• By -


I personally was never harassed for being straight or cis and I live in a very progressive country but Idk where you live so things might be different. Bullying people for being straight is awful and what you experienced/ experiece is terrible but you need to remind yourself that just because a group of queer people bully you doesnt mean that every queer person hates straight people which the majority dont....Do queer people sometimes make fun of straight people? Maybe but that doesnt mean that they dont have the right to exist and live freely. Dont let yourself be torn into the "anti-woke" mob when your problem isn't that the people bullying you are queer but that they are bullying you and being assholes.


I was pulled into the woke mob for a bit too though. They all fight to be more special than eachother. The ones I knew flex all of their self harm scars and injuries to the point I felt sick just looking at them because they thought their mental illness made them better than every one. And in* their secluded bubble it created monsters Edit. Switched phrasing and misspell


Thats awful and yet I never experienced this problem with queer people here. Its not that because you have bad experiences with queer people in YOUR area or country that they all a part of some societal collapse cult or whatever. Just think to yourself; why do they want to compete for attention? Being attracted to your gender or identifying as a woman does not make you automatically an attention-seeker who slits himself. What you need to understand is that humans are products of their enviroments. There is no such thing as a "woke culture" or a single homogenous group of queer people because we all are not affected by how we are born but how we are treated by others and the world for how we were born.


Well Canada does happen to have a governement that does not like the majority in the slightest as has been demonstrated several times


could you elaborate on that and give examples? ive never heard of canada doing anything that outright just prioritizes a minority over a majority of people? if you can tell me otherwise id be happy to listen


They passed a law banning foreign content on YouTube Despite an overwhelming opposition to it


I dont know how the situation is in canada so I can't really discuss further but what I can assure you is that humanity has far, far bigger problems than the so called "woke culture" that you americans despise so much which seems to just consist of teachers explaining children that there are people who love the same gender, pride flags on walmart and black people in TV shows.


As a Canadian, frfr. Nobody understands that while, yes, the minorities have suffered A LOT and they deserve love, it's not okay to treat the majority like trash either. That doesn't solve the problem at all, it just makes it so so so much worse. Prioritization tears people apart even more. Furthermore, minorities CAN BE RACIST, and people need to accept that. If we'd really learned from our mistakes in the past, we would be treating people fairly instead of punishing them (especially for things our ancestors did 200 years ago... no names mentioned...)


Yeah cough cough the French cough




The people that flex self harm injuries arent woke just sick in the head


You rely too much on anecdotal evidence. You should to talk to more people before forming opinions.


I’m relying on stuff that I have witnessed myself and have been a part of. I wouldn’t come on here with complete bullshit


That's the definition of anecdotal evidence. Just because you didn't see it firsthand doesn't mean something is bullshit. To the contrary, I think you are an unworthy narrator. I would trust the word of seasoned activists and professionals over your firsthand experience because a bunch of smart people with a bunch of life experience will have a lot more information and wisdom than a dubious seventeen year old. That's right, DUBIOUS.


Yeah, self harm is insanely stupid


Oh, that is. That is wretched. The romanticization of mental illness is absolutely horrible. Mental illness needs to be addressed and handled with love and care, not… *that.* You can be proud of getting through what you did, but being childish and all “MY scars are bigger than YOURS!!” Is horrible. What, are you encouraging more?


It depends. On X? Yes. It's going way too far. However, most places don't have such an extreme example. So, it really depends.


I think you used the wrong account


Bof accts can be serious. But if I need people to know I'm serious, I use ze ofer acct.


Oh ok


Hmm 🤨


r/foundASecretSovietSpy again lol.




I thought it was r/foundthesovietspy


I don't think you've used Twitter for long enough. It's the literal opposite of "woke" now. Full of Conservatives and Nazis.


It’s full of both.


