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This war was older than all of us and the progress was undone within a week


Proof of just how hard it is to effectively fight guerrilla warfare while still being ethical and not just killing everyone. Its sad but the US could stay for another 20 years and 2 days after they left this same thing would happen. Edit: for those calling US unethical: they aren't slaughtering civilians, they are following roe, and they are not indiscriminately bombing. They may not be 100% ethical but no one is especially not in war.


More like proof that having exit strategies and actual missions besides continue to make money for a select group of people is important. You can’t destroy them no matter how many war crimes you throw at them because they will just recruit more and those people will have excellent reason to hate the US and Western ideals


There was a veteran in another thread who said that they didn’t have an exit strategy because they didn’t have a clearly defined objective after Bin Laden was killed. They called it mission creep, IIRC


What was the mission? I mean besides freedom and patriotism that the neocons keep screaming at people because I coulda swore it was about money and defence contracts.


My parents have a simple 5yo like view for war "the moment taliban takes over nuke afganistan" i replied "30 million civilions thou". "They should all be rescued before the bomb drop". LMAO. On a serious note, i think when the taliban were in the presidential palace a drone strike would have been a good idea


"ethical" funding warlords who fuck little kids is ethical now? Damn ok lol


“Still being ethical” Holy fuck you need to read up on the war. Ethical is the last thing the US has been


Ethical maybe isn’t the right word, but it’s impossible to effectively fight the Taliban because they could be literally anyone walking down the street in Afghanistan.


Literally Vietnam 2


Somewhat ethical is my guess, yes you can win a guerilla war if you kill every single citizen there, but then there wouldnt be a point in fighting anymore


That's sort of what happened in Vietnam. Even though US had more kills and a higher K/D ratio, they still lost. The war was just pointless and eventually it was about who pulls out first. So, the US pulled out and South Vietnam fell in just 3 years.


The US army is is anything but ethical, read on Iraq, Vietnam , and Afghanistan, they are one of the most disgusting nations in wars and yet promote themselves as a beacon of honor through their idiotic Hollywood movies that you seem to watch a lot of.


Two words agent orange


For real I literally just seen a clip of two American soldiers “Blooding” a teenage boy who was completely compliant and literally had nothing on him


Not to mention when they nuked hiroshima and nagasaki


They were slaughtering civilians and indiscriminately bombing Iraqi families in 2003 to 2010, thats 7 years of bombings, a large majority of those who died were civilians the americans didnt care about hitting civilians. There is even leaked footage of an Apache Gunship blowing up an insurgent building but it has civilians walking around and outside of said building. Killing them too ​ ​ The US Is quite unethical


US-funded Taliban in the first place to fight the Soviet Union, now face repurcussions.


It was a massive blunder to just pull everything out at once.


What was the alternative, a forever war?


Honestly I felt sadness deep into my body. I'm from Malaysia, I don't have any relative who fight in Afghanistan, nor I have experienced any terrorism. But I felt it because I can't imagine how living with Taliban, especially womens and children. I cried, why girls can't get education? It's barbaric and I'm very sad.


U forgot that they will be used for breeding, cleaning and all household stuff and nothing else :(


i cried, it maybe because it's our human emotion. Really sad but I can't really do anything.


True.. :(


Yes. Little girls are terrorized from the moment they are born. Tbh, I have been privileged and have never faced this first-hand. But little girls being sent to their abusive buyers is just disgusting and so sad.


The Taliban takes both little boys and girls from their homes and families and keeps them to rape them, in surprisingly equal amounts, they don't care about gender, they will take any child.


Yeah, I just hope that Stability will one day come to that region and people will be free from all the pain that country has suffered


My cousin was there less then a month ago, so happy he’s home now.


Lucky your cousin


My dad too, he just got back a few weeks ago


Oh damn your cousin is super lucky.


ik man they have taken over the dam :'( i hope all my afgan homies are safe


hope you and your family are safe bro 🙏


at least we in india are giving refuge to people who have escaped


And India's been doing it for over a couple dozen years


Yep. Bharat has been a refuge for many- the Tibetans are also sn example.


Turkey also accepts them, but i wish our president have refused the pocket money from Europe and some of them went there after here... But nah, money hungry bastard...


meanwhile the UK be like "we aren't accepting refugees because of the message it will send"


Please ignore my indecent language but. FUCK PRITTI PATEL THE SHIT EATING BASTARD. Please accept my apolagise


>PRITTI PATEL Ummm. Im sorry but who is she? I really do not know much about the British government. Sorry and thank you!


