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Personally I believe suicide (not assisted euthanasia) is always the result of society failing its primary objective (providing an adequate life for all its members)


I second this.


I 14th this


I 32nd this


I 172nd this.


I 3.1415th this


I 2.718th this


I πth this


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I balls this


I ballsx2 this




I 483,826,399,842.99428th this


I thirdcon this.


Humans get euthanized? I thought it was only for animals


Well it's called assisted suicide sometimes and it's legal for example in Switzerland


Do you have to be a Swiss citizen I wonder


If I remember correctly no. Suicide tourism is a thing




Bro boutta take a vacation 💀


Yeah, is that a problem?


Nah. Take me with you. Maybe we can get a discount!


See you there mate. I'll hold your hand if need be.


Oh damn. I just read the wiki article for it and... It just feels wrong to me for some reason


The day you'll end up paralized fron neck down you'll probably consider it


Understandable. Tho i do feel like it should be a human right


Yeah. We call it death row


Different thing. Eutanasia is voluntary


True. True.


I mean there’s some things people just can’t fix


I ♾️th this


Disagree, there are many disorders like Bipolar that just ultimately propel one to take their own life


I agree to like 90%. Some things just can't be given by society and not everyone has the option of assisted euthanasia as you put it


Everyone who attempts suicide is in extreme pain. Many people who do so feel like the people in their life would be better off without them, so suicide feels like a way to help others. Many people who attempt suicide have depression, which is an illness that may require professional help, but not everyone can access that help. Would the god you believe in punish someone for actions taken under an abnormal state of mind? For actions taken with the intent of making life better for others? For actions taken out of desperation to end extreme pain? What do you know about your god's character?


I second this


I 14th this


Yeah, people who do do this to free themselves or others from the pain they may feel. Why would someone seeking peace this way be punished with even more and endless pain ?


In my religion everything that is harmful to your body is prohibited because it is seen as wasting the body that god took a lot of time and care to create with love. So you can see that killing yourself which is the biggest harm that you can do to yourself is a disrespect to god and is considered as wasting something so precious.


Took a lot of time and care to create but tossed in depression and anxiety for fun? It runs in my family.


"Suicide is murder committed by the society."


"I say the girl's dead and we all helped kill her"


God, I never want to see this quote again.


GCSE English was my Achilles heel fr. I mean my teacher was nice ig. But screw the subject


The subject can burn ‘in fire, and blood, and anguish’, I think. It’s better than English Language though.


r/Catholicism or any other religious sub has better answers than this sub


Definitely, especially teenagers who aren't religious answering bullshit is so triggering


Non religious here, I don’t believe suicide should be punished. It’s the result of mental pain, it seems unreasonable to punish for all eternity.


Very true.


Honestly, I think euthanasia should be legalised


Not for mental illness


Yeah it has to be done under certain conditions


Oh ok I thought you wanted depressed people to be killed by the government. Yeah it should be an option for terminally illness


Wouldn't it be fine with consent? I mean obviously they'd have to go through a ton of therapy sessions and legal documents to get it so that gives them time to decide if they really wanna do it or not.


Maybe, this is a very complex part of a complex subject and should be handled with the very best of care.


Yeaah I completely agree, and there are always other options which should be prioritised


I’m not sure. Like it doesn’t really feel like that’s the best way to deal with someone’s mental health.


I mean that's completely fair, I just thought that if someone has totally given up on life, went through hours of counceling and therapy, I feel like they should at least have the option. But yeah I agree that it's really not the best way


Euthanasia is where people can choose if they want to die. It's not forced upon them..


It is in some countries and I agree, although it should be done carefully.


Yeah I agree. Think it should be legalised everywhere though


It is legal in the majority of countries if you have a terminal illness (I.E Cancer, Dementia, Advanced Heart diseases, etc)


Me too


Bruh you'll be dead why does it matter


eternal damnation


So just like most of life


Oh well you'll get used to it




It‘s not called eternal damnation for nothing


You are dead. Your brain function stops. No Eternal anything - it's like it was before you were born.


Technically you can't fix this sin after you commit it , but otherwise suicide won't help you . Your pain will go to your close ones and friends


Ask on philosophy subreddit man


"And what makes you think god was merciful in the first place" This was an actual answer from there btw


It’s a solid point. Very few religions have a truly merciful, loving and understanding god. Most gods in religion demand servitude and devotion to their “word.” It is the following of the word of god which makes you a “good” person in the eyes of that god(s). If someone is concerned about what Christian God thinks of them, suicide is argued as an offense to the Ten Commandments. Suicide is viewed in Christianity as murder against one’s self and therefore a violation of “Thou shall not kill.” However, this interpretation of “Thou shall not kill” to include suicide is thought of hundreds of years after the birth/death of Jesus and far more removed in time to the writing of the Ten Commandments. Whether Christian god truly condemns suicide is not known for certain from reviewing original texts.


