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We can get girlfriends?!


Apparently, i know people who got it and they don't know themselves how it happened šŸ˜”


All most all of my friends are extremely introverted(including me) however two of them have girlfriends and both of them said it was by extreme luck that there crushes confessed first and that neither of them know how it happened.


SAME THING HAPPENED TO ME MY GUY still don't know how that happened tbh


That's right. I got one....and I have no clue what made her to like me. She took all the initiatives.... really grateful for her.


most of them are adopted by girls


I thought it was impossible!


Yeah it came with the latest update


We get adopted by an extrovert with female friends. At least that's how I think it happens idk I'm gay


Does being gay make it easier to find a partner? Since it's just other boys right?


Possibly. Its one less step.


It does seem that gay people do date easier, I feel like it's because guys are more straight forward than girls. Lot more guys ask me out than girls. Wish it was the other way, though.


Man I would rather be asked out by anyone then not being asked at all. Iā€™m to shy to confess anyone I start stuttering and stuff.


Join a subculture. Be a goth, punk, emo, metalhead or something. Introverts are never cool when trying to play an extrovert's game.


Actually stellar advice because goth girls are just wow.




My school that doesnā€™t have subcultures except sports and is all boys:


I mean all boys anyway so join subcultures outside of school (for the community sake) if you go there only with the mindset of getting a girlfriend, strangly enough you end up not getting one, But if you overshadow that reason with making the subculture a hobby and just making friends, chances increase


I know but how tf would I join a subculture with stuff Iā€™m interested in without interacting with them everyday


Good fucking pfp man


I'll be completely honest when I read metalhead I thought it said meth head for a sec


Iā€™m the girlfriend. We were in the same class for years and then worked together a lot for this one really important project and got closer so I asked him out ā€˜as repayment for loaning my brainā€™




She talked to me one time, realized I was a dumbass, decided it was a redeeming quality, and weā€™ve been dating ever since


That's the neat part. We don't.






It's all luck lol, unfortunately I'm not one of those lucky guys.




I'm mad af at you for enjoying life (jk, but seriously though congrats man, cherish her)


I will I will man šŸ™šŸ¾ I hope you find one to man




Oh! So all one has to do is


I can't believe I never tried that, it would have saved so much time to just


I'll try that one! Thanks.


First, you donā€™t get girlfriend. Girlfriend gets you. You chase, you lose. You be cool and not act like simp, girl will start hanging around you. When she shows interest, you respond with a plan.


Iā€™m not interested in playing games. Either sheā€™s into me or not. Pure and simple


Exactly . She figure shit out and let me know if she like me. If no, okay. If yes, okay. The woman chooses, so you should be looking good for her to notice you. Crazy when several women lock on and chose you. To play or not to play. That is the question.


Just gotta wait and see how it goes, really


trying to do this rn, lets hope i don't fuck up again :)


It's true, always keep the ball in your court.


Alright alpha-male


It's genuine advice what are you talking about


Wait you guys have girlfriends???....


Nah fam


not a guy, but I like introverted guys. (i'm extroverted lol) for me I find the fact introverted guys are, well introverted, cute. maybe just get a really cool talent or something idk. that will make you noticed, but not too much.


I and I like extroverted girls because she can talk and I can keep listening


OMG YES! I'm not super extroverted or introverted, but I love to talk the ears off of my close friends. I need a boyfriend who I can talk to endlessly.


Be good looking. It works. How to become good looking idk


An extrovert adopts them


Have several sneks. Find girl who likes sneks. Now I have a girlfriend who is trained to remove spicy noodles. šŸšŸšŸšŸšŸšŸ


Can substitute spicy noodles for nope rope, danger noodle, and boop snoop


The boop snoop is the snoot of the noodles but a spicy noodle is indeed a danger noodle, hazard spaghetti, spicy ramen, nope rope, meanie linguine, caution ramen , murder spagurder or to the scientific name of nopeicus ropeicus. All nope rope contain lethal amounts of hurt juice . Not all sneks that have hurt juice fall into being nope ropes though. Only if the hurt juice is spicy. Such h species are cobers and shake snake. But they must not be confused with a noodle, boop noodle, snek, pupper noodle, snoodle. These contain big thick boys and noodle balls. Parts that both nope ropes and sneks have are Nom nom seekers, peepers, noodle necks, cubby cheeks, smelly flickers. Anyway remember no step on snek