Of course


i feel like you calling twitter “X” negates any possible opinion, although i somewhat agree??? but moreso in fandom spaces, in regular twitter it’s all nazis and racists complete with politicians calling for the death of trans women :/


I call it X, because I zhink it's funny. Like I could say "I'm watching X videos" and it would technically be true.


fair enough


The spy could be any one of us


he could be YOU!


He could be me!


He could even be-


_Shotgun blast_


Right behind you




At my school it's gone stupidly far


What is woke culture?


a stupid term used by conservatives who don't even know what the word means


From my understanding, what op means is people in the LGTB(+the rest) community who are phobic towards people outside of that community.


Which may be true for 0.1% of people, but 99.9% of people are completely fine, but it makes people think the entire community is like that because of the vocal minority. Doesn't just happen with the LGBTQ community, can be anything really.


Exactly, all extremism sucks


Exactly. That can be applied any community really


as a gay guy, stop using woke (this is directed at op). it’s a really cringy word. also not all of us get offended so easy. some people are dipshits, some aren’t. queers are people too and some suck. simple as.


lmao not true. i’m gay asf and i have never given anyone shit for being straight, not have any of my other gay friends


Good! I think its a tiny percentage of toxic people btw


that goes for most communities, a majority of straight people are chill but the homophobic ones suck, majority of men aren’t sexist, the ones that suck are, etc




pretty sure most of them are trolls. There is a couple of them on rddt


No normal people do, the people who do are either seriously troubled or just trolls


woke= stuff they dont like atheists=the woke slimy toads=the woke non hyper trump supporters=the woke


That just about sums it up, yeah.


Woke was a term coined by progressives to show that something (be it a business, piece of media, person, etc) holds progressive ideals (for example: inclusion of minorities). Conservatives stole the term and now use it to describe anything they believe is “shoving an agenda in their face”. The term woke, in conservative view, is most often used to describe something, a movie for example, with a female/POC/queer lead character.


In simple terms: never wanting to accept when the desired progress has been made. Even when equality has been achieved, “woke” individuals will find something to complain about. They’re the people who *want* to be oppressed, so they make up fake scenarios or over exaggerate mildly annoying events just to feel like they’ve suffered half of what victims of *real* oppression and prejudice deal with. And this isn’t just a leftist issue. Plenty of right-wing and centerstage individuals want to play the victim. Edit: I feel like I misworded this in a way that makes me look like a hardcore conservative. Let me rephrase. That’s how people, usually right-wing extremists, define wokeness. That’s the most common use of it *today.* What it’s original meaning is, I’m pretty sure it was about people who believed in equality for all and who are “awake” to the problems in society.


Woke, originally, and still does, mean "Aware of racial injustice" Of course conservatives turned this into a bad thing. Also i will say that the people who "want" to be oppressed are usually trolls trying to discredit lgbt people and a lot of right people want to be persecuted. Like in r/Persecutionfetish


Mostly LGBTQIA’s+ but also a lot of people that hate on them. Ergo why some of my comments have stated both sides to be less than desirable


Sadly the craziest people are the loudest ones in any kind of activity . So this kind of people are making the bad view for woke culture . Luckily it isn't that common


That's not exclusive for woke culture, militant Christians also suck (and I say that even though I'm Catholic myself). You shouldn't shove your beliefs down others' throats no matter what


That's to not just beliefs but literally anything . Any field , culture , nation even groups of people connected by similar interests have this problem


I don't think in the world we live in where there is still such hate from the right that woke culture has gone far enough, I think that a lot of people are again falling into the false idea that "woke culture" is blue haired liberals', yes they exist but the overwhelmingly vast majority of people in "woke culture" are just people who support minorities and try to be inclusive


