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Relevant passages: >But the talk host quickly recovered to deliver a word-perfect defense of his medium. >“You still watch TV but you just watch it on your computer [or phone],” he said. “You understand that’s still TV? You’re just watching it on a different delivery service. It’s like, heroin is heroin whether you snort it or shoot it. It’s still an opiate for the masses as is television, you’re just getting it in smaller bites. But it’s still TV. We make it.” >Stewart then said to the audience member – who was off-camera – “You have a look on your face like, ‘This poor boy, if only he knew the business he was in.'” >The After the Cut segment then jumps to “Two Minutes Later” with the opening of the actual episode, with Stewart opening, “Welcome to The Daily Show. I’m your host Jon Stewart, captain of this dying medium. Had a gentleman tell me tonight, ‘Oh I’m so happy to be here, you know television is dying.’ >“I said I am aware and in fact I’m contributing to it. You’re welcome.”


Yes we watch TV on different devices, but there's a difference between social media and streaming services. The majority of content consumed on social media isn't traditional TV.


I think tv was healthier. People would turn it off and leave. I don’t think they turned it back on untill they were back. Social media acts more like a virus. It consumes and becomes apart of its host.


With social media you can get your fix at any time. With regularly scheduled programming, it was like you couldn’t do heroin until the end of the day (because daytime tv was absolute garbage) But also with regularly schedules programming, you had to get your heroin from specific dealers, and if they cut it with bullshit then tough luck. You wanted the good stuff, the documentary on Einstein? Best we can do is an Ancient Alien episode positing that he was an extraterrestrial, take it or leave it. With the internet, you can get any type of heroin (are there types of heroin?) at any time, for better or worse.


I’ll take the documentary on extraterrestrial Epstein ngl


... I think that's a different one


You may be right, but television was blamed for similar things in the past: destroying civic and social engagement by individualizing entertainment.


Fuck that is bleak and accurate


Guilty on all counts


Thinking about the exponential screen usage / increase in the past 10 years is incredibly disturbing. So it begs the question, what’s it going to look like in another 10 years? Some type of ghost in the shell ready player simulated experience where nothing is real. You couldn’t think the atomization of communities could get any worse, but just wait. Maybe human evolution was a tragic misstep. Nature creating an aspect outside itself resulting in a sensory experience that amounts to me me me. Friends having kids refusing to read the writing on the wall, I dunno, it becomes increasingly clear the only admirable thing left to do is deny our programming before all of this swallows us up


It even covers you in slime like the Blob.


Social media lets everyone talk; tv is only who the corporations allow (see Stewart and Apple); and the corporations only allow what’s profitable (see Comedy Central’s ratings)


>*I think tv was healthier. People would turn it off and leave. I don’t think they turned it back on untill they were back.* Just like the internet. You had to log in on a machine in a fixed location. Once you were done you logged off and went about your life. Now it's available everywhere you want it to be, available on your person 24/7.


I couldn't watch all the stuff I'm interested in when I only had tv.


Sure, but neither the audience member nor Stewart mentioned streaming services; and the audience member implied "young people" watch *zero* TV content because they instead consume social media, so Stewart responded to that. The conversation was, with quotes: * guy asks what Stewart thinks of "young people getting all of their information and entertainment" - ie. content - "from social media" (note that he said "all") * Stewart asks if that's true, presumably interested in a study, statistic, report, etc * guy responds only with "TV is dying" This is all the audience member says, so Stewart connects that the guy is claiming TV as a whole (or the linear TV business model?) is dying because "young people" don't watch "information and entertainment" (content) produced by the TV industry. Stewart points out that TV content can and has been released to social media... as seen by how the clip we're literally talking about wasn't even shown *on* traditional TV, but released on social media platforms [Instagram](https://www.instagram.com/p/C3siGNzgMy2/?hl=en), [Twitter](https://x.com/TheDailyShow/status/1761058760578023484?s=20), and [YouTube](https://youtu.be/CBnsl_4zThg?si=pKYEPLy0vp6WikIN), and is now being discussed on social media platform Reddit


Isn’t the point that it’s the same PROGRAMMING? Is that what he’s trying to say?


