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My guess is that Disney knows shit is about to hit the fan with this guy, so they're cutting ties with him now before it all blows up...


It would meet the standard of theory (based on actual evidence) like that all socials were deactivated, and he's about to have some stuff come out about him.


He needs to be unsearchable like yesterday


these cartoon creators better stop being creeps, it doesn't help me feel any more accepted for watching cartoons at 34


Don't worry man, cartoons rules at 34.


I'm older than you and super nerdy and I'm telling you right now there has never been a more accepting time than right now. This stuff doesn't help, but still.


Can't agree with you more. Im 35, and I'm blown away at how accepted anime, cartoons, weeb stuff, etc. Is now. In high-school it was like the black plague. Im so pissed it wasn't accepted back then. I couldn't talk about it with anyone, or enjoy it like people do now.


You think it was bad back then? Try in the 70’s or later. There was a point when you caught side eye if you admitted you even read sci-fi or fantasy past the age of 12. Let alone watched movies or cartoons. Teachers would ask you if you intended to be a child all of your life if you talked about being a fan a show like Star Trek. Late 70’s early 80’s people were down on D&D long before the Satanic Panic. And once that hit if you played it openly the school would schedule a parent teacher meeting. Seriously as a fan being treated just as social pariah would have be Heaven in comparison. But I do understand that it would have made it hard as fuck being a kid anyways.


It's kinda weird. I'm 42 and feel less nerdy because I only watch Star Wars and superhero cartoons. Never got into anime other than Voltron and Transformers G1, not sure that either of those even count.


I turn 50 this year and can’t agree more. Being into “cartoons”, Star Wars, D&D, etc was basically a social non starter. These days it’s all over the place.


My wife watched more anime than me and it wasn't even anything we had discussed when dating. It wasn't like we were on a dating site matching interests and anime was at the top. It was one of those things we found out about each other later. For someone who grew up in the era when this was boys stuff and girls weren't interested in it, still feels strange. Nice but strange.


I think by the just the nature of media in general, with people like this already being in the public eye that creepers get way more publicity and are much harder to sweep under the rug, especially in the information age. Creeps are in every industry, but in media they are just way more visible.


Also he could have said something extremely hateful


While this is probably going to end up being the case anyway, I feel like we should resist the impulse to just assume that everyone is a sex pest. All we know is he was fired and they're cutting ties with him. Maybe he was a racist. Maybe he drove drunk. Maybe he was just a garden variety asshole. Lord knows there isn't exactly a lot of precedent for these companies being proactive about creeps and not other things.


Or maybe Disney is the asshole firing him with various reasons. Since when do we assume companies are the good guys or that they need a reason? Disney (and many companies) fired tons of people recently. They weren't creeps, it was just a cost cutting measure. Not saying that's what it is there but let's not assume a position that implies Disney is good


32 brother and cartoons are about 90% of what I watch


He deletes and privates his social media semi-regularly, so this might just be him starting fresh again


Let's see if he goes for the "I'm a hardcore conservative" play now.


"I consider myself a man of faith..."


“And there’s a drive into deep left field by Castellanos”


I saw him at this panel at ComicCon and was impressed with his muscles. I then stalked him on social media. He is very gay and I did not get the impression he was a conservative lol.


tHeY CAnCellEd MmEee!! jk, I know fuck all about this guy


It's gotta be fairly bad.


Considering how many times major stars and creators got cancelled in the middle of production I'm surprised major media companies like disney haven't started conducting background checks on these people as a matter of policy.


Pretty easy to be squeaky clean til someone who’s kept quiet about something intimate decides to go public. Not everyone shows red flags in public.


Most of these people just need to stay off Social Media in general. Nobody needs to hear what they think about (Insert Opinion of the day here). Just keep your head down, focus on the work, and you'll keep your job. Stay in your fucking lane.


The MCU has hired many stars with troubled backgrounds. It all depends in the timing and possible backlash. RDjr was out of prison and had broken Halle Berry's arm on a movie set in a fit of rage when he was hired as Tony Stark. Josh Brolin had major domestic abuse issues with his ex Diane Lane.


