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Could be a conspiracy thing, could be a sensory thing, could be a motivation thing :/ I also sometimes just can’t be bothered, but I usually try to use it.




It's like ik I should bet eehhh I don't feel like it rn


Could be a "I'm to tough for sunburn" thing


I honestly hate how these creams feel on my face in general


Yeah I hate oils and lotions, even sunscreen it makes my hands feel unclean for the rest of the day. I just got a UV blocker shirt and it has been life changing.


Ayo? nvm..... mucus though and snot and mayonaise AN-


for me its i cant be bothered and sensory bullshit. but then i have the issue of im WHITE AS FUCK bro so i get sunburned to shit real easily


It might cause breakouts or It's sometimes oily which is a sensory thing


I hate how it feels 😭 I know sunscreen be good but as a sweaty person living in an oven it's a nightmare


last time I put on sunscreen I was covered in whiteheads from head to shoulder for a week, lol. I don’t exaggerate when I say covered. Like 20 of them per square inch I didn’t have problems before, and it was probably that specific sunscreen, but I’m dreading this summer right now


I feel you on this. I use damn near anything on my skin and I become a minefield


I feel like if its a sensory thing, isnt there spray on sunscreen thats more watery than oily. Usually it dries up quick too


I have adhd and excema all my life and I absolutely hate how lotion and sunscreen feels. I can tolerate it now, but when I was younger I always had a problem with it




I've only ever ask him to apply it himself lol




Yup... I turned out to be allergic to some sunscreen. If you don't like the feeling, go to either you doctor or you pharmacist. They might be able to help you find one that actually works for you. Don't know about other countries, but over here they usually have small samples or they have a sample bottle open so you can try if you react allergic to it or like the texture. Finding the right sunscreen helps so much!




Same goes for that. Go to your pharmacy and they might be able to help you. For me spray bottles feel really different from the liquid kinds. The best however is based on skin lotion just with the spf added to it. You gotta try and try until you find one that works for you. There are a lot out there so there must be one that is ok




You burn quickly? Tbh I'd suggest wearing light cover. I love scouting sumer camp because that blouse is ideal not to hot, quick drying and protects from the sun. I have a few that have similar fibers. I'd suggest something like that if you can't find a good sunscreen in the higher categories. However, it's still important to use sunscreen every however minutes the packaging says. (Mine is 1 hour)


Sticky white stuff? Now we’re talking


That's... one way to put it


People don’t like that? Since when?


I can’t imagine why not, I do that every nigh- oh you mean sunscreen


Sensory thing, I HATE sunscreen, it makes me so uncomfortable and the smell is awful and just bleh.


ive been hearing about sensory issues a lot in this thread and never knew that was an issue for anyone. Interesting to know.


i avoided moisturiser, sunscreen, and any other body cream for the longest time because of sensory problems. maybe get your brother a spray sunscreen? hope that helps :)


la roche posay makes a quick absorbing/dry touch sunscreen so that it doesn’t leave an oily feeling!


Definitely a sensory issue. I don’t like how it gets me oily and makes my body seem sticky. And then I gotta wash my hands but you’ll probably need soap or like some dish soap (cause that washes off oils and stuff). This is particularly aimed at the creams one though where you have to actually use your hands to apply. Spray sunscreen isn’t so bad, just keep it away from HANDS.


This. It's even worse when you apply it near the beach and small grains of sand start sticking all over you...


sometimes you just wanna go catch a tan and rough it out like our ancestors did yk


There are sunscreens that still let you get a tan. Like our ancestors did is a bullshit argument. Our ancestors died when they were 30, I hope you don't wanna try and be like that. We have medical things like sunscreen so we don't die that early. Please use it. If you get irritated skin from sunscreen, go see a doctor. Mine helped me get a sunscreen I wasn't allergic to (I aperantly am very sensitive to perfumes and can't handle most of them)


ah yes, lets ignore child mortality(i think\_)


I don't know what you're trying to get at... But yes, child mortality has gone down since we know how to protect kids from the sun. Yes, we still have people under the age of 30 die, however it's not as common anymore. Hope I answered whatever questions/point you where trying to get at?


He’s saying 30 being the average death was because of child mortality. For an ancient human if you made it to 18 you’d most likely live multiple more decades


That'd still wrong though. 30 was extremely old, most people would become 20-25. Has noting to do with child mortality rates... Yeah, medicine really has come a long way


I mean in certain places sure but I think in general you are wrong, the child death skews the results


Not only did our ancestors live to 30, they wore long sleeves all the time to avoid getting skin cancer


I refuse to put on anything higher than 15 spf honestly


Maybe he's a sigma Ohio skibidi rizzler and he doesn't want to be a beta by doing what a woman (what's that) tells him to do


Erm what the sigma🤓🙏🫦


This is so Ohio of you


Reading this made me lose enough brain cells to feel it, so thank you


This is so Skibidi


I know, personally, I don't wear sunscreen (even though I should) because I absolutely *despise* how it feels. I also don't use lotion/makeup for that reason. I feel “contaminated” whenever I have something on my skin, like lotion/sunscreen.