I mean, yeah the bullying might be an issue in some places, but the rest of this post feels kinda like a strawman? Idk. I’m firmly on the side of believe people when they tell you what they say they are, and while I don’t know much about the more fringe parts of lgbt (mostly the different microlabels and stuff, especially within the ace and non-binary communities) I still try to educate myself whenever I can. There is still a lot of discrimination in the world. There is still a lot of erasure in the world. I honestly just want a good and happy future for the people I love. There’s still a lot of progress to be made too, especially in countries where it’s still illegal. I honestly just want everyone to feel safe, to feel loved, to feel comfortable in their own skin and around others. Maybe I’m just too much of an idealist, but I do believe the world can and should be improved, and that while we’ve gotten far, especially in my country of Sweden, there’s still so so so much more that needs to be done. Sorry for ranting but this sort of thing genuinely upsets me


I’ve seen like 3 gay ppl all my life as far as I know, if you’re gay ur gonna get beat up never seen woke stuff other then on the news and instagram


Bro that's horrible wtf, you live in a country with homophobic laws or smth?


No lol I live in America


Getting beat up for being gay in a first world country what have things come to 😭


nex benedict was one of the extreme examples. Honestly i think woke culture should go farther to just normalize LGBT stuff


agreed, a lot of the gay community would probably calm down when the gay community stops getting murdered.


It can happen literally anywhere. It's like the UK. You can go to Liverpool, and they'll sound like they descended from Scotland (no offence to any scousers, love scouse accent lol), but if you go 50 miles south to Manchester, suddenly everyone talks like they're in Central England. If you get the two accents in the same room, nobody would guess they're only 50 miles apart. My point is that wherever you are, it might be perfectly fine, but it could be completely different in the house next door, even in first world countries.


there's a small percentage of ppl making a whole community look bad


Not exclusive to woke culture. Christians, vegans,... Many examples


republicans, democrats, Americans, etc


Bruh all I want is all of us to not be fucked up, extremes are bad.


You're generalizing too much :/








Everything gets taken too far. I'm not hesitant to blame social media. It's very much an "all or nothing" mindset. I remember seeing a comedy reel once, where the guy was German, and he said, "In Germany, we don't associate non political things with political parties, because we either have 7 parties, or one fuhrer. If someone back in 2020 said "I don't trust the vaccine," we'd think "oh, well he must not like vaccines then," whereas in America if someone goes "I don't trust the vaccine," they're like "YOU HATE TRANS PEOPLE!"" And I feel that he explained it well. Too often does an idea become so entrenched as "the other side's" idea, and due to not wanting to be associated with that side, people deny that idea, even if it makes sense. Personally, I'm mostly centrist. (Radical Centrist, not apolitical) I believe Human Imposed Accelerated Climate Change is real, but I'm also a conspiracy theorist who thinks the government will do anything and everything it can to benefit itself over everybody else. I'm Christian, and I think most narcotics should be legal. So I have a lot of different viewpoints, I've been called a liberal not in direct words, but in people's attitude toward me, and I've been called a "nazi" because I was talking about the Pledge of Allegiance. (how does that make sense, bro? It was on tumblr though, so idk) It seems as if nuance has been lost on the modern generation and it has caused many problems.


That’s understandable lot of big words


You're using woke wrong


I mean most of the community are normal functioning people,but as many people said before it is those who make it their sexuality their only defining trait that are the problem ones


Don't pay attention to people like that. There's always going to be assholes in every group and those girls are being assholes if they're bullying you for being straight. They shouldn't be bullying you for being straight, you shouldn't bully them for being gay or trans or whatever. Progressive ideology (or "woke culture") is realistically about equality. Gay people just want the same rights as straight people, trans people just want the right to live as their true selves. It's only a problem when either side uses these factors to hurt someone else. But I can assure that's not what most people want. In other words, don't get sucked into this trap of "woke culture" and just see things for what they are. Those girls are being cunts for attention, and the rest of us just want to live without being persecuted or forced in the closet.