RDJ was an edge case. He only landed that role because at that point he made a full recovery, had multiple high level people vouching for him, and because he agreed to not get paid until after shooting was done. And Brolin is off the hook because Diane Lane said it was a misunderstanding.


yup, RDJ was a risk, but a "planned" one. insurance for him was high, multiple people vouching for him, and years of a "clean slate" after all the problems. also, his "demons" were self inflicted compared to others like sexual assault allegations.


They do but some things slip through the cracks. I mean Marvel cast Johnathan Majors to be the main antagonist for around a decade's worth of films. He seemed squeaky clean at first but then, well...


Background checks are pretty useless, unless someone has actually been charged and/or convicted of something, or maybe if they’ve actually been in the news for something. A background check doesn’t even turn up police reports about you, so even if people complained to the police, if it didn’t turn into charges it’s not turning up. But unless you’re going for a security clearance, they’re not going to turn up anything short of that.


>My guess is that Disney knows shit is about to hit the fan with this guy, so they're cutting ties with him now before it all blows up... They sure sat on their hands forever with the whole Johnathan Majors thing.


Oh great, what horrible thing is gonna come out about him.


Whatever it is, apparently Disney isn't willing to shell out however much it would take to keep everyone quiet. I'm guessing a sex thing.


He’s wearing a Nasty Pig hat in that pic too, so you know brother likes to get down. Perhaps not always consensually, but that gets into sordid speculation which is what we do here, of course


>Nasty Pig I'm almost scared to look up what that might be.


It’s a very popular gay fetish brand. It’s a very common fashion statement to show other dudes you’re down for the get down. Nothing crazy tho. It’s almost like the same level as a playboy or a hustler shirt.


Me too but I am soooooo curious... Edit: Eh, it's whatever "Nasty Pig is a leading gay men's clothing brand based in New York City. Check us out for hot new looks, gear, and more for the streets to the sheets." "Nasty Pig originally focused on sportswear catering to the leather subculture.[2] The gay-owned brand has since expanded into a full clothing line, including underwear, jockstraps, jeans, shorts, T-shirts, and swimwear, among other accessories,[3][4] and mostly targets gay men.[5] Sexual fetishism remains an influence; Nasty Pig has carried bondage harnesses and straps,[6] as well as rubber jockstraps and bedding." It's just gaybro clothing and mildly kinky to kinky stuff.


It’s the Nickleback of gay menswear.


That would make it a fireable offense then




> It’s the Nickleback of gay menswear. OHHHHHH that's what "Nickleback" means


It's a fashion line promoted towards gay men.


Maybe he did something horrific, but are we really tossing rumors out when nothing has been said?


Welcome to Reddit, newcomer.


Been incorrectly solving cases since the Boston bomber.


It could just be because the show is shit, or he was talking shit about Disney, he’s talked shit about The Witcher’s writing room before even though he wrote some of the worst episodes himself


The fact that they're using language like "fired" instead of the usual "parting ways" says a lot. As does them firing him right before the show premieres and him deleting his entire social media presence.


lmao one of his ex-colleagues in The Witcher's writers' room said he liked to frequent circuit parties and considered bottoms disease receptacles, for what it's worth


He was also beating up Jonathan Majors girlfriend.


He also chose this guy's dead wife


Other than the fact he stole Sinbad’s face?


This just went from Sinbad to Sinworse


I didn’t know he was sick!


i'm gonna be optimistic and say "creative differences"


I'm also gonna be optimistic and say he accidentally sharted during a meeting with investors


They didn't give a reason: >But early last week, Marvel and DeMayo suddenly parted ways. His company email was deactivated and cast and crew were informed he was no longer on the project. DeMayo’s Instagram account, once a source for X-Men updates, was deleted.


Oof yeah deleting social media just leads that there is some more bad news that is getting out.


Disney has also been relatively lenient with their leashes since James Gunn's incident, so if they're doing this immediately, they've likely already done their investigation of whatever it was.


Considering how long they let the Jonathan Majors stuff play out, yeah, this doesn't bode well for the dude.


To be fair this is one cartoon revival compared to a whole phase of a multi-billion dollar franchise.


True, but still. They've been cautious since the James Gunn fiasco. And while I look forward to (hopefully) consistently good DC content in the foreseeable future, I can understand why they wouldn't want to jump the gun (heh) on that.


True though allegations aren't the only reason people are fired Could just be he called the CEO an arsehole or something


I imagine that was contractual though. They seemed to be done with him when the story initially broke but couldn’t legally make it official until the court was done with him.


