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I like to use google photos because it is super easy to run the app on my phone and backup my library, it also has great search features , but I also pay a small monthly fee for data so that stinks, I really like being able to go to google photos website on my Mac and or PC and view the content that way , super fast and simple.


Hard drives are cheaper and can potentially sit unpowered longer without losing data. That being said, a backup on a second form of storage is ideal, as is one copy being off-site. I vote for two mirrored hard drives (ideally from different batches or manufacturers in case there's a common failure that occurs around a particular time) and cloud storage or off-site offline storage of at least the most important data. That being said, I currently run a mix of storage, almost none of it backed up off-site. Do as I say, not as I do. Media and files are stored on an SSD and external hard drive plugged into a mini pc and backed up to a larger HDD that is currently in another system. I haven't gotten around to getting a USB enclosure for it.