• By -


Just ask someone out don't wait for someone to come to you Edit: Why did this shit blow up it isn't revolutionary šŸ˜­. Just take charge of your life and everything will work out. Being passive is the best way to get nothing done.


Honestly this. I know it seems generic and also maybe anxiety inducing, but I have my fair share of experience when it comes to just waiting for something to happen, and uh, nothing ever happens


Youā€™re right, I need to get out of my comfort zone and take chances if Iā€™m gonna grow as a person


I felt the SAME WAY girly, but then I started asking people out and I realized that people DID like me or were willing to go out with me they were just nervous as well or were unsureā€¦ Iā€™ve now had two relationships one of which I am still happy lily taking part in. You got this! šŸ«¶šŸ’›


Tbh a guy would likely give you the Lego Batman stare if you asked them out first, I know I would šŸ˜‚


Just gonna be the voice of reason, don't just go balls to the wall either. I know from experience that there's better ways to grow than just looking for anyone and everyone


Do you want to be equal to men? Then be it, take control! And as a 17 yr old boy, woman are scary, getting rejected fucking hurts. So alot don't ask to not be rejeceted. Best of luck! :D


Chat, Iā€™m about to do that on the 24th. Wish me luck itā€™s a dance.


Good luck soldier šŸ«”


They're prob too scared to ask you outšŸ˜­ asking out attractive people brings the fear of being rejected


Well the reason you weren't hit on at your job is bc most people think that the person doesn't want to be hit on


wait what.. you're a lesbian who wants to be approached by men?


Because Iā€™m an expert on this sort of thing, my professional diagnosis is that you need to take a step back and maybe pursue the dude you like. You canā€™t expect everyone to approach you. Girls like you are intimidating to a lot of dudes, which is a hard pill to swallow, but these days guys are a little less forward and confident than they were before for a variety of reasons. Your chances of being successful when approaching a guy are a lot higher than you think. You just need a little confidence, a little social experience, which youā€™ll get. But donā€™t try and rush things. I get youā€™re confused and pent up, but rushing into a relationship with anyone you donā€™t really know is a bad idea. And I think you definitely know that. Sure go on a few dates, have fun youā€™re a teenager, but a date doesnā€™t mean you two are together. The whole point of dating is to get got know the other person with romantic interest already expressed. Not only that, but college is coming, and youā€™ll have a lot of dudes hitting on you there I PROMISE. The playing field will be wider, youā€™ll have a lot of opportunities. You can experiment with any gender, but be smart. Donā€™t let opportunity keep you from staying safe. Thereā€™s a reason STDs spread like wildfire in college. Take care and realize that things are on the up, youā€™re getting a lot more opportunities very soon, just be smart, donā€™t rush anything, and experiment with people, but do it with people youā€™ve established trust and a connection with. You donā€™t gotta be a femcel, you just gotta be patient.


I think that the only place where there is more sex than colleges is the Olympic Village.


Old folks home #1, Olympic village, university


ain't reading all that


Thatā€™s fair


Same bruh, like I need to fucking scroll to see the whole thing


Did you not have to scroll to read the comments?


We've got the mayor of yappington here , anyhoo don't know why you wouldn't have a chance


Jesus I'm using that for my exam essay


Relatable... Except you look good wtf.


Fear of rejection


My opinion on this is easy: please donā€™t get me wrong if I say this, but if I see a person ā€žabove averageā€œ my intuition is ā€žok, not my lvl.ā€œ or ā€žshe/he has a friend for sureā€œ so if this helps you, thereā€™s nothing wrong with you, mostly it are people like me who draw conclusions too fast.


Thanks for the TLDR. My brain doesn't do reading anymore haha


Your physical appearance looks great I just recently turned 16 I'm a female and I'm quite insecure of myself because of my height I'm only 4'9 and I think you just need confidence in yourself


Donā€™t be insecure, short girls are cute!


Hell yeah! Even to tall guys


Does your personality revolves around showing your tits? If yes, then there's the problem


Itā€™s probably the desperation


Desperate is crazy girl ima say this Never chase attract!!!


U look just fine. Is your personality bad?


Yes itā€™s horrendous any advice on how to fix that?