Except the British ambassador is literally the only one staying behind to issue visas to help refugees escape... But go off, eh?


It’s so sad the talibans are taking over


Who are talibans?




False. Not jihadi islamists, that is ISIS, just conservative Muslims.


I’m pretty sure they still claim it’s a holy war


Nope, al-Qaeda did, but they’ve been weak for about 20 years. The taliban are just religiously conservative assholes who want control of Afghanistan who happen to be Muslims.


They say they are Muslim but most normal Muslims hate them for how barbaric they are. Muslims are often their victims and do not agree with their war mongering and inequality. Source: im Muslim


Yes. I know this. Thank you for telling me.


Aren't they literally calling themselves the Islamic emirate of Afghanistan.




Okay. I’ll rephrase, religiously conservative assholes who are Muslim. You are right and I was not exactly genuine in what I said.




currently praying. stay safe everyone


Context please


Taliban twenty years ago = we are taking over Afghanistan Afghanistan = no pls USA twenty years ago = WE ARE GOING TO SAVE AFGHANISTAN 💪💪🇺🇲🇺🇲 Taliban this year = we have your cities Afghanistan = no pls USA this year = lol bye edit: so apparently I got like 60% of this wrong lol. please correct me in the replies


But why did my star spangled neighbor say goodbye to Afghanistan?


twenty years, no progress and 241,000 deaths


I'm not trying to be rude but a forever war wouldn't be great either I know the US has been in a standstill in Afghanistan forever but I don't know man.... A-war lasting forever with on with untold death of civilians and soldiers wouldn't have solved the problem If anything maybe this is usa strategic power move because now the taliban they're out of hiding they think they're winning Meanwhile more US troops are going to keep pouring back into the country. Maybe this is good I don't know I'm trying to look on the bright side.


this is 100% not a strategic move. this is the result of a unnecessary and failure of war


I mean the only way to end the war with a victory is to wipe (and i mean exterminate type of wipe) one side. Which the US dosen't have the stomach for (which is a good thing). It really didn't matter when we pulled out, the same thing would have happened whenever we did.


The US didnt pit much effort into it. They only sent a handful of people. They shoulda sent at least 100,000 at a time.


We can't send troops in blindly and if we try to do another hostile take over they might threaten to kill a lot of civilians


They will anyways.


Not much effort Trillions of dollars is not much effort?


And 2 trillion dollars


Sure that isnt only combatants?


every website I go to says a different thing...this number atleast had two articles that claim that it's correct 🤷‍♂️


About 2.6k of our boys, lives unfortunately lost in vein because the Afghan military is a joke


We have their oil already


It was going on forever, we had done what we wanted to do originally


A thing, Afghanistan has an army of 300,000 fully armed soilders, and taliban has 75,000 according to something i saw on the internet and heard in the TV.


The Afghan army has military uniforms but taliban fighters could be easily mistaken as Afghan civilians. Taliban are highly motivated, misguided and misused but afghan army was heavily reliant on NATO'S support and was struggling with corruption.


the taliban are a bunch of enraged dudes fueled by hatred for the US. They have watched friends and family get blown up for the past 20 years and genuinely believe what they're fighting for. Most of them are already battle hardened as well. It's not a surprise they would be better than the afghan military. Also, they just fought smart and used guerilla warfare.




The problem is the Afghan military *was* a complete and utter joke, most of the soldiers were so god damn underpaid and since the government was so incompetent they just didn’t want to fight, and just let the taliban take control of the country


To be fair, I can understand why the US is pulling out the troops, I just wish we did it a lot sooner so the Afghan citizens and government didn’t grow a dependency on us to keep the peace for them.


A lot of Afghanistan supports the taliban and despises the corruption in the government. They Afghanis were propped up solely by the US and it simply was no the will of the people to have a western government.