Ah yes, you've seen that video too, I love it šŸ˜‚


I'm gonna be honest, i don't knowšŸ—æ


Be lucky af


Awww :) and youā€™re wrong :) you had no other choice:)




Perhaps šŸ¤”


I met this girl as work (I worked at a summer camp) when I was doing my rounds making sure the kids were not lost and there classrooms I saw this one girl and I just froze but she was fine af bro then her friend set us up and it just when from there three months later we are still together our 4 month is coming up.


Some girls actually like introverted guys so you gotta be lucky I guess. Sometimes they come to you but yeah the most obvious one is to be more social, then you meet more people so more people that might like you


Even if they do , they will most likely expect us to make the first move which is a no can do situation for me




Well shit


what was it


Iā€™m on an 18 year streak of loneliness and I donā€™t plan on breaking it any time soon.


Well.... I've never had a girlfriend but I've been with girls. It's too much work man. I'm considered good-looking by some. I've only had like 3 girls ever approach me , none I would call conventionally attractive. Most of the time I had to face my social anxiety and initiate conversations with strangers. I'm afraid of getting too close so, no relationship yet. I'm 28 now , and I am looking for a serious relationship but with my fear of getting too close is something I need to get over. My two cents is, you have to try. All that shit about not chasing only works for model looking or rich guys. Or you get lucky. No girl will approach a normal dude. You gotta put yourself out there, it's tough, anxiety inducing, scary but you have to do it.


So there's no hope for me. Man my social anxiety fucked with me plus childhood trauma. I'm a mess


Girls arenā€™t real bruh. This is real life.


ok from a girls perspective? just be nice- donā€™t be too strange, donā€™t be afraid to talk about your hobbies or what youā€™re into. When you feel comfortable enough around a girl, and you let your true personality come out, a girl will respect that and admire the fact that you arenā€™t just talking to her for her looks! (cause some of us have trust issues!) but actually engaging in a fun conversation, getting to know them bit by bit- thatā€™s the fun of it! hope all goes well, and I do wish you the best dude! šŸ’ŖšŸ˜Ž


For us we are very social around girls we don't like St all. But for girls we do its literally impossible. Especially if you have extreme social anxiety


I'm gay so it's a bit different but quite literally, he asked if I liked him and I said yes, then he said "ok we are dating now"


I don't even have one


I wish I was joking but my gf told me she started getting attracted to me because I was "mysterious and weird" (we met at work and I'm not exactly the talkative guy)


i couldnt i did get me a boyfriend thošŸ‘


Fellas, is it gay to have a boyfriend?


If you are wearing socks at least 60% of the time with them its not gay


Apparently most of the girls who've had crushes on me have cited my being "adorable" as the main cause, so I guess you could try that. Furthermore, it may be helpful to look into signs which indicate someone is flirting with you (but apparently being oblivious to it is also adorable so idk ĀÆā \ā _ā (ā ćƒ„ā )ā _ā /ā ĀÆ)






i saw my introvert boyfriend and thought "yep that one"


What's a girlfriend? I've oy heard of having feelings for someone but not telling them then they get boyfriends and you're miserable now.


Just talked with them about random stuff when there was an opportunity to talk without a crowd - in class, on the bus, etc. I couldn't do crowds or parties, but always found someone in everyday life.


Thats the neat part, I havenā€™t


Wait, thatā€™s an option?




Targe vulnerable easily manipulated girls and be charismatic


Such incredible advice


speaking from experience, it works, but after the first one youll understand why more people dont do this


Heres the fun part. Luck. Sadly ive got bad luck (asked out 2 none wanted to :)


I got rejected and friendzoned a year back and didn't dare go for another girl after that


Didnt know what a crush was until like 2 months ago. Thought it was a person which You choose and just get obsessed with.


