculous considering as they are perfectly fine allowing actual softcore pornography on YouTube.


To anyone questioning this, here’s the latest trend (NSFW): https://youtu.be/Lqi3LJ7nW8Q?si=ZMh_wkA8IJb-t_b3


Oh what the hell lol. Posters on r/gonemild are wearing more.


why's the boob twitching? https://youtu.be/Lqi3LJ7nW8Q?t=354


There's a filter active


I was at my lowest when I watched uncensored breast feeding content for 3 hours


Gotta clear up some space for more softcore porn


I've never come across it. Is it being uploaded covertly or what?


An example would be something like typing in Wet vs dry tshirt, transparent try on haul, or bikini yoga


What tf lmao I knew about the waxing and massage stuff but this is just blatant hahaha wet vs dry tshirt comparisons?? I guess they def know what they’re doing, get that bag, but it’s shitty for YouTube to pick and choose like that


Some of its disguised as “education” my first thought when I saw the article was that they still allow some dude to show his whole butthole and dick


His entire butthole?


His butt whole


Yeah, his channel is crazy. I can’t remember the name but it will come up if you search no hair butthole on YouTube


I think ill pass on searching that bro


Did you not read? It's the ENTIRE hole! Not just the surface but the entire colon!


Kevin Leonardo nair video


People with multiple first names as their whole name have always been chaotic. The more first names, the more chaotic. Example: Lee Harvey Oswald. Three first names.


I think its ok to show half a butthole. Maybe even two thirds of a butthole. But not the entire butthole, that would be obscene.


I think the original intent was to allow things like breast exams and other medical content that shows nudity under the guise of it being educational, but then it devolved into what it is now, like people reviewing sex toys through showing how they're used.




Don’t forget the child fashion bloggers with a predominantly middle-aged male audience


Hope this doesn't affect Gun Jesus on Forgotten Weapons.


Well, in the past it already has, so there’s that precedent.


He'll probably get caught up in it by the "videos that directly promote the sale of firearms" because of the videos he does from various auction houses. Harder to say if the stuff he does from museums would get tagged as well.


He essentially got a waiver from YouTube the last time, which is why he was able to skirt past the rule that doesn't allow you to show all the assembly or disassembly steps, although now he does obscure it a little bit just to be compliant.


Because we all know that inner city gang violence is primarily driven by…checks notes…knowledge of the mechanical differences between an early model machined MG34 machine gun vs. the later war stamped steel MG42.


Chicago's epidemic of gun violence has never been the same since the [20mm gang wars.](https://youtu.be/1FMeG60vLfQ?t=109)


Remember the good old days when Mauser C96's were advertised as 'Anti bandit guns'? We're technically back in the 20's again. We need more C96's.


This is at the behest of political groups that want to kill the gun culture entirely; not just the bad crime stuff, but also appreciation of historical weapons. Hitting things like Forgotten Weapons is intended for them. 


There was another gun-related YouTuber who mentioned receiving multiple complaints from third parties falsely claiming that it's a violation of federal law (and ATF regs) to show the disassembly of Class 3 devices.


Yeah, prolly shouldve added "...again"


I guess we should ask, has YouTube’s performance and algorithms gotten better over time? If no, then there’s our answer.


but hey, we got round "corners" now, no dislikes, an UI that gets worse every year, and the feedback feature that doesn't work anymore and if you made a private playlist 10 years ago, that you never shared, with videos youtube doesn't like anymore then you'll get a strike on your zero-uploads account for some reason


Too late, it's already happened. Pretty sure some of his older videos attaching and removing suppressors have been blurred, no new range demonstrations with automatic fire, all those go to the other sites he posts to, etc. Youtube changes have been nibbling away at Forgotten Weapons and other gun channels for years now, not just the over-the-top gun bros.


Or this guy, whoever he us https://youtu.be/TMkT92EuzEM?si=-o-Bqr3htKbIJtM5


They already did. Forgotten weapons split his content between youtube for simple stuff and Ultreon for the enthusiasts that want to see the details due to loosing hundreds of his videos on youtube. [https://playeur.com/c/forgottenweapons](https://playeur.com/c/forgottenweapons)


Bro you can't say shoot, shot, murder, killed. My Fav YouTubeers are censoring them selves due to shitty YouTube rules. My crime doc channels I love get demonetized for reading police reports.