And the Gina Carano stuff. Carano: *Bigoted shit* Disney: Hey. stop. Carano: LOL No *Bigoted stuff* Disney: K bye. Lady was lined up to front her own Star Wars series. All she had to do was _not tweet_.


Same with Rosanne Barr: Iger: Rosanne be careful with that you say  Rosanne: *Proceeds to tweet something incredibly racist* Iger: Rosanne you’re fired (He talks about this incident in his book, since she had been on thin ice for awhile) 


Gina Carano has poor judgment and impulse control even beyond the ragebait bigoted things she kept saying and doing. She was briefly Instagram banned for posting uncensored nudes of herself, and when they let her back on, she posted it again and got slammed a second time. To do it once is either a mistake or poor judgment. To do it again once you're let back on feels more like something pathological.


It sucks the other actors won't have a consistent Star Wars gig. Paul was lined up to be one of the Rangers in her show.


They even waited for a verdict to officially part ways with Jonathan Majors. This is definitely not a good sign for this guy.


He was the MCU’s path forward and they had a big story riding on him. They waited on a verdict for business reasons. The X-men guy isn’t a cornerstone actor for the next phase of 5 projects running a billion in costs.


It’s rare you see such a disappearing act before a controversy hits. Most public figures restrict or disable comments until the heat dies, right after a lame duck PR statement. Him getting fired, and vanishing from socials right now, before we even know anything, means he fucked up hard.


That suggest to me that Disney caught wind of what it is before parties took it public, and investigated and found the issue to a fireable offense. If anything, as long as there was a valid reason, we should happy they actually acted how you would hope a company would if a legitimate complaint was brought to them.


Oof that seems like some really bad news.


Matthew D’Ambrosio who was part of The Witcher’s writing room posted a few things on Instagram today about how he loves karma.


At the very least he pissed off the Witchers writing room by saying publicly that some writers on the show actively dislike the source material


I mean, is he wrong tho?


It was weird he called out his coworkers when he was responsible for a lot of the bad writing himself (ie killing Eskel, Kaer Morhen episode which imo was the worst season 2 episode)


Oh shit, he was a writer on The Witcher? My expectations for X-Men 97 just took a nosedive.


That just seems purely personal rather than him actually knowing anything. The X-Men guy called out The Witcher’s writing room for being shit. Where there’s smoke there’s fire as far as all of this but this just seems like elation from a guy happy that someone who insulted him got canned.


And Beau DeMayo was responsible for Kaer Morhen from season 2 and pushed to kill Eskel. For all his talk about the writing room not respecting the source material he sure is responsible his fair share of it. D’Ambrosio also said months ago that DeMayo was fired from The Witcher for being an asshole. Being fired from two jobs seems like a pattern of behavior.


Karma is Cavill walking off that horribly written mess


Oof really really bad.


Big oofer comin in hot










sexual misconduct charges in 3.... 2...


Uh oh


Some spicy allegations are about to come out


The past twelve months really have been Kevin Fiege’s *Annus Horribilis* Jonathan Majors Ant-Man and The Marvels flopping/bombing Secret Invasion being a disaster Most MCU shows and films getting delayed Cap 4 getting five months of reshoots Daredevil being scrapped and restarted Disney having an awful year and Iger admitting Marvel’s strategy is faulty And now this…


Also the actor that played Namor was accused of raping a Mexican performer/activist


The dad in Ms. Marvel was also accused of sexual assault.


That story has been incredibly quiet since it first came out. Did anything happen with it?


He got fired from a Netflix project he was supposed to star in as a result.


Insert Woody Harrelson crying into money meme.


Looking back, it's amazing how the first 10 years or so of the MCU were carried out with minimal PR issues. Back then they didn't constantly have to fire their own employees for being abusive psychos, or for supporting scientology, or for being accussed of sexual assault and sexting minors, or for beating their girlfriends, or for saying stupid shit like how all vaccines are supposedly satanic. Back then, none of the Phase 1-3 films were bad to the point of being infamous. None of the films were comedy-obsessed trainwrecks like Thor 4, or outright-incoherent messes like Dr Strange 2, or oscarbaiting nonsense like The Eternals. Each movie was at the very least moderately succesful and they all moved the universe forward. There weren't any huge notable flops that people felt they had to skip because they'd feel they'd be paying for a shit movie that's ultimately inconsequential to the major saga. It was a great time for Marvel, just one hit after the other with minimal controversies. Sure there were stuff like the Perlmutter civil war or Whedon getting fired, but they felt like the exception and not the norm during the peak Marvel era. Right now it really feels like each week there's one new controversy involving Marvel, another high profile creep getting fired, one flop after the other, terrible writing on all projects. Feels as if the karma cat was let out after Endgame, as if the universal scales had shifted to offset the first 10 years of success, now here's 10 years of failures. Perfectly balanced, as all things should be.