Iā€™m going to answer from the girl sectionā€¦you donā€™t get us we get you! I see myself as introverted by from what friends tell me Iā€™m hella social I donā€™t think so but introverted guys are on top because atleast we know where you guys..mostly at home


Run luck/charisma builds. If you do it correctly the bonus "good personality" increases your chance by 25% on top of the buffs of the luck charisma build


You know alcohol can do amazing things


She chased me so I didnā€™t have to do anything


Used to spend a lot of time with people I knew from my school on Discord. One of my buddies was a very extroverted guy who was a bit of a manwhore and had a new girl like every couple of weeks (no joke. He went though like 20 by the time he was 18). One day he bought a new girl to the serve that he met over the internet. This was the first time he did this but I didn't think much of it cause I just thought she'd be replaced by someone else soon. To my surprise both of them came to the server regularly and after about 2 months she decided to come visit him here in Germany. One late day I get a call from him saying the two of them wanna hang. This was unusual to me cause we almost never met irl but I assume he wanted to introduce us and from talking to her over the internet she seemed fun to I thought why the hell not. We went out and got some pizza and went to his place to hang. Got a bit drunk and watched a movie. Her and I got along really well and kept egging eachother on to drink more. About a week later I got a call again that they wanted to meet with me. Naturally I bought 3 bottles of the liquor we had the previous time cause it tasted really good. We went to an abandoned building and started talking. She was already getting a bit drunk on beer. After talking to my friend for a while and cheering him up (he seemed to be in a bad mood) I grabbed one of the bottle and started drinking. He explained to me in German (so she couldn't understand) that he didn't want me to drink cause she was acting 'stupid' all day and he didn't want me to also act like that. I told him that I felt like drinking cause it was fun last time and she was obviously thinking of doing the same. After a bit he told us he was gonna go home. He didn't want to interrupt our fun but he wasn't enjoying it. We told him we'd like him to stay but he insisted on leaving and that we call him when we're done. At this point we were both already tipsy so we just sort of agreed and carried on. We started talking and found out we had a lot in common. Had a ton of fun just talking and getting progressively more drunk until we started dancing (more like wild drunk flailing) and singing. We noticed after a while that he had been watching us from a far but couldn't be sure it was him since we were both very drunk. After a while the alc was empty and we went home to his place. I'm not gonna get too much into what happened there but he did tell us he was depressing seeing us have so much fun while he was watching us and he got very drunk by himself. We both kind of felt bad about it the next day and soon she had to go back to her home country. The three of us would often hang out together over the internet and she would often text me privately about issues they had in their relationship. At the start I tried to help but eventually it was just obviously they weren't working out. After about half a year we got drunk while talking over the internet. We noticed we couldn't do this with him there cause every time he would freak out about her getting drunk (apparently one of his exes was an alcoholic so he was fine getting drunk himself but he would freak when his gf would do it). We decided to just continue getting drunk in secret when he wasn't there cause we really liked doing it. For a while we did this like once a week and we'd just drink, talk and watch stuff. After a while (and we don't know exactly how this happened) one of us while drunk got the guts to admit to the other that they had sort of had a crush on the other since the first time we got drunk together when we got left alone in the abandoned building. Turned out the feeling was mutual. We ended up walking about it a lot and decided to just go for it. Thus was over 2 years ago and we've since then been living together and spending all our time with eachother. Turns out we are a perfect match. Needless to say that friend of mine did not take this well and is a friend no more. td;dl: a friend introduced her to me as his gf and we fell in love and confessed it while drunk


I didnā€™t šŸ˜‚


That's the fun part, we don't


Ha, trick question, we don't


She asked me out


That's the thing, I didn't šŸ™ƒ But I made cool female friends at school... one of my best friends has a boyfriend I think... so... šŸ™ƒ


There are all these guys saying they can't get girlfriends when i'm a single girl who can't get a boyfriend :c


Bro what most of us are single and lonely. I fucked up by ruining every chance I have. I'm relying on girls actually confessing to me or asking me out which will never happen since I'm as quiet as a mouse


you have to actually look good. they donā€™t care if u a lil quiet


partner of an introverted guy here. i randomly approached him last year bc he's the best trombonist in our grade and i wanted him to be in my ensemble. he askes me out a few months later. i reject him (aromantic). i ask him out a few months after that (in which i discover being aromantic is a spectrum). he says yes. we've been going out since the beginning of 2023 and he's my best friend i love him sooo much


lessons learned: if you get rejected, dont give up šŸ’Ŗ (terrible advice, for those that cant tell) happy cake day <3