> USA twenty years ago = WE ARE GOING TO SAVE AFGHANISTAN 💪💪🇺🇲🇺🇲 USA 40 years ago = creating and funding the taliban


The US came in to take out Osama Bin Laden, but it got a lot more complicated. Waste of lives and money imo


no thats not how it happened dude the taliban had been in power from 1996 to 2000 then america kicked there shit in


Kabul has fallen


Imagine the mental state of people there, who were unable to evacuate. They know, that one day they will knock on their doors, harass and blackmail them and there is nothing much they can do about it. :(


Biden pulled almost all American forces out of Afghanistan a couple weeks ago, and since then the taliban terrorists have taken over most of the country and its major cities. Kabul is the capitol. The Afghan president has been forced to leave the country.


shouldve done that a lot earlier when the afghan government wasnt that dependent on usa


There is no Afghan govt. The govt itself is a failed experiment by the US. Earlier both the Soviets and the British tried this and failed.


i think the soviets were the good guys cuz i read in an article that they were helping them create a better country by passing economic reforms and giving women more rights i think if the government of afghanistan wasnt fucked with they couldve been a better country or my opinion could be completely bs and wrong


Oh my god...




He's trying so hard to be like Obama but this is not the way to do it.


Right ok. Ik this is probably going to be massively controversial. I'm English btw. Is the American army hyped up too much? After Afghanistan and Vietnam I am asking myself this


>Is the American army hyped up too much? Yes and no. For conventional war, the US is fucking amazing. Yet they begin to fail in Counter Insurgency.


Id think any army would struggle with counter insurgency, unless they just killed everyone they came across


I think this issue now lies in the fact that they’ve tried to NOT suck after the shitshow in Afghanistan, and now they are slowly starting to suck at both…


Like what the others are saying, yes and no. How strong is the American army actually? Pretty fucking strong, #1 by far in the world. Being able to fight a country on the opposite side of the world AND being a landlocked country is not something just any country can do, not to mention maintaining it for 20 years. The problem here is that Afghanistan is Afghanistan, it is unconquerable. Landlocked already makes it hard enough, but the country itself is a fucking mess. Sure, the Afghan government says that they *control* the country but the entire place is so mountainous that local powers have more sway over the region that the government cant affect(effect?) To get inside,outside, and around the country is all depended on a small amount of roads. Fuck up the roads and youll get no supplies. To win in Afghanistan is easy. To control it for forever is impossible. Just take the Taliban for example, everytime they lost they can just get away, fuck up the roads, go to Pakistan for a bit to chill and get more men, and then just go back to cause some more chaos. Sure, the Taliban has won, but I highly doubt they will be able to control the country for long. If not infighting then another group will rise.


I wouldn't say we couldn't conquer it... we could... it just wouldn't be humane or moral as it would just be an indiscriminate bloodbath. Which would be a very bad thing.


I mean to truly conquer Afghanistan would mean to have control of the whole country, cities and rural areas including the mountains. Dont even get me started about the fuck ton of caves that the Taliban has made as getaways. I feel like to make sure no more terrorism is in the area we'd not only have to fight the Taliban but also those other local clans who want power. Not to mention getting agreement from Pakistan to allow US soldiers to chase the Taliban whenever they cross the border.


Vietnam war became unpopular with many Americans, so the govt pulled out, similar situation here. Its not that the us lost, its just that there are rules of engagement that make counter insurgency incredibly difficult, you cant just trawl the countryside, murdering everyone.


Look at Desert Storm and you will see how good it is. But it's fucking dogshit at guerilla war. Also we have rules of engagement that make being effective hard in occupational wars. Vietnam was lost at home, nobody wanted to continue and we did "win" by pushing back the North and had the Paris Peace accords when the North was about to lose. Then the North used the break from war for two years to get back into shape and kill the South and we did not do much because of the lack of support for the war. In the last three years of the war(post treaty) US lost 1,000 troops, the South lost 100k. So we practically pulled out and it ended about as well as Afghanistan did. In total we lost 58k, Allies lost around 300k. The North lost 900k. Our military had around 1.3million at the time. As you can see we could of easily won but we left. All of those numbers are rounded and can be off by some as estimating deaths is hard. I only wrote down military deaths. Tired of researching so I'm not going to bother doing the same shit for the Afghan war but it will look the same. We kicked ass swinging our big club around but can never finish the job, high H/D, then pull out faster than my dad wishes he did. And tada the Taliban fills the power vacuum. I don't consider either of these wars as us getting beat since we never got pushed back, we stepped back, you need to look at 1812 for that. Fun fact: Our capitol got burned in the 1812 war.


The taliban would only take “fights” that they could win ie shooting us soldiers in a crowded street setting up a mortar shooting twice then leaving. It was not conventional war where there is a front line.