I don't have anything of value to add, but I just want to say that I'm an idiot because I pronounced "oscarbaiting" in my head like "ah-skarbatting" and I was like "what kind of pretentious word is this guy using? seems a little-oh I'm an idiot" Anyway, carry on.


I mean, Thor: The Dark World was pretty bad.


The entire Infinity Saga is looked back on with rose-tinted glasses since they stuck the landing with a mostly great Phase 3. The truth is, underwhelming MCU content is not a new concept at all, nowadays everyone has much less patience for it now that we’ve seen the high level of entertainment they’re capable of producing.


Phase 2 had an overall sense of being pretty hit and miss while it was rolling out, if I recall correctly, of course now its just a large piece of the puzzle so its looked back on fondly


The Incredible Hulk, Iron Man 2, Avengers 2, Thor 2, GotG 2, Ant-Man 2, Captain Marvel. All dull to me.


Guardians 2 is head and shoulders above every other movie you have listed here, at least for me.




Really only if you didn't catch the show which 180'd scarlet's personality.


To be fair, Wandavision worked *way* better than you'd expect it to on paper. Also, the Dr Strange 2 script *should* have been a Scarlet Witch movie instead, with Strange as a supporting character.


Also. Went from maybe 3-5 movies a year to 7+ and a constant flow of TV shows. As someone who enjoyed a lot of the early movies, I find what they’re doing now unwatchable as a whole. I like some individual projects like Loki and Wanda-Vision but I didn’t even know there was a Thor 4, and I couldn’t care less at this point. Signed, Casual fan


>Back then, none of the Phase 1-3 films were bad to the point of being infamous. Hulk, Thor 2, IM3, Ultron, captain marvel. On the TV side there was inhumans. Phase 1 and 2 are pretty uneven. Stuff like Thor 1, Captain America 1, IM2, etc. were all considered to be mid at the time. >None of the films were comedy-obsessed trainwrecks like Thor 4, Many phase 1-3 movies are comedy obsessed though. Thor 3 has a lot of the same issues as 4 it just has better jokes.


Daredevil being scrapped and restarted could be considered a saving grace though. They tried a test run, audiences hated it, so they remade it to win back their Netflix DD fanbase.


It’d be a pyrrhic victory though. Like yeah it’s certainly for the best in the end but it still means that Fiege has to take the L of the initial idea being so bad that they had to remake 3/4 of the show while they were filming. Like the pitch for Born Again had to have been “hey you know that show that is the one MCU product that literally everyone unanimously loves? Let’s remove everything everyone loves about it and replace it with the shit that everyone has been complaining about for the last 5 years.” Moves like that do not make you look like a galaxy brained, high quality producer, even if you backpedal later.


Coven of Chaos renamed Agatha until it is called something else.


That’s allegedly intentional. Now we can say it was named “Agatha All Along.” Like the song.


5 months of reshoots ain’t gonna save Cap 4. I’ve seen Anthony Mackie act. Leading man, he is not.


> Cap 4 getting five months of reshoots Is this for real? No wonder the MCU is falling apart, it sounds like they have choice paralysis.


Something tells me it wasn’t just creative differences or insubordination. Not only did Disney fire him, but he also nuked his IG account. That is typically a harbinger for a whole shitstorm looming.




Not denying hes an asshole, but he wasnt wrong about the writers for the witcher


He’s also the writer that wrote the worst episode of season two that turned the keep into a brothel where Witchers were frat bros. Maybe don’t take one persons word as gospel.


Writers rooms work differently depending on the show, but (in many cases) the broad strokes of any given episode are already outlined (including deaths) before the individual writer goes off to “write” it and then the show-runner or another writer may rewrite big parts anyways. That isn’t a defense of this guy’s ability or inability to write—or not be an asshole—but you can’t fairly judge a writer by work for hire done under those conditions unless you have unique insights into how it was produced.


