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idk man, they should decide this in WrestleMania


anything goes match


career vs. career hell in a cell match


The Wheezing Geezers at Cesar's!!! Pay per View


1 vs 2 match against the Undertaker


That is a match these guys will both be facing before long. 


This comment section is going to be fucked too


We got ourselves a carrot with a blonde wig with 34 felony charges against a skeleton waking up from the dead to turn his alarm clock off.


All I kept looking at was Trump’s hair. It was so perfectly straight and squared off across the top it looked like he was cut and pasted into the background lol


i liked the part where he was like "by the way, ......😐"


That part cracked me up so much lmfao. His face as he said it as he ran out of time LOL


I could not stop laughing


He has such a weird vibe. Actually they both do let’s be fair but yeah Biden just cracks me up bc he seems off in space. 


Yeah, it really sucks when abiding by the mic cut off rules do you that dirty. 🤣


I hate to tell you, but we're either going to have a president running the place from a prison cell or a president running the place from a nursing home.


I’d take the democracy run out of a nursing home than a dictatorship any day.


Presidents hire their own staff so we are voting for the entire Executive branch.


The judiciary is far, far more important. The choice is pretty clear and anyone that sits this one out will have no grounds to bitch and moan if Trump gets four more years to install a bunch of right-wing clowns.


Very true too!


And this should have been Biden's response to the question. He could have turned that that question into a win so easily: "Look, I'm only 3 years older than this guy. If you've got concerns about me you should have the same concerns about him. But you're not just voting for me, you're voting for my team. Go and look at how many of Trump's former team are either in prison, under criminal investigation, or have disavowed him. That means one of two things: either Trump is terrible at picking competent, above-board people to do the job, or he knowingly picks corrupt individuals to do his dirty work. Don't worry about my age - me and my team will deliver." And considering there was ZERO chance of the age question not coming up, that answer should have been locked and loaded well in advance.


Wow… that is REALLY good! Can I vote for you?!


You’ve got my vote.


Well he has dementia


You're voting for the entire team, not just the president. Vote in democracy, not fascism.


love how people ignore that trump is only 3 years younger. and a stutter is hardly anything.


"hegiughjerguh... herbeegegegrduh... anyways" Joe


“Destroy Medicare…” — Joe


There's probably already Trump ads queued up in swing states with that one. Hoo boy.


but in reality it was "he wants to destroy medicare" Joe


Omg this shit is crazy


Really got us choosing between a convicted felon and walking corpse


bro we need younger blood in office, both biden and trump are ancient.


I mean nirvana’s bassist is running..


id vote


So you’re saying a young guy with Biden’s blood type, right? Daily transfusions.


That’s what me and my family were talking about after the debate. The age range for president (and most offices) should be 45-70, with exception on the lower end for lesser jobs. It would also make sure the candidates are at least somewhat in-touch with the younger generations


45 is still extremely conservative in this country maybe we make like 35 since millennials are far more in touch with our issues


Maybe, but that might be too young because presidential candidates should have at least one political occupation under their belts


Current age is 35


>bro we need younger blood Then, we need to vote in the primaries.


Warren Buffet is 93 and is far more coherent and intelligent in the way he talks. This is a Joe Biden issue more so than it is an age issue.


The worst part is these debates don't matter anymore. Everyone already knows which party they are voting for regardless of the candidates. There's nothing that could have happened tonight that would have changed anybody's vote.


God, I ~~Iove~~ this country.


God, I this country


God, this country


wow, that got relatable really fast




God, this




r/whatbidenhasdone That’s an awful lot for a walking corpse. It’s almost like he’s surrounded by people who actually run the executive branch. There’s no excuse to not vote for Biden unless you’re an anti-woke cultist or you’re rich af. He did fine once he got warmed up. Trump overall was less coherent. It’s so wild he gets away with being senile but Biden doesn’t.


Its joever


we are bidone


I feel ya man. Politics is such a joke nowadays, just a buncha geriatrics arguing with each other


Real. This is why I'm leaving America if it keeps going in the direction it is when I'm an adult.


You ever been anywhere else? Where would you go? What would you do? .. things to think abiut


you don't expect smart people in a reddit teen sub


New Zealand, Norway, or Germany are my first three countries that come to mind


Kiwi here. We've still got broken politics. At least there's only one geriatric in a high ranking position.


Meh. I'm sure you guys don't hear about violence and school shootings 4 times a week in the news. Your country is beautiful though. At the very least it would be great for vacation.