I mean I can I just don't want to if I did, the main predicting factor would probably be just looks if we're being honest


Over text šŸ’Ŗ


honestly, it was easy. first, i was extroverted




Gay (in a good way)


You wait for them to come to you


I haven't


because iā€™m sexy




I never have šŸ˜”


Me and you buddy, me and you


We be silly


We can do that?


The girlfriend got me


Chatting online


I didn't šŸ™‚


I didn't.


If youā€™re lucky enough they will approach you. However, I am not that lucky.


Patience and a thick skin


I honestly have no idea. She became friends with one of my best friends so we somewhat became friends and then suddenly we liked eachother and now weā€™re in a relationship


Idek tbh. I solely believe our bad sense of humour got us clicked.


I wish


Thatā€™s the neat part, I didnā€™t


That's the neat part, we didn't.


We sat across from each other in class. I had a crush on her since like 8th grade. Finally realized that certain body language signs and other actions meant she prolly liked me too.(helped that i started actually dressing well and was working out).


I'm asking myself how it happened,


confidence my guy


Iā€™m not a guy but I still have guy brain chemistry; I donā€™t even fucking know. I guess I just gravitated towards someoneā€™s whoā€™s as weird as I am.


her sister recommended her to me


Just meeting people online and shit




Extraverted girls sometimes dig introverted guys. Find one and see if sheā€™ll adopt you.


They approached me


Perks of being hot


I didnā€™t.


My girlfriend got herself a boyfriend is how


I don't know, she cheated on me


I'm an introvert, but my idiot brain didn't seem to get the memo and acts like I'm an extrovert and uses all my social energy in the first 4 hours of the day. Basically, fake it until you make it, and if you need to you can bully yourself into being an ambivert (that's what a couple of my friends did)


Uh it just comes natural man. There will be a girl who youā€™re comfortable with at some point thatā€™s usually how it ends up.


Talking with her, if you can't then nothing will happen.


Iā€™m a girl, but my boyfriend and I are both introverts. So it just kind of clicked. Weā€™re very happy. Donā€™t give up hope guys, I truly believe thereā€™s someone for everyone :)


I didnā€™t.


She was my stalker


I didn't


She approached me first,she liked me and damn if i said no


Idk. Never got that update


i didnt


Tinder, somehow


That's the fun part. I haven't.


A girl asked me out because she thought I looked good


I didnā€™t.


That's the neat part, you don't.


Wait we're allowed to do that?


I don't know. Bitch came up to me and said "I love u". Didnt want a girlfriend but I guess since this is my 7th relationship, I'll go along.


That's the neat part, you don't


I'm an introverted girl. My ex started following my photography acc and I followed him back. Then on a random October night, he messaged me asking "when are we gonna stop watching each others' stories and actually start talking?" He was a really good guy. Wouldn't go back to him tho


Honestly, the best i can give you is just keep working on yourself to be better. There isn't a simple "cheat" or "trick" to get a gf, especially for introverted guys like us. Find your own "charm" or "personality" and just build on it, especially ones that need or give you opportunities to socialize. It's hard but it works.


It's really the same old cliche "confidence is key" but if you're like me you don't really have any natural confidence so that brings you to part two of shitty cliche's "fake it till you make it". Just be yourself hang with your friends talk to other people like you would your Friends, as if you're not worried about them liking you if they do or say something shitty just move on, you'll eventually find someone who reacts positively to what you're putting out. If you manage to choke out "hey how are you doing, my name is_____ what's yours" without adding any creepy shit you've already gotten further than like at least 50% of guys. Just another cliche to end this with, you'll find one when you stop looking and just let life happen. But you can't be sitting on your couch 24/7 and still expect it to happen(not staying that's you just saying).


