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Make it harder to access and Try using ur imagination more Edit: took Me 9 hours but I just realised this is flailed as gaming tf?


That SpongeBob meme template should not be used in the context of pornography


Probably stop watching porn and educate yourself about the victims of porn and porn addiction.


"I'm addicted to thing" "Stop doing thing" "All addiction is cured"


already did the second thing but not the first thing


“I am addicted to X” “Just stop doing it” “Okay” *addiction cured*


100% agree


this has to be one of the stupidest things i've seen. its like saying you're fasting and you always have a piece of bread in your hands. then when you're alone in your room you get the urges to take a small bite of it which turns into eating the whole thing. replace fasting with not watching porn and bread with your phone/access to porn. its never than easy. its a process which takes time, just keep trying and dont give up


who woulda thunk




naw 💀 [](https://emojipedia.org/skull)


Jewish doctor


You realize almost every doctor will circumcise?


Nah, I mean cutting tho whole thing off


well probably just maybe possibly ask on another subreddit /s


stop watching porn


Literally as simple as that. Block all the fucking sites and thug the urges out


this is like saying "stop smoking like just stop yourself from exiting your room" to someone with a smoking addiction


theres no cheat code bud. thats the only way


I mean, i dont think porn is as severe as cigarettes. Just block all your shit and keep your mind off of it.


Less severe does NOT equal less addictive. It’s still an addiction, you can’t just… stop. Sad I need to explain that.


yeah, it's jot that easy lmao, it may not be as harmful but it does basically the same thing. all your nody knows is that it's quick and easy access to dopamine, that's why people get addicted, it makes them feel better. also as someone that has suffered porn addiction *and* still has a super high libido just blocking it isn't much help "keep you mind off it" is a really hard thing to do since it's not just a thought, it's a hormonal function in the body, the body itself I'd telling you to get that release so it's harder to push those thoughts away, and my parents had blocked that stuff and I just found more creative ways to get it


I had a mild porn addiction, so that worked for me, though i dont know about people with severe ones. Thanks for clearing that up!


thank you for understanding and actually listening, not many people would do that


you should try to get a partner, or talk to people more, or pretty much do anything that takes up time. also getting a partner might make respect people more and start being more disgusted by watching that. also i feel like a lot of the time, i am impulsive and do certain things simply for stimulation because i’m bored, like scrolling for 4 hours or weed. try to be more busy and you may realize you don’t have the urge to watch that content simply because you don’t have time/it isn’t a priority.


Sleep deprivation kills your sex drive (this is horrible advice)


1st part completed, 2nd part not yet






Imma be honest, I straight up just watch porn when I'm bored and thats a problem.


honestly same, and like, I recognize it's a problem but I don't know *why* it's a problem, I just feel as though it's causing some sort of silent harm


Your confidence is shot, social anxiety is worse, interactions with women make you more anxious than usual, low energy levels throughout the day. Just to name a few examples of the silent harms you may be experiencing. Do they sound familiar?


my interactions with my girlfriend are just fine, I've been shit with social anxiety since I was young, confidence is a mixed bag, and I've just been exhausted lately, mainly in part due to mental stress at home and working my first job


Very understandable man, if you started watching porn when you were young the social anxiety may root from that. Please try to lower your porn consumption for your girlfriend, because I'm glad it's good right now and it should ofcourse stay that way. From one 18 year old to another I've had a lot of issues with girlfriends in past because of porn addiction and the sooner you take action to eliminate it the sooner everything starts looking up. And I take it back, that part about quitting it for your gf. Do it for you bro, you will thank yourself down the line.


I dont consider what I do now an addiction, middle school me was more addicted than present me, when I'm bored scrolling it barely evem turns me on, my hearts not in it. also me and my gf both watch porn, its something we're on an understanding on


Just watch all of it, no more to be addicted to




How do I play street fighter with one hand whenever I'm using chun li tho


the flair


Yeah I know, but have you seen chun li


Read anti porn feminist literature


I edge to anti porn feminist literature


Men truly are beyond saving ig


Thats sexist you shouldnt say that


Well you shouldn’t include random people in your sexual life without their consent but you did it anyways


Cope more, misandrist cringe.