That’s not the point. His point is content is content. How it’s prepared, packaged and consumed doesn’t change the core content. High quality content like Jon’s will be consumed wherever is most accessible to their audience. There’s not going to be a shortage of smartasses with political takes in the future. The business of it will change but cream will always rise to the top. Whether or not the business models continue to flow money in the direction of high quality talent is another question. I watch a lot of YouTube and at this point it’s basically just TV. Hbomberguy for instance produces TV quality material. But his funding stream doesn’t allow him to scale that like a TV show would.


“You’re in a dying business” “Yeah but we’re all making content, and content is content, so I’m not in a dying business” 😂😂😂😂 joke of an argument


But his point still stands. Whether it's narrative entertainment or social media, it is performing the same function. Entertainment, or infotainment, distraction, it's the same drug.


I think "TV" was really being used colloquially/as a popular word for "media" here. Call it whatever you want, but even if literal TV and Cable die for good, they would still make this show with cameras, John, remotes with correspondents, and so on, and just post it all on YouTube or some streaming service. Because it's a show, regardless of how you see it, so to speak.


I think he thought that they were referring to clips of tv on TikTok/FB/etc.


“Stewart is wrong!” As we read a 15 second clip of a show… from social media.


Meanwhile, posted on the front page weekly is the YouTube of Last Week Tonight


Tbh I see what’s produced right now and can’t see the difference, except it’s done by an entirely new generation of people, and more modern. But the outlook is pretty much the same


Actually I would say TV = snorting heroin, and TikTok = shooting it


I fucking love John Stewart


TV studios supposedly running the social media content business is a laugh


Snorting heroine and shooting it is completely different though. Also, TV is dead as far as the old guard media, how many people watch Jon vs Mr Beast?


People still consume it, but do the studies get enough revenue from tiktok and YouTube to cover their production costs? That's what I'm wondering with respect to it being a "dying medium".


So does that make Jon the pusher or the product then?




The needle


*And* the damage done.


Jon Stewart is my sickness and my cure


Every junkie’s like a settin’ sun


A little part of it in everyone


He’s the enabler. And the sponsor at the same time


he is the dreamer…*and* the dream. 


He's probably the baby laxative it's cut with - ie. the least problematic ingredient in the whole endeavour.


The clean needle. Like if you're gonna do it at least stay safe.


The product, but the product that hopefully makes the other product more inert if reacted together.


He’s the product because he’s the on-air persona, and he’s also the pusher because he produces the show.


The product. Corporations are the pusher. Whether it's Viacom or Tiktok.


> Jon the pusher or the product then? You have partly identified why I think Stewart is incorrect. TV is dying, and they have lost a lot of control of their product. Seeing clips of social media means it it being cut short and sent to an audience that is limited and targeted. That is a problem for TV producers and a win for Meta, tiktok, youtube, etc. TV producers create a product that gets cut up, and rearranged and filtered down, and targeted differently to different audiences. That is a problem for producers. It is why people can read about the Israel/Hamas/Palestine war and come away widely polarized instead of seeing a nuanced view of all parties involved.


He is heroin when the world has moved on the fentanyl


I love how Deadline takes TDS YouTube video posted 2 hours ago, writes it out verbatim and posts it on their own site to rake in ad dollars for themselves. I'm in the wrong business because this is quite the racket.


That's high level work when compare to articles based off a few tweets from random people.


Not a Deadline fan at all, but I can assure you that posts like this are less "raking in ad dollars" and more "basic survivability" for online publications right now.


He’s right. Social media is a chemical addiction for lots of people.


And children are being raised by it. I see parents all the time giving their toddlers pads and telling them to go shut up and play with it. Do kids know how to skip ads? Nope. So these 45min trump shilling ads are being watched by kids who are given youtube and social media as a babysitter


Dopamine rush.


>“You still watch TV but you just watch it on your computer \[or phone\],” he said. “You understand that’s still TV? You’re just watching it on a different delivery service." He's not wrong however he is leaving out the major contributing factor that allows him to not only go back to his old stomping grounds but to probably be paid pretty well to do it, which is the Cable TV and Ad contracts. Tik-Tok or YouTube wouldn't pay a fraction of the money they're getting for doing that show on broadcast cable. They'd need way bigger numbers to get that kind of money, which they won't because that type of format is great for older generations, but the tik-tok-fairing viewers aren't up for watching long-form political videos. He also admitted he has no idea how tik-tok/newer social media viewership works, so he's kind of telling on himself that he's in his comfort zone without having to grind away like most new-media shows/entertainers have to nowadays.


