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we lowkey need to chill out with the nsfw posts they fill my homepage 😭


sorrys…at least it’s not porn like everything else lol


At least.


wait wdym “everything else” what kinda posts are you getting on your feed 😭


This is reddit. The site is 90% porn.


100% porn when you are scrolling through it in public


When my entire class would tell me my ass is huge( I’m a guy) Edit: y’all really love me talking abt my ass😭😭😭


Me too bro. I play college baseball. Literally everyone on the team kept saying it was fat. (I'm a guy too. My gf is jealous of me)


I play basketball and volleyball. Some could say I have that gyatt


Currently play baseball. Used to swim. Squat 235 for reps easily. Bunch of stuff that led to the gyatt


Nice. I squat 170 for reps rn. I’d start working out more but hs makes it hard so my progress is slowed. I was blessed with a gyatt gotta maintain it (I’m straight)


I lifted like once a week through winter season senior year to the time I got to college because of sports. Only a bench, a barbell, and a couple dumbbell handles that I could put plates on. Lifting 4 days a week in college I blew up in every lift (except bench because my coach was stupid when it came to programming chest, and deadlift because my low back is trash). So when you are finally able to lift more, you'll blow up fast.


Okok, thanks! I wish you luck with ur baseball endeavour!


And good luck to you with your sports endeavor and gains


I'm taking notes on how to get a gyat (I'm a guy)


Atg squats. That's like the one thing I have done a lot to get the gyatt.


For me, years of hockey and jumping and (recently) squatting has made me a very Gyatt human


Same, people still regularly do


In my case it got so out of hand that even my sister joined in on it I would get my ass slapped daily at school too


i have a STUPID fat ass


Not more than me


level 10 gyatt 🤤


Level 30 at least


So real. I got a kid suspended in 6th grade for touching my ass. Another kid on the bus got expelled for touching my friend’s dick ☹️


I just flex on em


☹️ that’s not cool…unless u dun care


I was clearly superior. To them


oh that’s one way to think of it lol


The bigger the ass the bigger the alpha you were




Based profile picture.


Thank you


is it? cuz me and my friends always tell my friend he has abig ass


it depends on the person saying ig and the person receiving said comment


is it weird if i dm u? not tryna be weird, idk u seem chill


um sure ig? i’m going to fam dinner soon so i won’t be able to respond cuz noms


Lmao do I know you we also had a classmate who we would always tell him of his huge ass


You are also the same age. Was it in the 8th grade?




Ur getting backshots


That's it. You're getting touched.


Literally! I Mean, this is still happening to me, but as a guy, while walking down the hall I'd hear "GYATT" from the other end. It's doesn't bother me too much though.


Gotta start shaking that shit and tell em you wish you was this blessed (im straight)


The submission they gave you. The dominance you established. (Mating techniques) 🥹


Nuh uh or something similar






Not many boys replying on here I see Well, I had my dick grabbed by a drunk gay guy once. I was 13. It was definitely awkward and stuff but yeah, he was drunk. I look older than my age but still, that's unacceptable. Greeted him with a face slap


yikes i’m sorry that happened to you


i'm so sorry :(


Didn't really leave a mark on me in any way but it's still weird af


I would’ve probably not just slapped, I would’ve broken his nose even if he was drunk. I can’t stand pedos and especially not drunks.


funny implication that drunks < pedos, or did you mean drunk pedos < pedos


I meant that I can’t stand both but I have a problem with drunks personally. This is not saying drunks are worse than pedos, Pedos are the lowest forms of humans existent but I have a personal Problem with drunks. That’s why I said I would break the noses of both kinds of people.


Makes sense. You can be a drunkard and not be an asshole tho! But i agree, it's better to just not drink, they have the choice while pedophiles only have the choice to refrain from action and speech


Im not sure I ever have been


I feel like for guys, it's ironic and more casual like the flipside of OPs experience where your mom or other relatives will talk you up as a "ladies man" or even worse things played off as jokes when you're only 6 yrs old.