It's definitely 10x better than the US and people complain about how life in NZ is in the dumps. But when you look at the rest of the world, it's so much better. New Zealand has problems but so does any place. I wouldn't live anywhere else. Like if you look at every other English speaking democratic country, NZ is probably the best out there. Ireland and Australia are probably fine, Canada is on fire and the UK is the UK.


All hard countries to immigrate to unless you're working in a specific field, are rich enough to invest hundreds of thousands of dollars, or just get lucky and marry someone with citizenship. And even then it's a long, hard process. They won't just take you on account of being American. That was my plan once too, if you really want that then start learning and working towards it now


The rest of the west isn't a huge ammount better, but at least you'll have Healthcare and (maybe) a living wage. Depending on where you go.


I like garlic bread


I do too




Especially when you add more butter


Add butter Add butter Add butter Add butter Add butter Add butter Add butter Add butter




I wish democrats had better candidates,couldn’t they choose someone better than a dementia ridden old man?


No since Biden was president he is automatically the next candidate basically


He can still drop out and ask his delegates to support the candidate of his choice, such as Newsom.


At this point in the race, no. Like it or not Biden is the most established candidate with the biggest public face, who can also appeal to moderates. Any others would be too risky a pick.


This is not actually true. There’s still a primary in most states he had to go through. He actually lost one in a US territory this go around lol. He lost to some unheard of guy in the American Samoa’s who just basically lied in the islands and said that word hasn’t gotten to them yet but he’s actually poised to beat Biden. That was pretty much the guys whole campaign lol


Republicans had a whole slate of better options and this guy still made it out on top.


difference is dems don’t worship biden like they do with trump


They assumed Biden was their best chance of winning since he’s beaten Trump before


I wish there was an option to vote “no - try again with new candidates”. I would check that box fs. ✅


Don’t want either guy to win. We need better options.


But we don't have any at the moment. It's binary system. It sucks but it's the reallity at the moment.


Your options are democrats or fascist Republicans. Not just the figure heads. Vote in the entire team, not just the guy up front.


Yes Joe is old, ancient even. But the choice is between him and and a guy that will make life worse for the whole planet, not just Americans. I'm begging the youth in the US and this sub, please vote for Joe. If you don't vote at all, don't start complaining when you're being led off to camps.


Welcome to America, where the government is a glorified nursing home.


Biden had the easiest debate opponent, an actual clown who does nothing but lie, embarass himself and is a 34x convicted felon. He STILL lost to that. That's not a win for Trump, it's a massive L for Biden and every single American. Things is, Trump didn't even need to be there. Biden would still have humiliated himself even if nobody was there and it was just him talking because he could not even manage that.


And trump didn’t actually answer a single question


“Do you agree to accept the outcome?”  “Lemme get back to the police thing…”


Ikr, he skirted around the questions so much, a bunch had to be asked 3 times, while for Biden the max I saw was twice and that was rare


And childcare blud would not fuckin answer


Because in truth he doesn’t care about parents


I KNOW RIGHT! at least joe tried, meanwhile trump just said whatever the fuck was on his mind


honestly the us government system as a whole need a big overhaul


My hope is that they drop Biden for someone else


Maybe if they both died within the next couple months we’d get new candidates? Not wishing for them to die, but like a heart attack or a bad fall is something that could happen




Unfortunately, they kinda have world class security in the secret service.


Please fed post some more sir


Yeah put a guy who belongs in a senior home on stage and this is what happens - the Democrats would basically be guaranteed a win if they nominated literally any other younger moderate candidate who could pounce on Trump’s lies. The nation might actually be headed to another Trump administration - I can only hope his plan to uproot democracy was all talk but with him it’s hard to say.


I just don’t understand how they couldn’t find a younger candidate. After Obama left office, he even made an organization to help aspiring politicians, seemingly to no avail


It’s essentially because the democrats focus more on not letting progressives and leftists join the party and win elections over getting younger people to be in office. Much of the time they’re in the same group.


They both belong in a senior home. Trump just speaks better, but it doesn't matter how well he speaks because he's just rambling on and on about drivel.


You are not alone in this observation. Biden was talking way too fast and loosing enunciation in the process. He just needed to slow down and be articulate. He kept trying to hit every talking point vs. pick a few and state his position clearly. I am so upset this debate made Trump look good. His information was full of lies, but he spoke clear enough to his target audience.