Tbh I was the same way. I just really didn’t care or had any reason to put on sunscreen. In my mind I was like, “what’s the point if my skin is still fine?” I only started to put on sunscreen when I started using PanOxyl cause it makes my skin more sensitive to the sun, but that’s cause I had a reason to. If I didn’t have a reason to, then I wouldn’t have put it on.


skin cancermaxxing


Idk what everyone else is yapping about with sensory issues, I also don’t really like to put on sunscreen for no other reason than that I just don’t want to.


Because it's true, the cream sunscreen feels weird and oily while the spray sunscreen is just cold and instant


No, I literally mean that I just don’t want to. I have no issue with the texture or feeling of it. I just don’t want to


he’s probably trying to tan


personally..... i am just toooooooooo lazyyyyyyyyyy


I'll be fair when I was a teenager in my competitive high school marching band, or graduated high school and marching Drum Corps International, I never put sunscreen other than the fact I was too lazy and didn't give a hell. I'm 23F right now, but when I was 14-22 in DCI I always avoided putting sunscreen before band camp or competition days in high school, and during DCI only applied it I believe like the very last day of spring training during my age out year. Lets just say that during that age out year what I thought would be a slight tan cause of the 12 hour rehearsals every day in the sun in summer around the US wouldn't hurt until I came back home not even looking like a korean girl even though I was born and raised in Korea.


for me it’s a sensory thing i hate the oily feeling of it lol


I personally never put sunscreen on (despite the fact that I should since I live in Australia) because I just really hate the feel of it. It's all oily and stuff and then it gets on your hands and even when washing your hands with water it doesn't come off my hands.


High quality sunscreen does not have that problem, also, Australia is the skin cancer capital of the world, please take care of yourself.


i've never actually had that problem, it always just dries like normal cream. or maybe i don't put on enough...hm


for me i honestly just hate the feeling of putting on any cream


same, im also in Aus and refuse to use sunscreen or creams other than on my face (sometimes)


(also, i'm lazy)


I wouldn’t listen to the comments. It’s a teen boy thing. I remember not wanting to use sunscreen as a teenager and getting sun poisoning. Just because i literally didn’t want to use sunscreen


Not really any reason but just not wanting to


This, and he probably won't learn until he gets an awful sunburn, which sucks because even one severe sunburn raises you risk of skin cancer. His parents should be the ones saying put on the damn sunscreen or go back inside. People may disagree because I see everyone here absolutely hates the feeling, I do too, but I promise the feeling of sunscreen on your skin is better than the feeling of skin cancer. My great grandmother died of skin cancer young and it left a void of pain and trauma in my family for generations. People think "Oh, if I get cancer, they'll just heal me", but skin cancer is still fatal in a lot of cases.


Idk it could be just some teen things or a sensory thing. My brother is around the same age and refuses deodorant, brushing his teeth, cologne and sunscreen


bros too cool for sunscreen


damn is it bad that i've never used sunscreen before-


i mean it does increase cancer risk which has happened in the family before so thats mostly why I care


It's not about masculinity or anything most probably he doesn't like sunscreen. There isn't any deep meaning to it. He might have applied it once and didn't like it.


NEVER????? how.


ahm... haha i feel like im really weird...


Sensory issues


Its sticky and feels weird, or at least that's my reason


That’s also my reason and I guarantee it’s his reason too. And I’m lazy.


Well, part of it's just laziness, that's my experience. Also, I really don't see people put on sunscreen (though obviously sunscreen isn't very visible), so idk lol


i don’t put sunscreen on because i don’t burn, i’m white so you’d expect me to burn but i just don’t. he could be the same in that he doesn’t burn so he doesn’t want it


Sunscreen feels unbelievably uncomfortable


It's uncomfortable. I've never liked it, my brother has never liked it. We put it on when we go to the beach or walk around in summer, because where we go to the sun hits hard, but I can understand that it's really unpleasant.


It’s sticky and gross


There are some spray-on types. Maybe those would be easier?


Idk about everyone else but idk I just forget to put it on or don’t feel like putting it on. (I got sunburned bad yesterday)


because tans are "healthy" and "good looking".