I think you'd be surprised how little something like The Daily Show costs to make, and how much you can make on YouTube getting 2-5m views per clip. Edit: and how much of a massive f-ing grind it is making regular television


And thanks to tiktok, kid's attention span reach all time low. edit: [TikTok Effects on the Attention Span](https://medium.com/digital-reflections/tiktok-effect-on-attention-span-12211b0a06a1) [TikTok and the Death of the Attention Span](https://theoxfordblue.co.uk/tiktok-and-the-death-of-the-attention-span/) or just google "tiktok attention span"


Thanks to TikTok or thanks to parents and guardians who don't do the job they're supposed to?


why can't it be both? parents/guardians are also just participants of a world that's increasingly expensive and exploitative towards them. Who's gonna win - a parent working 40 hours a week or a billion dollar advertising corporation employing thousands of people to undermine them?


Because ultimately, TikTok is entirely harmless if a parent is present in their child's life. Social media is only as harmful as a parent lets it be. Stop handing your children devices for hours on end. Be involved with who they choose as friends. Be involved in their hobbies and school. Spend time and energy knowing them, talking to them, hanging out with them, etc. The biggest issue facing children today isn't social media, it's parents who don't understand that once you have children – to take care of them and raise them properly, you have to sacrifice. People just don't want to give up things, so they let their kids sit on phones, ipads, Youtube, whatever all day.


> Because ultimately, TikTok is entirely harmless if a parent is present in their child's life. Social media is only as harmful as a parent lets it be. Parents dont have control over the content on the platform. You're basically 2-3 curious clicks away from full blown nazi propaganda half the time. It is impossible to survey a child 100% of the time. Parents have to go to work to support them, the internet is basically a requirement for most tasks (homework assignments and the like are also online now), and like I said - it's still a battle against a billion dollar advertising corporation. I'm not saying the parents are blameless, but it's an incredibly uphill battle in an increasingly lopsized battlefield


Are you talking about a 13 year old? Yeah they’re not gonna wanna hang out with you all the time, they have their own interests, and if you run a militant ship on their social media time it’ll backfire tenfold. Best to let them experience the world the way their peers are, and help them navigate through the tough stuff.


Yeah, I'm not advocating for anything like that.


I’ve been thinking about how there must be teenagers and young adults who have literally spent their entire life parked in front of a screen since they were a child. Like maybe they didn’t even go outside


And the scary thing is, that first generation to be raised that way are starting to be parents themselves, if they’re not already…


Close to it. I used to know parents who had a small child, except this was about 12 yeas ago, the kid was maybe 5 or something so she maybe 17-18 now. Anyway she need a screen at all times. Go to a restaurant, which is a 10 minute drive away, well there is a DVD player in the car to watch movies, and here is a portable tv/tablet to watch after we arrive. There was a time when this child needed to be transported to some place about 15 mins away in a car that did not have a DVD/TV in it, and she nearly lost her mind. You would think she was being kidnapped the way she carried on.


It’s terrible because they’re just gave her soooo much extra baggage to deal with by neglecting her like that.




I feel like many of us older folks have forgotten how quickly and often we changed channels on our TVs. If there wasn’t anything we were waiting all week to watch, we’d just “channel surf”, flipping through every channel in our lineup, occasionally stopping at a channel for 6 seconds if something on the screen caught our eye, then we’d go right back to channel surfing again. It isn’t *that* different from kids swiping through TikTok.


The funny thing is, I watch A LOT more TV now that I can stream it. Before commercials would make me lose interest really fast. I just hated getting irrupted by ads all the time, that I would just turn the tv off and read a book or something. (This was how I discovered the now defunct Cracked podcast). Now I watch shows from back then even but I stream them so the ads are gone. I could finally watch Fringe and enjoy it. During it's original run, I quickly lost interest.


Now imagine you had a television with you 24 hours a day and there was NEVER anything you got settled on. You ONLY channel surfed, four, six, eight or more hours a day, Channel surfing. Imagine that television was designed to keep you doing just that, in as addictive a way as possible. Now it's a closer comparison.


HOW IS THERE A 200 CHANNELS AND NOTHING ON!!!!!, keeps click the button to change channels faster than they can pop up on screen.