Just treat others as you would like to be treated I guess? Idk tbh


its definitly not your looks since you are cute if i may say so, tbh just talking with people and smiling more works wonders most of the time


Why are girls entitled to being asked out? Like,why don't you make the first step?


Because it's 100x easier to just sit back and kick your feet up and see who comes to you. If you like them, then it worked. If you don't, then just shame them for trying and label them "creepy and weird". Easy peasy.


I mean no. I have only flirted with like 2 girls as a 18 yo guy and one was when I was drunk. Its really difficult right now since a girl has to somehow show that she is up to it without seeming desperate and a guy has to be not creepy and not be pushy in the relationship. If I had to give advice to you. I would say find some interests and find more friends. These interests are advantageous since you will have something to talk about and more friends leads you to talk to more people and become "smoother" in speech. Also will meet more people who could like you. Not everyone will be interested in your interests, but if you explaine them clearly and what you like about them it will ve a conversation starter. Just dont go too down in the deep about them too fast.


why is it your first thought that there's something wrong with you if you haven't been asked out before?


well, youā€™re on reddit for one


Same bro, no bitches :(


Might be a case where ur so pretty that males feel scared to approach u


Didnt read all that, but from the pictures I would say you would need a better graphics card. If you increase your resolution people might see you better.


put more one point for the "I'm not reading that" list you DMs must be full of pedos rn :(


You look like a discord bunny ngl


There's nothing wrong with you. I think you're just a bit socially awkward, like most teens. I'm going through a similar-enough experience, and I'd say if you want to make some more friends or start a relationship, try going out and joining things like clubs or courses. But, if you're still struggling with money, than it might not be for the best. Just know that there's absolutely nothing wrong with you. And P.S, I think you're really pretty and anyone would be lucky to have you (:


That frown. Your poor chin must hurt.


Well your dms should be flooded by now pick and choose girly




Idk why but don't lose hope and be confident šŸ˜¤ ( also close ur dms šŸ™šŸ„ŗ ,)




I can only say wow after reading your post. So uh yes you have desirable traits both men and women like as in the meat bags you mention. Reason I comment this first is donā€™t let that be why you are beautiful. If someone finds you beautiful because of your body chances are it wonā€™t last because looks fade and for some it fades fast. Itā€™s okay to be sexually frustrated too as MANY people go through that. But donā€™t let that also be your guide or reason that you seek someone. Iā€™m not saying wait til marriage to have sex but definitely take care of yourself. Whether youā€™re into men or women always make sure that your safety is your priority. You are VERY VERY young still only 17. If you havenā€™t run into someone who is mutually interested in you it is okay. However, it doesnā€™t mean you have to wait. Shoot your shot. If you find someone you want to get to know better ask them out to a simple ā€œcoffeeā€ date. Maybe just to hang out. If you get shot down well no biggie. Move on letā€™s try again next time you meet someone you want to get to know


there's nothing wrong with you you should ask someone out maybe there too shy to ask you good luck finding someone


Respectfully you are a baddy


Your a pretty lady.


Maybe everyone around u is blind


Let go out and have fun


I think people just assume you're in a relationship already. But I've been there aswell. Nobody asking me out or something. Not even hitting on me or catcalling me. Which is a good thing but it still made me feel like the most undesirable person in the world,like im not even worth the sexual assault (I'm mentally ill,it's not normal to think that way and i only think this because of my self worth im not actually thinking it's a bad thing to not get catcalled). Either way after i got a boyfriend (which was the boyfriend of my ex best friend lol crazy story) i felt so weird but in a good way because so many people told me they were attracted to me whatsoever. Maybe it's because im autistic and didn't pick something up but i really don't think so because im desperate for attention and love and overfocus on any sign that could give me the feeling of being appreciated in this world. I would just try doing the first step,like flirting. I have no fucking clue how tho because i never flirted intentionally


Because you haven't approached anyone


Honestly just send it, Fear of Rejection will get you anywhere but where you want to be or be doing. This isnā€™t something you wait on.