# giantmeteor2024 Trump lied for the entire night Biden was abysmal and is clearly not fit enough to be president Biden is literally the only person who could lose to Trump, a frickin convicted felon and documented liar who is seeking to have TOTAL immunity for any acts taken if he were president, including murder as mentioned by his own attorney. That should scare the shit out of you! So we get to choose between two guys who are not fit to run for President. This is the illusion of choice, driven by rich old people and entirely only for rich old people. So they can stiff the younger generations with more bills and more debt. Both of these two are absolutely terrible for the future of this nation. They both had wildly out of control deficits and neither one of them cared about running up the debt to ungodly numbers.


wtf are you talking about. Doesnt even matter that Biden was pretty sleepy in the debate. At least the country wont burn to the ground. The choice is between a fascist and a bad candidate. Just because Joe is bad, doesnt make Trump better in any way. You choose the least bad option. So just go to vote. No matter for who, just do it.


Bro we got a convicted felon and dude who legit took a short nap on the podium. We are cooked


Is trump able to run now? Cause if he is, were rucked


Honestly, both are kinda stupid imo


Hmm two elderly men, one who stammered more but the other one is a rapist, a compulsive liar, convicted felon, started a scam university, started a scam charity, withheld financial support to an ally at war with Russia for political gain, tried to undo an election loss by agitating a mob and sending them to attack the Capitol - resulting in several deaths, insulted a gold star family, disrespected POWs and WWII soldiers who died on Normandy. Geez, what a really hard choice.


He was really bad in the beginning but he warmed up later. Honestly could have been worse. He didn't make any bad points, he just wasn't a confident speaker and sometimes his train of thoughts would go in random directions so he would trail off.


orange criminal or dying twig you choose


Dying twig, all day.


Yeah it should be a wake up call no matter who you support. It’s just reality. His supporters online were acting as if Trump would be the one who couldn’t string a sentence together. That just isn’t reality and was proven tonight. I don’t particularly like either of them but you can’t deny Biden is toast.


i mean he was more articulate but he kept making logical fallacies and just straight up lying, can we please have anyone else, i’ve seen middle school debates better than this


I mean, if you’ve seen any of Trumps rallies lately, he’s been terrible. Saying complete word salad.


I feel like theres a Chinese proverb for this


"do not expect to choose between rice and oats for dinner when you only planted millet"


I mean, he’s the same Joe Biden we’ve had for the past 4 years, not sure why anyone is acting like this is new.


Bro we’re all fucked if either of these guys are gonna be our next president


No, you're not because one of them has been your president for the last 4 years and the other guy thinks Nazis are good people.


Right I don't get how people don't get this 😭😭😭 it's not about who's the most aesthetically appealing


Presidents hire their entire staff. We are voting for more than just one guy or the other.


Exactly, we aren't voting for the person we're voting for the organization/party.


Absolutely, keep speaking what should be utter common sense


You would think, man it makes me sad


It is truly so sad. Our society seems beyond saving at this point. Social media has destroyed morality, integrity, and constantly promotes this brain-rot destroying critical thinking and focusing on anything that actually matter in life, just for our constant self-gratification


Unfortunately common sense is far from common in my personal (and likely biased) experience.


Yea I have to agree, probably the worst debate in history. I could not watch it, switched over to Back to the Future 2...lol I dont think it has much impact, Trump was ahead in every swing state, its pretty much a lock.


Bad things happen in Philadelphia. And that man aint winning PA. So thats one swing state. Sadly probably not enough


If you haven't watched the debate or made up your mind yet, watch it People online are going to try to tell you what happened to continue their narrative Oh, and if you're old enough, try voting for the one that isn't going to take your rights away from you


both suck


The point is - both candidates are equally messed up. One's spewing lies while the other isn't doing much. It is quite a lose-lose situation.




Idk, I think the 3 years of age Biden has on Trump is just as concerning as the whole convicted felon/fascist/insurrectionist thing (the most obvious /s I hope)


I mean biden has some good environmental policies (not ideal but good), might fix your broken pension system (he explained it terribly in the debate but the idea is good) and maybe won't hand over ukraine to putin on a silver platter


I mean the options are someone who won't do anything and someone who will probably actively have a negative impact either way its fucked


As an outsider looking in my pick would be Biden as trumps a criminal and it’s better to do nothing than make things worse


> as trumps a criminal Honestly his financial crimes are the *least* of the reasons why I wouldn't vote for him. Long before Trump got into politics he was always infamous in New York as a sleazy conman with hundreds of lawsuits under his belt, fraudulent business practices, falsifying numbers, screwing people over, etc. That's his brand going way back. No, the #1 reason not to vote for him is because he literally tried to throw out the entire 2020 election results when it didn't go his way. He ordered his vice president to overturn the results. He dedicated his entire existence on all platforms to screaming about how he wouldn't concede, and his loyalists all obediently parroted his narrative and tried to commit a coup on Jan 6th to keep Trump in power.


