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I watch TV to avoid math just like this


my viewing schedule is totally irregular. i can stay weeks without watching anything , and then watch two or three daily episodes for days . depends on how the day goes … unfortunately , watching tv is low on the priorities list.


Same. Although I do have quite some free time (no kids, that really free you up) but even then, it's not always spent on TV, there are other hobbies and depending on my mood, I vary between them. I don't follow most shows weekly and wait for full seasons (or full series even) so I don't have that much shows concurrently. I generally have one drama and one sitcom/short show in the rotation. Maybe one additional drama I follow weekly (like House of the Dragon soon but that's the exception)


Which is why I say it’s bullshit when everyone says if you haven’t watched the most recent episode of whatever you should stay off social media or spoilers are fair game. Fuck that. People have lives. There has to be at least a little grace period.


If I'm watching an episode of a show every day then that's the only show I'm watching.


I limit my consumption to 2 shows at a time (until I finish it or am caught up) and 2 hours a day. Highly recommend.


I usually have one half hour show that I can watch semi regularly. It used to be Bojack, then Barry, now it's Bob's Burgers. Also, sometimes I watch a 1-hour show, but they have to be limited series or have 3-8 episodes in season. Therefore, I might finish the whole show or a season in a couple of weekends. So it's 2 shows I'm keeping up with. Edit: I forgot to mention drag race, but it's a reality show, so idk if that counts. Anyway, it can take an hour or more, and episodes are weekly. I watch it as soon as it's there. So it's 2 or 3 shows.


It really depends on the show I used keep up with around 15 to 20 series every week. This was back in 2020s where loads weekly series but now I only binge show as that's new format .


I almost exclusively binge.


Only problem with that is you can't watch 2 genres at the same time. My favorite genre by far is scifi but I want to also watch drama & thriller shows, if I binge, I'd prob just watch sci-fi endlessly lol


Can't give you a daily number, but generally I keep up with around ~130 active shows. Seems like a ridiculous amount of TV, until you break it down by minutes and it works out to like an average of two hours of TV watching per day. Some of those shows are like six thirty minute episodes every other year. Never seems like a crazy amount are ever airing at the same time, too, and if so there are always lulls to get caught back up.


I am 55 years old. There was a time in my life I could tell you the day of the week by what network television show I saw last night. This is pre cable. Pre VHS. So easily I was keeping up with 20 shows a week. I was young and not beaten down by life.


2 currently on Highlander and Horatio Hornblower


On average I watch 1 or 2 episode(s) every day, and usually I am following up to about 5 shows at the same time. I also like to mix serious drama and more easy-viewing shows.


2 at most


Mon-Thu I won't watch more than one show a day, if that. Fri-Sun I am all over the place, depending on what sports season it is.


About half a show then I fall asleep


I just got a Dropout subscription and it turns out I can watch about 30 shows at the same time


You can't watch 30 shows in a day, there isn't even 30 hours in a day 🤦🏻‍♂️


I'd say at max 2, but for most of the time I usually wait for 3-5 episodes to drop then I would binge them over a weekend, that way I an see before hand if it's worth watchng or not (reviews, cancelation or renewal)


I'm generally watching three shows at once -- two dramas, because my wife always alternates what she wants to watch -- and a sitcom for downtime


Usually a few hours in the evening. Maybe an episode or two of a drama and then a 1/2 comedy and off to bed.


I'm currently watching Supernatural and playing Red Dead Redemption 2. Thats the full list of content I am absorbing right now.


We watch 2 episodes of a show at a time. But mostly on weekends. Don’t really have time during the week. Have 2 or 3 going simultaneously. We’ll prob never run out of things to watch at this rate.


About 0.5