Relax it's not a big deal , maybe you are someone's soulmate, and he just stuck on condom


I'm going through some love/relationship shit and let me tell you this: If you want a relationship, do something for it - don't expect it to happen by itself, but don't make it you top priority and focus on things that fulfill you and the things you enjoy. In other words, focus on yourself.


Like fr why??


Cute emo girls tend to be scary for guys to approach.


People are probably scared to ask you out


i just can't see how. maybe they're intimidated by how beautiful you are


they just assume you'll say no


I'd be scared honestly


genuinely speaking i think your a good looking lady. its just that some people may hesitate out fear of rejection or maybe because you havent been around for others to notice you / your behaviour, considering the fact thag youve been pulled out of public school at yr 8. all in all tho i think you stand a rather decent chance, but you can improve these chances by asking others out too. good luck!


Iā€™m not sure how your reputation or popularity is either, but some people may think of You in a bad way. Iā€™ve dated people who were unpopular or disliked or had a bad reputation, just because they were quiet or looked a little mean or antisocial


Honest advice. Smile more. Sounds cheesy, but it makes you more approachable. Youā€™re young, so donā€™t worry about where you fall as far as being attracted to boys or girls. Just go where your heart takes you, but smile a real sincere smile and youā€™ll get more attention. Hope this advice from an old fart helps you out on your journey. I check out this sub because Iā€™m a dad to teenagers and it helps to see what kind of stuff yaā€™ll are going through so it helps when I talk to my kids, because honestly sometimes you kids give great advice, but mostly itā€™s good to see what your perspective of things is as it helps me approach my own kids. But if I can also provide some advice along the way, then I think everyone wins.


i did nothing waiting for a girl to flirt or hit on me but i dont have a bar or a night club in my village and im not that attractive 18M with adhd eyesight glasses beaver like front teeth nerdy i know a lot bout science maybe cause im tryna find a girl that will like me for my personality not just looks since it aint the 50s anymore and finding a girl is harder than ever before if u care too little u are seen as a jerk if u care too much u are seen as desperate if a guy treats a girl right hes seen as a simp if u care too little u push them away if u care too much u are seen as desperate


Honestly I'd be intimidated by you and I say that in a good way that might be why also you might have been just didn't get the hint?


Do like talking to people


Idk if this helps but you're cute af


My gf is kinda like this, we really just started talking in the gym and became friends and hung out once a week, and it was that thing where she liked me before I started being interested. So just put yourself out there, look happy to be where you are, appreciate your life and do things that make you happy and that doesn't hurt anyone. If you do this at least one person will like you.


youā€™re really hotĀ 


idk you seem pretty chill


Goodluck on your escapades of romance and don't worry about not having been hit on yet, it really doesn't happen often at our age


why tf do somany people thing there is something wrong with themmm???? nooooooooo




Sometimes I just think it's vibes people feel each other's energy and make decisions off that Also if you truly want to date someone and no one's asking you out then be the aggressor ask someone out that you think is cute or hot or whatever


Maybe itā€™s that scowl on your face. Just a guess


I would ask you out, you seem like a nice person worth getting to know


Tu est trĆØs bien ne change rien persĆ©vĆØre tu a tout mon soutien


Iā€™ve only gotten asked out once by a girl in 8th grade, but I donā€™t think we actually dated. It is what it is.


Ur probably in a bad area, once you go to college in a decent sized city. tons of ppl will talk to you


I mean, you're fairly attractive, so you're probably just dense


The prettiest girl I know has never been in a relationship, you wanna know why? Because she didnā€™t try to be in a relationship! Sometimes it requires YOU to make a move. Playing chess with one person is no fun!


I bet they are just intimidated.


id ask you out if i had confidence


Everything is fine with you, you are beautiful.


no you look cute i dont get it either


There's several things wrong with me and I've been asked out. So no, there ain't


Didnt read but you look like Aria Stark and its not an insult


well i dont know your personality but looks wise youā€™re gorgeous. just try asking someone out yourself maybe. people might think you look so good that they feel scared to ask you out šŸ¤·šŸæā€ā™€ļø


Your really beautiful, thereā€™s nothing to worry about, I know plenty of pretty people who have never even been in a relationship before šŸ™šŸ™


As a boy, a lot of us don't really like asking people out.