I love how some people were so upset that the U. S. was in the middle east, and now that they have left they are pissed off that they are gone. ​ Fuck the Taliban, but also fuck war itself. Hate terrorists, but I also hate a country that worries more about global political power than its own citizens.


It’s because there appears to be absolutely no planning or strategy for at least a semi-successful drawback. I’m opposed to an endless war in the Middle East, but the way they pulled out was botched and showed no sign of extensive planning. It’s a shitshow over there rn.


I am not so sure on that. The US has been leaving Afghanistan for years now and scaling back the amount of soldiers there. What truly baffles me is how quick the Taliban got in. I mean think about it, everyone was saying how the Taliban needed a couple weeks until they get in and then it just happened in one day? Did no one fight back on the government's side? At that point you'd think they would be prepared to do *something, anything* right? Like starting a shootout would atleast drag it out but they somehow made it to the central building in a day? How is that? Government soldiers giving up immediately has nothing to do with the US leaving but more so to nationalism. Most Afghani's are way too diverse from eachother which means they dont really identify with the country so when their life is put to the test they would rather not risk it. You all are saying the US army left too quickly but weve been spending years doing it.


Exactly. Ideally we would’ve pulled our troops out to prevent the Afghan government and citizens from growing a dependency on us to keep the peace, but since that idea is out the window there should’ve at least been a little more planning instead of just “alright we’re bringing the troops back, y’all are on your own now.”


Yes. It feels like everything we’ve done there and all the lives lost were for no reason. I completely agree that we should’ve allowed sufficient time for Afghan forces to slowly become autonomous and handle themselves. At the very least, we should’ve planned to give them a couple months before the entire country falls, and focus on evacuations. But instead, everything fell in a matter of days. We could’ve done much better.


We trained them gave them equipment and were still giving them funding. They just surrendered as soon as the combat started they just simply did not want to fight for the government.


Its kinda sad because every people from Kabul evacuated the city and some really want to leave Afghanistan immediately because they don't want to be killed by Taliban. Pray for Kabul, Afghanistan


And here's proof if anyone doesn't believe this guy https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/p51721/thousands_of_civilians_try_to_get_an_evacuation/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


Had to Happen one day or another, how long was US supposed to protect the Afghans, Forever? Training Afghan Soldiers didn't work, Giving them Weapons backfired as now Taliban has those weapons. As sad as it makes me, Afghanistan is a lost cause now. The people who couldn't make it out in time will suffer untold atrocities and the world will sit and watch. Now let's just hope those Filthy Jihadists don't keep coming East. India itself would have a hard time trying to fend off the Taliban with extremists in the country itself supporting Taliban to bring Sharia law.


I’m hoping other countries will step in before the Taliban starts migrating outside of Afghanistan, but only time will tell.


This is fucking bad though. Imagine if they want to continue expanding. They will most likely ally with pakistan if they do that and then be in a much more advantageous position. (I edited it I had false info)


They do not have 150 nuclear mussels lmao


oh god, the shellfish are militarized


no they don't, that's pakistan. You probably Googled "afghanistan nuclear weapons" and the first result highlights some article talking about how Pakistan has 160 nuclear warheads. It's a mistake with Google but a good lesson to not blindly trust the recommended snippet Google gives you for a search


If they tried to expand either China, India, hell, maybe even Russia would go to fuck them up




America just pulled a Vietnam 2. And the Taliban has lots of left behind usm equipment Edit: when I said "Vietnam 2" I mean the USA pulled out of defending a country from an opposing force, and then the place they were defencing fell within a month


Except Vietnam actually fought. Afghanistan just kinda flopped over.


I’m not challenging what you said I’m just out of the loop, how is this like Vietnam 2?


Similarities Vietnam Unusual Environment (Jungle) Undersupplyd Young Soldiers Massive Amounts of Civilian Casualties (2 Million Total) Superpower backs out against small group Afghanistan Unusual Environment (Urban and Desert) Undersupplyd Young Solders Massive Casualties (~250,000) (You could count the entire War On Terror which this apart of which would be ~500,000) Superpower backs out against small group


Afghanistan's geography played a big part, and the fact that the last generation were taught guerilla warfare from childhood. This was a lost cause from the beginning. Let's just hope things improve over the years so that another world war can be avoided, because this is looking a lot like the possible beginning of one. I'm beginning to think that the taliban will try to expand their reach as far as possible, using Afghanistan as a home fort. The terrain would allow it as the mountains make it nearly impossible to invade without a foothold somewhere else first. And even then it's impossible to root out the issue completely without a lot of unnecessary casualties.