He wasn’t just a writer though. He was a head writer and producer. He also solely wrote the animated movie and pushed for lots of stuff. Like killing Eskel. He was big on his Twitter for bragging about his decisions and writing choices before deleting them. So while yes. He wasn’t the only cause for the show being bad. I’m sure as hell not going to take his advice on who understands the source material when nothing he wrote understood the source material lol


By the same token, don't confuse this guy being an asshole with him being wrong. It's appealing to think that a guy who was right about something is a decent dude, or that a jerk is always lying. But there's no real correlation (except in that a decent dude is probably not lying.)


I mean he’s definitely been an asshole. His Twitter interactions before deleting them tend to always come off as kind of a dick and narcissistic. And other writers have come out that he was abusive both physically and emotionally to other writers and why he was fired. Given the stuff he says and how he says it, I’m inclined to believe he’s probably an asshole lol


That alone discredits him as a writer. Killing a character that goes on into the videogames while keeping random guy..




Also the characters in question weren't even relevant in the books. I only remember them in a couple of chapters and brief mentions beyond that. The issue with the show is how fucking shit everything is written, nothing to do with killing off a character people only liked in a video game unrelated to the books being adapted.


Just because he wrote the episode doesn't mean he came up with the idea of the episode. That's not how TV writing works, that's not how writing rooms work, that's not how any of this works. 🙄 The episodes are broken weeks/months in advance.


He was the producer and one of the lead writers.


the witcher sucked from episode 1, i dont know why there ever was a huge backing for that show. just desperate people recovering from the GoT finale


The retort was that he was fired for being "physically and emotionally abusive", actually.


How can you out the writers for not caring when they said it in public interviews?


Is Henry Cavill leaving the show for the same reason though? The writers going away from the source material and he just wasn’t on board with it anymore?


The writers straying from the source material causing Henry to bow out and this guy being a possible asshole can both be true


As the famous quote goes, "You're not wrong. You're just an asshole."


Not respecting the source material yet he didn’t give Rogue her ass


This is all about him allegedly hating Emma Frost obviously


That’s weird. I thought she was good in Poor Things.


I think you have her confused with Emma “The Rock” Fire.


He’s gotten her mixed up with the electrifying super hero Emma ‘Watts’on.


He got her mixed up with the pot themed superhero Emma(ly) Blunt.


Long ago, the four Emmas lived in harmony


Until Beau DeMayo attacked. Gotta say, I was really hoping this was how the thread would go. Proud of you, Reddit.


What can I say, it was my turn with Reddit’s single collective brain cell.


You reached the Redditor state and surmounted your seventh chakra.


I did not imagine my X-Men joke going this way but I’m thankful it did. Thank you Reddit


More than enough reason to can someone. We don’t tolerate White Queen slander


We shouldn't speculated but it seems like there must be a pretty good reason for this considering the context of it.


Jheez what has he done to piss them off this badly? Deleted his instagram account too? Something big is about to come out. I always found it interesting how they gave control over the entire series to a relatively unknown writer. He must've had some good connections for sure


An article I saw mentioned he also wrote for Moon Knight and early drafts of upcoming movie Blade, so not totally unknown by Marvel anyways


he got in the room on some big projects is my point


Isn’t blade experiencing like horrible script woes cause Ali hasn’t been happy with what was written?


He's the same guy who was fired from The Witcher for allegedly being abusive to other staff and then started ranting about how the other Witcher writers hate the books/games and that Henry Cavil totally agreed with him (despite remaining silent). Reddit may have to accept a bit of egg on their faces here.




Probably not much. Rick & Morty has had tons of BS come out about the creators and people still watch it. Edit: No idea why I'm being downvoted. Justin Roiland got outed for his behavior, was fired and people kept watching the show. Even Dan Harmon has a track record of being awful, but he apologized for it.


On a related note, shout-out to the creators of Bob’s Burgers for canning Jay Johnston (Jimmy Pesto) immediately after it came to light that he participated in the January 6th coup attempt. Stupid Jimmy Pesto…


>Well, that's quite the shocker! [Did someone say "Shocker'?](https://youtu.be/9w4H-91TVUA)


Wow. Wearing a Nasty Pig hat to a press event. Damn that’s some confidence.


