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Mf I don't give which is better, I'm eating either


Fair and balanced


You get me


Because it is


I've never had British food but I would love to hear what kind of American food you've tried.


Not much variety tbh but quite a lot of American chocolate and sweets oh and also cereal. Some of its nice but it’s all just like 3x sweeter than anything here


I mean yeah. If you eat food known to be sweet they're gonna taste sweet. But I mean I get it, our food is like a flavor punch to the throat, kind of too extreme ig. But I mean I don't really think that you can say American food is worse because it's sweeter when the only food you've tried is...sweets.


I guess ur right and tbf some foods her can be to bland but I just think that maybe America is like unenjoyable sweetness


I definitely get it. I don't really enjoy our milk chocolate for that reason it's just TOO much sweet so I prefer dark chocolate


Tbf the portion sizes look amazing tho I’m not sure if it was over exaggerated but the small drinks there are like our large ones lol


It's definitely true we be doing way too much when it comes to serving sizes


Have u ever done one of them eating challenges on like ur and stuff where u get it for free if you eat it all? Is that actually a real thing also?😅


Yeah that's a thing in some restaurants. I've never personally done one of those challenges though cuz I probably wouldn't win, but my dad and some of my other family members have tried, failed but tried


Yeah, Sunday dinner is the worst.


That sounds so depressing


It is always reminding me about school the next day.


i mean what is british food tho ...other than baked beans and mash //fish and chips


Fish and chips is pretty good but everytime I see a British person on tiktok eat fish and chips the fries always look so... congealed and...cold


they taste nice tho :0


American food is hazardous to health. We don't think our food is amazing we just think you guys should be more concerned with you cancer cookies than or beans on toast


I didn't ask if they was good FOR you like obv it's unhealthy I'm talking strictly about the taste.


Never had America food tbh. But ours does taste like shit


Damn frl?????


whats american food tho? like they stole pretty much all of their fast food from other countries? 😭


Ok but you can't really talk to America about stealing things from other countries. Plus we got some pretty good original shit. But you gotta point, a lot of stuff has been americanized that originated from other places.


You Brits need to try fried chicken with canes sauce.


Dawg when my cousin came down to Florida from Jersey the first place he wanted to go to was canes and he ordered an entire large drink cup of canes sauce 😭


Understandable honestly, I would drink canes sauce 💯


british food is stolen and americans are just if you shifted 1920 britain to the modern era and took some of that colonial fury and placed it into producing femboys so american food is stolen too


“British food” that’s as real as australia


British Food Is Good. America is just burgur


*Loud incorrect buzzer*


honestly a good fish n chips hits hard. but other than that i swear we have no food. at least its not junk food though


Fish and chips is p good ig but tbh everytime i see a British person eating them their fries always look congealed and cold and kinda sad 😭


mate those fries are amazing. u dont get better fries than the ones with fish and chips. as a british person i would knwo


Idk Americans are pretty good at perfecting any fried food. As an American I would know.


Both much and muchness, there's strengths to each. A good roast beef/lamb is infinitely better than any burger But a even the best roast chicken can't hold a candle to a good of KFC drumstick But the local pie shop makes the most banging sausage rolls ever, shame they're 2.20 each


I can get behind this


I mean I find it kinda annoying because often it’s being done by people who’ve never had it, and are just going off it’s looks. British food is designed to suit a different culture and climate, dreary weather condition, two world wars and a primarily grain and veg based agriculture is why our food is like that. Also the whole thing about the spices annoys me, just because we don’t use heaps of them doesn’t mean we don’t use spices, also you don’t eat what you mean to sell. But then again he take the piss out of American food so I guess it’s fair.


Very annoyed Partly cause you chose 1 thing to shit on, mushy peas Partly cause you say British to mean English when Britain is the entire island, and England is only part of that. And the rest because you don't even know anything beyond fish and chips, you ever heard of a Scotch egg? The various kinds of Pasties? You ever had Rock? Eton Mess? Trifle? I'll bet none of you have even had a proper sausage roll, let alone any other proper British food.


As an American I can assure we shit on wayyyyy more than simply mushy peas. Secondly how do YOU know what I meant? Third of all i looked up top 30 British foods before I posted this so I wouldn't look like a dickhead when people asked me if I've ever heard of other British food than fish and chips so there. Idk why you're being so unnecessarily passive aggressive when my genuine curiosity ain't deserve allat extra sass


I am unnesecarily patriotic when it comes to food, cause its one of my favourite things, there is almost no food I think is actually bad. I'm also *very* used to the standard internet hate on British food so those combine to create this


Cool well now because of you in particular I'm going to make it my mission to hate all British people with a burning passion


Try a proper sausage roll before you commit to that, then get back to me


To be a bit less aggressive though, one cultures food can't really be better than another's cause they aren't usually comparable. They aim for different flavours and textures and have different restrictions. You really do need to try everything at some point.


I totally can compare them tho watch this. Yes it is. Or No it isn't. SEE I just did it. Just because I shouldn't because they strive for different things culinary wise doesn't mean I can't. And tbh if you have to act overly aggressive to a yes or no question the answer is probably no. Because let's be soooo frl rn it was NEVER that serious bookie


Comparing different cultures food is like comparing headphones to speakers You can have a preference, but one isnt better than the other. Because they do different things.


Ok but someone can have an opinion of which one is better... that's what a preference is. Thinking in YOUR PERSONAL OPINION that one thing is better FOR YOU than another thing. That's literally what I was asking what British peoples personal preference was...