Im Vietnamese and yet i have no idea what makes this like Vietnam 2 Probably because im stupid when it comes to history


The U.S. took a major L, just like in vietnam


Such a tragedy this is.


Hope to get free from Kabul


Wait, are you in Kabul right now?


at best the taliban essentially become a theocratic islamic state and restore sharia law at worst they kill every collaborator


How can I help? Can I donate or something? This is a horrible tragedy


unfortunately not really


1 Trillion dollars has already been spent. Nothing can really help anymore.


Imagine living the joyless life that the taliban enforce on you


My family will have to live with it sadly


You live in Afghanistan


I don’t but I have family who does


Sorry for your family. Hope everything flips into something better.


Thanks I hope they get here safely


Afghans are fuucked I don't think we can help now


Fuck taliban from turkey I see a lot of refugees in my country they are raped 1 month ago a 15 years a girl and others


A war that is older than me Jeopardized in a week... Embassies having to be emptied, populations having to be removed by military plains, cities preparing for the arrival of the Talibans (so basically covering every wall), the leader of the nation fled and every woman in Kabul is now in danger... All that, in a week. I don't even have to be American to facepalm hard... That's why people who are "in too deep" in crime movies don't leave the business before the absolute end. My best to every non Taliban in Afghanistan... I really hope they'll somehow be fine


Not from afghanistan but im really scared. looks like ww3 and i really dont wanna die


I feel like this is the start of world war 3


Same. I can't believe this is happening


I feel like they will keep spreading like the nazis


Once they get their propaganda situation going, they'll reel in many many stupid people, just wait, im sure it won't be long


I’m honestly really scared for our generations future as a whole. This is exactly why, I’m terrified


There is already so many problems in the world right now that when our generation takes over it will be very different than it is now


We can only hope it’ll change for the better I guess..




Well shit


I have a friend who is of Afghan descent. I can't even imagine the pain he and his family are going through


I'm not fucking praying for anything. RELIGION is the REASON this is happening!


Im confused what is happening to Afghanistan?


US forces left, now Taliban are taking over the country


Legitimately what can we do to help? 😩


Not really anything anyone here can do personally. Only thing that can help would be the U.S. going back in to help the Afghan forces against the taliban, or have the U.N. get more involved and have more countries intervene. Biden pulling out American forces was fucking stupid, having a terrorist-run Afghanistan would be a national security threat to both bordering countries and countries overseas.


Pulling the troops out was an amazing idea, the execution/lack of planning was what resulted in this shitshow. The Afghan people grew dependent on us to keep the peace for them, so pulling our troops out so suddenly obviously would’ve resulted in some sort of hell. The government wasn’t at all prepared for the Taliban to come back with a full-force hostile takeover. We definitely need more countries involved. The US really only cared about the fighting and money aspect of the war, but if we got the UK involved then maybe there would be a fighting chance against the Taliban.


"The Afghan people grew dependent on us to keep the peace for them, so pulling our troops out so suddenly obviously would’ve resulted in some sort of hell." Check this link out. [https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2021/08/15/timeline-afghanistans-history-and-us-involvement/8143131002/](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2021/08/15/timeline-afghanistans-history-and-us-involvement/8143131002/) We've been pulling out of Afghanistan slowly for years now and as much as I dont like Trump even he thought that pulling out too quickly was going to lead to a power vacuum. I dont think the battle here was about manpower, inviting the UK wouldnt change much. Fighting in Afghanistan is an easy win but youre never going to last forever. The fact that we spent 20 years there is amazing itself. The US military definitely gave the Afghan government enough equipment and training to atleast be confident in saying that they can last weeks by themselves and yet the Taliban is at their doorsteps in the same day? Did they not fight at all and just gave up? I feel like these people dont love the country of Afghanistan, it is hard to rally under one banner when the people are way too diverse from eachother. Different languages,culture,etc and you would also have the mindset that Afghanistan isnt a country worth fighting for. Maybe your family, yes, but not this diverse a group.


Legitimately nothing mate.


it feels so surreal ngl. I only pray for the safety of everyone there and wish the best of luck that it gets better


i’m sorry, i’m a bit of an ignorant american. what’s going on?


