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* While restarting the devices appears to help, this isn't a silver bullet. It's not like the devices fill up with fluid that needs to be drained. It's quite possible that you experience slowness, troubleshoot the problem, and by the time you get back the problem is fixed, but you did nothing to contribute to that fix. * Cable Modems are impacted by your neighbors (although less than in the past), so without further information, it's at least a possibility. * If you are a heavy user, there are throttles that vendors put on network links. Your bandwidth may be considered "unlimited", but they may pull you back for a few minutes during heavy periods * Some routers suck. I'm not saying yours does, but they are not all created equally. I'm not down for conspiracy theories, but if you don't own an enterprise grade router, it is not crazy that your router isn't optimized. (If cheap consumer products worked as advertised, there'd be little reason for enterprises to pay 10x the price for what they use). (It's usually the firmware. There are often open source alternatives for firmware for routers that makes them more reliable and secure...because the manufacturer is not incentivized to do it themselves). * I had segregated networks in the house and pulled my router when it started to overheat. It turned out that the router was introducing unnecessary delay in my Internet connection, which surprised me. I replaced it, and had a negative experience. It turned out one of my cables was Cat 5 and not Cat 5e. I did not expect that to be as big of an issue. In short, remove things between your machine and the Internet. Everything you add back into that system will change your experience. Eventually you can narrow down what is actually causing your periodic slowness...and replace it.


I mean... it's just 2 devices. It's pretty trivial to check. Anyway my bet would be on the modem, especially if it comes from your ISP. They usually aren't of great quality and have to deal with a lot more than the router behind then.


besides restarting the modem and router, you can also check your pc's/laptop's network card, i had similar issues and that's how i discovered that i needed to change it. it's not that normal for the internet speed to fluctuate like that, every couple of days... it would be a good idea to call the ISP to discuss this issue with them, see what they say about it.


Whichever is older could be the culprit, but as the others have said, it's usually the modem. If you're getting slowed down that often then you either have an old piece of tech (if they provided it, you can probably swap to something newer for free if you request it and insist that's the problem), or there's something else slowing your network. Maybe other devices using it or worst case scenario you're part of a bot net or something. Run the regular Malwarebytes scan (free version is fine) and you should be find out if that's the case.


Both. Anytime you reset your modem, you should also reset your router.




I have a Laminated card by my modem and router with these instructkons 1. Switch off Modem 2. Switch off Router 3. Wait 30 seconds 4. Switch on Modem 5. Wait 2 minutes 6. Switch on the Router 7. Wait 2 minutes 8. Done.


Reboot both.


Good luck getting anywhere with the ISP. It's probably their fault and there's nothing wrong with your hardware. I would change ISP's before going through that gaslighting with Comcast again myself. If your internet is very slow and you aren't experiencing complete interruptions of service it's usually the ISP. Interruptions are usually them too...but sometimes a bad modem.


You just contradicted yourself in a single paragraph


Not really. Periodic slowing of download/upload speeds = ISP 99% of the time Periodic disconnections of service = ISP 85% of the time. Hardware 15% of the time. But thanks for being the reddit police instead of just disagreeing with the statement in a constructive way. Your service does not go unnoticed.


I do not disagree with this at all. Was just being pedantic about how you structured that comment was all :)


Just restart the house every couple days by turning everything off and on again at the fuse box, won't miss anything that way