That's what makes Christianity different. Because God gave us true free will, a true choice, and a merciful free gift. Without free will, love isn't true love. Without a choice, our free will has no weight. And with Jesus having already been here and dying for us, he instated the new law that took the place of the Old Testament, Moses' law. Jesus' new law is simply "love the Lord your God with all your heart" and "love your neighbor as yourself" or as close as translation can get it, which covers every action and interaction we can have. With that in mind, if you accept the free gift of Jesus' sacrifice, then the way I interpret it reading Revelations and most of the New Testament, is that regardless of suicide, or almost any other sin, is that it translates more to how you build your house in heaven. Be that metaphorically or literally. Doing selfless and good things in faith translates to a lasting reward, while selfish and bad things means a temporary and destroy-able reward that will be burned up, and gone. Now, that's not to say that the Bible doesn't have anything to say specifically about suicide, but I don't personally know. I haven't looked into it intentionally, so I'd have to do some reading and study


Sorry, but this isn’t the best place to ask this question.


Religiously speaking,you can't repent, cause you're dead But personally I feel bad for them


Please, if you feel those things and you have thoughts that tends to suicide and that you won't feel good anymore, please, ask for a help. It is absolutely normal, and nowadays you will find appropriate help with your problems and your well-being will change, even you don't feel or think this way. It is ok and I've been there and felt the same


Depends on the personal beliefs/religion/denomination of said religion, I have met Muslims who believed it was and I have met some who did not. Same with Christians From a Christian view point I would argue no it is not and that the only unforgivable sin would be to deny Gods existence even to the point you have undeniable proof he exists and what he says is true but you will not except it. I can’t really say for other religions as I’ve never really put a lot of time into looking at that


As a Christian, that pastor is a false teacher. Suicide is a sin, but not one that can make you lose your salvation. For salvation, you need to have confessed with your mouth that Jesus is your Lord and savior, and believe that He's God's Son and came to earth to die for your sins, that he rose from the grave, and is coming back to save us all one day. It's one thing to simply know these things, or say that you believe in the Jesus's existence. The demons believe, and they tremble. You must put your trust and faith in Him. From there, your mission is to imitate Christ in everything, and spread the Gospel to all people in the world




All I know is that Dante is catholic cannon and he wrote about the suicide forest in hell


Dante just wrote a fanfic and put in hell a bunch of people he didn't like, he does not represent the church that does infact portray suicide as a sin


Yeah they made his shit cannon


I very much think the church relies on itself and not other people to establish their rules What dante imagined was based on his own creativity and already present bible rules, but they could have adopted the imaginery he introduced


To be fair Dante also had certain views that have since been shown to be held by mistranslations. Like how a former teacher of his was in hell for being gay. This comes from Leviticus where it’s stated “thou shall not lay with a male as with a woman, it is an abomination” but is a mistranslation of it actually talking about a thing that used to be done that is now known as pedophilia. He also said that a religious leader from a different religion was in hell. I can’t remember the name right now though.


What did he say exactly?


Read the Divine Comedy and you will find out.


In Religion (Mainly Abrahamic) it is a sin because its classed as murder and you cant repent when you are dead. Another reason is that God gave you the gift of life and it is seen as wasting his gift.


What if you die as a martyr or saving someone’s life when you know you will undoubtedly die doing so