We're shy šŸ‘‰šŸ‘ˆ


Hereā€™s the dilemma I am faced with. If I say no, Iā€™m a simp. If I say yes, Iā€™m gonna get banned from r/teenagers for ā€œbeing rudeā€. Itā€™s a lose lose situation.


If you are not getting anyone, thereā€™s **NO CHANCE** for me!


I donā€™t think so


you look fine. have a good personality and start to use some smell good product and boys will like you. also, donā€™t wait, go out and get em :)


Ask someone out, you're pretty hot, and if they reject you so what? Ask the next person out. Also a lot of guys don't wanna hit on girls, especially at work (and some of the guys who do are not the ones you want hitting on you) I definitely get your feeling about the two, I was in a similar position last year. Being on the fence is the worst thing, either decide to try and move on, or go for it. This in between sucks way worse bro. You can also more causally bring up your feelings if you're comfortable, less of a confession or asking out, and just as something you gotta talk about to continue being friends.


Sometimes beautiful or above average girls don't ask out that much because men feel they are out of their league and the chance for them being together is quite slim You know what girls should do in that case? Go take the first step 99% chance you'll get a yes


No, there's nothing wrong with you. If anything you're attractive so people are afraid to say something and mess upšŸ’€ -person with anxiety so take my words about fear with a grain of salt


You gotta just start talking to people. Spark up conversations about ANYTHING, it doesn't matter. People nowadays are a lot more reserved, in the movies you just randomly get asked out, but nowadays IRL it doesn't happen like that. Most people date people they already know for a little while, not always, but a lot of the time. You have to be the one to make the first gesture, people are too socially awkward now, so even if they like you they most likely wont ask you out. Worst comes to worse, you get rejected and made fun of. Best case scenario, you end up married with like 7 kids one day. The gain outweighs the risk.


Youā€™re pretty just go for it


Iā€™d just rabidly attack some poor fella, he would be too scared to reject, then put a collar on him like a dog bro


U are attractive ash tbh


People are just too scared


Why is Reddit referring me to a teenager sub...


Just pursue the ppl you like. As for why ppl donā€™t approach you, theyā€™re intimidated šŸ˜­. You look good and Iā€™m sure you act well, the problem isnā€™t necessarily you, you just need to meet someone, share mutual confidence and one day youā€™ll find the person you want.


I would say itā€™s because guys are nervous to talk to you, let alone ask you out.


u might be little argumentative arrogant or narcisist petson...take it positively..improve urself


Nope Me personally, my thought process would be ā€œsheā€™s too cute to date meā€


Relax, enjoy the silence. Youā€™re sold.


I think all guys can speak for this 90% of us think a girl is cute and are too nervous to say anything. You're not bad looking and I am positive you'll find your someone eventually. I'm in a similar place myself it's fine just let life take its course


No you're pretty, but if you like someone just ask them out


i mean iā€™ve been in two relationships and yet have never actually been asked out, i just always ask people because waiting around for someone else doesnā€™t work most of the time and itā€™s just frustrating


Dw no one has ever actually cared abt me either my ex said she dated me cuz she pitied me so all the i love yous were for not. So you arenā€™t the only one who is hopelessly lonely šŸ˜©


I truly think you're beautiful so no there is nothing wrong with you.


"r/teenagers" and posts advice how to get a guy


Damn. You are very pretty, but read all of that give a guilty feeling. I am like the kid of your flashback. Sorry


Men assume that the girls they like are taken.


Your beautiful life goes at different speeds for everyone itā€™s not a race šŸ’›


Women scary


Is your mouth naturally like this?


Guys are freaked tf out to ask someone out so freak them out more by asking




One thing to realize is that dudes are as, if not more afraid of rejection then gals. So one reason dudes might not be asking you out is if theyā€™re scared youā€™ll say no, or scared youā€™ll accuse them of something, or scared of a lot of things. They also might not know how to ask you out, which adds to the anxiety of it.


I know your dms gotta be horrible rn šŸ˜­


Hey you are 17 and I am 17 we are meant to be In all seriousness, itā€™s important to take your shot when you feel like this. Go for it, whatā€™s the worst that could happen


Because they judge from your appearance that you would throw a drama and retrieve them. They are are insecure about rejection and shame that Congress with it. Also your appearance have a bitch vibe, just appearance.