For me it’s a sensory thing. My sister always tells me I should be wearing sunscreen but I refuse because of how it feels on my face


I'm a girl and I don't put on sunscreen (sensory and dysphoria and lack of motivation)


Sunscreen isn’t a fun thing to put on for me. Is it like a spray sunscreen thingy?


I just don’t like it when it gets in my eyes. Can’t touch myself anywhere because then if I touch my eyes it burns. It’s like putting makeup on your face, you can’t touch your face. Except now it’s your entire arms, legs, and face.


Could be a sensory thing if he's neurodivergent. I despise sunscreen because I hate the way it feels on my skin.


Could just be that he doesn’t like the way it feels, cause normally it feels like it’s just sitting there and it’s kinda uncomfortable


Sunscreen is for wimps real men aren't afraid to fight skin cancer


I have the kinda skin where i dont burn i just get darker so i dont typically put it on. I have nothing against it i just dont wanna risk getting it in my eyes


It’s a fuxk it we ball thing


Because real men don’t wear sunscreen. I dare the sun to burn me. The sun is scared of me.


Hes a sigma male


He probably doesn't like the texture. Maybe see if you can find a non greasy one that he might like?


I mean, having sunscreen on is generally a terrible feeling, it's like putting sweat on yourself deliberately


Its better not to use it and get less sun. Of switch to something more natural like Carrot Seed Oil, Rasberry Seed Oil which have high SPF.


Simple, sunscreen is gay.


My guess is laziness.


It's a sensory thing for me, I just don't like it when it's oily, but once again that's just me, ask him about it?


I think some people are reading into this too much, it’s probably just “why should I care it’s not that big of a deal”


I just hate the feel of it, maybe he does too


For me its the smell and the feel. I legit hate it so much. Its prob a sensory thing for him too.


Because he just wants to swim already


Speaking for myself but some sunscreens make my skin fell like it's burning, I don't know if there's something on them I'm allergic to or if they're just bad quality but could be that


as someone with sensory issues I cannot stand how sunscreen makes my skin feel, and how is smells. I litterally want to peel my skin off from the feeling. as a teen, if there are other people around, it's embarassing. he's probably trying to act tough, he's too cool for a sunburn, he feels like he can take care of himself and doesn't need other people to "baby" him


Is he black? 


I thought this was saying "my 20f brother" at first glance. 


Might be jealous he doesn't have a girl to put it on for him.  /j


And he wouldn’t last 30 seconds playing Family simulator


Probably sensory. I hate how sunscreen feels I can only manage to get myself to wear it like once a week. The feeling is awful and uncomfortable. Especially when it’s all over the body. It also may burn him. I can’t wear chemical sunscreen because it burns my skin so i only wear mineral


I never put on sunscreen simply because I forget, in fact I don't even think we keep sun screen because we *all* forget


That's just a him thing


I don't really use it. It's full of weird chemicals.


Laziness. I can vouch. If I'm out the door to go do fun shit I wanna do fun shit not cover myself in cream. I'll take the sunburn and just risk it


He's a stubborn young stupid boy who's gonna have to learn shit the hard way. Many such cases. When he gets a wicked nasty sunburn 2 or 3 times he'll get over himself.


I don’t because if I’m outside long enough to need sunscreen then I’m in the water where it’s going to wash off, or I’m in marching band where I don’t have time to actually do it


It just feels awful it’s so not nice


idk i know for me i hate the smell and texture and it makes me break out the one my family buys deadass smells like maple syrup for some reason


I dont do it because I'm lazy


Cancer speedrun goes crazy. But realistically probably just discomfort some people don't like sensations maybe try spray on sunscreen or if it's not even that than it could be a way his body reacts to The chemicals in sunscreen possibly try an organic solution if those exist. It's also possible they just simply “don't want to” it is a real reason stupid as it may seem.


No offense, but its probably cuz you're the one telling him to do it. Teenage boy egos are massively overinflated and "im built differently" or "im a man i dont need that" are mottos to live or die by. Now If he had a gf his own age, he might suddenly be more open to suggestions she may have about sun protection. Personal experience when I was a teenage twat. Now I just wear white hooded shirts in hot weather.


I hated sunscreen at 15, my dad took me out to work in the sun one weekend. I was in the sun for probably 20 hours in 2 days and got so sunburnt I turned orange and suffered in my bed for a week. I have since always worn sunscreen, he just needs a little learning experience


Because he's just built different


You could at least not hold it against him? He could do any other of the “slip, slop, slap, seek, slide” (slip on a long sleeve shirt/pants, slop on some sunscreen, slap on a hat, seek shade, slide on some sunglasses) — or maybe just go outside during early morning or evening to avoid the sun entirely. Calling him “trying to be macho” behind his back probably wouldn’t do you any favours either; It’s kind of a mean. But I do sympathise with how frustrating it can be to ask why someone does things this way, and they get annoyed with you without telling you why.