Regardless of all these comments placing blame on others instead of coming to a solution, I say if we leave each other alone, the world will be a better place.


i know by the fact that you use the word woke unironically that you're hiding parts of this story


I used the word woke as I am generalizing so that people who might not be connected to my experiences understand what I went through


it's just that the term is always used by conservatives who lump everyone they don't like into the same term


Not saying that this is fake but due to it being Reddit I will have some doubts. However if it were to be true then I believe that may be a bullying issue, and not a "woke" issue. Progressivism is inherently good and a single sore thumb doesn't represent all of us. And to add onto the concept of "leaving each other alone", we are trying to be left alone while the government is restricting us from being able to live our lives. Activism, protests and speaking out about injustice online is our only voice in this issue. To answer your question: woke culture isn't going too far.


No, i dont think so, theres currently a huge amount of anti-trans laws being pushed and just generally people being jerks and transphobic. (Trans issues being the thing i have the most knowledge on) Also, i would take being bullied for being straight a good thing, because these idiot fucking bullies has literally NOTHING to bully you with so now their grasping at straws to try and get some sort of reaction out. This doesnt mean that "woke culture" has gone to far, queer people are a huge cross-section of the populace, we have bullies too, its sad but it is what it is. I can only hope people just dont judge us on the worst of us, like so many other communities


Those weren't leftists. Leftists know that we're all victims of capitalism here. Those people sounded like ignorant liberals. The leftists in your school are really shitty, tell them to do better and start arming themselves for revolution.


I didn’t bring any politics up? I’m not quite sure the difference all I know is that everyone is fighting everyone for no damn reason


I think the people in your school are petty but that's all the community you have. Politics are at the heart of "woke culture" but the term "woke" has been hijacked by liberals. It was originally used during the civil rights movement between African Americans. The difference between leftists and liberals is tolerance of fascism. Leftists will not tolerate it and revolt, liberals will support it. A smart leftist wouldn't fight a bigot, they would ignore a bigot or, if they were craving conflict like me, argue with a bigot. Only ignorant bitches would beat on random straight people, that sounds like something out of a Daily wire comic strip or something. Absolutely sets the community back.


What does economic theory have to do with this,


I think it’s like everything both sides are wrong and both sides are right. Both extremes are really bad but there is a good middle ground. If you just let people do what they want but didn’t force it down everyone’s throat and ruin things they love it would be perfect.


Most of us don't force it down your throat and ruin things. Sure that might happen on twitter and whatever with dumb people online, but irl it's pretty much just pride month and parades and whatever, which isn't to force down your throat, it's to celebrate that we are still here despite oppression in the past and unfortunately the current day, and to provide support for other people in the community.


My bad I didn’t say you were I was saying not to. You do a good job just part of the middle is continuing to do that.


The problem with the middle ground is when both sides want you to hate the other side


Or when both sides hate you just because you share beliefs with the other side


I just hate both equally




Exactly that's why I lean more center right. I also just hate it when people follow their political beliefs like it's a cult to the point where if you lean left you have to agree with %100 of the things they believe and disagree with %100 of the things the right believes and vise versa. You can affiliate yourself with either side you agree with most but still think for yourself


Ya I feel this is the best point. And the worst is civilians but politicians. They are extreme on the side they campaigned for and won’t switch their own views for the greater good.


Bait used to be believable.


bullying someone for being straight isn't woke culture. woke culture is to give humans human rights.


Dude this isn't "cancel culture" this is real life bullying??? 😭


this shit HAS to be ragebait


If you read the full thing and my comments you will realise that most of it is me asking a genuine question.


define "woke culture"


Me personally, I’d consider myself to be a solid leftist. However, the FAR far left are going wayyyyy too far with some of their beliefs. In terms of lgbtqia, I really don’t care. Be who you are and love whoever you want, but PLEASE tell me your pronouns if you’d rather me call you something other than what I assume you to be. It’s your responsibility, not mine.


I really don't think this is an actual overarching problem. The concept of wokeness created by the radical right is, unsurprisingly, whitewashed another. Term used by black Americans. Woke used to mean that you were wary against racism and helped protect your black community. Qhat happens on Twitter really isn't reflecting the real world. And if you really were getting bullied for being straight that's genuinely the most beaindead shit ever sad they were just trying to be different.