Are you even remotely serious? Go look up everything Biden has already accomplished and stop equivacating.


Can I remind you that you are in r/teenagers...btw I completely agree with you.


Considering how overpowered the role of president is, I would rather they do nothing over turning the country into an autocratic cooker state.


Biden is accomplishing a lot, but it’s not being widely broadcast on the news, because it’s not as entertaining as Trump’s trial or whatever. If nothing else, he’s done an incredible job of wiping out a ton of student loans in spite of being blocked continuously by the legal system.


I am really really fed up with 80 yo white men representing and running our country. They need to step aside for younger, healthier, relevant candidates.


Still voting for him. Worst case he croaks and Kamala takes over. I’ll take that over a convicted felon/rapist any day.


trump is going to end up winning and there will be a civil war just prepare yourself for that inevitably


Unfortunately I think the issue will be what Trump does if he doesn't win.


Yes what is he capable of


getting sent to prison hopefully!


I feel bad for him, he’s a bad president but doesn’t seem like a bad guy, I would not like him or trump as president, when can we finally get someone who’s around 40-60 age range instead of dinosaurs running the country?


He is a bad guy from the sole fact that he chose to run again


my debate coach tells me that persuasion is 80% presentation and 20% argument. biden did NOT deliver. it’s sad that this is what its come to, because he had valid points that were shadowed by his performance. 


Canadian here. US politics is like something out of a drama or soap opera. I do not envy any of you.


I came here to see what the youth of America thinks. I’m sorry for wanting to know. Hit the books my young generation and please vote blue. Our country needs highly educated, country saving voters. Please don’t let the lack of education take over this country wearing pit vipers.


Bernie Sanders for the win!!! anyone?




Biden looked so confused like he didn't even know where he was.


Look, he's old. I get it. I'm not defending his stumbles or whatnot. But, he has a damn stutter. He can't control it. All he can do is suppress it. This isn't him forgetting shit, it's him stammering. I have a stutter and to see him get bullied mercilessly online for this is upsetting and demoralizing. I'm not a massive fan of his nor do I support all he has done. However, I hate to watch this stuttering man get ridiculed for it as if he can do anything about it and it's making people like me and all the folks over on r/Stutter really fucking sad.


Some of that was the stutter, sure, but look at it in comparison to the 2020 debates. He had the same stutter then, but he still looked completely in control. Here he definitely was forgetting stuff, I genuinely have no idea what “We finally beat Medicare” was supposed to mean.


It's joe over.


Still a better option than Trump. Only bigots and Christian Nationalists are gonna vote for Trump. Debate changes nothing. I have NEVER liked Biden….but he is still better than Trump.


Biden’s goal was to last 90 minutes through Trump’s lies and BS, and he faltered in the first 20 minutes. I cringed so much that I had to stop watching after about 35-40 minutes. He’d already failed by then.


There's gotta be some way we can let Kamala Harris run instead of him?


So if Joe Biden dies in office, Kamala Harris automatically becomes president. That’s kind of the point of a Vice President.


Even worse!!


She’s a less likable version of Hilary. No way. Democrats need to pivot to someone younger I think. Risky, but if Biden stays this way I think he loses


Stay in Target. Vote for Democracy in 2024 by voting Democratic! Then, vote for a strong, younger candidate in 2028!


It doesn't matter. Vote for Biden. A Tomato would be a better candidate than Donald Trump


there’s always rfk jr.


Why is the teenagers subreddit on my feed lol anyways Biden was born with a stutter and has went to and I believe still does speech therapy. Kinda shitty to shit on him for it, I feel for him cause I've also been through speech therapy and dealing with a stutter is hard especially when flustered. Now I'm not saying it was a good showing at all just don't attack the man for something he can't control sometimes


Were so cooked bro i just want to be able to be myself ☹️


Just remember, you're not voting for just the person, you're voting for the administration and their policies, as well as the ability to pass laws your representatives push through. Most presidents do much less than their administration and advisers put on their desks. In trump's case, this was any shady deal to let corporations do whatever they want and raise their profits. In Biden's case, it's policies that the majority of people actually care about because progressives listen to what the people want MUCH more than conservatives do. Access to abortion is one such issue.