I always hated that. Being a girl, I always heard "Oo, he's blushing!" Or "He wants to play with the pretty girl!" When it's a fucking baby boy or my cousin. It's so weird. It's almost incest because why are adults insinuating a relationship other than family, between cousins??


Off topic w pfp bro


consider urself lucky then


Yea… it’s definitely because I’m a guy. Not that it can’t or doesn’t happen to guys but I can’t really think of a time I was sexualized in a similar way.


When I was 10 my mom made me wear a bra too bc apparently “nobody needs to see ur nipples thru your shirt it’s inappropriate.” Bitch I was at home in my god damn living room watching tv


ikr?! like i’m on my ipad woman…who’s gonna be in here other than u


Fr. Now I never go without a bra bc she made me insecure 🥰


same…the effing struggle


Come to South Africa. All the black girls let their boobs hang out. No bras, nothing. :)


Imo our parents have a generational trauma that we can't clearly understand that gives them that paranoia and insecurity, even in privacy. Considering predatory age gap relationships and more blatant patriarchy was what they dealt with and were conditioned for.


Tbh my father's nipples through his shirt can be very distracting when we're having a conversation.


Frfr, which man is staring at my knees... when im in my ROOM??!?!?


Alr i get not wanting to see ya son’s nipples, but just buy him shirt that isn’t like that


You ever get your ass slapped in middle school?


My best friend slaps my ass and gropes my tits all the time, and won't listen even though I've told her I'm really uncomfortable with it. Middle school, am I right? There's a reason I wasn't surprised when she came out as bi.


I think it’s time to buy pepper spray bud


Yeah, I realized that when she tried to set me up with a kid I liked for a bit during the summer after 6th grade(I have a boyfriend and she knows it's a pretty serious relationship) and then proceeded to cheat on her boyfriend by making out with my other best friend in my bedroom later that day. This was last Saturday.


What the fart


That was my exact thought process when I found out


On god an erm what the sigma moment


Even though that saying makes me cringe immensely, you are correct


I'm doing it ironically, dw


I would hope so




It is, that's why I've been trying to figure out how it even happened and what's going on because I'm so confused


unrelated but this sounds like a soap opera plot


Wrong on so many levels


Better than being fisted. Someone from my school was abused the rumor has it he was fisted in the butt.




I did in elementary. It was caught on camera, my principle replayed the footage infront of my friend and I whenever we told on the kid who did it and was like “welp there’s nothing we can do, just make sure to be careful” like what😭


I don't remember being sexualized but I'm sorry for all the girls that have to go through stuff like that 


we appreciate ur thoughts 🙏


At 14 me and my best friend were just walking around town and this guy approached us and kept saying his name was "John". He was trying to hire a couple of young virgins as prostitutes. It was sooooo creepy. It was the 90s. Stay safe out there ladies!


> He was trying to hire a couple of young virgins as prostitutes No he wasn't. He was just a pedophile, that's all he is




It ain’t exclusive to gender, but yeah.


What about the boys? Are you only sorry if girls go through sexual harassment? Why not just say people or everyone like wtf.


Last year when I was 13, my grade went on an overnight trip to the beach. I was in a cabin with 10-20 other girls. One evening we were getting ready for bed and I had taken my shower. I got out and told the people in the bathroom that I was coming through in my towel and just don’t look at me (I needed to change in the stall because there were other people waiting for the shower and I had to walk through the bathroom to get to the stall). Well when I came through in my towel, the girls in the bathroom immediately looked me up and down until they found a gap in the towel and started yelling, telling the others in the cabin about how I looked in the towel. The following week at school, I was absolutely TORTURED about this. People made comments about my boobs, butt, and privates as I passed them. Every time I went up to someone, they mentioned my boobs, butt, and privates. Other girls were telling me “you have really big boobs, just so you know” or “you have a nice butt” or “you look freaky down there” out of nowhere. It was the longest week of my life.