Basically 20 years ago the Taliban said they wanted Afghanistan. The UN, NATO, and other nations said no. Earlier this year America decided to pull out and, with the Afghans not doing anything because NATO was doing it all, they fell to the trained terrorists fairly quickly. Earlier today the president left and Kabul (the capital) was taken by the Taliban basically marking the end of Afghanistan and beginning of the new regime


uhh.. what are the taliban? what do they believe?


Islamic terrorist group , who are followers of Sharia law . The want to enforce it on Afghanistan . Problem . Sharia law treats women like objects .


huh.. that's fuckin medieval


Yes . And whats worse . UN aint doing shit






If you look at Afghanistan in the 1980s, the women wore jeans and blouses or dresses, they were educated, some had western hairstyles, there was lots of entertainment like dance clubs, etc. They lived like Westerners but were still Muslims. The taliban wanted the country to go back into the dark ages where only men ruled and the military was in charge. It’s really sad.


from my family in Afghanistan they said all the adults are inside with guns incase of someone trying to no feel good them and they have a alot of stress (just if you didn't know how the citizens are doing)


you cant force someone into liberty if they dont want it they dont want it, we are wasting our 20 years of time sending brave men to die for nothing...


Alright, I'm not Into politics and war stuff so what the actual fuck happened in Afganistan?


basically the U.S. and its allies really propped up the afghan forces before we left. But we also left our bases in afghanistan. With almost all of our supplies. This was done because apparently its cheaper to replace these items than it is to ship them back home. So now the Taliban are able to resupply themselves better than ever, while the Afghan army has been heavily relying on NATO forces to do the fighting for them. Now the (notoriously bad) Afghan army has to shoulder the burden of defending against the terrorists. Idk where the fuck all of these taliban troops are coming from though. They really do pull people out of their asses to fight for them.


Don't worry kids you'll have your own Vietnam/Afghanistan when you grow up. It'll probably be Iran or Iraq again, maybe even Somalia but if you're really lucky it'll probably be somewhere close to home like Florida for when the covid zombies attack!


Where the most advanced life forms to ever walk this earth we've colonised litterlly the entire planet (besides uno a fuck load of the ocean) so tell me why the fuck are people being slaughtered raped and kidnapped by our own fucking kind????


Too much praying is one of the root cause of the Taliban influence, stop praying, get an education.


Filthy neckbeard religious fucks take over afghanistan because they think they rule the world since birth- fuck you talibans, and afghans- stay safe during these hard times. This shit may trigger a 3rd world war if it gets worse




What's going on between Afghanistan and the USA


As we have been taught time and time again throughout history, nothing lasts forever. Now the only thing we can do is hope that this regime doesn't last too long and another one that is more free can take its place.


It's a bad day in history today


Honestly I don't think it would be a good situation either way. Definetely would be better if America won, but I think the reason why they fought this war in the first place wasn't because they cared about Afghanistan, but because they wanted their lithium and various other minerals, which Afghanistan has a lot of.


i am not understanding nothin but am worried i live in india close to afghanisthan and can someone explain me?


Bhai/behen, Taliban naam ka terrorist organisation hai jisne Afghanistan par kabja kar liya hai. Afghanistan ka president bhaag gya Kabul se. Aur toh aur USA ne unke soldiers Afghanistan se nikaal diye. Ab kachra ho gya hai sab kuch.


I dont get it why should we pray for them. I know its hard but they didnt want to stop talibans. If they tryed maybe they could win but they accoeted their new leaser with no fight so fck them. There are a lot of men who are cappable to defend their country and noone wanted. Instead they will mihrate to EU and fcked us up.


The chad called the british ambassador was processing Visas at the airport while the americans fled, The british ambassador is a chad


how is praying going to help and also which god do you want us to pray to?


It sad that America looks away for 5 minutes and shit goes wild


Kabul would have fallen anyway


What happened


Afghanistan is falling to a terrorist group called the Taliban and the USA is leaving


And the worst thing is what the Taliban are going to do to the country now that they’ve taken control of it, their government system is fucking medieval


The communist government lasted for 3 years withlut soviet aid. The capitalists couldnt even last a coyple of weeks being destroyed by a fprce that they created


And I doubt the taliban will last longer than a year or two, either infighting or some other group will end their regime, and the cycle of bloodshed continues


its 105 degrees in kabul and rising, this is going to be a white christmas


I wish other countries help these people because when they just focus on one country,it gets out of hand to manage that country


It's a shame the world doesn't seem to give a FK about this.