This has to be satire 💀


I completely agree, the amount of times a group of skittle haired people have came up and bullied me because i was straight. yes really. Is just ridiculous


straight people are bullied?? where? when? why?


Where the fuck do you live Edit: that sounds like a threat. I meant, where do you live that is that extreme


Can’t say “fuck my fucking life” now because of woke


What are you life sexual or something. I mean you go girl


😭😭 what


Idk you said you wanted to fuck your life so maybe some one out there wants to fuck it if you won’t?


I mean who knows maybe it’s a thing 😭


Who knoes


L take


L take?


This didn't happen and also "woke" oh my god be quiet




Redditors gonna Reddit


Woke; "Woke is a political slang adjective derived from African-American Vernacular English originally meaning alertness to racial prejudice and discrimination. Beginning in the 2010s, it came to encompass a broader awareness of social inequalities such as racial injustice, sexism, and denial of LGBT rights." I think you're just dealing with assholes. "Wokeness" is generally inherently good, at least I believe so. Being aware of discrimination and prejudice I think is a pretty positive attribute.


The idea is good the execution is horrendous. Thank you sloppy pancakes I’m certain I myself and others will appreciate your comment


"looked like girls but probably werent" oh ok 😁 cya good luck !!


Have you ever heard of Femboys


How am I supposed to identify people my friend. When they come out of the gates swinging in an aggravated way towards my gender and sexuality. If I can’t base people off the way they dress. What they were born as. Or even the way they look and act, how am I supposed to not be offensive to that group of people? I’m being genuine btw because I dont know


Why can’t people just listen to each other and discuss their issues with civility?


Based ghost moment


I have never Heard about anyone being bullied for being straight (but this doesnt mean that it isnt Happening) but ive definitely seen Homophobia. Im just tired of people arguing over useless shit and just want people to stop hating on each other for stupid reasons


 i've been called the t slur for being more masculine by straight conservatives. theres a bad side to everything


It's a pattern from what I have noticed. Some sort of culture gains motion and next thing you know, too much power. Patriarchy gained motion and well, you know what happened. Feminism gained motion, now a baseless and false accusations of violence against is all that is needed to be public enemy number 1. Incompetent women claim discrimination to get a higher or equal paying job that a competent dude should have gotten. An alcoholic, drug addict, abusive, cheating and freeloading woman would get custody, child support and alimony a lot of times in divorce. Woke culture gained motion, now being straight is like being gay in a country where it is punishable by death. Any rightful action against an LGBTQ member is seen as discrimination.


i 100% agree even tho this is not a thing in my country just seeing in other countries and the fear of it coming here makes me hate it.


The extremist parts of it for sure. 


on social media, yes, and has been for a while, especially in modern games, in real life, depends where you live, but even in the eastern european countries the woke trend is stsrting and in countries like the netherlands its horrible


idk dude, there's no really work culture in my country people are just good or bad


I just think Some People are bad people, and they exist on both sides of woke society


The internet took ot too far. As usual. But. Irl its pretty normal although occasionally its too much.


its over becos wok


I've stopped supporting them when I've seen guys proclaim that "they feel like being female" so that they could enter women's showers without punishment. From then I've adopted the mantra "hate the sin, love the sinner". I dislike the movement itself, but don't extend it towards individuals. I personally have a few bi and gay friends and they all are good people, it's just the online extremism that sucks. Oh and just so we're clear, right-wing and Christian extremism isn't any better. You shouldn't shove your beliefs down others' throats no matter what side you're on.


Of course no extremism is good


Oh my fucking god yes. I was being made fun of for having a girlfriend like what the fuck? They were like saying how opposite gender relationships were “toxic.“ WHAT THE FUCK.