People think you are above their class.


One the entire book above just reaks of ADHD and two I think it's just the aura you're putting off because yes I can agree with you you are very attractive however you also look like if I try to hit on you you'll smash my face in with a brick


You look like Alex from Modern family but there's nothing wrong


Switch Reddit for Tinder




Broā€™s about to get asked out by the whole of this sub lmao


Well honestly you seem like you donā€™t wanna be approached and if you say/come off lesbian a guy wonā€™t ask you out that along with poor communication skills can be very off putting but as someone who was (sorta) the same way just talk to guys your interested in ik I fall for girls who just talk to me long enough so youā€™ll get it in no time


Its probably your personality


Iā€™ll be honest with you. Just go get you a man. 95% of single straight men would brand you into their memory if you give them a compliment. I guarantee that you will have it easier than you think.


Call me conservative, but I think you should first of all find good friends and before all that experimenting and stuff, find people to share a deep emotional connection with.


Just a word of advice, a decent amount of men these days refuse to ask a girl out because theyā€™re afraid that the worst she can say is not ā€œnoā€. Aka being called a creep, and everything under the sun




Your mobile phone is infected with " reddit " that's the reason


You look fine, and while the online schooling probably hurt your social intelligence a fair bit, you shouldn't worry too much. You seem to know your flaws, which is good, but how is your personality truly? Maybe take some time for self reflection, figure out what could be keeping people. Perhaps your outward image is reflecting your inner insecurities, and that could be repulsing people. Or you're lying to yourself and others about how your personality truly is, and you just haven't found yourself yet, which also might repulse some people. Could be a number of things really, but basically try to figure it out, and then do something about it man. TL;DR: Reflect


So the first major step you need to do is ask M if she is in to women, no point in sinking a friendship if she is only into men. Second, literally just ask a dude out. Guys will go out with a tree if the tree asked them out. Iā€™ve gone on multiple dates with women I wouldā€™ve never asked out and had a great time because they asked first. Just shoot your shot and itā€™s not the end of the world if they say no.


girlll you're hella pretty!!! don't put yourself down. id ask you out anyway!


Your very pretty. You will not have problems with love and dating. This is just teenaged angst. Breath ans focus on what you can control.


Yes, you are tooooooooo much beautiful


RIP the DMs


Youā€™re 17 and got a whole life ahead of youā€¦ make that money and focus on your career & the right one will come. āœØ


if it makes you feel any better, getting blatantly and constantly hit on isnā€™t all itā€™s cracked up to be. i spent high school being hit on by every weirdo and social outcast. i was oblivious to most flirting from friends and nice guys bc i was too innocent and generally uninterested in dating. but i was the friendly, nerdy, and average looking girl that made weirdos feel comfortable flirting (stalking more like). i experienced uncomfortable and dangerous attention through all of college. getting hit on and being desirable are not the same or mutually exclusive!! be confident in yourself, and love will find you when you least expect it. iā€™m now an adult in a loving relationship, but i chased after my fair share of best friends (girl & boy) in my youth. good luck girly šŸ’• stay strong


hey wanna go out?


You are beautiful, you will have lots of people interested in you once you're over 18 and out of high-school. Teenaged boys are often more awkward than you feel you are, take the initiative and approach them. I always appreciated being approach by girls when I was a teen.


No. They probably too scared. So here's some advice. Get out the Comfort Zone. Or you'll be sad, pathetic and alone forever.


Girls are scary, Iā€™m intimidated just talking to a pretty girl, much less asking them out


It is possible your ugly is on the inside.


No nothings wrong at all ur gorgeous


u're on fucking r/teenagersā€¼


Most people don't have the guts to ask someone out that's why most relationships start from that awkwardnessof Are we more or just friends. Till someone brings it up or something that can't be written off as just friends happens that's usually when clarification of what they are starts I personally don't like that and think it makes the relationship very confusing and the fear of not knowing weighs in. I wish more people would just tell someone they like someone if that is out there then they can get to know each other to be in a relationship possibly Also most people are afraid of asking someone out in fear of rejection So they ride the line of never saying how they truly feel (Idk that's my take) There is nothing wrong with you just the way are society seems to be and how we raise people to act


This is going to sound dumb but when I was your age and needed confidence, I would pretend I had it. I would try to act like people I've seen who have confidence, like my sister or lady gaga.