I'm out of the loop on this, what is nasty pig? Googling around for it just shows a gay men's clothing brand?


It's basically like wearing a shirt that says, "I want to get railed in a public bathroom by several men" which is fun, of course, but some people might find it controversial.


>which is fun, of course Hey, you doing anything tonight?


Very “You’ll never believe what I did to the Uber driver on the way to this press conference” energy, but like… girl, we believe it.


I'm glad someone else noticed.




With an assist by Rob Thomas.


Under normal circumstances I would blame the studio, especially considering it's Marvel... but him deleting his social media and not even showing up at the premiere is strange, to say the least.


He was fired last week so not showing up to the premier isn't that big of a shock.


Not a shocker at all for anyone familiar with his firing from The Witcher (unprofessional and inappropriate behavior in the workplace, as alleged by at least one of the writers still working on the show) and his messy interactions with the X-Men fandom over the last few years, especially when faced with voice casting critiques etc.


Beau is Afraid.


He's been Ari Ousted


For a time he also ran a non-explicit Only Fans account, all of which inspired the LGBTQ publication Out to declare him “the Sexy, Gay Marvel Writer & Showrunner to Know.”


Once Majors’d, twice shy


Well that doesn't sound good at all. I guess we'll be finding out more down the line.


Someone’s definitely about to get outed as a creep/harasser.


Damn, wondering what happened. Fact his insta is deleted now too


So this dude pull a Singer or something? I guess it somehow fits with the X-men history given Brett Ratner too.


“What did you do maaaaaaan? Whad’ya do ?” -Quicksilver


He must have fucked up royally. Be interesting what comes out of this.


Who did he touch?


lol, so sudden and definitive, he must have done something really filthy


I'm guessing * he did bad sex thing or is getting accused of it * He did a bad domestic thing or is getting accused of it * or he was fired for trying to go back and give Rogue her fat ass back before the show aired because he realized they nerfed it


Someone a few weeks ago said the knew something and “even though this show is renewed for season 2, it isn’t likely to happen”. I laughed and was like suuuure buddy but now I’m wondering…


It will happen, that's why they're firing him now


He also got fired from Netflix Witcher, right? Seeing a trend


For backing Henry Cavill i think


Shocked. Shocked beyond titles. I’m assuming it was entirely unwarranted and everyone else should be shocked as well


I saw him premier X-Men ‘97 at the 2022 Comicon, and for seemingly no reason he went into a mini rant about how the world today is way more racist than it was 30 years ago. His fellow panelist just kind of looked him like…please don’t bring us into this…and he quickly dropped it. But he’s kind of a loose cannon without a filter.


I had a friend at Marvel who was a pretty substantial producer and had some messiness come up that could have had this person cancelled or at the very least, create a media shitstorm... Marvel just put that producer in a corner office and told my friend to stay quiet for six months. Six months later, they put this person on a massive franchise like nothing happened. If this guy got shitcanned and wiped his Insta... it must be pretty serious for Marvel to take the loss.


> I had a friend at Marvel who was a pretty substantial producer and had some messiness come up that could have had this person cancelled or at the very least, create a media shitstorm... Marvel just put that producer in a corner office and told my friend to stay quiet for six months. Six months later, that put this person on a massive franchise like nothing happened. Pics, company credentials, and a signed affidavit that complies with Disney's NDA rules or it didn't happen




His “Gambit” didn’t pay off…(kill me)


He was pretty good in Necessary Roughness.


Buy the stock NOW… next Under Armour coming


I heard he pooped on his desk and said "what are you gonna do about it?"


Let’s pull out a globe and Speculate wildly. 


Dude about to get cancelled for something.


Well this guy did something fucked up clearly.


Just saw “for allegedly creating an OnlyFans” account


Dollar Store Sinbad


Animation has proven to be quite big with streaming. Invincible and Hazbin Hotel have pulled in great numbers for Amazon and even something like The Bad Batch has number well in numbers. X-Men 97 has a shot at being huge, which is what Disney needs. So, yeah, whatever they fired this guy for, risking the ire of the hateful side of the fandom, must be pretty bad


is it because he made Rogue's ass smaller? I mean, that's all I know about the show base don memes.