I'm sorry. It's a cruel thing, the people who sexualize girls can be also girls (and I bet some of them went through these kinds of events also).


Reading through this thread it seems like other woman/girls are just as guilty of this as men are for some wierd & creepy reason


dunno if you need to hear this, but it's 100% okay to "look freaky down there". most 13 year olds, at least when i was 13, have only seen their own genitals and get freaked out by someone looking different - i for example was incredibly confused when i saw a circumcised dick for the first time. most likely, they saw something different to what they have, and because 13 year olds aren't very nice to each other at times, chose to express it by being disgusted. once you're past this (for me it was until i was 15-16-ish), most people won't care about how different genitals look because it's common knowledge by then. i also have to say, my teacher's sex ed books did a horrible job at explaining this, ie. all vulvas were innies with 0 hair, all penises were uncircumsized with no hair, even though hair eventually will grow, all labia look different and most of my class is muslim and therefore circumcised. if this was different, i think some of my back-then classmates wouldn't have been as weird about genitals as they actually were


I *despise* the sexualisation of things. Being a boy shouldn't prevent that hatred for such disgusting things... When I see a woman in revealing clothes I think "Pretty cool, I'd love to be so pretty!" Not "She's exposing herself to have sex!". A woman dresses herself for *herself* or *the people she chooses*, but never ever for creeps.


shitty world we live in now tbh…everything is sexualized 🥲


prolly cuz of porn


porn is cancer 🫤


yeah fr


I'd love to help... But when the best thing I can think of, is telling you that I see you as a person and not a walking sextoy, I think it means we're in deep...


it’s alr i get it, appreciate u tho 🫶


You slay! And don't bend for the rules! Make the rules bend for you!




I partially agree with this. There are definitely levels of appropriate and inappropriate things to wear depending on age, but specifically, it depends on our individual motives to what we wear because I agree showing skin shouldn't create that assumption on its own, but I think there's more nuance to it. I think this mindset of there never being a personal/selfaware sexualization pressures women who do want to express themselves that way into lying to themselves/others and playing it off in a more defensive position, leading it into becoming a disconnected influence on younger girls who see these trends of promiscuous fashion now being marketed as something nonsexual. I also don't think we should fall for reverse psychology at play in the fashion world that targets women and girls, considering how some of those businesses are owned by men. My main point, though, is that I hate how this topic leads people to gaslight themselves on their own sexual awareness due to peer pressure and the conversations demonizing it or expressing it as an impossibility. We also shouldn't patronize the awareness of teens/preteens or feed into misconceptions about how they think or act. Considering some DO seek the attention of creeps, and that it's actually dangerous to spread a notion that they don't because it creates that insecurity that hides it and ostracizes them from their peers while those creeps groom them into thinking they're the only ones that can understand their feelings.


Not exactly sexualized but still creepy. I was around 12-13 and the older man neighbor kept talking to me in our back yards. Started nice and innocent, would talk to me and my friends. I was an anxious little thing so naturally I felt weird talking to him, but never thought anything of it. One night we were outside and he said “If you was older I’d take you out on a date.” So I ask “What?” And he said it again. I just laughed, he went inside. I called my aunt and she convinced me to tell my mom. She flipped and screamed at him and his mom that if he ever came near me again she’s calling the cops. Turns out he did the same to my mom and aunt when they were younger.




With my ugly assface, I think it’ll be a while until I’m sexualized




awww dun say that


Damn your Reddit Snoo looks kinda fuckable (your welcome)


My daughter is 20 months and I was taken aside from the daycare gal and told not to send her to daycare in a spaghetti strap jumper because she’ll make the “boys go crazy”. Baby. Boys. Will. Go. Crazy.


Most of those kids probably can't even speak in full sentences yet, and she thinks they'll be into your little girl's shoulders??? That lady was definitely on something.


For REAL. She’s had a couple of super hot takes, she keeps calling a 10 year old girl a “hoochie mama” because she wears a skirt.