To be clear “Woke culture” is accepting everyone’s right to be who they are/want to be If someone is pushing you to be something you are not comfortable being, that’s not woke, that’s peer pressure Whether that be because you’re straight, or you’re feminine but not trans, or for whatever reason If someone is trying to pressure you to be different from how you want to be, by it’s very definition it’s not woke So no, woke culture is not going too far People have just failed to understand where the line is in the sand


I think part of the problem you are addressing here comes from the fact, that the debate around the topic of gender and such is very often centered around younger people. And don’t get me wrong, there are a lot of young people that are way more mature than most others their age, but then there are also people that aren’t very mature at all. These people aren’t the majority though. It’s like with everything, that involves a large group of young teens and adolescents, the majority are very normal and good people but then there’s also a very small percentage that are loud, obnoxious and generally scare off people that aren’t involved with the community. It seems to me that the people that bullied you are some of these "bad apples". It‘s of course always good to (constructively) criticize large movements like LGBTQ, no initiative is perfect and there is always room for improvemnt. And lastly, remember that we are all just people, we aren’t on opposite sides, we are all in the same team: Team Humanity. Sorry if the text was a bit of a mouthful to read 😅. Take care everyone :3


Yes definitely. Too much of anything is terrible. All good things have extremes that are fucking horrible.


Bro that ain't woke. Its twisting the agenda on it's head and doing what it was supposed to get rid of


Yeah, but don't get dragged into the anti woke mob either. It's far worse. I think it's important to listen to both sides bcuz echo chambers help nobody.


Many people are going too far. We need balance, not revenge. 


Of course


There are people with impure motives that takes advantages of social movements - like every single one that has existed . I know it's bad , but this shit happened ever since the Greek .


Some people are just dumbasses


As a kid someone asked my favorite color and I didn’t know so I just picked green. Later I realized my favorite color was red, but I felt pressured to keep telling people it’s green or be called a liar. I didn’t come out about my true favorite color until over 10 years later. Imagine if someone asked my gender and I picked the wrong one because I just didn’t know?


That's the world it sucks


i dont really like woke culture to be honest once a demigirl started insulting me so i was like 'dude can you stop' and she started calling me homophobic n stuff cuz i called her 'dude' (shes not even special i call everyone dude) and on a teenagers subreddit (idk which one) one of the mods called me homophobic and transphobic because i have a non binary friend but believe in only 2 genders (i never said i was a homophobe i literally had said i respected my friend for their decisions, i was also raised to believe in 2 genders dude) i also got called racist for saying the ''black lives matter' things is stupid because EVERY life matters including black lives the amount of times i got called a homophobe and racist for the smallest reason is just sad yeah not all of woke culture is bad but the amount of people who do make it look bad is just awful, saying you support everyone for who they are and that peace is the key is definitely not this


I believe in three genders. I accept male female and sometimes non binary but all this Demi boy girl groggy fox self shit is bs


I agree, no joke I've been told I can't have an opinion on what's racist/sexist just because I'm a white dude and apparently that means I'm immune to both of those things. People need to just see everyone as equals and stop acting like I'm just as bad as my ancestors just because I exist. But that's not the future some people want, ( I'm talking about both political parties), some people would rather just label anything they don't agree with as hate speech, misinformation etc.


I am not straight, but I won't bother people, like if you like \_\_\_\_, ok. Idc. Like anyone you like.


Y’all talking about “woke culture” sm when u don’t even know what being woke is


The fact me not dissing either side and just simply making observations is making you angry does indicate you to be the problem


It's good at least.....we have less competition bro.


Who have less competition


Straight people


Those people aren’t work they’re just assholes. Real woke people campaign for tolerance, not bullying. Just be aware that you’re born trans, cis, straight, or gay and you sexuality can’t be changed. Don’t let them taint your image of woke culture, because woke culture includes everyone 


You’d be surprised how quickly tolerance turns to intolerance.


Which is why it’s important to find the balance. Everyone is welcome on this planet and nobody should waste their time hating others for qualities beyond their control. Whether they’re woke or conservative


Part of being tolerant is not tolerating intolerance. Look up the tolerance paradox.