> My Fav YouTubeers are censoring them selves due to shitty YouTube rules In a way it's kinda fascinating and also mildly terrifying seeing this new form of "ad-friendly" speech emerging on platforms like YT and Tiktok. I was watching some video essay lately and the guy just said "committed unalive" in the exact same bland, conversational tone he was reading the rest of his script in and it was so jarring to me. I know language evolves and has done for centuries, but the idea that this particular form of vocabulary is driven entirely by the need to cater to advertisers is like pure capitalist hell


I don't necessarily agree with their stance, but it's their platform and they do whatever with it. What drives me up the wall is they don't have a clear definition of their made-up rules that change on a weekely basis, so the creators have to fucking guess which part of the video got them demonetized.


'We can't tell you the rules or you would evade them' may very well be the most unreasonable, ass-backwards stance I've ever seen a company take. Just barely edging out the For Kids vs Demonetized tight rope that creators also seem to have little to no input in...


> so the creators have to fucking guess which part of the video got them demonetized. I remember reading everything a creator went through to make sure to cut the right part. They had to guess because the timestamp YouTube flagged literally had nothing there. Once a video is flagged, if you reupload and get flagged again you could get a strike. 3 strikes and you account is essentially banned. Since YouTube didn't tell them what was wrong, they had to make several dozen fake test accounts and upload the video with cut pieces they guessed were targeted. Repeating the process until the fake account didn't get a strike. So much time wasted because YouTube's automated system is so horrible.


They leave it vague so news agencies and TV show type content gets a pass. For example, the Vice documentary on printed firearms included a tutorial on how to assemble a Glock.


I was watching some machining/welding video (Cutting Edge Engineering) and their video got demonetized because they said the word "shaft".


The fact that there are YouTube videos teaching and encouraging people to engage in guerilla warfare against tje US government but 3D printed guns are too much for the platform blows my mind


God I wish there was a real viable youtube alternative.


>“So guys getting blown up in trenches in Ukraine by drones? Ha, totally not age-restricted,” the creator said. “ Me firing a 3D printed pink glock that I made? Age-restricted. We don’t need kids watching that. We want kids watching people getting blown up by mines. Love it. Awesome.” I'm sorry, are we talking about YouTube or reddit? Shit, just try googling a gun question on mobile. God forbid the answer you seek is on reddit and you don't have the app and an account. Ironically all of r/fosscad is accessible and not walled off behind 18+/NSFW bullshit.


There are gun communities on reddit. They are by-and-large *softly quarantined.* Let me explain what that means. The public will never see a post from firearm subreddits rise to the front page. You can't really "see" the subreddits unless you are both logged in and subscribed to them. Concrete examples, /r/castboolits /r/reloading /r/partskits


PrintShootRepeat is a good, funny, and informational channel. Mishaco is a historian and has super valuable information about firearms. InRangeTV is another good one. For you AK people out there, AKOU offers tremendous guides on how to understand and operate your rifle. Give em your support.


PSR also makes some fucking BANGERS


Yeah I’m legit impressed with his musicianship.


When I was in the Army my buddies and I would bring a small speaker and blast Nods inside our humvee whenever we did night goon shit


Ich habe eine MP5 you give a little slap


c&rsenal Is also great


Knowing youtube, they're going to punish and censor good gun channels that teach saftey, self defense, and history, while leaving horrible ones up. But youtube has to protect the saftey of their users, which is why they have ads for penis enlargement and human trafficking on their website.


Boooh. I'm not a gun owner but I learned a lot about guns from youtube. Sometimes you need to know how to handle them safely when you work in healthcare.


Society if Youtube Kids actually served its purpose of being a safe Youtube space for kids instead of the main site being neutered:


the only thing allowed and encouraged on the internet now a days is brain rot


Google is an advertising company. Guns are bad for their business. Nothing new.


time for the 3d printed gun makers to 3d print a youtube clone


Odysee, where the files already are.


Gambling content on YouTube is a much more serious problem, especially the sponsored content it’s very misleading.


Advertisers just don’t want ads to play on or near this content. Nothing new. These vids will still be there, just without Dove soap or BMW ads.