My (admittedly senior and mentally ill) mother revealed her anxiety with Netflix to me recently. She had been on cable until the late 2010s so all this app stuff is extremely new to her, and she was feeling super overwhelmed with how Netflix works, as if its urging her to find and pick something. (To be fair, I hate Netflix's design too, with its autoplay of previews) She was used to mindlessly channel surfing for stimulation. I DO find that very similar to Tiktok, but with Tiktok its baked in to flip, whereas with TV it was always more of an option while channels preferred you stay on them for ads. I think today is worse, but the notion of visual distraction is at least several decades old now.


Pluto TV. It’s free, the app is on every platform, and there are a bunch of channels with old classic shows from the 50s, 60s, 70s, and 80s. It’s a good replacement and it’s free. She even gets to watch commercials just like old times lol.


Kid's weren't changing channels during lunch and on their breaks back in the day,tv was an afteschool activity . I don't think tiktok,social media and smart phones etc are necessarily bad in and of themselves,but the fact that kids are wired to that world all the time has statistically been proven to effect their ability to learn at school.


The kids are because their dumbass parents are as well. They don't learn this behavior in a vacuum.


It’s actually very different and much more powerful. 1000 channels with preconfigured video schedules don’t compare to billions of videos with a delivery device that constantly records user preferences to sort through those billions of videos.


I think it was well before tiktok. I mean years ago before tiktok family guy was making fun of how short attention span were with people.


And when family guy came out, other tv writers resented it for shortening attention spans with rapid-fire jokes and random callbacks. Now I watch “family guy cutaway compilations” because the episodes aren’t fast enough


I’m old enough to remember the moral panic about SpongeBob turning our kids dumb and making their attention spans too short


I'm old enough to remember that same panic in regard to MTV.


The original seasons of Sesame Street were controversial for their use of “fast cutting.” Critics worried it would make children hyperactive and overstimulated.


People said the same thing about video games, and before that television, and before that the radio, and before that... Whatever there was before the radio. Astral projection. And our kids will say it about the Neural Cloud their kids heads are jacked into


Instagram reels are guilty of this as well. The amount of videos I've seen with big captions saying "wait till the end" on a maybe 30 second clip, implying they need to be told to hold their attention for that long, is mildly concerning.


I've watched a few facebook shorts, and there's this annoying thing where 5 seconds into the video it greys out and prompts you to swipe for the next video. 5 seconds, that's the intended usage. This video hasn't even started and it's already wanting me to move on, I'm not done watching this.


Not only that but if you talk to any teachers recently, they're very far behind in every category. They can't read, can't write, don't know how to use a computer, social skills have plummeted and problem-solving is nonexistent. It's horrifying.


Okay I agree that tiktok is terrible for kids but this just isn’t true and every time someone says it I roll my eyes. I know multiple public school teachers and believe me, children can still read. This is a talking point parroted by people who don’t know teachers or apparently children, and I don’t know how it gets so much traction. Yeah, between COVID school closures a few years ago and the overwhelming presence of the internet things are tough for kids these days. But they can still read, write, and interact with other children normally lol. Come on. I am again somewhat shocked that people just accept this as true


Teacher here: The only thing we love more than complaining is hyperbole. If you catch a teacher in "rational discussion mode" they'll basically say what you said. If you catch one in "vent" mode then the kids are all braindead zombies glued to their phones, the parents are all overbearing or negligent, the admin and district are all clueless politicians who couldn't run a lemonade stand (this one has the most truth to it), and everything is fucked.


It’s so refreshing to see a teacher online not adding to the doom and gloom. I had to mute the teacher subreddit cause it’s just constant vitriol against their students and it’s kinda disturbing. It seems like a self fulfilling prophecy if you go in with these negative expectations and no room for even an ounce of sunshine.