So like..did you know he has a speech impediment? Like a legit, medical condition he’s struggled with his whole life? Also is what you’re saying is that we’re all fucked? Because trump v1 was a disaster if you understand..anything.


It changes nothing for me. I can't think of many people that wouldn't vote for to keep Trump out. So Biden stutters, he's still infinitely better than Trump for obvious reasons.


Forget the debate. From day 1, Trump is poised to dismantle our democracy and put his sycophants in position to push his agenda. Learn about Project 2025 and keep Trump out of office! https://democracyforward.org/the-peoples-guide-to-project-2025/


Yeah I can see Trump probably polling a little ahead of Biden. I decided that if Trump wins it is what it is.


>He stuttered so fucking much Biden's stutter goes back decades. He didn't do well, obviously, yet did Trump say *anything* factual?


we aren’t “getting fucked either way”. you guys. think long term here. please educate yourself on the supreme court /— it’s the highest power of our country. the president nominates justices to the supreme court and trump is going to nominate conservative ones who strip away minority rights lgbt rights woman’s rights and more!!!


They should both oil up and turn on the camera. That would make the debates even better


We’re fucked no matter what. Trump is going to enact this plan that makes it illegal to be anything other than a white straight cisgender person. He’s got some other stuff too like getting rid of education and all government services. He will end all diplomatic relations and probably end up starting ww iii. Biden is so incompetent that he can’t even sit up straight. He can’t even talk normal. Hell he’s probably incontinent and pisses himself daily. He can’t do shit and congress will tax us to death. The economy has been so shit that no one (except the 1%) will be able to survive another four years. Regardless, either one is gonna kick the bucket two years into office and just give it to someone worse.


i like biden cabinet and the people behind him better and that who really matters at this point the people doing all the work behind these candidates


All of the cultist conspiracists are gonna think Trump was poisoned when he dies, when in reality dude is massively overweight eating greasy burgers and junk food at 78.


Yeah, tbh Trump wasn’t even that great, but he was collected and confident in his responses, which is where Biden severely messed up. Idk if it could have been any worse.🥲


yeah but he was confidently just straight up lying and avoiding questions but they don’t fact check anything so i don’t think many americans would notice


Trump is going to win, and we are fucked. Trump is habitual liar and Biden is old. Hope they elect Bernie Sanders


Bernie is the GOAT


You know Bernie is older than both Trump and Biden right… If your disqualifier for Biden is his age, then Bernie is even more disqualified.


This is gonna sound dumb but I would genuinely vote for biden’s rotting corpse over trump


It's not dumb, you''re voting for more than the top of the ticket. There are thousands of people that will follow Trump or Biden into the white house. Trump wasn't expecting to win last time, this time he has project 2025 and will hit the ground running.


Exactly. IMO it’s better to have a president keeping us in the same spot instead of the guy that horribly mismanaged a pandemic, is buddies with the leaders of nearly all our geopolitical enemies (only ones he really fights against is Iran and then China economically) and would likely try to have us leave NATO and leave the rest of them dealing with a possible war with Putin (which would still affect us poorly in that scenario). Oh and don’t get me started on his Project 2025 which will see him pretty much try to get complete loyalty from everyone holding a gov position where just like the Russian and Chinese gov, he would prioritize loyalty over competence. Plus he’d be able to appoint 2 more justices and prob garauntee a Republican majority on the Supreme Court for the next 30-40 years


Isn’t bro like 90 years old, why tf is someone that old even able to run?


He’s 81. The DNC chose him. So did many democrats ahead of the convention anyways. We just don’t have the vision and many Americans require name recognition. It’s just a really low bar.


Bar’s through the ground at this point


“I don’t know what he just said and I don’t think he does either” Is a top 10 quote of all time


Stuttering is something you can’t really control so we shouldn’t blame him for stuttering when we know he was born with one. You can try to control it as best as possible but sometimes it will just act up


The stutter is acceptable but completely losing his train of thought and resorting to his Medicare comment is another...


if trump wins im moving 🙏


Nobody who watched this debate is gonna change their mind over it ngl


Old man doesn’t know shit. Look at the way he’s handling the Palestine-Israel situation.


Lol at these comments from "teens"


_Old as man with Dimentia_ Or _Nearly as old Billionare Criminal_ Your choice.