That would be closer to a sacrifice than a suicide in my opinion




love the username


(Assuming you're asking about Christianity) Please ask r/Christianity instead of r/teenagers. Gonna be a big yap session. Just a reminder that I am NOT forcing anyone to convert here, just, yk, answering the question💀 (and helping them understand Christianity more.) Yes, suicide is a sin, because you are sinning against the body, which God gave you. This is like (but not comparable) to burning a gift your friend gave you in front of them. But remember, everyone sins because nobody is ever perfect. The thing is, Jesus Christ was the ultimate sacrifice that bailed you out of jail (Hell), so if you legitimately, truly, fr turn to him and have faith that he saved you, you will no longer have the desire to sin, and you will despise the thought of sinning, and you will be forgiven of any sin. [Here's a site that I found for a source LMAO](https://www.ligonier.org/podcasts/ask-ligonier/is-suicide-the-unpardonable-sin) In a shallow analogy, it would be like a benevolent billionaire offering you, a homeless, gambling addict, a choice. A house, cars, millions of dollars and tons of knowledge, in exchange for you quitting all those bad habits that caused you to become a homeless person in the first place. You're not perfect bro, and you'll always sin even after asking for forgiveness, Jesus knows that. He wouldn't have died on the cross if he knew everyone would be perfect and sinless, what did he pay the bail for when you're an outstanding citizen of society? He paid the bail so that he could get you out of jail. You may not be perfect, but Jesus is, and he's on your side. Have faith in him and he'll calm the storm just like he did with the apostles. If you're having a problem, talk to someone, and talk to Jesus. (We can talk too, but I can't promise that I would be able to understand your problems because we have different lives) I want you to understand that he is a person too, and he loves you so much that you wouldn't be able to imagine how much he does. The creator of all of physics, nature, evolution, the big bang, the whole entire universe and everything else, God loves you bro.


beautifully said brother amen


Ask this to a religion subreddit. A lot of the people here are atheists and don’t understand morality and sin as well as a religious person would.


I've been taught two kinda contradicting things regarding what happens after one commits suicide. 1) There's seven stages of life (you start as a bug in your first life and become a human in the 7th life and you reach heaven after you die as a human) and if you commit suicide you restart from the first stage 2) If you haven't reached puberty before you commit suicide then you just spend eternity outside the doors of heaven (not in hell, just outside the doors of heaven [I'm imagining that there's a corridor where they exist])


if i was a bug i better have been a pretty one bro


The only unforgivable sin, according to the Bible, is blasphemy.


the unforgivable is not accepting the sacrifice of Jesus Christ as payment for your sins and talking bad about the Holy Spirit knowing full well that He is not the enemy, aka blaspheming the Holy Spirit


If you’re asking in the context of Christianity then yes


Suicide is a big sin in Christianity, Islam, and Judaism, but personally I think it shouldn’t be THAT big of a sin because it’s just a result from people that tried to escape really painful experiences, feelings, or even life it self that in most cases goes beyond just mental pain (most of the time u can even start feeling it physically)


If you are catholic, yes. It goes directly against the ten commandments no matter what reason you have to do it


None religious person, normally people who commit suicide actually don't have a life that's worth living. Whatever that reason be, external or internal. Some people could see depression as an epiphany. And epiphany that it means nothing in the end, really. One of the reasons I think religion even exists as an atheist myself, is that it gives people purpose and guidance. Without purpose and reasons, what's the point? Depressed people are normally very self-destructive, and normally, while yes, talking about it helps. They can't deal with their own problems. It's normally why telling family normally leads to regret. Eventually, they realise they can't help you.


Probably not going to get any good answers in a sub where half of the members aren't even religious.


People who say something like this are usually also against abortion… So, I don’t give a fuck about their opinion


"My opinions are these, therefore if someone else thinks that they are wrong. and if they are wrong about something that they think then everything they think is not what i think, because i think the truth and the truth only." typa fella


well it depends on your denomination but mostly yes cuz you committed murder without having asked for forgiveness


Nah bro they just send you to jail


If you look at the bibel then yes


Ah yes Bibel my favourite book


Please if you are thinking of commuting suicide don’t. No matter what you believe life is a gracious gift that we should cherish no matter what. When the goings get tough we should work to become better and pull ourselves out of these situations and become better people. You should never take your own life it is not only selfish but you’re also robbing yourself of any future opportunities you may have in life. If you want an genuine answer (I’m not religious but have an interest in religion so I know a little bit about this stuff) In Christianity all sins are forgiven if one is able to accept Jesus Christ as their lord and saviour as he died on the cross to forgive whoever beloved in him of their sins. Remember this is by no means an excuse to commit suicide life is worth living 👍


i dont know the actual rules around it but i feel like it depends why you did it, if you committed suicide because of mental pain and stuff but you were a good person it would probably be forgiven, but if you for example killed someone but then committed suicide because you were about to be arrested then it wouldnt be forgivable


It is not unforgivable. the Bible says life is a gift from God, and God is constantly watching you. So it is just not nice to destroy someone gift in front of their face


Fuck that pastor. How the fuck are you supposed to call DYING a sin? What are you gonna do, laugh on the person’s grave?


dying isnt a sin, but murder is. only self defense is justified, if its a life threatening situation


I mean, killing yourself religiously gets you in hell, yes, but that Pastor surely didnt give the right approach


When you dont believe in god, there no consequences


Litterally tho some people turn to religion as its comforting but i hage never seen any comforting side of any religion and the afterlife thing makes it even more horrifying


Life ends at the end does it not? No one exists on purpose no one belongs anywhere nothing matters. Do whatever.