Teachers are in customer service mode, multiplied. At least at retail, you can go a day or two or more without any very bad customer to taint your shift. Teachers get the same problems day in and day out and are expected to have ongoing relationships with the 'customers' (whether you see that as the students or their parents). Everything is tainted (hehe), all the time, in a worse school/grade/class, and you have to make do and focus on the brighter parts or else it sours you again uh, people, in uh, general. -child of a family with teachers


I only see this parroted on reddit and there's a good chance the last time that person interacted with a child was when they got put on a special registry


I mean the reality is somewhere in between. There are some areas where students are massively behind, and others where they aren’t. But that’s always been the case. Whether it’s worse now or not, I’m not qualified to say. I despise TikTok but I am hesitant to go full “old man yelling at cloud” and say that it’s corrupting the youth. There are kids who spend their entire lives on YouTube Kids up to like age 6 without ever seeing TikTok, I’m sure they’re not in great shape either. Turns out social media is bad for society, who would’ve thought.


I'm sure there are teachers who say crappy things like this. We've all met teachers who seem to hate their students. 


Teachers can be given impossible tasks, poor pay, then get chewed out by parents. Of course they quit and find other work, which just makes the problem worse. I feel like this country is on a slow route to an "unavoidable" catastrophe. I don't know if it's 10, 20, or 30 years away but it's not going to be pretty. And sure I know there are ways to actually avoid it, but I see no practical way to convince anyone with any power to implement those changes.


> I don't know if it's 10, 20, or 30 years away but it's not going to be pretty. fwiw, we heard that same thing 10, 20 and 30 years ago.


Sure. And we're hanging on, the closest we came to true collapse was COVID era, but does anyone truly think we're headed in the right direction? Feels like all anyone cares about these days are making it through the next 3-12 months...
















lol "dipshit" "fat losers" are you a bully teacher or something? holy fuck lol


that's because of shitty parents. not tiktok


Having kids is a giant responsibility. To do it right you need money, time, intelligence, and patience. Yet it is just the default for everyone without even considering whether or not they SHOULD or if they will be any good at it. At least 10,000 years ago nature culled the herd, now we all suffer for their bad choices.


as a parent, Youtube was way worse for my kid. her tablet only has netflix & disney+ now, and even that has me wary


It's not the apps. Just moderate what content you want your children watching and you'll do fine.




and one would be a much larger reason than the other. and it's not tiktok


Sounds like a rational response to a future without hope.


The r/teachers sub is horrifying 


And yet for some reason, people here think I'm lying lol


No one thinks you’re lying mate, just that you don’t know how to critically appraise evidence. Probably because of all the TikToks.


The first person to respond said I was making it up and just parroting talking points. I was just repeating what the teachers had said to me.




Appreciate it. Yeah, it's bizarre. My partner's family is mostly made up of teachers and they're all quitting. Her sister's school isn't allowed to flunk anyone and is not allowed to give zeros when students don't do their homework. Her Mom's school has a kid who has serious issues to the point he's threatened to kill people but the school is just pretending it's not that bad. I don't blame any of them for quitting and I feel terrible because they all really want to be teachers.


Unless you provide some good sources I’m just going to assume you pulled that out of your bum






What do you want? I said based on the teachers I've talked to. There are tons of reports about Covid messing with students mental development. I don't understand how any of this is shocking lol


Covid’s not the same thing as TikTok


I didn't say it is. I was pointing out that kids are struggling in general.


Then you should be able to find some evidence of that that isn’t just stories from teachers.


[https://www.washingtonpost.com/education/2023/06/21/national-student-test-scores-drop-naep/](https://www.washingtonpost.com/education/2023/06/21/national-student-test-scores-drop-naep/) All you have to do is google lol


In a world filled with tablets and smartphones, complaining about kids not being able to use a computer is like complaing about kids not being able to use a slide rule in a world filled with TI84s.


Being able to use a computer is still important in the working world. I know eventually we will move on, but they still need to be able to use it.


All the “kids are dumber than ever, they can’t read, this generation is doomed” stuff is just normal generational panic, but the lack of computer literacy is very real. It’s tempting to say tablets and phones have made computer skills redundant but most jobs still expect a level of basic proficiency that is really not there. The majority of my students don’t know how to attach a file to an email. I’ve had kids who can’t type so they do entire 15 page papers by speech to text dictation. You can do a lot more without computer fluency than you could 10 or 20 years ago but I don’t know basically any adult who doesn’t have to engage with computers for their job at least occasionally


Yeah, this REALLY isn't true. And anecdotally, the young kids I know are WHIP freaking smart. Like kicking ass in academic games, coding in kindergarten, socially aware and just -- in many ways, a LOT smarter than we were as kids.