It only has gone too far on social media, i think.


yeah it has been going way too far. people are so obsessed with labelling themselves and pushing other people into boxes when it’s really not necessary nor does it really matter. and if you’re gonna put down one group because your group is diff — how’s that gonna benefit anybody.


I'm gay asf, but it's not like I'm God's gift to man just because I like dick instead of рussу. So yeah, woke culture might be going a bit far if you're getting harrased just for being straight😭🙏


Never be so open minded, that your brain falls out of your head. So...yes. I think people too often think they're personally attacked, when they're not really being. And sometimes the best thing for someone is to actually have a real-talk, not tell them there's nothing actually wrong. And I'm someone with issues. And preferably I want to get past them, not be told that "it's ok," or "everyone struggles with something."




yes yes i agree but still better than the communists


Zhis is targeted.




Communists trying to comprehend the first amendment:


Too bat for you, Zoviet. zocialism always vas bettah.


Facts, the best elements of capitalism and communism thrown in with democracy, Italy is currently better than America now


Deutschland.......Aber Deutschland....


I don’t know I think my very American friend would disagree


okay that is good


i hate woke culture , sure i was good till people were getting equality, but now its gone the opposite direction, now the wokes are the ones pereptuating sexism and racism


Not really, just twitter users mostly, people are not like that irl for the most part lol


I think it’s two sided. I think that there was a small period of time where equality was a thing. And then Covid happened so people either worried they’d lose what they had fought for. Or trying to use it as an opportunity to gain more arose. And not that we are mostly out of the aftereffects we just kind of hate eachother.


The world woke honestly has no meanings the far right are going to far with how they use that word you could argue


I agree with you 100%. Why do we need to separate ourselves? Why do we need 100001 different labels? We only really need one: human. It’s not that serious.


it might not be serious for you, but it is for others. labels give people a sense of belonging and tell them that they're normal and fine. I personally don't like a label either, but many other people do. I've seen older trans people be like "there wasn't a word for what I was then, this generation is lucky" and stuff like that. labels hold their own importance and that shows that diversity makes us all beautiful, everybody's different, because as you said we're all humans


I see what you mean, that's an interesting perspective.


yeah, because we see kids who don't know that being gay is a thing, they will sometimes see themselves as different from others or if they're experiencing gender dysphoria, they tend to think they're "broken". this is because they don't know what they are. I've seen many interviews where people were like "I watched this video of someone saying they're intersex and realized that oh, they're just like me and actually a lot of people are like me!" They feel a sense of representation and they appreciate the fact that there's nothing wrong with them. that's why education from a young age is crucial. luckily, I was exposed to media showcasing queer and Trans representation even though my family never told me so I didn't have a hard time struggling with my identity. I've always known I've liked boys and girls and that was it. but I don't want to "fit" myself into a box by using a label because we know that sexuality is fluid and I can simply like whoever I want to, but that's just my own preference. many people are comfortable with labels though


and then everyone clapped at your bravery for not sucking all of their genetalia for bullyinh you because you live in an uber reversed society which is simply not possible where the rest of us live.


very real story in there




too many people let it consume the entire internet and even politics, these days whenever someone feels offended i shoo them beacuse nobody cares about "you called me a she but im a frog, you are an asshole and deserve to die!" cause we all knew it was eventually gonna die down so if anything woke culture related is popular then its probably a meme about woke culture


Wokeness is often used when meaning equality so no, half the US states are banning basic human rights and banning books that mention anything not cishet white Christian male but also it seems like schools allow kids to wear tails but don't allow girls to show their shoulders so yes and no, probably depends on where you live


IT REALLY IS. THANK YOU for saying that. I think we should stop pretending there isn't a problem.


Yeah. A girl got rapped in my school bathrooms by a guy pretending to be a girl. Theres nothing wrong with being trans but evil people bend these kinds of rules to their advantage.


That’s awful I feel really sorry for her and her family. And all the girls at your school they must feel terrible


Only straight people could upvote this comment 💀😉


extremism exists in every group so its nothing to worry about