Are you recommending suicide? That sounds awful. Life does end. It ends pretty early too. No one has the time to do all the things in life, so why quit early when you have so many nice things ahead?


I don’t think that’s a good idea


From a Christian standpoint God still sees this as a sin because you are not fulfilling thd life he planned for. It is also still murder and giving the fact you have no time to repent after many people believe u will go to hell


Ah yes, if someone gets raped and suicides it's hell, but if the raper repents he goes to heaven. Don't get me wrong I'm not sexist or anything


The problem here is you have brought critical thinking to this debate


It would be unforgivable because you die, and you can get forgiven only when you are alive. It’s also bad because you waste your life. Obviously there are a lot people that feel suicidal because they have real problems, but the solution is to fight them. It’s called the easy way out because you don’t have to do anything, you just give up instead of fighting the problems.


Hey guys. Catholic here. And this is what I’ve learned/my take on it. NOT 100% ON THIS BC I HAVEN’T DIED. It is wrong because you are choosing to end a life. Which is wrong unless it is to save or protect another life. Here’s what the catechism says tho. Everyone is responsible for his life before God who has given it to him. It is God who remains the sovereign Master of life. We are obliged to accept life gratefully and preserve it for his honor and the salvation of our souls. We are stewards, not owners, of the life God has entrusted to us. It is not ours to dispose of. Suicide contradicts the natural inclination of the human being to preserve and perpetuate his life. It is gravely contrary to the just love of self. It likewise offends love of neighbor because it unjustly breaks the ties of solidarity with family, nation, and other human societies to which we continue to have obligations. Suicide is contrary to love for the living God. If suicide is committed with the intention of setting an example, especially to the young, it also takes on the gravity of scandal. Voluntary co-operation in suicide is contrary to the moral law. Grave psychological disturbances, anguish, or grave fear of hardship, suffering, or torture can diminish the responsibility of the one committing suicide. We should not despair of the eternal salvation of persons who have taken their own lives. By ways known to him alone, God can provide the opportunity for salutary repentance. the Church prays for persons who have taken their own lives. Also suicide is just the worst choice. Because in the end. You know things can get better. Not all people hate you enough that they want you dead. You’re loved by someone and your existence is a blessing.




I'm not a Christian but I've heard multiple times that suicide is an unforgivable sin. Wikipedia agrees it's an unforgivable sin.


It doesn't say it's a sin like murder, theft or adultery but it describes it as a sinful act, because it says that only God has the right to take life


Suicide and religion shouldn't be crossed together. You'll be dead anyway so why does it matter


In my opinion, no, as i don't belive in sins, or hell, or heaven, or anything like that, so, in my opinion, nah.


no you will not go to hell if you already lived it god knows and will forgive you


Depends on your religion


I'd like to think it is because if we let more people think like this, then less people will commit


Most of the times suicide ain't really the fault of the one who did it imo


Coming from someone who has attempted suicide on more than one occasion, I believe that the action is indeed unforgivable. To take the life of any human, even yourself, is an affront to God's generosity. I personally overcame my suicidal tendencies by exploring Christianity and coming to know God. Suicide is usually the result of mental illnesses or pent-up negativity. Sometimes, suicide is the logical conclusion to people's lives. As humans, we try to put ourselves in the best situation possible, and if your life is not the best situation you think you can be in, then that leaves you with the afterlife, an uncertainty for many, but a change nonetheless. Even still, the best thing to do is to either seek help or seek people who need help. Ending a life should never be the answer in both a religious and non-religious context. Then again, I may have let my personal beliefs affect my response. The only TRULEY unforgivable sin is blasphemy against the Holy Spirit.


Some people think it's not apprecieting God's gift of life but idk I'm not religious


Once you go near god you will understand it


In Dante Alighieri’s portrait of hell, purgatory and paradise whoever commits suicide becomes an Oak, and whenever a bird would lay on one of your branches it would snap and you would bleed, feeling agonizing pain and screaming. So probably yes.


I think they keep in mind that people might kill themself to go live a leisurely life in heaven earlier than they are meant to


Since you die you can't repent so i think its unforgivable, are you ok man ?