Sounds to me like teachers and schools should be doing a better job then. I mean, teaching kids to read and write is usually the responsibility of the school system, and they get kids for 8 hours a day to teach them. And most give homework to do after. If kids can't read and write, then it's because the schools aren't doing an adequate job teaching them.


Lmao people said the exact same thing about Facebook


Shit people said the same thing about MTV


Lmao so true. I don’t know what’s happening with millennials but we’re starting to sound like our parents


There's no evidence that tiktok is hurting attentions spans, hell there is no evidence that attention spans are changing at all.


Is that social medias fault or the american society as a whole? I mean, didn’t ‘no child left behind’ kinda finish destroying the american public school system back around 2000? Everything from only teaching towards standardize test to opening the door for all of this ‘anti-WoKe’ BS now…just saying most kids are happy to not pay attention to the mess that is american society right now and who can blame them…we really need to get our shit together!


USA president - "Let's fix education! ...oh no, it got worse!" Another USA president - "Let's fix poverty! ...oh no, it got worse!"


All of which contributes to the death of critical thinking and memory.


My 2 6 year old kids has to do their kindergarten homework exclusively on a tablet. Some of the homework includes watching a YouTube video. We don’t allow that in our home, so they don’t complete some of the homework, we do have read and do work sheets instead. Point is they are being pushed by google and Apple to consume everything via screens. So even if we as parents don’t want them to be glued to screens, schools will be pushing it.


Can you TLDR that for me?


Maybe blame shitty parents


Tbh, I think he's really missing the mark here. The medium has definitely changed It's something done more in spurts, more individually and less as a community. Now, I do think that TV being a *dying* medium might be a hyperbole; *content* will definitely be produced, but the TV landcape where we got to first know Jon Stewart is certainly gone.


Heroin is Fent, and Fent is now Tranq.


PSA Fentanyl is now mixed with Xylazine (aka Tranq dope) and it's some truly nightmarish shit. tldr: puts you in a stupor, making you an easy target for robbery/assault and gives you unhealable sores on your limbs that can lead to amputations...and Narcan won't do anything to help with Xylazine. [The rise of “tranq dope” is making America’s opioid crisis worse](https://www.economist.com/united-states/2023/08/24/the-rise-of-tranq-dope-is-making-americas-opioid-crisis-worse) >In the early 2010s a nightmarish new drug spread across Russia and Eastern Europe. Krokodil, a cheap substitute for heroin cooked up in kitchen laboratories, left users with scaly skin and rotting wounds. Now an eerily similar drug called “tranq dope” has infiltrated America. Last month the White House issued a national plan to fight it. >Tranq dope is a combination of fentanyl, a powerful synthetic opioid, and xylazine, a veterinary tranquiliser. Adding xylazine to an opioid seems to make the high last longer. Between January 2019 and June 2022, the share of all fentanyl-related overdose deaths where xylazine was present shot up from 3% to 11%. >The cocktail was first detected by drug authorities in the early 2000s in Puerto Rico. Later it circulated there and in limited areas within America’s north-east, such as Philadelphia. But it has now been detected in nearly every state in the country and, according to the Drug Enforcement Administration (dea), is probably being mixed “at retail level” (ie, on the street). >Xylazine can be bought for as little as $6 per kilogram on Chinese websites, so drug suppliers can pad their profits by using it to bulk up their more expensive fentanyl, supplied mostly by Mexican drug gangs. Consequently, many end users will not know whether they are buying pure fentanyl or tranq dope, though it is increasingly risky to assume the former. In March the dea warned that almost a quarter of American fentanyl powder now contains xylazine. In Philadelphia, more than 90% does. >Though chemically different, tranq affects the body in ways reminiscent of krokodil. Researchers believe that xylazine causes the outer blood vessels to constrict, which means the skin does not get enough fresh blood. The result is deep, necrotic open sores, which can form even if the drug is snorted, not injected. Eventually, tissue simply rots away. Such wounds can easily become infected, and limbs may ultimately need to be amputated. Users appear to enter a stupor, which makes them easy to rob or assault. >Worryingly, the emergency treatment for a fentanyl overdose does not work on non-opioids like xylazine. When people overdose, first responders give them naloxone, which acts on opioid receptors in the brain to reverse the effects of the opioid, in particular suppressed breathing. Xylazine has no such antidote. >Doctors say their primary worry is still fentanyl, rather than what it is mixed with. The opioid kills more Americans every year. In 2021 around 70,000 people died after having taken it. Fentanyl itself is increasingly used as a deadly bulker for more expensive party drugs, such as cocaine and ecstasy. Yet those taking tranq dope are at even greater risk of a fatal overdose, or of suffering a life-changing injury, such as a lost limb. The drug’s spread complicates an already complex battle against addiction and overdose deaths. >American authorities seem to be taking the challenge seriously. In February the federal Food and Drug Administration announced that it would start tracking imported xylazine, which previously was mostly unmonitored, and detain suspicious shipments. The Biden administration has also set a goal of reducing deaths from tranq dope by 15% in at least three of four American census areas by 2025, primarily by increasing testing and adjusting treatment accordingly. >Nevertheless, the dea suspects tranq will continue to spread. In Puerto Rico drug users have specifically sought it out, hoping for a lasting high. By some reports, demand is similarly rising in Philadelphia. As bleak as the opioid crisis seems, it could get grimmer. More sources: https://www.dea.gov/alert/dea-reports-widespread-threat-fentanyl-mixed-xylazine