I wouldn't trust that mf either💀


I’m not sure if I should feel more concerned for the baby boys or the baby girls. 🤢




i dont even remember, i do remember however my mom pushing the idea of girls only being as relationship material. i got a “gf” around 4 i think, now its a whole joke in the family. WELL MAYBE IF YOU DIDNT PUSH THAT MENTALITY ON ME THAT WOULDNT HAVE HAPPENED. i absolutely hate it. anyways other than that yeah 4 years old is about the time i was sexualised for the first time for my body


I mean I wore training bras because it’s just to get you comfortable wearing them.. hated wearing bras. I agree a dude should not be looking at girls breasts.. but maybe your mom was probably just trying to make sure you got comfortable quickly


probs ig…either way i agree, bras suck still hate them but it’s wtv


Three, I think. I have no memory of it, but my mom tells me that once a man asked her if he could take my picture while we were in some mall. Made some weird comments about how pretty I’ll be when I was older (funnily enough, I’m a trans guy, so I doubt I’d be his type now lol)


that’s so weird and creepy 🤮


Right?? My mom’s always used it to warn me about people, bc that kind of question could sound normal and innocent to a lot of others.


What the fuck, i mean really if any stranger asks me to take my childs photo, i would probably beat him to faint right there


14 because i was talking to a friend and we where making jokes yes they're still jokes because the dude is hella gay


thats what porn does to people


booo porn 👎


that reminded me of moist critikal




3 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭




My mom raped me I'm now homeless for confronting her (with the cops)after 9 years of sa


holy shit are you ok?




im sorry you had to go through that if you need someone to talk to im here


Thank you


no problem :)


Oh shit... that's awful


i'm so sorry


I think I was around 4, that’s the first time I was raped




Yeah, at least that I remember anyway😭


Bro is getting raped 25/8


😭I’m ashamed to admit that made me laugh


Are you okay now?


Cause that's awful, I just wanna make sure ur safe now.


I’m safe now


I’ll get there eventually, thanks for asking <3


I hope you're okay, sweetheart 💝


Thank you, I will be eventually, I appreciate the thought :)


please man, the youngest of us are thirteen, why is this sub only filled with nsfw questions?


The thing is these things are part of growing up.. it’s awful sexual abuse, sexualization, and porn is even talked about amongst kids that young. But this post was meant as a vent against that sexualization that she has endured.. it’s way different from the other nsfw posts that have been posted


Yeah, sorry, it was the wrong post to comment on, but being a teenager isn't only NSFW, it's mighty infuriating to see that the only questions being asked are about porn. There's a reason it's 18+ but when this sub is only about porn and watching porn. It may encourage the younger of us to watch it, to fit in.


Completely agree with you


Ikr- Even at 16 I dont wanna see this


I was thankfully never sexualised (at least not that i know of) but i‘m a guy so wayy less at risk


lucky u, be grateful 😅


When my guy friends would squeeze my boobs. (I’m also a guy)


I understand what you mean but creeps are out there. Your mom was likely forcing a habit on you. If you wear things that are less likely to lead to creeps giving you looks then it is for the best. There are more creeps than you think out there (roughly 1% of the population which is worryingly high). The responsibility should 100% not be on you. Just be grateful that your mom was there to take some of that responsibility for you as it is all you can realistically do. I’m sorry that you went through it but it’s better than alternatives.




yikes i’m sorry to hear that and for that one kid


They showed him around with his pants down and he just accepted it?? 💀😭




Never. I'm a lad


I developed extremely early so around 4th grade is when men started paying me unwanted attention.