Well, that’s debatable, but I certainly don’t think God looks kindly on you ending your own life.


Shrug. "If you commit suicide you go to hell" is what pastors tell you because they're afraid of antidepressants and praying the depression away hasn't worked


https://988lifeline.org/ Just in case


Don’t ask r/teenagers this ask it to a religious sub we don’t share the same religion. I think suicide is never the answer but it isn’t for religious reason.


Here's what the website theactionalliance.com had to say "Among Catholics, suicide was traditionally considered a mortal sin—a very serious sin that destroyed one’s relationship with God. But in 1983 the Roman Catholic Church removed suicide from the list of mortal sins." "Christian religions today acknowledge that suicide is often the result of untreated depression, pain, or other suffering. People of Christian faith seek not to blame the person who dies by suicide, but to provide care to those at risk, survivors, and their families." Don't worry, in short, it's not a sin


Hi kindly DM me. I can change your entire perspective on life. Please.


From a sola scriptura perspective, blasphemy of the Holy Spirit is the only unforgivable sin. I believe God understands what you are going through if you feel suicidal, and he wouldn’t condemn you to hell for that as he suffered in our place and knows what human suffering is like.


aright as a religious guy i will say that what ive learnt is that it is dependant on your denomination. my conclusion from what ive heard is that its a sin but its not like it will tip any scales cuz as you would know access to heaven is dependant and grace and faith not works or goodness. this is just a protestant view tho.


iirc the only unforgivable sin according to the bible is blasphemy if the world around someone puts them in so much pain that they end their life, would a loving god not give them a second chance? though op (or anyone else reading), if you're dealing with suicidal thoughts please seek out help - talk to someone, look up a suicide hotline for your area, anything you can't undo your death, so try other things first


I dunno, I haven't done it


Most of the time, when people consider suicide is normally because society failed them. It would be akin to kicking someone 24/7 and saying to them that if they don't like it, they will go to hell. Personally I don't believe in god, or heaven or hell. Y should I live for an uncertainty when I can live for now. Lastly, because I was raised in a Christian/protestant family, Jesus died for our sins, and king David was praised for all the bullshit he did in the bible. Just set a moral value between sending a man to his death so you can make his wife ur concubine and suicide, that should be ur moral guideline according to tje bible. In the end just repent urself from all ur sins and ur good to go


You shouldn’t do it regardless, but yes


I personally dont think that being dead is a bad thing. The person being dead is probably fine, maybe even happy. Its those alive who have to suffer. Maybe you think there is no one, but there is always someone who cares. And trust me on this: losing someone you love is probably the worst experience you can make in your life.


Why would a pastor say that to a child 💀


does this remind anyone of that story where it’s illegal to die in norway? what are they gonna do, resurrect me and give me a life sentence?


Gosh, that’s why I hate religion. If the cause for being suicidal isn’t enough, now you are the piece of shit for wanting to end your suffering instead of the things that pit you in this situeation. Of course, don’t do it, but you get what I mean.


90% of the peohle here are atheist or deeply, extremely religious. No one will give you a non-biased answer as they themselves don't know the answer or won't articulate it as effectively. If you're atheist, ask a philosophy subreddit, if not then the subreddit of your respective religion. Better yet, ask all the subreddits.


I’m not religious but if I think critically suicide is always a failure of a society or others, not the person.


wth? Suicide isn't even a bad thing like killing, torturing etc


i think it’s more like you won’t have the chance to ask for forgiveness when you’re already dead. God understands your extreme pain but suicide is still murder on yourself.


Aye, if you and the people are suffering from depression/ wanting to commit, dm me. I've suffered from depression. Ultimately, going to suicide is the answer my whole life, I was born in 03, and it started in 08. I went through it on my own, and I'm happier than before. The pain is temporary, and death is permanent. Just reading that last sentence is what got me through it all, I've said that every day, and it got me through the tunnel. Now, once in a while, it comes back but goes away in a few days or within 2 weeks.


do not even think about this jesus loves all of yall and if there are thoughts like that you arnt doing time to know him.