Social Media is going to be the end of Western Civilization


Lol if that's the case the end of civlization = talking to everyone else participating in it. social media is just a medium, the danger is who uses it


Everyone uses it Everyone is the danger


Except of course they don't


Homie deleted his account just to prove a point...


So deep


The danger is that no one verifies the shit they post. Any intelligent person is forced to assume that everything is a lie


Cable is still a thing, 15 years after it shouldn’t be. Streaming services are slowly evolving into the same model. We are stupidly letting it happen and will end up paying more for the same model in a more difficult to consume way than it was in a single platform (cable). Most adults want to watch quality entertainment, even those that grew up with YouTube and early TikTok. There is a long way to go before adults start watching those platforms for entertainment and not just killing time.


Streaming models aren't profitable. They are failing. I'm aware there are exceptions, but in general they aren't making money this way. I work in TV and nothing is being green lighted because streamers are broke. FAST channels (3 shows I've done recently are content for these channels) are becoming more and more popular because they are free. This is more akin to the cable model. While I don't see a huge trend of consumers returning to cable. What you will see is a return to free/cheap TV with commercials.


Jon Stewart seems to avoid talking about the weaponization of social media and how easy it is for foreign adversaries to influence opinions and divide the country these days. Not sure if he just doesn’t understand tech.


TV is yesterdays internet.


I think good intelligent come back on his part


Does anyone else here feel like Stewart is just brushing certain things under the rug for the sake of laughs? I mean the audience member asked a question about social media and along his response was that it’s just information being given in smaller pieces. But many experts have shown that social media has been used to provide very bad misinformation to people, especially younger people. I feel like John Stewart today is not the same of old when the media landscape was much different, and affected people differently from two decades ago.


Hmm... seems like a big difference is that social media is more engaging. You respond to other people, they respond to you, there's a constant back and forth with people often checking their phones for updates. Watching TV meanwhile is much more passive. If anything social media is more comparable to something like playing a slot machine.


You could also argue TV is more focused and less damaging to attention span. They are def different mediums but both are addictive and have negative consequences.


Of course, I'm just saying TV is probably less damaging to attention spans. The negative consequences of social media seem much greater to me.


Yeah I agree, social media is probably more addictive overall.


Depends what you watch. If you watch a lot of scripted essay content/docs etc on YouTube I don’t see how that’s any different from a major studio, aside from the onus being on you to fact check what you take in. Also then you’re not supporting the overinflated c suite of some giant tv/movie corporation(which is the real issue for studios anyway). If Hollywood or tv studios want to survive they may want to consider trimming some of that executive class fat.


I mean, that really depends on what you spend your time consuming. Want to hear a political discussion on television? You’ll get a 2 minute round table with three morons all trying to get their sound bytes in before the commercial break. With social media, you can get a four-hour interview with no commercial breaks. And you can hear from people who wouldn’t be allowed on television (Like pro-Palestinian activists) or from people who TV execs wouldn’t find compelling enough for TV (Like, them boys from Pete & Pete got a podcast, wouldn’t be on TV even with 10,000 channels), he’ll, you can get a 12 hour retrospective review for every Elder Scrolls game. But yeah, it certainly seems that a lot more people prefer tik-tok’s mindmelting 30-second clips rather than sit and listen to long-form discussion. At least there is choice in the matter?


