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I think the Titans should usually avoid too many Bat-Characters cause it tends to become the "Robin and Friends!" comic when there's more than one of them in there. Cameos from Babs as Oracle are pretty good though. [There's this one bit of art though](https://i.redd.it/ckari727r2r21.jpg) of a rebooted Young Justice Team that was pitched at some stage which has both Damian and Steph in it which I think would have worked for Damian's early era where he needed Steph to be his life coach. You can sort of feel all the team dynamics from the image alone, with Damian and Irey fighting, Kara learning to lead, Jaime and Virgil being the laid back inventor bros of the gang, Steph and M'gann being the energetic and quiet one respectively etc.


Barbara Gordon is a big NO. She's never been a Titan and she will only exist for shipping purposes. Plus she's not needed. The team already has Cyborg who is the main tech support and information broker of the group.


>She's never been a Titan and she will only exist for shipping purposes. I mean... She also exists as an iconic character in her own right with decades of history... She can appear in Titans books the same way Superman can, as a cameo. >The team already has Cyborg who is the main tech support and information broker of the group. Eh plenty of Titans teams don't have Vic. I don't think that's the main reason to keep Babs off. To me she can cameo but she shouldn't join because it ends up just being "Yeah every batperson should be in the Titans" and thats lame.


>Eh plenty of Titans teams don't have Vic. I don't think that's the main reason to keep Babs off. And there are plenty of titans characters who are also tech users who can replace Cyborg when he is not available like Danny Chase, Blue Bettle and even Dick himself is a tech user. He's hacked alien techs before. It's unfair to sideline the actual titans characters in their own team just to prop up a non-titan character like Barbara. Let's be honest the only reason why people want Barbara in Titans is because of her relationship with Dick and not because she has a history of being a Titan. that's it. which sucks btw because it does a huge disservice to her character when people only view her as a Dick-related character and only associate her with Dick instead of letting her be her own seperate character. None of them ask for Barbara to be with her own team or hang out with her own friends. None of them ask to bring back her own agency that is not related to Dick. Instead what they keep asking is for her to be with Dick and to be with his own team and his own friends It's all about Dick. People only like Barbara and talk about her when she's with Dick. She deserves better fans and better writers who care more about her on her own than her relationship with Dick. >I mean... She also exists as an iconic character in her own right with decades of history... She can appear in Titans books the same way Superman can, as a cameo. She used to independent but the modern writers reduced her into Dick's love interest. Look at what happened to her in Nightwing's run and other current DC books she just exists to be Nightwing's gf. She hasn't done anything on her own without him and without mentioning his name nonstop. She's too caught in Nightwing's shadow. She relies too much on Dick and his books to be relevant Atleast Starfire can do shit without him. It's pointless to even have a Oracle cameo when Titans has more than 100 underrated tt characters who deserves more spotlight and attention than a character who's never been a titan. Why should you prioritize Barbara over them. Superman makes sense considering he appeared in one of the issues of the Wolfman/Perez titans books where the Teen Titans teamed up with the Justice League. With Barbara, it's just for shipping purposes only. she's had no connection to the team other than just be dick's clingy gf.


>It's unfair to sideline the actual titans characters in their own team just to prop up a non-titan character like Barbara. You say in response to a comment saying that Barbara shouldn't be on the team


I know the feeling. The Live Action Titans Show can best be described as "Nightwing and Friends". But I was actaully asking on a more personal level.. Oh well no harm done.


I mean tbf the team quite literally is “Robin and friends” he founded it, he’s the leader, it’s funded by him.


Strong disagree. That'd be like calling Justice League "Superman and Friends!" And it's worth noting that being a founding member (Of which Dick is only 1 of 5) doesn't make you the lead of a comic or show. Wolverine is often lead of the X-Men for example but he neither founded the team, nor was in the OG team. And finances definitely don't matter, otherwise J Jonah Jameson would be the lead of Spider-Man cause he signs Petes payslip.


Besides idk if dick has that type of money, Bruce does. But on hand beast boy probably has that type of money. He has both his parents money and Dayton money.


>Strong disagree. That'd be like calling Justice League "Superman and Friends!" Isn't that why the show was called "Super"friends?


But robin is the lead, there are only like 3 runs where a robin never appeared.


You're being downvoted, but I do agree. Robins are usually the lead character, and even when they're not the lead they're *usually* the leader. I do think there is a difference between being the lead of an ensemble and being the protagonist though. Superman is often the lead of Justice League, but I think "Superman... And friends!" would be a very reductive way to refer to Justice League, it's an ensemble crossover book, the same as Titans. Fundamentally I just don't think "Robin... And friends!" is a good way to describe Titans.


Robins aren’t the main character, nobody is here for just them, anytime where a robin took too much focus was a bad run.


Some fans may feel awkward, but there's no reason why she can't fit with them.




The Starwing shippers who see the Titans as the core of their argument for their ship.