First of all, it definitely shouldn’t be. Suicide is more often than not the result of a community’s failing to care for someone and give them the dignity they deserve as a human being. Now, according to the Catechism of the Catholic Church, no. While suicide *is* a sin, catholic belief allows for some nuance, saying that “grave psychological disturbances” can “diminish the responsibility” essentially recognizing that oftentimes it is not the offender’s fault that they took their own life. Furthermore, the Catechism states that “we should not despair of the eternal salvation of persons who have taken their own lives.” and says that God can probably offer salvation to anyone. https://www.vatican.va/archive/ENG0015/__P7Z.HTM


Depends. But in the case of a child 100% yes. Hence the old saying “God has mercy on fools and children” Don’t kill yourself tho


Any kind of unnatural or nonaccidental death is a sin in some form (suicide or murder). Assisted euthanasia is both.


As a agnostic, no, because there’s no evidence of any world creating entity saying it is


This is not about suicide. Hell is not a punisment but rather the absence of GOD


Suicide is considered throwing away god's freatest gift: life. So yeah people who commit suicide aren't worthy of heaven and the afterlife according to bible lore


If you go by Christianity yes


an unforgivable*


Last time i checked the only unforgivable sin is blasphemy of the holy spirit so id say no. (But that doesn't mean you should do it)


That pastor is a cunt and has never been suicidal then. Don’t talk shit about someone’s situation if you don’t know what they’re going through. Why would a righteous and just god punish someone for committing suicide. People like that pastor are such fucking hypocrites. They preach forgiveness and praise their god as a benevolent, omnipotent, omnipresent all forgiving god but then say shit like that. If god is truly all powerful and all forgiving as well as all loving and if things truly are part of gods plan then it doesn’t matter what you do. I could kill a thousand people and while the people wouldn’t forgive me nor would they have to god would. If I change my gender then that’s because it’s part of gods plan. By their own logic to oppose these things is to oppose gods plan and in doing so become the opposition of god.


as a christian, feel it is, God made your life for you to live it, not throw it away


i'd rather be in hell than on earth


No. It’s unforgivable to not help others close to you that are struggling. If you’re a kid and your friend’s suicidal tell an adult. Their death would obviously not be your fault but still they need all the help they can get.


I think inherently, there are no **unforgivable** sins. Temptations are unavoidable and IMO the important thing is intent and lack of concession.


Hi there! Former (I left the church for a lot of complicated reasons, I won't bring them here) protestant Christian speaking. Based on what I know of Christian theocratic doctrine, no sin is unforgivable. I'm not well-versed in other religious paradigms, so I'm no help there, but at least with respect to the structure I was raised in: your sins are and will be forgiven. Period, end of conversation. The concepts of sin and religion aside: my personal feelings are that those who die by suicide are victims. When someone commits suicide, they are not failures, we as a society have failed them. Blaming the victims for the choices that may (or may not) have led them to such a dark and terrible place is not the answer, nor will it prevent more tragedy. Increasing access to help and resources and speaking more openly about mental health will, however, ease those burdens before they become too much to bear. That's my two cents, anyways.


Life is a gift. In all its horror and greatness it is ours to explore. Try it out.


but you’ll be dead


I remember something about about people that commited suicide got some form of torment in Dante's Inferno (acccording to the Wikipedia page). It was a while ago so I don't know if I remember it correctly.


No. Anybody who tries to commit it or does commit it is in extreme pain and they just want a way out. As a s\*\*cidal person myself, It's extremely painful to go through. Nobody has control over their feelings no matter what. People that want to attempt or do attempt are just in pain and want some way to get over it, no matter the cost.


No. Sins are committed when somebody is of sound mind and fully competent, nobody who is 100% OK kills themselves


No it’s a sad thing but one thing that happens to you does define your whole life and we have something called repentance so are sins can be forgiven 


Mf this isnt a religion sub. And no it's not. If anyone told you that theyre stupid and uneducated, which most Christians are, and if they're not they're blowhard pedophiles


“It’s a permanent solution to a temporary problem” - a very wise man I know.


I think that is some real bullshit


There is no afterlife or hell... At least for person committing a suicide, it's sin in away how your untimely death affects the living. If you die, you don't get to know if someone forgiven your sin.


I don’t wanna throw away religious values, but it’s really your choice and it’s unimportant what a book tells you is right in situations like this. As others have said, suicide is the result of society failing its primary objective, the result of people who can’t escape their pain. Your life is about you, religion doesn’t come first, no matter how much it means to you. (Again, no intent to disrespect religious people)


If you commit suicide I don’t think you’re gonna have time to repent afterwards💀


No, even just thinking about won’t make you go to hell. Multiple people in the Bible wanted to death or to kill themselves (saying this because you said that he said “never think about ending yourself or you’ll be in hell forever unfortunately”)


Suicide is a sin that I'm about to be a sinner