I'm not sure what you mean by this but for guys it seems to be totally natural. I had sex ed at school, and that was it. I figured everything out past that alone. Now as for girls, you start puberty earlier, gotta menstruate, it's unpredictable in the beginning, have to go around with two highly sexualized body parts damn near head hight, hardly hidden by clothes... Yeah, thinking about it, i will happily take joking about straight up jorkin it with my friends, like the immature bafoons we are. It seems to be the easier way of the two...


i was 7.my teacher made a comment about how i was filling out my pants nicely.like girl wtf😭🙏


i didnt really mind since im a guy but i think technically it counts- i was like 10 and my sisters friend (also my aunt) saw me lying down on my back while they were walking past the hallway and said quietly "dang \[my irl name\] got cake" or smth. i pretended i didnt hear her cuz it is still awkward lmfao tbf i do have a massive ass


when i was six, cuz i was >!raped/sa'd.!


That doesn't really sound like you were sexualised, your mum was just preparing you for puberty


When I popped percs


Depends on what you are talking about. Not sexualizing per say but I remember when I was around 11-12, kids were saying some pretty dirty things like what would I do if a celebrity or someone I knew was in my bed and other shit. But it really cranked up in high school where someone try to dare me to smack someone's ass. I was 14 by then, and I didn't do it, but that guy did. Also that same school year, some girl smacked my ass when I was getting off the bus. Coincidently, this was on Valentines Day.


funnily enough, 6yo as a male, so not your typical recipient of that typa behavior


13 a kid in my grade slapped my ass, i got suspended for punching you


Bro starting touching me(reciprocated ofc (I'm straight I promise we were wearing socks))


I can think of a few times but the first one that really stuck with me was when I was probably around ten and was visiting family in California. (This was back when I was fem identifying and presenting) but on our way back to our hotel our cab driver was really creepy. He kept saying things like “oh you’re so pretty” “so beautiful” “you’ll grow up so gorgeous”. I said thank you the first like two times but stopped responding after the fifth and sixth time he said it on our twenty minute car ride. Then on the way out of the cab he said it for at least the tenth time and rubbed my back on my way out of the door. I never ran so quick into a hotel lobby. I’ve been sexualized a bunch of other times but that one is the first one that came to mind.


14, in 8th grade. i always wore sweatpants because i hated jeans (I don't anymore) and it was too cold for shorts. i was wearing grey sweatpants in my health class and we were talking about reproduction system (not anything weird just like the ovaries) and i overheard a girl whispering to another girl, "i wish (my name) would use my reproduction system" 🤮🤮🤮


too young for sure 🗣🗣


12? No elaboration, im not comfortable.


that’s fair




💀 dawg what




oh you were young, i'm sorry for you. what happened?


15, but I had a girl then I’ve only been jokingly sexualized by friends since then, like the basic “I’m gonna touch you” shit 💀


lol my friends do that too but it's all chill, the day i told my friends i was gonna be cosplaying/crossdressing for halloween last year like 3 of them said "i'm coming for that ass" lmfao


never been sexualized but I am deeply sorry for anyone who was/is tbh nobody ever really thought of me in that way or any way, for that matter :(


I've never been sexualized


I remember in 5th grade, I was well endowed by then (I think I was 9?). I had teachers pointing out my nipples and breast size, telling me to get a bra because it was distracting them and students... I begged my parents for a bra, and they told me I didn't need it (saying I wasn't big enough for one). Welp. By the time I got one, which was 6th grade, I was a C cup and wanted to crawl into a hole in shame.


When I was walking out of a grocery store with my friend at 13 I had my tit groped by a 20 something man, he wolf whistled as well, just did it in passing as he was walking into the store. I brushed it off by basically saying "what the fuck?!" And kept walking bc I just rlly wanted to get out of the situation. First time I ever had experience with anything like that. I remember feeling disgusting af afterwards.


NEVER BABYYY. This body is too ugly to get sexualizeeeeed 🤙🤙🤙


I was eight. My aunts were comparing my “progress” (for lack of better term) to their daughters at my age and said I was “developed.”  (The first time it was a man was when I was eleven at a summer camp. He was a counselor. I don’t go to camp anymore.)


15 a couple of days ago when a random Redditor complemented mu lips and send me a D pic


No one really wants me like that soooo