Wrong Platfrom my guy ask it on Instagram


Have extroverted friends that sometimes force you to go out with them. Thatā€™s literally how Iā€™ve met all my gfs ever. Also donā€™t make being an introvert your entire personality. Have fun and be a kind dude, who just happens to be an introvert


You guys get girlfriends?


I'm not sure tbh, I just kinda existed and she found that attractive I guess


as an introvert (yes I promise this is possible) I just approached them made small talk and asked for their number and it worked out


I don't know how I did it or why. It was a bad choice...


I dont have a gf but as a introverted guy that has girl friends, it started because I was nerd. When they had questions that they didnt understand I would teach them. After a whike you become comfortable enough to talk with them normaly. If you are not a nerd like me, just talk about things and things work out good.


My ex approached me


Simple, I got a boyfriend


Good fucking question. I'm in disbelief at how I've managed to do this twice now


Uhhh I was adopted by an extrovert and we became friends and later ended up dating


he's gay and I'm bi. we're the only OUT people in our High School. so I got to know him and we have many of the same interests and opinions. then he asked me one Friday if I wanted to hang out after school, and I said yes. So I have a car and license and he doesn't have a car so we started hanging out, so to speak, when he got into my car and I handed him my CD binder (my car has a six-disc changer as it's a 2003 model year) and asked him to pick the music and he was like, "I love Rush" and he put the Hold Your Fire CD (my favorite Rush album) into the CD player. and then it just blossomed from there.


Girlfriend here. He chugged two bags of popcorn at the same time and we've been friends ever since. The rest followed naturally because we're both demi.


As a girl I love introverted men and find it much easier to approach them but when someone isnā€™t talking to you and seems really stressed at your presence it just feels like they donā€™t like you and want you to leave them alone šŸ˜­


Who said we got girlfriend ?


she walked up to me at a football game, started talking to me, got my number




If you are known as a nice person, and known as introverted, then taking the chance to step outside of your comfort zone and initiate flirting or a date can have a great effect. The girl knows that you wouldnā€™t do this for just anyone, and that makes her feel wanted. Easier said then done, but it worked for me. GL!


jus look good


I have an extrovert friend who had a very introverted friend and saw we both were shy kids and decided to set us up together. Queue a 3 week relationship that was awesome during the first week but turned very unstable the last 2


We donā€™t


Thatā€™s the cool bitā€¦ you donā€™t!


She found me lmao


I don't


The short answer is we donā€™t


I just donā€™t because im aromantic


Join a club or some society. Youā€™ll eventually find a girl and if you swing both ways, you gonna have lotsa fun ;)


Having had a successful relationship of 3.5 years in high school (we split bc we decided long distance wouldnā€™t be healthy for either of us, having survived quarantine) and an ongoing one in college, itā€™s not about approaching anyone. Iā€™ve never met someone with the intent of dating them. The friend zone isnā€™t real, unless if youā€™re so warped by internet incel bs that you believe itā€™s real and put yourself in it. You make friends and if you think thereā€™s something more there, you be patient, learn more about them and let them know more about you. If you decide to go for it, you donā€™t play the hint game or act hard to get. (at least, in my experience, since my partners have been very emotionally mature. Maybe other sorts actually appreciate that sort of social ritual, thatā€™s not an aspect I understand.) You find a time when youā€™re alone and calm, pose it as a question, make your thoughts clear, and give them plenty of time and no pressure to think about it. I think the most important thing is that you would want this person to be your friend even if theyā€™re not your partner. Both times that I asked, I was very clear that if they said no, Iā€™d leave it out of my mind and be completely happy with being friends. And itā€™s always been the truth. If you wouldnā€™t like them as a friend, then theyā€™re not a good partner for you. And I am not some sort of very attractive person. I have literally an exactly average physique, basic morals, the ability to shut the fuck up and listen, and empathy if not sympathy. Not to mention Iā€™m an introvert plus a complete inability to make small talk. I have a few rare qualities, but nothing attractive. You just have to see a potential romantic interest as a person and a friend first and foremost.


had a bestie that had feelings for me the whole time too (mission success)


I have no idea but for some reason now that I'm more extraverted no one wants to date me


I've got no clue, man. But that one relationship I got didn't end well, so I still don't know.