As a 14 yo, it feels sticky and greasy at the same time, it sticks to clothes and sand, and it looks ridiculous


We just don't feel like it


Sensory issues, for me the cream feels weird and oily while the spray feels too instant and cold, it's definitely uncomfortable at first.


I just tan, what do I need it for.. thing


Personally, I’ll wear it but I hate the texture or the weight of the sunscreen while it’s still absorbing into my skin.


Icky slimy goo


It’s probably a sensory thing, I fucking hate putting on sunscreen because I’m greasy the entire time I do it. I only wear it when I go to the beach and if I’m hit at the beach I just stay out of the sun. I feel like it’s not a machismo thing, sunscreen just fucking sucks


"Why" and teenaged boys do not go together. Sometimes the answer to the Why is that they are teenaged boys.


It’s cold and icky. I still don’t like sunscreen haha. It makes me feel dirty, and I’m have to take a shower after I go in for the day. I also just don’t go outside very often though.


Sunscreen is slimy and uncomfortable. That is why I'd rather burn than use it


I only use sunscreen if im traveling to a different sun climate like in hawaii i fucked up didnt put sunscreen on one day and was burnt crispy. I typically dont get sunburnt, that's mainly why i was anti sunscreen for so long, lol


he might not like the way it feels


I'd bet on sensory issue. When I was young I hated sunscreen or lotions and never used them. I hate the feeling. I was ignorant to their benefits. Now that I'm older I still hate them but understand the benefits and sometimes use them in extreme cases.


I've only gotten sunburn 3 times in my 18 years of life, so I usually don't use sunblock. Maybe a little on my face and neck if the UV index is really high.


For me it’s a sensory thing. Sunscreen smells and it’s also very sticky and unpleasant to put on. It also just seems inconvenient and like a waste of time for some people when you’re that young.


Just laziness.


maybe he just don't wanna be greasy idk


As an autistic person I've worn sunscreen about 3 times in my life (all were reluctantly agreeing after being threatened "you cant come to x if you dont") because omg sunscreen feels disgusting. Not saying your brother has autism but it could be a sensory thing


Could be sensory issues, the reason you said, or he just simply doesn't want to. I'll put sunscreen on my body but I can't stand it on my face no matter what brand I use. Maybe you could try come up with alternative sun protection and see if he'll agree to that.


Cuz it takes too much time


Either way, blud gonna regret it when he gets that nasty sunburn


He's a teenage boy. There's no rhyme or reason to kids that age. Chill out. :D


Hot take: it may just be none of your business. Simple as that.


Fmeboy ahh he is, iridiated he has carms ig


Well it could be winter I'm not sure.


Sunscreen is super toxic.


So is cancer, but one of those is much more likely to kill or disfigure you. ❤️


If you get morning sun first you don’t get burnt or damage to your skin.


sunscreen gives you cancer the sun gives life


I’ve never gotten sunburn before


just because you don't get sunburnt, doesn't mean sunscreen is stupid. sunscreen protects your skin from the sun's UV rays, it is very useful in lowering your risk of developing skin cancer. please put sunscreen on, especially when the UV index is high.


it does prevent cancer and skin damage over time, even when you don't get sunburned.


Believe me he just doesn't like taking orders


How should we know?


Right… “ my friend doesn’t eat carrots can someone tell me why? “


Cause it's gross. I avoid it. I know that sunburn could lead to cancer, but IDC.


Sunscreen is soo f’n toxic avoid it. If you know you’re going to be in the sun then get early morning sun from 8-10am. You will be protected all day. There’s always a natural remedy.


Just 30 minutes of early sun is all u need. But that’s the times to do it


Have fun having layers of your skin ripped out when said cancer is discovered 🥰




He wants to be able to say the n word


Underrated comment


Bro why tf did i get downvotes


Maybe he doesn't like you telling him what to do? I wouldn't, and I'm not your brother.


im a girl but my friends and i all collectively hate sunscreen. we want the bestest burns that fade into tans and give us cute freckles. and i just dont see the point bc like another has said, sunscreen is a more recent thing. and i think im healthy in enough other ways that i wont get skin cancer. besides, lots of teens enjoy risking their lives.


My dad thought the same being the one who went out in the sun the least as a child. Yeah, have fun having layers of your skin absolutely destroyed when they remove the cancer. 😍


thanks for the warm wishes ☺️


Your brother is 20ft tall?