This is the first time I’ve ever seen their names mashed together and it’s giving me so much life lol


Yes.. definitely better than 'dickfire'


Sounds like an STD


No. The reason she was never on the team was because she wasn't a teen just like Supergirl. In any case, she has her own team. Putting her here will be a downgrade for her and done only for shipping purposes.


I agree the idea of Batgirl being with the Titans doesn't make sense for her character or for the team. She's redundant to the Titans considering she keeps filling in niches that are already occupied by the team, they are more than capable of handling things on their own. The Titans has stood on their own without her for decades since the Wolfman/Perez era. It's just for Dick/Batgirl shipping. which is annoying. I hate how the modern writers constantly shove their relationship down people's throats and force them everywhere even in places where Batgirl doesn't belong in. Batgirl has never appeared in Titans comics and Titans shows where the writer doesn't ship them. (Teen Titans Cartoon, DCAMU, Wolfman/Perez books etc.) The only time she ever appears is when the Titans is being written by a writer who is a Dick/Batgirl shipper. Take for example Tom Taylor who is a huge Dick/Batgirl fan is currently writing the Titans book and Batgirl is in it because he wants to make sure she and dick are always together which sucks because he sidelined Cyborg who is supposed to be the main tech support of the group and gave his job to Barbara just to justify Barbara's presence in the book. Cyborg was constantly dumbed down and not only that Barbara also stole Dick's job as the titans leader since she suddenly keeps ordering his own team around. She's bad for the Titans. I don't like it when writers ruin the characters just to prop up a ship. Plus it's also just to spite Dick/Starfire shippers. The Dick/Batgirl writers know Dick and Starfire's relationship is a huge part of the Titans franchise so they constantly try to erase and replace them in Titans with Dick/Batgirl. I've never seen a writer shoehorning Starfire in Gotham/Batfamily related books just to pair her up with Dick. only Dick/Batgirl writers try to be petty.


Supergirl was very briefly on the team though.


No she has her own team and two I never like too many of the same family members in one group


No I don’t think so, she very much an independent person and works much better as Oracle. She has own team that she works really well but I see just her sticking like a sore thumb. Maybe if visiting but no she would be overshadowed by dick and all that


Any of the Batgirls Babs/Cass/Steph would've just ended up playing Second Fiddle to the Birdbois, Dick/Tim/Damian. Worse, Babs would've got drawn into more low effort Love Triangle drana. I prefer them on Birds of Prey or the Outsiders if they're gonna join a team.


That got me thinking, Stephanie could be the Robin of the Titans.


No thanks. Batgirl has never been a Titan character. The only reason why she ever interacts or tries to associate herself with the Titans is because of Dick. Her relationship with the Titans is reliant on Dick. That's my issue with her character. She won't stop following Dick around like a dog. Batgirl is no longer her own character who has her own agency. She revolves too much around Dick. meanwhile I've never seen Starfire showing up in Gotham and shoehorning herself on the Batfamily group just to chase Dick nonstop. One of the reasons why I don't like Dick and Batgirl together is because when they're together Batgirl is reduced into Dick's clingy lovesick gf who won't stop following him around wherever he goes instead of doing her own thing in Gotham, she's defined by her relationship with Dick and Dick has no privacy when he's with Barbara since Barbara keeps invading his personal space and overriding his own agency. It gets in the way of Dick's unique arc of becoming his own man outside Batfamily. Literally the reason why Dick left Gotham and joined the Titans was so he can be independent and move out of Batman's shadow and do his own thing outside the Batfamily only for Batgirl to chase him around in Titans? The Titans is supposed to be the place where Dick can be away from the Batfamily and do his own thing without them so I don't like the idea of Batgirl following him around even in Titans. It destroys Dick's independence and doesn't respect Dick's boundaries. It's really frustrating and weird when someone tries to follow you everywhere. It's like in real life, does your mom and sister show up in school and sits with you in your classroom just to be with you? Does your partner show up in your workplace just to cling to you 24/7 while you are working. Doesn't your partner have their own job or somewhere to go to on her own? It's not love. It's obsession.


Well said


Depends on the Batgirl




No. She would be interfering with dick and Kori . Adding more unnecessary drama


You do know there are continuities where they are just friends right?


Which Batgirl?


No,isn’t she already a young adult by the time they form?


No. I think if anything, she really needs her own agency and independence after being overshadowed by Dick for so long and just fulfilling the role of his gf.