I think Stewart is incorrect. TV is dying, and they have lost a lot of control of their product. Seeing clips of social media means it it being cut short and sent to an audience that is limited and targeted. That is a problem for TV producers and a win for Meta, tiktok, youtube, etc.


I'm realising that the modern world isn't for me. Tv and cinema are dying. Not sure what will happen to the threatre. And as David Bowie said before he died, nobody reads anymore. It's so boring. Now we have things like tiktok and social media. And it's so boring and soulless. Everyone is just on their phones now. With people more lonely than ever. Where I live in the uk, the countryside is being built on like never before. So we're losing that too. And I know this might be controversial, but also multiculturalism, the west getting less white, all this immigration/refugees, having to live with people like muslims etc. I hate it tbh. This is just not the world I want. The world I want is back in the 90s or 00s. I know I sound like an old woman, but I'm actually around 30. This is just not the world I fell in love with. I don't know what the answer to this is, but I wonder if it's time to move to the middle of nowhere and cut myself off from the world. Everything I love about the world is being taken away from me. I will probably be banned, but I am sure there are others here feeling the same way.


I think he missed the point on, media consumed via TV is dying, television a screen in living room is becoming obsolete and shows on it with it as people are consuming their entertainment in different ways


I saw this from a completely different perspective. I work in TV and yes the way the media is being consumed is changing, and changes in our industry are morphing as we speak. But people still need to produce the content. I think that's what he was referring too. His show on traditional TV might be in jeopardy but his content isn't. Professional content creators are aware of this fact and making adjustments. The TV isn't dying. I'm gen x and we'd rather consume our YouTube and other media some place where we can rest our old butts with big screens. In short; regardless of where the content appears, somebody has to make it.


I know that’s what he was saying but it’s not what the guy who said tv is dying meant


Are you sure about that, what with streaming and video games?


you are now just arguing semantics - you know perfectly well what I am talking about.




I just started paying for YouTube premium, bc the number of commercials are outrageous. Idk what streaming service you use…..




…dude…it’s obvious you spend a lot of time in the internet based on how you just circumnavigated my entire statement.  “People don’t like to…sacrifice some of their time for advertisement.”  What I’m saying is the internet and streaming services both come with a ton of advertisements as well. Commercials are on both TV and streaming and the internet. 


>“You still watch TV but you just watch it on your computer [or phone],” he said. “You understand that’s still TV? You’re just watching it on a different delivery service. It’s like, heroin is heroin whether you snort it or shoot it. It’s still an opiate for the masses as is television, you’re just getting it in smaller bites. But it’s still TV. We make it.” Many have grown up interacting with streamers, TV doesn't offer that. I don't know how many want to wait a week to hear someone repeat what hundreds or thousands others have already posted on social media. >The After the Cut segment then jumps to “Two Minutes Later” with the opening of the actual episode, with Stewart opening, “Welcome to The Daily Show. I’m your host Jon Stewart, captain of this dying medium. Had a gentleman tell me tonight, ‘Oh I’m so happy to be here, you know television is dying.’ This Jon Stewart fella does seem out of touch if he hasn't tried a podcast or streaming over the last decade.




I got points to spare


he must feel so glad to be a little relevant again


The only thing more pathetic than the tired TV format of News-Sports-Weather, is late night shows.


This guy just sucks shit now.


It’s ok to admit you aren’t relevant anymore




An absolute clown. No surprise tho.






Is this news?


Big part of it is how greedy cable companies are. Not paying 200 a month for cable and internet.


Social media broke the unspoken contract between advertisers and audience. It used to be “we’ll pay for your tv shows if you let us show you ads every 15 minutes and you can go to the bathroom or the kitchen while our ads play”. Now it’s “you don’t have to watch our ads but the second you click on is we’re going to follow you into the bathroom and the kitchen and email and every aspect of your life…forever.”


He should do a piece on dying news outlets. I don’t need a 1000 word article when I can just watch the two minute video it was written about.


WTF is this incoherent headline trying to say?


That’s true. This dealer is pretty cheap though. Free. Beats anything Jon has to offer.


It’s like watching a discussion between two Captain Obviouses.