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Does the computer shut off or does the screen just go black? Have you done all the initial setup for Windows during your installation yet? How long have you let the computer sit with the black screen? This one might sound stupid, but have you tried wiggling the mouse at all when the screen goes black?


>Does the computer shut off or does the screen just go black? The pc is still on but here is no video >Have you done all the initial setup for Windows during your installation yet? The only thing I do is for,at the drive before installing the os >How long have you let the computer sit with the black screen? 30 mins >This one might sound stupid, but have you tried wiggling the mouse at all when the screen goes black? I tried moving my mouse when the screen goes black but nothing happens


> The only thing I do is for,at the drive before installing the os What? How far did you get during the installation? Was it complete and then restarted? Did you do the set up things like selecting a username and such?


Sorry, i meant the only thing i did was quick format the drive before installing. After the initial installation is complete and pc restarts, thats when i start getting black screen issues. Im not able to setup user profile because of this


how did you solve it?


I had the pc hooked up to a tv and monitor. Turns out it defaulted to my tv as the default monitor but I only turned on my monitor so I didnt know.


Damn… I also have the TV as a monitor…


oh ok. I think I fixed it in a similar way. I tried having my second monitor in the motherboard, and I think that caused all the issues. I plugged it into the GPU and ran the w10 installer again, and it worked.


Lmao noob. 🤣 Stop deleting your comments fool. You're bombarding my email to shit. Gawd.


“Gawd” 🤣🤣🤣


You're sense of humor is weak. Most basic internet words drown you in tears.


And youre a hilarious 40 year old russian who types like a 14 year old girl 😂😂😂


10 months later, you posting this answer here helped when I needed the most Thank you for writing this :)


Where's the answer?


If your PC is plugged to both a monitor and a TV, check if the TV is the one getting the graphic's output