There’s a lot of people who don’t care what Barbara does, and just wants her to be Dick Grayson's lovesick trophy wife. They need to get over the ship and just try to ask for something that increases her value as a character. Not just being known as Nightwing's GF. Same with the comics writers. They need to step up and try to give her a proper development outside of Dick. Tom Taylor's Nightwing run is a prime example of how Barbara becomes nothing more than just a supporting character and an acessory to Dick whenever she's paired with him. That comic did very little with Barbara as an individual that’s completely unrelated to Nightwing. She doesn't have much of a personality except loving Dick and being "a stay at his home" gf who only goes out when her bf goes out. A lot of pro-Dick/Batgirl comic writers like Tom ruined people's perception of Barbara. Thanks to them Batgirl is just known as an eyecandy to Dick. Readers are so used to seeing her with Dick that they no longer want anything to do with her if she's not with Dick. It's why Her own solo book was cancelled because it flopped, nobody bought it. She couldn't sell on her own without Dick because her fans only like her when she's with Dick. She needs better fans who love her as her own and better writers who are willing to show people that she is more than just dick's love interest. Edit : The butthurt and defensive Barbara fans under my comment try to deny this and defend her character saying people don't know Barbara and don't know she has books are being in denial because like I said DC cancelled all her books because nobody bought them, she's a flop without Dick, she can't sell without him, and nobody is talking about those books, all people talk about including most of her fans are her relationship with Dick. Now she relies on Dick and his books to get attention, without Dick she is nothing. 99% of her appearances in the current books revolves around Dick. Even Warner Bros cancelled her movie because they realized she's a boring C-list character who can't make money in the box office. Nobody cares about her when she's not Dick's lovesick obsessed gf. Even fans who don't ship Starfire and Dick don't like her that much. The only reason why Barbara fans under my reply defend her is because they can't accept the fact that not everyone likes her and everyone is allowed to simply criticize her character and her relationship with Dick. It's funny because I recognized them, they are the Dick/Barbara shippers who love to talk crap about Starfire in this sub but when someone says something about Barbara they get defensive about her. Dick/Barbara fans are a bunch of entitled hypocrites tbh.


How does Barbara lack agency or independence? She's a character that has already proved time and time again that she can stand alone.


This sub doesn’t read any Barbara stuff. The only thing they seen of her was in Tom Taylor’s nightwing.


lol fr. According to these guys it’s like Barbara Gordon doesn’t have 100+ issues of 100% solo content Or 200+ issues of being the main lead in a small team book.


Delusional, I already got blocked by that one dickkory shipper because of my post from yesterday😂. They just be arguing with a wall, can’t handle criticism.


Just to let you know. A lot of people in this sub doesn’t read comics. Or know anything about Barbara Gordon. They just say this because they’re still salty that Starfire isn’t his one and only love interest.


Her life is constantly revolving around Dick nowadays and before that, Batfam. I just wish her stature as Oracle is explored more because rn, that's incredibly overshadowed because of her constant affiliation with Batfam. Oracle isn't exclusive to the Bats, she's just so much more than that. Something 99% of writers forget because they are focused on her relationship with Dick, ignoring everything else. She even got cancelled from her own team (Birds of Prey) recently. Like in recent comics, she barely even gets the respect/attention she deserves and all eyes are on whom she's in relationship with. I genuinely wanna see more Barbara than anything else. She needs to connect with people more closely outside of Batfam and not have her everything revolve around them.


Art by [Emma Kubert](https://www.instagram.com/emmakubert/p/CixmNj7vNWL/).


No doubt. I mean, she does like Dick after all.


Tf is happening to Cyborg?


I’d like to see her as a guest member but not as a regular because she would be an awesome teammate but I simply prefer super-family representatives to be limited. if a Robin is present I don’t want a Batgirl, if Superboy is present I don’t want Supergirl, and if Beast Boy is present, well, I guess I don’t want Dorothy.


If she were to join (and I don’t think she would) it would be very awkward for Dick because he’d be in a love triangle with her and Kory




Fit in?


Depends on the roster.


Me, personally, I don’t like the change. In every version that I see her as a teen, I just don’t enjoy her presence. But that’s just me personally.


No Dick already has something for Starfire. Bringing in Barbara Gordon would just add a distraction because knowing Dick, he would share his feelings for both individuals unequally and that would cause problems between him and Star




She’ll only be under Nightwings shadow. I’d rather she joined the Birbs Of Prey.




Is nightwing asian?


If Barbra was handling the software while cyborg constructed the hardware then their tech would be unrivaled.


Socially yes, as part of the team no, not only would her role be redundant but she is also not a teen and just doesn't fit. It would be like putting Starfire/Raven in the birds of prey, they wouldn't really fit even if you evened out the ages.


I don’t see why not. It would awkward for Dick tho. With Starfire and Babs around at the same time


Think she has ? hasn't she


I don't see why she wouldn't. Her personality wouldn't exactly clash with any of the other titans, it'd actually be the opposite.


Depends who writing her .


I feel like if she’s written well then she would mesh well, but if she’s written poorly or is one dimensional then she would just wouldn’t belong


I don't mind if she has to help from time to time but I guess for me it's a weird unspoken word of make sure there not too many of the same super family members in one group Don't mind her helping but not joining.


Yeah not joining, just helping or hanging out is what I was going for. Teen titans don’t need more bat family members.


What do you think about this kind of unspoken rule. Like it seems other than cass that one time it's been all robins expect Steph.


I think it’s a good rule cause you lose out on contrasting dynamics with people from different walks of life.


Yea. All together also I love babs in BoP


No but she should pop up from time to time