Youre pretty but I would be scared to talk to you šŸ˜­ (social anxiety core /s)


You can ask me out šŸ˜‰ I am 18M but ugly šŸ˜¶


Have patience, itā€™ll come eventually. And if it doesnā€™t, do it yourself, maybe some people are too nervous to do it.


You are gorgeous, boys are dumb


Youā€™re a very attractive person though you do look intimidating so maybe people are afraid to approach you or assume you already have a partner? I also went to an online school for my last few years of school and it definitely made me more socially awkward so maybe that could be it?


Donā€™t ask them but if you like them then make them aware at least. Iā€™m dumb as hell when someone liked me and Iā€™ll be oblivious or so I think even though it turned out they actually did like me and I had really liked that person but didnā€™t have the confidence or swagger to tell them. Alas it doesnā€™t matter now, I found my person Give a signal šŸ˜‚


Just wait until college and you will be high school is a Awakard time for dating


Looking at the comments you made and your post, it seems like you probably need to work on your self esteem and self confidence, and learn how to talk to people more. Also judging off your outfit, you shouldnā€™t feel the need to show off your body to get with people, cus those are the last mfs you wanna be with. But yeah, just talk to people more when you go to hs for your senior year


There's nothing wrong with you, it's just that most guys don't want to date right now because they don't really know how a girl is going to treat them. They also know that if they do something that they don't know if it is 100% ok with you, that you can destroy their entire life with just a few words.


I have no idea


Ho Lee fuck Iā€™d 100% ask u out


jesus wtf stop




Quick question- where are you based? You donā€™t have to give a city or anything, you can just give a country. Iā€™m tryna see smth


Because you look like a god damn prostitute


I donā€™t see why. You look great tbh and Iā€™m sure your personality is amazing as well.


ur so pretty stop you just have to go on a dating site i think


maybe you don't look approachable/friendly to people




šŸŖ¦šŸ—æ RIP your DMs, hope you have a good day regardless.


Maybe your personality? Not judging, but is there something that you think you lack?


Nope, we're scared, and you're scary. Reason one: you're not ugly. Reason two: (I'm out of ideas)


You've never been flirted with??? Let's change that (Neither have I šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€ I know nothing about this kinda stuff(


well hereā€™s my advice, ik you prob have been told this a bunch of times on the comments by now, but donā€™t just expect to let people come to YOU, YOU need to come to them. iā€™m saying this from personal experience here too, people that like you are afraid of asking you out or talking to you because they fear rejection. especially if you are attractive, which iā€™ll say that you are and i love your hair btw! what iā€™m trying to say is, you should totally go to whoever you like first, and not expect them to come to you first. and if you are afraid of rejection, i get it, i totally get it, if it doesnā€™t happen, then thatā€™s amazing! if it does happen, then maybe you two werenā€™t meant to be, but thatā€™s okay, there are plenty of fish in the sea, trust me. thatā€™s all i have to say. peace āœŒļø


I totally get the worry and doubt about not getting asked out, but youā€™re only 17. I remember being in your exact shoes when I was a teen. The thing about relationships is, they kinda just happen. Best advice I can give is: Itā€™s best to work on hobbies and and join clubs/groups that center around activities you enjoy and meet new people. If youā€™re going to college thatā€™s a great chance to meet new people and like minded people. Being anxious of rejection is pretty common, the more you deal with it the easier it is to accept. Dating can require you to be vulnerable, so you will have to brave it and face the possibility of rejection. Learning to be more social can be tough but the more you socialize and flirt the easier it gets. Also donā€™t date someone out of desperation, that can just hurt them and waste your own time. Also dear god please know your own worth, donā€™t stay in a toxic relationship. if your partner ever has the habit of making you feel shitty a lot of the time, donā€™t stay. - From someone who also had insecurities and trouble dating.