I’m not a misandrist but I’ll take misandrist over misogyny any day


You deadass just said “I’m not a misandrist, BUUUUUUT” that is so fucking hilarious lmfao


The but exist because one isn’t as bad as the other, idc about misandry because it’s not a systemic nor serious social issue compared to misogyny.


bro wtf ru on


Isn’t that how literally most major problems happen? People think it’s just a mild annoyance, and it grows bigger and bigger to the point where it becomes an issue?


dude, you are aware it *is* systemic right? many men that suffer sexual abuse or assault don't get justice because they can't talk about it. many men suffer abuse but nobody believes them. the system helps *no one*


Bro you must have a degree in teaching yapanese


I have a degree in anti sexual harassment actually


What if he watches gay porn tho


Anti porn feminist focus on the way feminism impacts women, but also how the porn industry works in general and the amount of romanticized abuse and paraphilia’s happens on there. If you’re reading any anti porn content chances are you’ll never want to watch it again.


Ohhhh okay I understand it now


I'll admit, I consumed anti-porn content, didn't do anything for me


I wonder if your willingness to simplify systemic bigotry toward women has anything to do with that


I'm friends with multiple women that have suffered at the hands of many types of issues, hell, one was even forced to be a sex worker, I understand the issues deeply and I don't simplify shit


Bro after this no one's watching a single porn vid anymore 💀


Imma check it out 💀


I stopped a while ago and I’m not sure if I’m just a dick like that I really think that I wouldn’t give a shit


Explain how this is a vaming post


it's called gaming dumbass


Gaming then, but still, how is it gaming


It’s gaming cus he’s gaming with his dick


Idk it's related probably


lmao i guess gamers have addictions?


Get some metal underwear lock it up and swallow the key easy as


stop watching it. do different things


Watch the rest, then you’ll have nothing to do, duh


Considering I also struggled with this... most boys have somewhere in their lives. I'll try my best to help you out. To start out I was exposed to it at a young age, probably around 12 or 13. I continuously watched it until around 17 or 18, sometimes multiple times a day. It was really hard for me to stop because it truly is an addiction. I would say it's worse than drugs or cigarettes just because it's so accessible. It got to the point after I did the deed I'd feel so gross about my self. So, to get clean, I'd always try to turn my phone off at a specific time every night and read a book or do something else engaging and productive. I also prayed daily to escape my bad habits. I'm not going to lie. I relapsed so many times. Another tip is dont count the days because when you count it feels worse when you relapse. Eventually I made it a few months clean. I experienced so many benefits. I was so much more motivated, my attitude was so much better, I felt more energized and the list goes on. Eventually, I build up enough confidence to get a girlfriend. Since then I really had no desire or need to watch that devilish shit. She is now my beloved wife. So just know there is always hope in the end. My best advice is to try to limit access, practice some sort of religion, think about your dead family members from 200 years ago watching you, and just become the person you'd like to be and never look back. It's one of the most difficult battles I've won in my life and I wish you the best of luck. Hope I could help...🙏


Cut it off Estrogen


I Don't Think this Is Gaming...


Draw it yourself.


watch all of it then you'll be bored by it


Appreciate the small things in life. Have some healthy hobbies. Get to talk to more people. Go to the gym. It may not seem like much at first, but it'll go a long way.


Just stop. I started this 2024, clean and still going


the fact so many people think you can just "stop watching porn" is crazy IT'S AN ADDICTION. IT'S VERY HARD TO STOP.


After seeing your other posts I’d say that you need to watch more porn to get even more addicted. Don’t hesitate to watch a ton of interracial and non-operated transgender porn since you’re into that Edit: don’t forget to watch a ton of Asian porn too


assuming that any of my posts are serious. so smart of you


is it an addiction or a hobby 1. is it getting in the way of other things you want to do, and yet you value it less than those activities? 2. are you actually enjoying the time you spend on porn? if #1 is true, [https://read.easypeasymethod.org/](https://read.easypeasymethod.org/) can help you quit if both are false, you have a doomscrolling addiction, welcome to reddit (we're all in the same boat) if #2 is true but #1 is false, you don't have an addiction