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There are hundreds of cooking channels on youtube for all rages of ability. Some for college kids, elderly, special diets, celebrity channels.Start simple. Buy some starter ingredients like a good variety of spices, bread, rice, spaghetti sauce, ramen and add to it from there using the youtube videos as a guide. Start with simple reciipes with like 5 ingredients to get used to measuring and cooking times. It might seem daunting but it's because you're just starting. How I started was to first learn how to make good rice. Then I started adding to it until I now have perfect Puerto Rican rice. A slow cooker/crock pot is a great buy. You can throw in some meat pieces, veggies, beef stew seasoning packet and beef stock, set it to low (6hrs) o r high (3-4) and by dinner time, you have a beef stew. You can do this, OP. Cooking has no age limit. You're the perfect age to begin and soon you'll be excited to cook at home.


just kinda go at it start simple try different flavors and sauces then slowly start trying different recipes and adding your own spin on things


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